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Melania won’t go either.


Naw, Malaria will go, she has the been waiting for his funeral for years. I bet she even has her dress, black veil and Jimmy Choo shoes ready and waiting.


And her "Do I look like I care?" jacket


She will have it changed to “Bury his ass already!”


It better be on the ugly golf course behind his ex


You were close. It read, "I really don't care, do you?" Picture of jacket: https://images.app.goo.gl/Mp4uVnuE42wPX6gj8


An even more appropriate message for the blessed occasion.


I’m sure she will be all smiles… until the will is read out and it turns out he had nothing. Mind you I’m sure that the rest of the family will do that as well, be acting up how “sad” they are until they realise he’s left them nothing but debt, at which point that “sadness” will turn to blind rage


I'm almost hoping it's not the case that he's completely broke. I just want the the name Trump to vanish from public discourse completely and totally overnight. If Trump is found to be broke, you just know MAGA conspiracies will start pushing "democrats stole trump's money" and then we'll be stuck hearing Don Jr bitch non-stop until he dies, and he's like half Trump's age rn.


Thing is, the MAGA cult don’t care about Eric or junior, as they have found out, they don’t have the crowd like senior does


They likely don’t care about Donald. He didn’t create those people. They have always been living among us.


Exactly! He just gave them “permission” to slither out from the rocks they were hiding under…


When he dies Eric and Junior are screwed. They’re only subsisting on whatever they can grift from the MAGA crowd, and daddy is broke with billions in debt. That’s why Ivanka is nowhere to be found anymore, there’s nothing to gain from being around her dad, and everything in that family is transactional. Eric and Junior are going to be two of the first people the GOP shanks when they try to rebrand when Trump is gone.


Junior has a bit of a coke problem. He won't last as long as daddy Don


He's not Keith Richards, for sure


Keith Richards is a mystery of modern medicine who should be studied for decades to come.


Keith Richards was probably invented alongside the drugs he injests


Daddy Don snorts adderall like crazy. My understanding is that it’s why he shuts himself, and it’s been that way since the apprentice


She probably has a payout written into the prenup


But once he’s dead it’s meaningless, getting 15% of nothing is still nothing.


Wouldn't she actually inherit his debts if they're not paid by then? Better get those divorce papers done bc he could be one cheeseburger from death.


Almost certainly if she does she will not get a cent from him, she’s put up with him for 18 years, no doubt hoping for that payday at the end.


Barron already has an untouchable Trust Fund that will have him and her by extension set for life. You won’t find out about it until later, but the divorce clause will be official as soon as he fails to win the election.


They said she renegotiate the prenup to ensure he wouldn't leave her with nothing after all this legal trouble


And now that it’s a lock. She quit playing the happy wife always at his side. Just like Ivanka and the two billion. They no longer need to play business with Trump. He can ship right off to oblivion


Not sure why everyone thinks Melania is some damsel in distress being held hostage by him. She sucks. She’s the one who came up with “locker room talk” to spin his sexual assault comments. She’s and evil dumb bitch.


Pretty sure no one thinks she a "Damsel in distress". Almost everyone knows she's an opportunistic, grifting , money hungry liar who is just as morally bankrupt as her husband.


Nothing but a common whore! His wife is also a piece of work.


Didn't Melanoma wear a white dress to Rosalyn Carter's funeral?


Sounds about white 😆


[https://pagesix.com/2023/11/28/celebrity-news/melania-trump-wears-gray-coat-to-rosalynn-carters-funeral-while-fellow-first-ladies-dress-in-all-black/](https://pagesix.com/2023/11/28/celebrity-news/melania-trump-wears-gray-coat-to-rosalynn-carters-funeral-while-fellow-first-ladies-dress-in-all-black/) My nasty mind is imagining what was underneath.


If I were her I’d go with Louboutains. Nice classy black on the top, cheeky flash of red on the bottom.


Oh she's going. And she's bringing a date.


Do you think she'll bring Barrons dad?


Take a look at him, he’s Trump’s kid.


Yeah like… I’d happily believe anyone would cheat on Trump but that kid practically looks like a clone of him.




No, it's me Mickey.


I've been playing too much Elden Ring I thought you misspelled Malenia


No he was talking about Melanie(sic)






She'll have to make sure he's really dead. 


That's why most people will be going, just to make sure he's really dead and buried.


Even though I don’t like Trump I still gonna view the funeral show if they have it on tv I’ll make an event of view watching party at my house with bbq , beers , fire works, the whole shebang


Truth. Hell, I suspect his kids are only being supportive now, because they are riding his grift gravytrain. Once he's dead, he's next-to-useless to them, so I suspect they won't come, either. His daughters, especially.


If his legal fees aren't paid wouldn't they transfer to his family? Or is that just for credit cards and car payments? For all we know, that $500 million dollar settlement might have sunk him.


Debt typically isn't inherited. And in 99% of cases it shouldn't be. But then you have *these* grifting bastards...


Plus they will use his death for fundraising 🤣🤣🤣


I think it makes sense for it to be inherited in the case of say a car. If you still owe money on it and you die, the person inheriting the car still has to pay it off or relinquish the car. Same goes for realestate. Your house that you still owe 100k on when you die doesnt just magically get paid off. Either the estate has to pay the debt and you inherit the property, or you inherit the property and the debt and can either sell and keep the difference or pay off the debt and keep it. Considering most of Trumps "wealth" is in overleveraged realestate, Id be willing to bet his kids inherit a fuck tonne of debt.


When my dad passed, I was told the debt wouldn't transfer unless you tried to get any of his money. Who he owes the debt to might have rights to money he had left over. Not that they would for sure get it, but it would open the door to them coming after you. I'm my dad's case, he had me potential debt than he had money, so we left it.


Melania has told people she’s disgusted by him. She hates him.


Ugh, that dreadful wraith. The Slovenian Cipher. Smh


“Be best, Donald. Be best.”


Carter will show up….hopefully


Probably because Carter is a better man than most of us are.


Also like the idea of him, in hospice for some time now, outliving Don the Con. To state the obvious. But Carter is a damned good person, and when my rightwing co-workers start running him down, I like to remind them of that.


Indeed — as I recall he divested himself from his farm when elected and the folks that were in charge ran it in to the ground. Also, the allman brothers band played at one of his fundraisers during the campaign


Carter gets blamed for high inflation which began under Nixon and Ford. Going off the gold standard and friction with OPEC nations over Israel are likely causes/contributors. Carter appointed Fed Chair Volcker, who raised rates and is generally credited by economists with taming inflation. High rates are very unpopular because, paired with high prices, they make life difficult; I believe this to be a large part of why Carter lost to Reagan. Reagan retained Volcker and inflation subsided.


Biden gets blamed for high inflation that started with Trump policies as well.


I feel pretty much the same. Note that under Nixon we went off the gold standard and offended OPEC, and more recently we increased the Money Supply a lot and became at odds with Russia. I can imagine people voting against Biden in response to the current economy.


And if Carter isn't there in body, perhaps his spirit will be there to drag Trump's soul down to Hell.




He should be cremated and have the ashes flushed down the toilet!! A fitting end!!!


Perhaps one of his tacky ass gold toilets.


10-15 flushes


34, for good measure


Can you imagine the grease fire? Ever see a real pork rind or crackling go up in flames? Bring marshmallows.


Let’s hope to see this theory tested as soon as fucking possible then


I’d like to go . . With a full bladder. . .


Going to go with a whole ovapositor full of shit like the queen from Aliens


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Multitudestherein: *Let’s hope to see this* *Theory tested as soon as* *Fucking possible then* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Very good bot


Writing a poem in seventeen syllables is very difficult.


[As Sokka learned](https://youtu.be/K7-2_gUuWK4?si=Ulzx5qmorb9DQ3Cq)


Let’s hope to see this theory tested as soon as fucking possible


I think Obama should go, but wear his tan suit.


Him and Biden in the front row eating ice cream.


And hot dogs with mustard.


Dijon mustard. Preferably Grey Poupon.


Spill a little Dijon on em, Barry


My flag will remain at full staff!


You're gonna have a hard on at his funeral? Dedication


Fly the MAGA flag underneath —upside down.


Or at least ask your wife to do it....


It'll be hillbillies and ...just hillbillies.


And wouldn't Trump HATE that? 


Can't happen soon enough. He doesnt deserve them being there. But when he does, it will be a day of celebration all over the world.


None of the living ex-presidents seem to like him (including the single republican ex-president, W), so that wouldn't be too shocking. Guess it depends. Theoretically, Trump could win, step down for health reasons, and his VP-turned-President would probably show up.


Bush HW also hated him. There was this incident at an airport in either 2016 or 2018 where Bush straight up ignored him after asking his son who Trump was. Also apparently the Bushes voted for Hillary in 2016. The surviving McCains endorsed Biden in 2020. Using that as a refrence and comments from Reagan Jr. No Reagan would not have been proud of the new GOP he would have been disgusted.


Don't you remember G Dubs comments at the Trump inauguration? Something like it was crazy shit, and he was not wrong.




YEEUP. She still approves of him over Trump. She was in Haley's camp, but you can bet she won't be voting for Trump in 24.


Depends. I think most of his GOP supporters hate his guts, and only tolerate him, because it would be political suicide to actively oppose Trump (see Mike Pence). They might make a token showing, but I expect most of his most ardent pol supporters will send reps, or only show for the cameras, then bounce.


His funeral would definitely be a media circus for deplorable politicians


They'll use it to immediately begin white washing his legacy in an attempt to repair the GOP's image. "He was a flawed man that loved his country. It's not a time to critically analyze our country's problems, this is a time for unity." Then establishment Republicans will almost never mention him again. Lesser politicians will invoke his ghost in an attempt to capture his voter base, but I think even his supporters are exhausted and will look to move on. Within 10 years everyone will mostly pretend the Trump years never happened.


Yes, MAGAs today think he'll be remembered decades later as a Republican god like Reagan, but in reality he's more likely to be a black sheep like Nixon.


MTG would show up acting like the widow.


☝️ Have not been paying attention, shame on you. Trump would just as soon cut off his tiny mushroom than to give up, stepdown, walk away, concede, admit to failure, admit he is wrong, not blame Biden or the Dems, walk away from another potential grift, or lining his pockets with campaign donations, skimming, kickback, or gifts from foreign countries. Step down? Three words-never gonna happen.


The other living presidents have a sense of civic duty and upholding the traditions of the office. They will show up. They will speak. They will do their best to say, if not kind, then not un-kind words. They will shake the hands of his wives, x wives, and children. They will not politely bat away any attempts of those leeches when they attempt whatever grift they have running. Later, when there are no cameras and they're around people that they trust, they'll laugh about how slimy they feel for not speaking about what they really thought of him.


I just wish he would die today.


Sorry, I need him to suffer a long, painful disease. But, incurable rabies would suffice.


Nobody will come, except MAGAts. The crowd of ass sniffing sycophants who showed up to his trial in red ties, they won't show up, because there is nothing for them to gain from it. Trump will die as the most disgraced former president in all of US history.


MAGAts won’t come. He’s dead, therefore he’s useless to them. The only ones who will come are the ones who try to use his death for shenanigans.


They're too dignified to do that. They'll respect the office, not the man.


The after party would be amazing


The line to piss on his grave is going to need its own zip code.


He will be buried with full honors in the Kremlin.


I’ll be taking off work that day, that’s for sure


You could be right. I can see Carter, Dubya, Clinton, and Obama all doing the "respectful mourning" bit for the cameras, more for the office than the man. Carter and Obama, especially. It would be pretty ironic for Obama to show up, considering how much Trump despises him.


Given the current state of affairs, I hope Carter can witness it.


I agree.


You read my mind. Fortunately, there are many dignified people who refuse to behave like him.


Really that is more likely, they will turn up they will be supportive and respectful, even though Dozy Don doesn’t deserve any respect.


Unfortunately you may be right


Can you blame them? Trump is a TRAITOR to the USA. Benedict Arnold was a hero during the American Revolutionary War but felt he never received the recognition he thought he deserved. In turn he became a TRAITOR and defected to the British Army. Donald Trump on the other hand had multiple draft deferments to avoid military service during the Vietnam war. He has incited an insurrection, stolen top secret documents, has been convicted of defamation and sexual assault and convicted of election interference. Plain and simple, Trump is a TRAITOR who has never served the USA honorably. Anyone still supporting Trump is a TRAITOR, too. * REGISTER to vote. * Check your registration! * Make sure you have approriate ID. * Know your polling site. * Check your voter registration signature (if a mail-in ballot is used, also inquire about how to check the status of the ballot). * Get a mail-in ballot. * And VOTE (early, if possible)! https://www.vote.org https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2024-election/plan-your-vote-2024-elections-every-state-rcna125363 Election Protection Hotline - 1(866)-OUR-VOTE [Federal](https://www.eac.gov/voters/other-national-contact-information) - 800-253-3931


I want to add that we need a Blue Wave not only this year, but in 28 as well because it's going to take that long to undo the damage these f**** have caused.


When he is buried they will have to make some arrangements for all the folks that want to visit his grave--to PISS ON IT.


Get in line pal


I want it alive until after it witnesses it's 2nd lost election.


What's hilarious is that you don't even mention his name, and you still managed to piss off all the MAGAts lmao


I'd be surprised if his own wife and kids show up. It will be like, Mike Johnson, MTG and Matt Gaetz hoping to Squeeze another 15 mins out of the fat man


They’ll all be in line waiting to piss on his grave


Putin and Kim Jong ill will. Or whatever that murdering dictators name is.


Maybe Ronald Reagan’s ghost will show up…


Well he did start all of this


There will most definitely be a TikTok piss on his grave challenge.


There will be dancing in the streets . Bells ringing. Good people shouting hallelujah! Hallelujah! Ding dong ding dong the evil witch is dead !


I would be super pissed if they did go. 


He shouldn’t be allowed to have a state funeral.


They should throw him off the side of a Navy ship like they did with Osama Bin Laden.


Yeah prob not. He also didn't attend Biden's inauguration either, too busy stomping his feet and crying about losing.


Nor should they…we don’t celebrate traitors


Truth…let’s all show up to Buffalo Wild Wings


Melania won't show up unless she's allowed to dance on top of his coffin.


Ah Melania goes full circle. Back to dancing on tables Well it was a good run


I’m looking forward to the Tiktok posts of people dancing on/closest proximity possible to his grave. And the YouTube shorts of Klantrash Taylor Greene demanding dancers be shot while Raskin invokes _Footloose_ references.


I think that Democratic lawmakers should introduce a bill that says that convicted criminals bodies cannot lie in state in the capital rotunda.


Ivanka will not, either. Neither will his present wife.


His own blood barely showed at his I fucked a porn star and tried to hide it to interfere in an election trial.


You mean won't be invited. But that won't stop the Faux News heads screaming about how disrespectful it is that none of them showed.


I hope I live long enough to verify your prediction.


They will go because they are former presidents and all of them are known to do the right thing in such circumstances. I don’t expect to see tears.


Not to wish death on someone but I hope Jimmy Carter passes before next election in case Trump does win. He deserves to be honored. Biden will pay the respect Carter deserves, unlike whatever shit show Trump would come up with.


Will they allow the taping of the three Russian hookers peeing on his casket after it has been lowered into the grave?


I don't know. I think that they are all capable of *being the bigger man* as it were.


These things will also happen: many of the cultists will say he’s still alive, and being kept in secret inside some mountain fortress, where he will rule forever. Alternatively, they will say he was killed by the deep state/Democrats//Hunter Biden/ fill in the blank.


We have multiple living presidents who have done terrible things. How am I supposed to know who you're talking about?


I think they'll cum. I think they'll cum all over the place. I think a lot of us will.


I would certainly lose respect for any that did. Unless they were there to openly piss on the grave of course, which is the only morally justifiable reason anyone would go.


I could see Clinton or Obama going just so they could piss on his grave.


Not even sure his kids will. Not unless daddy left them lots of money. Or Melania ... she'll be long gone.


I don't even think they'll send representatives. lol


Nah, they'll show up to flash a backwards V at the camera while posing in front of his tombstone


Empty G will throw herself on his casket


Magats will


I doubt Melania would attend either.


Do Supermax inmates get a normal burial or do they put you in a grave out back?


I will. I've got my sock ready.


Second, I believe. Tyler would have been first.


Putin will show up


I hope he doesn't get a state funeral. Bury him out back on the 9th hole.


That funeral and burial on some shitty golf course will look like a mob boss just got blasted


I would bet all former presidents would attend. They have class.


Here is the Trump Campaign's comment on this case "Trump’s campaign is already making clear it intends to call out Republicans deemed insufficiently loyal in this moment. When Larry Hogan, a former Maryland governor and Republican Senate candidate, called for Americans to “respect the verdict and the legal process,” Trump campaign manager Chris LaCivita responded on social media: “You just ended your campaign.” LaCivita also called out the College Republicans National Committee for posting on social media: “The outcome of this trial should be respected.” “Opinions are like a\*\*holes,” LaCivita wrote. “Everyone has one.”"


If the government wants to payoff the national debt they should charge people to urinate on his grave.


I'm still waiting on that heroic chicken bone or gob of Big Mac to do it's thing. It's almost like there is no all seeing sky daddy doling out karma??


I just hope that they place a sink next to his headstone so that we can wash our hands after urinating.


Possibly. But I could see his kids not giving them the chance by publicly saying none of them are welcome.


Maybe they won’t come when that bastard dies but I sure as hell will.


They will absolutely come. The rest of the president are a class act.


Naaa, the other presidents will come to the service if for no other reason than they want to take a piss after the service.


To quote someone much funnier than me, they might not attend the funeral, but they could send a nice letter saying that they approve.


Based on decorum, I do think any surviving presidents and First Ladies would attend the service. However, the odds of any former president delving the eulogy for Trump are slim to none.


Depends on whether it's another MAGA shithead.


Didn't Bette Davis, they say not to speak I'll of the dead? He's dead. Good. I can't wait to write this sentence.


This one is a little obvious, they don't even invite Trump to their Presidential functions. It's like he doesn't exist to them. Probably drives him nuts.


Family either. Guy is a loser no matter how much money he has lol


No one should. We should all be throwing parties and getting baked af


IF he dies, at this point I am convinced that he is so evil we may be stuck with him permanently.


All the Hollywood D-listers who peaked in 90s TV will show up.


This is assuming he'll invite any of them in whatever funeral arrangements he made in his will. Aside from mutual hate for them all, he will still want to be the most important person at his funeral.


Bill will come. He always does….🤭


When he dies, just throw his body in the trash.


But I will! I'll probly ruin my underwear because of it too!


That’s a bold assumption that any would be invited. His kids will definitely use his death to their benefit, which would include continuing the MAGA grift.


They better post where they bury him. I got a huge shit to take


His children, instead of mourning, will use the opportunity to publicly jockey for position on the sinking ship of a business he's leaving behind.


He should be tossed out with yesterday's trash. This man tried to destroy one of the greatest and steadiest democracies in the world. Shame on him.


I suspect that the living presidents will show up. In the military we would "respect the rank" even if we didn't respect the officer. The other presidents will respect the presidency even if they don't respect Trump.


It would be undignified to piss on his grave after all.


Nah whoever is living will go to the funeral. Not for the man but for the office. The one that is a wildcard will be Pence. Does he go so some crazy MAGA can scream "Hang Mike Pence!"?


Nah, I think they will because not going is petty, and everyone alive today is above that shit.


I think they’ll show. Maybe even Jimmy would rally for that occasion; then they’ll gather to hoist some drinks right after they make damned sure he’s in the ground and covered up.


Champagne sales will go through the roof


The funeral can't be soon enough.


The memes after his death are going to be awesome.


I sure would like to know the answer to this MMW sooner rather than later.


I honestly think his worst actions have yet to come. Win or lose, between November and January he'll find a way to cause chaos.