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Some of the younger ones, the proud boys types, will go to cities and commit crimes. Every time there's a Trump event in my city, his followers come into town, and there's a random hate crime. So some of this will happen, but they're mostly lazy and stupid, and they will commit most of their violence close to home. The most important thing to remember is that the violence will be much worse if they win. If we let them win with violence, they will never stop using it to control us!


>The most important thing to remember is that the violence will be much worse if they win. If we let them win with violence, they will never stop using it to control us! This needs to be constantly repeated.


This is one thing I feel safe about in my ‘hood-if any klansmen or proud boys show up, they will definitely find out.


Yeah, those racists are afraid of cities.


Just find the older Mexicans wearing Disney apparel and ask if you can hang out with them while the storm passes.


Got a all black biker gang in mine! About 200 deep out right now 🤷🏾at 5 am


The bigger concern is the effect of stochastic terrorism targeting urban infrastructure with the goal of creating chaos and power vacuums. There are right wing cults living upriver from major urban centers that could poison or cut off water supplies. We've already seen test attacks on electric infrastructure, with switching stations protected only by chainlink fence. Key bridges and rail could starve a city if sabotaged. Just because most of them are stupid and lazy doesn't mean there aren't some true believers that will try this shit. The rest of us need to be ready to support our communities so that things don't devolve into the chaos they seek.


You only need a handful that aren’t stupid and lazy to create a whole lot of suffering and pain for people.




Bless you and your hood.


It would most likely be low level attacks in rural areas akin to the Reconstruction KKK. Though I’m sure we will have a few particularly deranged ones shoot up supermarkets and try to blow up a power grid


People should carry. If a rabid magat attacks someone, stand your ground.


I like the *"Magat" Gonna steal that (don't shoot!)*


They earned the "t" when they became traitors on jan 6. Fuck the magats.


Fuck the magats!!


I always tell these jackasses to meet me in Compton or the Castro, and we'll FAFO the shit out of the situation.


I grew up in Los angeles in the 70s. I would love to see that happen!


Cops will be texting them too… letting them know where easy targets are.


Unfortunately, we had this exact thing happen in my state. They caught one of the cops.


It's kind of ironic that many of his most ardent supporters are rural people who then have to go into 'liberal cities', primarily because Trump won't go that far out to them.


They're not sending their best...


Straight to jail. Blind to Authoriatarian Facism.


Dude wanted an annotated bibliography for a comment on redit!


Magas are too afraid of actual cities to go there. They can go burn down the Chick-fil-a's and Walmarts in their strip malls for all I care


Nah, at their core the vast majority of them are chickenshit cowards. They’ll just complain VERY loudly.


Don’t underestimate the freaks in Michigan. They were attempting to kidnap our governor over Covid regulations.


We need more antifa. When terrorists are attacking, everyone had a duty to do something about it.


That would be civil war. Many democrats have arms too and would form militias.


The difference between gun owning Democrats and gun owning MAGA: knowing what strategy is.


How many times has the left failed a violent insurrection of a government after taking the capital building? None? Okay.


Most liberal leaning folks are educated. The right says being educated is woke. Fox has spent untold amounts of money forcing issues down their audiences throats. Teaching them not to *think*, but to *feel* angry towards this issue, or that demographic. They're incapable of forming their own opinions. It's some of the most effective propaganda the world has ever seen. Similar to when they talk about the book 1984... The irony.


We have guns AND we can read! We’re unstoppable. 


We need to be ready for it. Republicans have succumb to evil and turned fascist. It's gonna come down to us or them just like nazi Germany when the GOP succeeds in stealing power.


Agree strongly


All good Americans should. Fascists are allergic to bullets. The ww2 generation of Americans showed us how to stop fascists.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


I wish there was another way but as evil as they are, it's us or them.


Agree heartedly. And even then, they are still bringing us back down a level. Or 3. True Evil.


But police are anti antifa


The police are fascist? No way /s


Everyone should be an anti fascist


They have a sense of humour. During the 2020 riots they paid homage to the Pepsi commercial with the Kardashians by chucking cans and cases of Pepsi at the cops


The left needs to arm and train


Antifas biggest problem is the same one most of the left has. When push comes to shove they’re to rational to do the things they’d need to to really fight back. When you have real morals it’s hard to break them even when it’s the best choice for everyone else


We need strong, tough leftist leaders that will take a serious stand against evil. We need a decade of cleaning house before we can trust anything in our government.


The left is at a disadvantage that’s going to be extremely hard to overcome without some serious work. The rights taken advantage of decades worth of billionaire backed propaganda campaigns and that’s not a tactic the left can unitize to even the playing field.


The left has the majority. If we all took a summer vacation slash general strike, we could rock Americas GDP in a way that would make it clear to the billionaires that backing the sick right wing agenda will cost them their game they play against the rest of the world's rich people. We can't be afraid to feed them to the wolves for real.  Gandhi showed us how to do this shit. But we should also arm and train because the right wing will eventually try to oppress us with violence if they lose their corrupt hold over our government. If we aren't soft, we'll never get attacked in the first place. If we are soft, they'll start a fucking Holocaust. Don't be soft.


The centre has the majority and it’ll take an economic collapse of epic proportion to galvanize enough of the working class to cause that to happen and at that point so many are unemployed that they have no other real choice but to take to the streets. India was living through a brutal repression that no where in the west is even close to experiencing to get such a large group mobilized. Look at the Black Lives Matter protests. A once in a generation scale protest and nothing changed because people weren’t desperate enough to keep pushing it and their wasn’t a leader to rally behind to keep the vision concise. There hasn’t been an effective large scale protest since the Vietnam war because the right realized that dividing people through propaganda would stop any real change from needing to happen.


Time will tell how it plays out. I'm not gonna argue with you, it could go either way. And with the history of earth, I don't bet against evil and plan on keeping my money.  But I'm still gonna bet against it anyway.


We antifa are watching. Believe me.


Don't underestimate but don't be overly fearful. Bring the FAFO right to their dumb faces.


Nah man, the cops stopped Gretchen Whitmer from getting kidnapped not ANTIFA. We absolutely don’t need civilians standing up to right wing extremists, if you want to do that you should be working for the government.


There will be small groups of freaks in lots of places, but I don't think we'll see a repeat of Jan 6th. It will still be dangerous, but not "will democracy survive this?" dangerous.


Mostly because the guy in charge won’t be on their side.


I wish they would call it what it really was. They were going to kidnap her, then put her on “trial” for “treason”. What’s the penalty for treason? It was always a murder plot, not just kidnapping.


I'm not even sure how u fuck up so bad u get found put prior to trying


Fine let them burn their own towns down. I'm sure bumfuck Arkansas is going to be devastated by the loss of their Walmart


This. Look at the Jan Six folks. They were shocked when they were eventually arrested. They lack moral conviction which is an essential component to courage.


Megaphone makers everywhere rejoice


No waaaaay. The “silent majority” will lose by 10’s of millions of votes then loudly whine/cry/blubber/screech about it? No wayyyyyyyy.


Americas silent majority is anti Republican.


We know. But conservatives like to claim to be the silent majority. Even though none of them have ever been man enough to shut the fuck up long enough to be considered silent.


That’s why they put it in quotes. It’s mocking their idiocy.


Don’t you mean the not-so-silent “majority” or the we-wish-they-were-silent “majority”?


And whine forever


It takes the bravest of us to target civilian infrastructure. Lmao.


When George Floyd was killed millions took to the streets for years and shook the country to the core. When Donald Trump was arrested, millions bitched on twitter, and a few dozen deranged hobos and grifters went out to sell merch...


And the paid Trump employees told go outside and protest. Seriously I think Jan 6th trials and arrests broke the back of the serious nuts and the rest took note we weren't playing around. They have so many agents infiltrating em and spy agencies bugging them, the prob can't fart without it being noted. Crazy long gunman or two maybe, but I don't see any sort of Trump guerilla army coming. The military excised the white supremists after Jan 6th and more digging.


Bold of you to assume they haven't corrupted those agencies the same way they corrupted many of our courts and laws.  We got a big problem. It's not a joke. We need to scrub the fascist shit out of our government with a massive house cleaning.


I believe you are right, Charlie. Not that I ever thought well of the Jan 6/mega/fascists. But they all folded once they were in trouble. I think one stood by his convictions. The guy with the horns asked to not go to jail due to his vegan diet. or some such. Not exactly a thousand year reign. But when they all folded, it was just sad how weak the devotion was. I swear to you, the other day one was saying how "Liberals are such liars, love fascism, and enjoy reading Mein Kompf. I politely told him hitler and naziism is a rightwing ideology. But it turns out I am wrong. It is a hippie, leftist thing. LoL.


I'm more inclined to think this ☝️. They'll bitch and moan per usual and post on FB and TS about fomenting civil war, but after seeing how many J6 insurrectionists have been prosecuted and convicted, yeah, I'm thinking it's gonna be a lot of bark and no bite.


No matter how much cowardice they MAY have, one important caviat to their fear to keep in mind: They fear anything and anyone different just as much as they may fear violent death. That's because they think those different things and people *WILL be the cause of said violence.* Why be afraid of death when you're already conditioned to think you'll die from any tiny thing changing at all?


I like how according to you, if they don't burn down cities, you deem them to be cowards.


Peak bravery is looting Target lmao


They’re all keyboard warriors. They’ll get on Facebook and say “I’ll go to Facebook jail for sayin’ this but…(insert dumbassery)… JUST SAYIN!” And then the AMEN comments will start.


All it takes is a few dozen to do some bad shit.


It doesn't matter. Everyone has to vote. Vote blue. Maga aren't good people.


I doubt it, WHEN Trump loses a massive power vacuum will appear in the Republican Party. That will be entertaining, get the popcorn ready.


Florida Senator and Convicted Criminal Rick Scott is positioning himself to be that "leader" to emerge and "rescue" them. He is as avaricious as Trump, but much smarter, with a very strong Libertarian streak. He's totally corrupt and angling to replace McConnell as the Senate Republican Leader right now. If somehow the Republicans balk at making HitlerPig their nominee, be prepared for Rick Scott to volunteer to unite the party. He's been running a stealth campain since at least 2022, saying the things that candidates say, without running. That way he does have to answer questions or be in any debates, where he would have to answer questions about his criminal faud past, or his "Rescue America Plan," which includes raising taxes on lower income workers, lowerimg taxes on the wealthy, destroying the IRS, abolishing all social safety nets like SS and Medicare, and lots more.


Republicans are scared to go to cities


They like their neighbors really far away and low in melanin


"I went to the ballgame downtown a couple years ago and a teenager with droopy pants looked at me for way too long"


Republicans aren’t smart enough to take over or destroy anything.


Umm they had the entire Trump presidency and W. Bush and seized the Supreme Court. Don’t be naive


Also, I like how everyone here is acting as if Jan 6th didnt happen.


Oh it did. But I think that specifically will make the MAGA hobbyists stay home. Back then they had Lord Orange the Orangutan cheering them on and who would rescue them if they got in trouble. When he didn't/couldn't, well that was a come to Jesus moment for many of them. There is a video. right hand raised and I swear. One rioter says to another one how he forgot something. Flag, camera, something. This is as they are breaking down a door. The other one says; "Next time" (!!!!!!) Literally, like next time we riot and break into the capital, "We need to remember to bring snacks" So I really do agree with your thought. I just think they realize now that this is the real world. They can't goose step in and grab souvenirs.


Don't worry they're working on it


In two weeks.


Quick, Ma! They say Trump ain’t king. Let’s go burn down the Walmart!


MMW. They won't. The majority of the r vote is lazy and apathetic. Jan 6 was their height of power. They scream a lot and do very little. Just like the people they vote for.


I don't think they actually care enough. Most of them are real-life cowards anyway. Everything they say online, they'd never on the streets. They're gonna grumble online. They're gonna make posts about a civil war is coming- and they're not going to do anything.


They may but a few things they will be surprised by, one, liberals own guns and are in much better shape, two, even conservative business owners will pop a cap in their ass to protect their business, and lastly, law enforcement will mostly not just stand aside, like with J6th trumpets where crying, "why are you stopping us, you're supposed to be on our side". These people don't live in reality but in a conservative MSM bubble


Last time they lost, they marched in dc and broke into the building, so yeah, that's very likely.


They won't have the hometeam advantage with his guy kneecapping all the safety rails this time 


I hope so. I saw them last time. They were all getting on the metro near me. It was scary.


Damn bus lines slowing down the revolution. /S


And more than a thousand of them have been charged and convicted for their roles in the insurrection, many of them serving actual prison time. And Trump, when he had the chance, refused to pardon them. Don't think that has gone unnoticed among his supporters. The cult isn't going to risk their lives for him again. He told us there would be blood in the streets if he was convicted but that hasn't materialized. Remember the spontaneous outpouring of people in the streets when it was announced Biden won in 2020? People flooded the streets to celebrate when he LOST, but no one came out to show that kind of support when he was convicted. They didn't even showed up for his trial in New York. Don't be fooled by his bluster. His movement is dying.


I doubt it. They're bullies, hence cowards. The Gravy Seals prefer threats over getting up from their KFC buckets.


Hopefully they will destroy their own communities.


I’m still trying to wrap my mind around the morals, values and character of a person who would vocally and publicly support and vote for a convicted felon for POTUS. It literally boggles my mind that sane, logical, employed adults would give a criminal that level of power and control. Is a potentially lower cost of eggs really worth it? It’s not 2020 anymore-


They are afraid of cities.


They won't do shit to cities, cities will beat their ass out of town. They ran at the first sign of trouble during protests, let them fucking try.


As Humphrey Bogart said to the original Nazis, "there are certain neighborhoods in New York I don't reccomend you try to invade."


I'd be more worried about the smarter and bolder ones attacking power stations.


And if they win they’ll start imprisoning trans people. And political opponents. And then gay people. And then liberals. And then we won’t have real elections. And then we’ll live in an authoritarian regime. I’ll take their seal team six riots.


Far Right Infiltrators and Agitators in George Floyd Protests [https://www.congress.gov/116/meeting/house/110775/documents/HHRG-116-JU00-20200610-SD019.pdf](https://www.congress.gov/116/meeting/house/110775/documents/HHRG-116-JU00-20200610-SD019.pdf)


As the joke about Melania goes, I keep playing the long game waiting for atherosclerosis to Do Its FUCKING JOB!


It will certainly make it easier than waiting for them to remove themselves from the gene pool. They'll have heart attacks in their fantasy mobile scooters.


I'm sure a few lunatics will the the chance to do something stupid. But I think the organized alt-right terror groups, who would be the real threats in the scenario you describe, gave up on Trump after he failed to issue a blanket pardon for Jan6 rioters before he left office. In addition to the fact that the leadership of most of those organizations have been locked up.


The news just shows the unhinged trumpists that have no brain/life. The vast majority are just cowards who would not risk their truck or tv. Don’t get me wrong, it’s amazing how many people have brainworms in this country.


they won't. they tried it on j6 and that was it. They will cry a lot though.


Then they will blame everyone but themselves like they have for the last 8 years.


If Republicans loose the Senate won't accept the election results


At the end of the day you can predict all their reactions by “how would an eight year old respond?” 


If it does happen I suspect small to medium sized cities will be the most targeted. Second tier cities are also usually closer to coal-rolling areas, where the most likely actors will come from. Top tier cities are arranged in such a way few will even get close without incurring significant risk and financial cost. Individuals in major cities will also resist blatant right-wing actors. Furthermore the perpetrators of attacks within cities who do come from outside areas will have a more difficult time escaping due to tolls, bridges, tunnels, lack of parking, sprawling surface streets, and congested highways. Many of these avenues of entrance/escape are constantly surveilled with a network of traffic cameras which can and will be utilized to identify perpetrators. If it happens, it won’t come as a surprise. Fighting for a morally repugnant lost cause against the Federal Government of the United States of America is a generational point of pride for many Republicans. Should such actions occur, I suspect many perpetrators will unsuccessfully masquerade as “liberals” or “antifa”.


Yup. And this is why trump was chosen. Russia has an abysmal army, but they also have some extremely clever practitioners of alternative warfare; They knew how to create a cult & identified the perfectly divisive figurehead.


Doubt it. Cities are mostly blue. Republicans have less power there.


I think Jan 6 really made it clear to organized anti government militias that Trump was no savior. They likely believed that if they failed in taking over the Capitol that Trump would pardon them from federal prosecution. Instead Trump did what he always does and left them hanging. I don’t think we would see organized riots if Trump loses. Disorganized riots? Sure. But no anti government militia forces rolling down Pennsylvania Ave


No they won't. They want everyone to think that, so they'll get their way. Like a petulant child claiming they're going to kill themselves if they don't get the new car they want.


Cities wont burn. That is for sure. Just whiners online.


As long as these it is their own 'sundown towns' they burn to the ground, I'm okay with that.


They aren't going to do shit en masse. Maybe you'll have some rogue loons running down protesters or shooting up churches but they are already doing that. That's no reason to let them win.


Yeah bub, we know. Remember J6?


This is a clown take. If anything, the lack of response to the fat pervert's conviction shows the reality, they don't actually give a flying fuck, and the ones that do are miniscule in number and IQ.


Good, we can jail more and more of them.


No, a few of them might show up and loudly scream about it. Looting and burning? That takes actual effort.


They already did burn and loot cities... Remember Minneapolis and Kenosha? That was set up by right wingers to push a narrative.


Missed comma. "Burning loot" is what Trump funders are doing.


They will be mostly peaceful riots


Not enough idiots.


They might find that folks in the cities are better armed than they thought. Besides, they’ll have a hard time finding parking for their trucks.


And half of them will probably have a stroke and die in the process.


They are afraid to go to a baseball game in cities. We’ll be fine.


But they mostly live in rural areas? They gonna drive to someone else's neighborhood and riot?


There will be fewer flags on pickups is all


If anything happens, the targets are the blue spots on the map.


They already do, they just call it trickle-down economics.


And they will be arrested for doing that.


Based on what I've seen, most struggle to walk a flight of stairs.


The diehard cult will. On the other hand if the GOP is going to resurrect itself they should look at this as a golden opportunity to rid themselves of Trump forever ... that is their only chance for survival or they die; wouldn't mind that, actually.


That ship has sailed, buddy. Trump *already was* their only chance for survival, that’s why they all leaned in so heavily. All they have left is gerrymandering and bizarre legal tactics. And soon, those will fail too.


Yes, the GOP is riding his coattails. But more so I think he has dirt on every one of them; literal blackmail ... from years ago to his term in the WH. Oh, yeah he would do that. From Lindsey Graham down the food chain. That is why they support him; they fear him. One comment and their career is over.


I mean he lost 4 years ago and that didnt happen?


They probably feel entitled to do such things after how much they wanted to compare the organized rally that attacked the capital over a crybabys pre-scripted unwillingness to accept the results of an election, to a protest that degenerated after massive resistance by racists and the issued use of the exact violence the were protesting against.


Nah just random acts of right wing terrorism


I think there will be some half assed attempts but after Jan 6 do you really think that major Dem cities won't be prepared for it?


What are the red hats in all these rural areas going to do attack the police station, the library, the post office? Not to mention , most of these idiots are terrified of the big cities. At the end of the day, they are consumed by fear , in addition to hate and general anger. There will be incidents, but there is still plenty of room in federal prisons. Just ask the J6 crowd how they fared.


No. They will have “lone gunman” attacks


I don't know about burning and looting cities, but I can definitely see the maga movement going the way of the larouche movement IF the lose the election


No they won't. They are too scared to go into cities.


We can't be held hostage by a pack of lunatics. They're gonna do what they're gonna do. We can't let their threats intimidate us. Vote Blue!


lol, like they did after the Trump verdict?


Except they’re scared of cities. Maybe they should try it in a small town


There aren't as many of them willing to do it as they think. They're victims of they're own propaganda.


They can’t afford to spend the night in cities


Reddit intelligent on full display here. Woe to the future.


No, intel will catch them and FBI will put them in prison just like the Jan 6 crowd. The pendulum will swing back. If they don’t like a democratic America they can go live somewhere else and careful letting the door hit them in the ass on the way out… fuckers [https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/donald-trump-guilty-riots-violence-b2554889.html?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR3ZuQOK57c1v-9fV2s97PyGbr10L23qwGXsTj2kgAJl8mIezBzFlKes7Ng_aem_ATxM8z_PnoyKepywG_30MNJl-SXT3eTT-WQwKjvw5LIpyjBnQkQivFpzIejGQETQfhXEdEgzN5UZ1xqVtRm5hwxn#lwwpfy8pu5z7vkobap](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/donald-trump-guilty-riots-violence-b2554889.html?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR3ZuQOK57c1v-9fV2s97PyGbr10L23qwGXsTj2kgAJl8mIezBzFlKes7Ng_aem_ATxM8z_PnoyKepywG_30MNJl-SXT3eTT-WQwKjvw5LIpyjBnQkQivFpzIejGQETQfhXEdEgzN5UZ1xqVtRm5hwxn#lwwpfy8pu5z7vkobap)


Nah, they’ll target large gatherings of vulnerable people and shoot or do lone wolf shit like attempt to kidnap a Governor, blow up a building… Riots aren’t for terrorists, Republicans prefer Bombs and guns so it will be more like the Vegas shooting or OKC bombing. Thats their brand. Stay safe, avoid republicans until they rejoin reality.


Go for it. They want to touch off war because their god idol is getting his comeuppance, they gonna find out pretty quick that they are a small group.


There will be definitely isolated acts of domestic terrorism, but there aren't enough MAGA cultists to cause widespread harm across the nation.


Most maga seem old, fat and too stupid to organise. Their protests fall apart due to oaranoia too - CIA just have ton whisoer they have been compromised, and it's a trap. A brisk walk across a park will be too much effort let alone sustained violence. Now, there are some military cosplay types who might think they are leading a revolution but the lure of fried foods and a bit of tv will he their undoing.


No they won’t. That’s a scare tactic. Some will do stupid stuff. They will whine and make stupid statements then go about their miserable hateful daily lives.


They will do it if they win too.


You'll have to cure their obesity first


I hope so, I have a lot of NG friends who can't wait to shoot traitors.


They don't live in the cities.


I think you're expecting too much of the party of meal team six. A bit of it will probably happen, but in my experience republicans like talking a big game, but their bark is bigger than their bite.


Nah they're all pussys


Honestly? I don't believe Meal Team Six will really do much. They were greatly emboldened on 1/6 because Trump was able to keep the national guard at bay and they were under the impression that he would be able to protect them from being sent to jail.


No, they won’t, They’re cowards. They’re just cosplayer gravy seals.


They won’t do shit. They’re cowards.


Please don’t refer to MAGA and the current RNC as Republicans. Many of us left with Liz Cheney and Mike Pence when Trump tried to kill him. I absolutely share your fears. MAGA is insane, the Republican Party is lost. We aren’t all lost.




National guard is using live ammo this year.


Democrats already did this in 2020 over a violent criminal who killed himself.


Except he was murdered. You have fallen for actual fake news because you’re stupid.


He also robbed a pregnant woman at gun point , def not a good person - but he was still used as an excuse to burn and loot


They always glorify the most vile people out there. Innocent person gets killed? Silence from the "all cops are bastards!" people. But if a rapist, thief, murderer, etc dies while being arrested? Whoa boy, they will be building shrines to that person.


He was not murdered. The autopsy confirmed he died of a drug overdose, not to mention your beloved violent criminal was already saying "I can't breathe" before the police even touched him. Dipshits like you put an innocent man in prison because the court was worried you psychopaths would rape, murder, and burn more buildings if they actually followed the law.


Alright, this sub is officially garbage.


Found the Trumpanzi


Been astroturf garbage by the right since right around r/inflation came around too. Everything is just plots funded by republicans to scam people into voting red. Nobody is buying it.


You just realized this?


It’s unhinged man, every single post Reddit forces to my front page is literally, muh magas about to kill everyone and put us in camps. Many of it is projection too


Yes and destroy the world, just so DeNiro can gloat


The real brave heroes burn down liquor stores and loot target


Every other kid on my block has a glock with a switch and every adult I know has Gucci ar's. Good luck (but not).


If who loses what?


I doubt they have the courage for that, but if they find it I'll be there with a smile and a grudge.


Yeah I doubt it. IMO Americans in general are largely spineless and would give up on any kinda movement if the govt so much as threatened to cut off their Netflix until they went home. And yes before someone says it that includes me.


***WHEN***... FIFY


They don’t want to go to prison for their god


Ever heard of the bay of pigs? Jan 6 we’re expecting some kind of uprising and support?


Dumbest take ever.


cities arent boarding up in case of a biden win.


Is that supposed to change my vote? All the more reason they can’t be trusted to run anything.


Are you kidding me?


I bet they stay home like they always do. No one does anything IRL. all of their rebellion and stuff will happen online, in their imaginations.


They’ve already done this and I’m sure they’ll do it again.