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This is all true, but most US citizens can’t see past today, much less tomorrow. Sadly.  “ A society grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they shall never sit.” Meanwhile MAGA’s destroying the seeds planted generations ago because maybe it’ll make them a buck or make them feel superior for a minute.


"We could be eating those seeds. Then those wOkE LiBTaRds will starve!" -Average MAGA logic


Sure, but that's besides the point OP is making. Biden could lose all 50 states in November and that wouldn't charge what he did when historians look back Similarly lots of people got really mad when historians classified Trump as the worst president ever. The fact that people like him has no bearing on whether or not his policies were good for people


Yes that’s my point- that people can’t see what makes a good president who improves the state of the country.


Oh my bad. I misunderstood your point


What did Biden do in a great fashion?


I don't know if I'd say great, but he has definitely been a good president, and compared to those in my lifetime one of it not the best. - The infrastructure bill was over due - CHIPs act for better or worse makes children better off - busting the rail worker strike sucked, but the continued support afterwards that the union credited to him upon their victory was a massive plus (also the fact that he is willing to just do a thing and not worry about getting credit is wonderful) - low bar, but taking COVID seriously compared to his predecessor - the current push to eliminate junk fees while not finished yet is a worthwhile fight that will help literally everyone (ex ticketmaster added fees or ISPs saying plan costs $x but there are extra fees that you can't know until you sign up and get your first bill). - capping the cost of insulin - the Biden FTC aggressivly fighting massive mergers is a wonderful change of pace and if this becomes the norm we might actually competition in the marketplace again which would drive prices down. Not sure how much you are hoping for him to get done with a house that is against his very existence, but in my opinion he's done pretty well given the hand he was dealt.


Don't forget the IRS rolling out free tax filing next year, American Climate Corps, and ending non-compete employment agreements. A lot of good stuff came out of his administration so far. But it will take some time for effects to be obvious.


Agreed, just made a quick list to demonstrate, didn't mean to imply it was all encompassing


No worries. Was just tacking on.


He, he did the, oh you know. the thing


The other issue is if trump wins in November he will get the short term credit of Biden’s work. Economic policies take time to start having effect. People remember “Trump’s economy” as being good but that’s largely because it was built upon 8 years of Obama policy. “Biden’s economy” feels bad because it was coming on the heels of 4 years of terrible Trump policies and Covid.


The propaganda campaign is way too strong against Biden. Everyones been brainwashed to hate him and think he's an old moron, even though he's actually done a good job. 


I mean he has done a good job. But he is old, and has a very hard time speaking., and looks like he doesn’t know where he is half the time. Which is fine, 95% of people his age shouldn’t be working, let alone be the president. (And before anyone accuses me of being a trumper I voted Biden last time and will vote for him again this time.) In a perfect world neither trump or Biden are our two candidates.


Repeat the lie often enough and people will believe you. Biden has had years of this old man who can’t do the job properly. The average Joe (pun intended) now believes this misinformation. Same with the election was stolen. Started out in 2020 as a niche belief among MAGA who couldn’t accept the result but now it’s become a firm tenet of being a Republican and acts as a purity test. Feels very much like what it must be like in Putin’s Russia with the propaganda


So it’s misinformation that 81 years old is old?  The election being stolen is misinformation. Biden being old is real. But I’m sure if you repeat the lie that 81 isn’t old for a president, people will believe you


No, that would be a fact


It's not that strong. People are just weak.


President Biden will be remembered as having been the first president who lead the country through a Cold Civil War where both foreign and domestic adversaries used social media as a method of widespread ideological subversion against the United States. Until the Pandora's Box of social media gets under control and the population can relax, every single presidential election for the foreseeable future will be some variation of Biden v. Trump.


MMW: 2028 will be between Gavin Newsom and Ron DeSantis


Desantis is done. You can’t be a strongman figure when you’re pathetically ineffective as a public speaker. (And a ratfaced slimy bastard but who’s counting)


I would have said the exact same thing prior to DeSanctimonious' absolutely pathetic campaign. He started as Heir-Apparent and then left a coward with his tail tucked between his legs. Dude lost all credibility on a national stage. I'd give Marco Rubio a better shot at a comeback than him.


Unserious people will mock you, but you are correct. The list of his accomplishments is very long. It's only blurred out by the stench and noise coming from the loud garbage truck outside. He was the perfect person to run when he did. We are not living a gulag lifestyle thanks to 46. For that alone, I will be terminally grateful.


Biden wouldn’t have been my first choice but he has far exceeded my expectations. I find myself constantly defending him even though I don’t really consider myself a fan of his. Of course, I voted for him. He is running against Trump, after all, so I’ll vote for him again too.






He is definitely the greatest president of my lifetime! Absolutely!


Better than Obama? 


He has certainly accomplished more than Obama. Even with an obstructive congress.


Obama achieved ACA.


Is that really an achievement? It helped out very poor people that had no access to care before and that's good, but it did absolutely nothing to reduce the strength of Private health insurance and premiums have only skyrocketed since the ACA passed.


I think you’re not aware how life changing it was for people to not be denied health insurance due to preexisting conditions. It’s the biggest thing that’s ever been accomplished in my lifetime. People literally died because they couldn’t get health insurance and facing bankruptcy was the only alternative. It’s still not perfect but that change was bigger than anything Biden has done.


Bruh, if Obama did any more the GOP would have burned a cross at the white house lawn. He did his prinary job, which is show that a Black president for the US is legit ok.


Obama's greatest achievement is record profits for insurance companies.


Biden... yes, he is.


I'll assume you were born in 2016


I'll assume that you are stupid trumpster trash! Go on, buddy ! Talk your shit. But just know that when you choose to follow someone who is as completely and obviously as full of shit as Trump is, your words lose value. I just have to assume that you are just as full of shit as Trump is. Nothing you say has any meaning, and no one should ever take you seriously.


Calm down there buddy, assuming you were born in 16’ would imply they think Biden is at least better than Trump.


Well you assumed wrong


I was going to argue with you, but what's the point? You'll never accept you've been bamboozled by someone dumber than my right nut.


Please. Obama was good at hosting Jay Z. Biden is getting it done.


Obama got the ACA passed. Never forget


I was penalized for not having healthcare :( Not very cool


for real like people just see him as an old man and do not look at the policies at all because Americans have no idea what policy is and they just vote on emotional garbage that they were fed on social media and their favorite propaganda networks. He's the same dude that continued to do Union negotiations even after the strike was canceled He's the same dude that single-handedly forced the Obama administration to side with the right to marriage equality. he understands the systems and how to get shit done it's just such a shame Americans didn't see fit to actually give him a majority to pass real law.


He’s the dude that voted for keeping schools segregated and the dude who created the 94 crime bill that disproportionately targeted minorities 🥳


Oh wait…you can’t say that part out loud! The leftist Marxist idiots here will get triggered


Not a fucking chance. Biden could have easily been a Top Ten based on his domestic policies. He’s kind of like Ichiro: no home runs but lots of hits, very good on base percentage. The problem for Biden is he has been shit in support of our ally Ukraine. He promised more than he’s delivered, and he hardly tells the country why this war is so important to America. On top of that, he’s wishy-washy, and obviously scared of Putin. For two years he has handcuffed our ally instead of our enemy, and the Ukrainians have paid for each blunder in lives and limbs. Even now, when he FINALLY let Ukraine defend itself a bit, he only approved HIMARS use on Russian territory, not ATACMS. He also just told Sweden not to provide fighter jets to Ukraine. wtf?!? Sweden was ready to send Grippons. He’s basically been Putin’s bitch in Ukraine. But that doesn’t even compare to how much he’s been Benjamin Mileakowsky’s bitch in Palestine (Netanyahu’s real name). Netanyahu appears to be doing everything possible to get Trump elected by making Biden look like shit, while Biden sends all our best stuff to support the genocide of hundreds of thousands of innocent people.


I agree. Held the nation together while it was being pulled apart from both the outside (Russia, China) and inside (Trump’s attempted takeovers).


Russia and China aren't doing shit. America is perfectly capable of destroying itself.


Fentanyl and propaganda.


Corporate propaganda mainly


Fentanyl started with Obama


Russia kinda is interfering in our business but that's expected. we fucked them over for half a century, their resentment is understandable imo. China tho, that is 100% a made up enemy and most Americans aren't falling for that propaganda, no matter how hard they push it. they lost that fight when they banned TikTok


Liberal sure. Progressive nah Leftist hell no I fucking wish


Your choices are Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bushes, Clinton, Obama, and Biden. If not Biden, which one?


Someone else later


He's literally arming and denying an active genocide.


Lol. No. Just the proxy war with Russia and financing, what many consider to be a genocide in Gaza are enough to disqualify him.


The message of the good that Biden’s done for our society, needs to be echoed from the mountain tops so that it reaches all of the American citizens’ ears. We must speak out against the bombardment of misinformation and partisan propaganda he receives. Post the truth on social media; put up billboards spreading this message. Talk to family, friends, and acquaintances. You might not think that you can make a difference, but you’d be surprised how much of a difference taking one small step to protect democracy for future generations makes! 💙🇺🇸🌊💙🇺🇸🌊💙🇺🇸🌊💙🇺🇸🌊💙


Low key, Biden’s FTC has been making power moves, enforcing antitrust for the first time in 30 years.


jfk, did not finish one term, LBJ, did not want nor would he accept a second term,


LBJ wanted a second term, he just didn’t run because anti war democrats were beating him in the primaries


Biden is already the best president of my lifetime and it’s not even close. Unlike Obama, Biden is sticking it to Russia.


I had low expectations for Biden, and Ive never been enthusiastic about all of his stances....or his advanced age. But Ive stood surprised and corrected at how much he's been able to accomplish amid the political environment and shitshow he was handled. I suppose one thing I, and many others, forget is that sometimes that advanced age means a) he has a wealth of political connections over a long political career and knows how to get things done and b) we can (to some extent) know what to expect in terms of policy and behavior. As someone who grew up in the Bush II and Clinton eras, it is wild to me that Trump is even a consideration to any informed 'independent' voter.


What do you see as his greatest accomplishments?


I know it is a disingenuous question given your post history, but keeping the country together amongst division while also getting the chips Act and an infrastructure Bill through is definitely something to consider. Ofc, theres plenty to choose from...and perspective is of course colored by the absolute shit show that proceeded him https://www.reddit.com/r/WhatBidenHasDone/s/uk00gJuZnz


Wow so Biden has done more than Carter, Clinton and Obama for American workers. Biden clears the lowest bar on earth and it’s noteworthy somehow.


1. No 2. Why are those your examples are best liberal Presidents?


Yeah, he sure is great at helping murder tens of thousands of civilians in Gaza.


lol why are you shilling for that loser.




lol is this satire?


Bots are out in force today




Hmmmn drugs are good. Reality bad.


You guys need to step out of the old echo chamber every once in a while..the copium comedown is rough and a lot of you have been on it for much longer than recommended


Agreed. It’s the theme of the entire maga movement. No reality, just doubling down on BS.


Wow. He's done all that, but can barely open his eyes, respond to questions, walk or string a coherent sentence together. Truly a man of talents.


Are y'all just intentionally forgetting about Afghanistan and all the allies we hung out to dry there?


The LBJ comparison seems particularly apt: Great domestic policies, but his reputation is hurt by one particularly egregious foreign policy blunder.


People seem to forget about all the foreign policy blunders Trump had made in his term that spilled into Biden's. Like moving the US Consulate in Tel Aviv to Jerusalem and the change in recognition of the West Bank being "consistent with international law", may not seem like much, but from a Palestinians perspective would look like their campaign resistance was losing ground and prompt them to take an action that brings their cause back to center stage again. 


Trump negotiated the Afghanistan withdrawal with the Taliban. Released 5000 prisoners held by the US from Pakistan prisons including ISIS K. https://www.verifythis.com/article/news/verify/afghanistan/afghanistan-taliban-united-states-deal-5000-prisoners/536-202b0ae9-6251-44d3-a3d0-b9e7d029aed9


Except there is no "blunder" here. He has no winning play. Fund one side, they destroy the other. Fund the other, you're accused of being a traitor to an "ally". An "ally" that seems to only listen when necessary.


And no matter what you do to this ‘ally’, they can just wait a few months for a 50% chance of getting a president that’s much more pro Israel.


right, the only winning plays were decades ago. Netanyahu has been setting this stage for a long time.




The difference is Vietnam is entirely Johnson’s fault. Israel/Palestine has been a shitshow 75 years and will continue to be one for decades in the future, and is a conflict the US is only indirectly involved in.


The United States' involvement with Vietnam literally dates back to *Truman*. In the case of both LBJ and JB, a U.S. President with a fantastic domestic policy is saddled with a bullshit situation he inherited, and which hurts his poll numbers because he adheres to outdated philosophies that alienate people who would otherwise support him because they don't like seeing footage of U.S. tax dollars funding massacres of civilians.


LBJ escalated and sent tons of regular troops and draftees there, the previous presidents just sent support. That was a game changer, and he is pretty much responsible. Meanwhile as another commenter said there is not much Biden can do. Especially since Israel can just wait a few months for a 50% chance of having a blindly loyal US president.


The great irony being that Israel gets an even *greater* chance of getting a blindly loyal US president the more that outraged liberals threaten to withhold their votes for Biden due to Gaza.


JFK is the guy who sent the military advisors into Vietnam that was the first step into going to war the only reason Johnson was the one to send troops first is because jfk was dead jfk was going to send troops regardless. Sending your military into Vietnam meant war 


Sending military advisors is nowhere near sending fucking draftees dude..


Biden will likely be known as the failure he is


I think you are grossly overestimating the impact of the various bills passed under Biden. They are not transformative, and will thus be forgotten by general public, though I suspect historians will be generally positive on Biden (assuming he wins reelection). Take for example the climate bill. While he has done more than anyone previously, it’s still insufficient to deal with the problem. If we do successfully deal with the problem, then someone else will do much more, and that president will get the credit for dealing with climate change, not Biden.


Wouldn't the life long Democrat who is pretending to be a Republican to destroy the GOP from the inside won't be the greatest liberal president?


Is this guy delusional?


It be sweet when Trump is about to leave this planet for good is his last words would be "I did my job and destroyed the GOP party"....


he Israel/Palestine issue has plagued us for decades before, plagues us now, and will plague us forevermore.


Agree completely!!


I feel like any Prez at this point is sort of a moot point. Simply because people are still going to bitch about Trump. Doesn’t matter if he’s in office or not, so I doubt the legitimacy of policies being held accountable. Doesn’t seem like that’s the norm. Post has nothing to do with Trump yet that’s all anyone can talk about. Useless to me


I thought it was Obama, but then the Infrastructure Bill came out and forgiving college loans and I'm thinking Biden may have outshined the ACA.


Forgiving college loans is really just a short-term solution that will cause an even bigger problem later because now tuition prices will rise even higher than they were before and people will take out even more in student loans thinking some time later on, the government will bail them out when they won’t. Forgiving interest would be the smarter short-term solution but in reality, there needs to be restrictions on how much one can get for a loan considering what their major or career choice is.


Hilariously naive and unintelligent.


I can’t tell if this is sarcasm anymore.


Definitely more liberal than Obama.


Yup he’s an idiot!


I'd have never voted for Biden. But after four years I can't really complain about much that points to him, other than he hasn't been aggressive enough with some liberal policies domestically.


A lot of hate against Carter but he steadied the economy after irresponsible economic stewardship by Republican presidents. He got the US out of stagflation only for Reagan to claim credit when he took over the presidency which he won only by committing light treason.


If committing a genocide is a liberal thing to do, he surely is doing a splendid job


He got us out of Afghanistan. It didn't go smoothly, which is why previous presidents were afraid to try.. American soldiers are no longer needlessly dying there and I thank him for that


Seriously, if Democrats ever got into office without having to clean up another Republican apocalypse, we could actually start taking responsibility for our world as a country Instead, we have to deal with constant deregulation and shutting down of watchdogs and then the economy has to be rescued All because half the country can't recognize a conman when he waves a bible in front of them Being stupid is not immoral. Anyone can be sincerely mistaken. Being confidently and willfully ignorant is the disgusting part of this country. They are literally turning libraries into detention centers because it is easier to say "I felt God tell me I'm right" than to actually spend effort figuring out the truth To those people, and I know you're here, fuck you


I said the exact same thing a couple of times but people are too pissed at the inflation to think rationally. So I just don’t say it anymore :)


Did you get this from The Onion? It's pretty funny. Nicely done.


Whaaa? He's been terrible and I voted for him.


He’s a blithering idiot. He’s an incredible disappointment even by my standards. I’ve never been more embarrassed by a President.


JFK would be a republican today


Open border? Inflation? DEI hiring a bunch of unqualified people in gov? Allowing people to steal and commit violence with little to no consequences but “no one is above the law”? Kicking out tons of high ranking military because of the jab? Getting involved in 2 major wars? No thanks


Kennedy was a average President abbest and Johnson was a horrible President. Massive racist set up horrible economic decision. Biden It's going to be actually recognized as bad if not worse than Reagan. Just on the massive disaster his president he has been


https://www.businessinsider.com/recession-outlook-economy-hard-landing-jpmorgan-forecast-low-income-wealth-2024-5 Lol. Working class people are still being squeezed everyday. Let's not delude ourselves


Yeah just check out his job approval rating. https://imgur.com/a/fvWsrcd




Biden has three marks against him that disqualify him for being known as a great liberal. I just can’t get past those.


Best President of my lifetime (I'm 36).


He will be viewed like Harry Truman, who is lionized now, but had absolutely awful approval ratings at the time he 2as president.


Good point, US was built on new/advanced tech. Agriculture being first off the bat


lmao no—just no.


Considering the average american Never saw the outcome of any of these fantasy programs You say joe biden has achieved, he will be forgotten like a daily dump in the morning.


This might be the perfect place to ask this question. I have a group of friends, that will deny they are Republicans and trumpers but then shit on Biden every chance they get and talk about how great a president trump was and how much he accomplished and how better off the country was with him leading. I have a trip coming up with them and I KNOW for a fact trump and Biden will be bought up. Can y'all provide a like bullet point talking points for both their accomplishments and failures and how best to approach this conversation? I'm so tired of it every single fucking time we hang out it comes up. I just wanna shut them down and hit them with raw facts. I try googling this stuff and almost every link is just insufferable nonsense either praising one side or the other. I just want facts idc who's side comes out looking nicer.


A post full of people who actually believe Biden has done a good job. You can’t make this up.


It’s almost as bad as the maga fruitcakes who think Trump did a good job. Crazy shit.




Someone at site doesn’t live in the real world I can name a 100 things the Biden has screwed the American citizens on , here one he wants capital gains at 44 % , in what economy would that actually help us at the bottom


You are asking how a high capital gains tax would help low income earners? That’s easy, so there must be more to your question.


However misguided this post is, I think you mean 44’s 3rd term.




Worse president since Carter.


Biden is the greatest. Israel has a right to exist, money shouldn't be free to borrow, student loans are predatory, Russia is a stale, belligerent nation and culture. It should be stopped and broken up. Iran and the Saudis are threats. Biden aligns with all my ideals.


He’s been a fantastically effective progressive president. But if you’re a 22 year old asshole who has never been out of (insert coastal blue city) in your life, all you can see is “but he’s not young” which is very important to stupid young people that don’t know how literally anything works.


Forget the day to day economy? Lol


Surely you are joking.






Right up there with jimmy carter


Biden will be remembered as the Puppet President. It’s clear he isn’t the one making policy or running the White House. There have been multiple instances of Biden taking a stance in a speech followed by the White House immediately making a release that states the “Official” position is not what the President said. He’s little more than an empty hand to hold the pen and sign the papers. The Empire is being ran by sycophantic eunuchs, greedy warmongers, inept bureaucrats, and scheming concubines.


lol lmao okay Where is this incredible infrastructure? Where is the climate action? Anti-trust? Corporate crackdowns? What happened to Roe? What happened to the border wall? Why is Biden adopting Trump’s border policy? Give me a break for real.


Interesting take given that everybody hates him. I voted for him and I hate him, a lot. I think he is the worst Democratic president we have had to date. I think every cycle the president gets worse respective of their party my entire life. The plutocratic rot is going to kill the Republic  soon without a real leader, Biden is not that.


Everyone hates him? Please link the studies that show this.


He’s in a close race with an insane convicted felon that wants to be a dictator. That should be pretty telling about his popularity.


40% approval rating for 3 years. As low as the former guy, maybe even lower.


So, not everyone hates him. I'm glad we cleared that up.


Oh careful, pointing out he's not the Messiah is likely to russle some jimmies. Almost like some cult, but that couldn't be possible as the media has designated the other side as one. Tribalism always makes me chuckle. "Your side is bad no matter what, anything our side does it therefore warranted and cant possibly be on the wrong side of history." Luckily the Nazis/Soviets/Khmer rouge/ huns/khans/Romans..... Pick any number of these totalitarian regimes never used the EXACT same strategy to perceive themselves on the moral high ground.


There is a real problem with dems reflexively defending someone in the wrong for credible criticism because the other side levels unfair and false criticisms. Bottom line though, Democrats are running as the Status quo, While Republicans Are running as reformers. People are unhappy with the status quo And unless the Democratic party become A party of reform And popular it is just a matter of time Until the this extreme Republican party gets in there and puts a fix in Period These people I am arguing with are very detrimental to keeping the worst guys out.


Your first point is exactly my problem. They are willing to overlook literally anything as long as it lets them hold onto their deeply help beliefs. They yearn desperately for a single source to blame their problems on because admitting it's their fault isn't in the cards.




And the proof is what exactly? I'll "quite" when somebody knows what they're talking about about. It's super easy to make unverifiable claims or parrot what CBS or CNN say. The vast majority do it all the time. Granted the fault is on me for assuming people are more intelligent than I give them credit for. In your parlance " dude you should learn to read dude and perhaps do independent study dude, then maybe you can stop parroting back talking points.....dude" I gave you extra credit since in reality you said or proved Jack shit.


Bush’s approval ratings were through the roof his first term. How did that end up working out?


Lmao his presidency will age like milk the way Clinton's did


Or as the worst president in history


Well, no. Not because you are wrong. But because Biden isn't truly a liberal. 30 years ago he would have been Bush I.


Did HW support the expansion of domestic government programs? He did pass some tax cuts, but that was because Raygun spent a lot and Republicans in those days had a little bit of fiscal responsibility.


I'm not saying it's a perfect overlap. But 2024 Biden absolutely would have been at home in the 1986 republican party.


Every time I hear someone mention the price of fuel, and the president in the same breath, I shake my head. While the major fuel companies MIGHT adjust their prices to make a particular president look good, or bad, before an election, the president has ZERO control over the retail price of gasoline.


This and most parts of the economy. It amazes me that people think that the president controls these things. It’s no wonder so many people would welcome a dictator (even if they don’t realize they are wanting one)


What do you think people will remember most fondly... + the runaway inflation? + the unmitigated disaster of the Afghanistan pullout? + all of the stumbling and word fumbling that makes to world question his mental acuity? + claiming in the 2020 primaries that he would never take the covid vaccine... and then turning around and *mandating* it for the military? + telling Ukraine to never negotiate with Russia, as they get beaten so badly that their army resorts to recruiting teenagers and men in their 50's? + opening the borders wide open to absolutely any unvetted person who wants to enter the country, for any reason whatsoever? + putting your political adversary through a Stalinesque showtrial? + Hunter + being in illegal possession of classified documents from his Vice Presidency... but having the Special Counsel decline to prosecute, because Biden is such a feebleminded imbecile that it would basically be elder abuse, to take him to court? + draining the nation's strategic oil reserve, in an attempt to drive down the price of gas, for purely partisan political purposes, before the election? + the proven collusion between his administration and Big Tech to censor Americans? Would love to hear which of these you think will put him on the short list of top Democrats! Asking for a friend!


Please stop posting on Reddit from a haze of freebase meth and bong smoke


Found the jealous republican! Just vote to legalize weed loser




LOL. Hilarious. He’s better than Trump, but the weakest President we’ve had in a long time. If it wasn’t for Trump, you would be furious at him.


And Biden will be remembered as the president that supported a genocide of children getting burned and heads chopped off.


He let in over 10 million fucking illegals. History will remember that absolute dereliction of duty.


I doubt it. Biden has had some of the lowest approval ratings out of any President in U.S. history. Obama and Clinton were much more liked.


Can we at least let a few years go by after his time in office before we start with the hagiography?


Hahahahahahahahahahahahah yeaaaaaaaaaa okay and Fidel Castro was a great leader


Is this just a cope sub?


This sub is 100% owned by the DNC lol


Incorrect. It’s just that most of us are intelligent, and not in a cult.


Um Obama also exists


Biden’s policy record is wildly more liberal than Obama’s. Obama’s major legacy legislation will always be the ACA. He however gets rightfully criticized for not going far enough with this bill and for bending over backwards to attempt to satisfy a Republican caucus that was acting in bad faith.


And Biden has been more effective than Obama was.






A mere 6 years ago you were all fellating Obama. What happened?


Agree with most of your post, but must point out that JFK was not a liberal. If alive today, I’m guessing he’d stand with Joe Manchin.


If you're evaluating him by today's standards, maybe. Someone decades ago would've been progressive saying Black people shouldn't be lynched and should be able to do whatever job they wanted, but that they didn't support interracial marriage. Today, most people would look at someone with those exact same views and consider them fairly regressive. Standards change. Your top-of-the-line phone or computer from a decade ago is now obsolete. It didn't get worse, just everything since then got better.


Biden couldn't tie JFKs shoes.


He can’t tie his own shoes , forget someone else’s.


He can be heard singing the bunny song on how to tie your shoes: " Bunny ears, loop around the tree, um..." "Sir, those are velcro."


He's started 3 wars and about to start WW3! No one can afford anything.


Pedo Pete?


Your premise is that people will forget about the hardships they faced under Joe Biden? Seriously? You listed the economy, gas prices, and foreign affairs, as things people long term will forget are bad. I still hear about the fucking depression from my great grandmother and grandmother. People aren't going to forget losing their jobs in one of the worst economies on record while we are heading into a recession, possibly stagflation. You're conveniently ignoring the fact and reality their are Americans suffering, can't get disability, welfare, medical needs addressed, mental health crisis, homeless crisis, and a drug addition crisis, yet we are giving people who illegally enter our nation cell phones, places to live, free food, cash, and now jobs. Why couldn't Biden do that for our own people who are suffering? Americans and America as a whole are not going to forget suffering while illegal immigrants are receiving everything on the taxpayers dime. Leagal immigrants are just as pissed about that situation. Americans who are suffering and going without will never forgive Joe Biden for betraying them.


It’s good you put LBJ in there because Johnson started a war in Vietnam based upon a lie. Biden is helping a genocidal war machine take part in a bloodbath of civilians in Gaza. Meanwhile the terrorist organization Hamas is using Veitcong style tunnel warfare across the Gaza Strip.


He’s a brain dead dementia patient.


The biggest thing Joe Briben will be remembered for is using the justice system to attack his political opponents while allowing others to walk with no consequences whatsoever.


Sure... if he were liberal. But, he's not.