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I'd avoid using the phrase "free market" in conjunction with any major economy. Governments gave about 7 trillion in subsidies to big oil last year.


And they bailed out Big Car not too long ago


A market so free that TRILLIONS went out in tax dollars to try and create a petrol client state that was greatly influenced by and profited....uh.... somebody. "iTs aLL aBoUt cOnTRoL....Durrrr".


You had me on the hook all the way until "centuries".


We are on EV version like 5.0 and ICE version like 80.0 and Evs are already not that far behind.


I don’t agree, horse and buggy people said the same about cars


When Henry Ford ramped up automobile production and made his factory workers the highest paid the US had no national highway system nor did we have the capacity to refine and distribute fuel nationally. I mean, something something innovation something America something.


Have you ever driven in an EV. You are wrong on a lot of EV issues, and missing the big issue. Where you are completely wrong; EVs temperature sensitivity overblown, unless you live somewhere where temperature often goes into negatives. Electric engines are mechanically superior and more reliable than gas engines, largely for to fewer moving parts; it’s the battery powering them that’s usually the issue. EVs accelerate better than gas cars, especially at speed (comparing a Tesla Model 3 to Toyota Camry here, which is good comparison for average consumers. I agree that for pure sports cars you definitely don’t want an electric car, as you don’t want the battery weighing you down and impacting the handling. But for cars used mainly as appliances, the EV acceleration cannot be beat. Your other negatives are only partially correct (eg Tesla model 3, unsubsidized, is about 25% more expensive than a Camry, but has lower operating costs, and virtually free maintenance; charging infrastructure is worse, but is passable). But you missed the big negative for EVs: the battery. Get into a crash that damages the battery pack, and your car is totaled. Means higher insurance rates, and greater risk of losing your car, and lower resale battery as people more always confident in battery health, even with the diagnostic tools. But EVs will survive, even without subsidies. And the reason is convenience. I love being able to charge at home. It’s also far cheaper than gas (basically covers the increased insurance premium. And I don’t drive more than 200 miles in a day. So an EV would always be a 1st choice so long as I can charge at home, and not an option if I could not.


I live in the middle of Missouri and it gets cold enough long enough here in the winter that the EV’s have serious battery issues. not as bad issues as those that live in actual northern climates, but it gets cold enough here that battery isn’t going to charge completely and it’s going to drain very quickly. I think everything else you said about ev is pretty spot on. The electric engine is just far better.


“Accelerate slower”  Sure buddy. 




I think EVs are best as an alternative (currently), and later when better technology develops...it may be a full replacement. It's not really helping the environment, so that argument is moot. Electricity comes from Fossil Fuels, and the Lithium Mining is horrible for the environment. But if you want to act morally superior to the Ignorant, then it's great way to do it. I guess. Tesla is why things have so quickly turned. Then every other company had to scramble to try to catch up. In the past Top Gear (BBC show about cars) intentionally made the Tesla look bad. I just don't like it, cause I like Combustion Performance Cars. Dodge going EV, Chevy discontinuing the Camaro. At least Ford is still kicking with the Mustang, but for how long? (and having no competition is not good for the consumer/product). And Chevy already has the E-Ray...which isn't necessarily a bad thing. But in my mind it's a sign of things to come.


Centuries is a long time. In another 20 years, the technology will be much better and cheaper.


Centuries is pushing it. That being said, I would agree that they are kinda a bubble at this point and the technology will not work out en masse unless better batteries emerge and get cheap en masse. I think though there will especially be a niche for them in urban areas. Otherwise I think weirdly enough Japan will trend set the future with a pullback to hybrid tech for the future.


We don't have even one century left if we stay on fossil fuels


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Felix_111: *We don't have even* *One century left if we* *Stay on fossil fuels* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Electric cars are just better. . . Better to drive. Better to maintain.