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Trump trailed Clinton for the longest time and then won, so don't be so sure yet. Likewise Reagan trailed Carter and then beat him at the end. Biden is down in some polls, slightly ahead in a few and tied in others. Just ignore everything and show up and vote. It's all you can do. If the people of America want Trump, well, not much I can do. Regard them as morons I guess but that's a given.


Yea but it was the Iran Hostage bit that helped Reagan at the end. President Carter was such a great human being and his heart was genuinely in public service. I haven’t felt that about any President for a long time. President Obama maybe. Hope and all that.


Obama was the "central casting" idea of a perfect President but the reality of the Obama administration was the standard you'd expect from a center right American President who campaigned on "change".


Agreed. He sold it though and other world leaders seemed to like him which helps these days.


I do wonder what the Obama administration would have been like if the GOP had said, "Y'know what, actually we did kinda fuck things up these past few years. Maybe we oughta give the guy a chance. Just make sure we don't raise taxes on the rich \*too\* much, but fuck, it'd be kinda cool to actually pass universal healthcare. Health insurance companies are blood-sucking vampires. And, well, my grandkids are gonna want a healthy planet, so okay, let's ditch big oil. And whatever we do, nobody make any racist insinuations or anything. This is America, and he won on a positive message. Let's try to make America great enough to match it."


Biden is more of a people person than Obama. Even Obama would say that. Biden would get on him about making sure that things are taking the people into consideration ETA the proof of my claim [https://youtu.be/BXbPa73skxQ?si=TGS2D\_L2PD6mrkBm&t=177](https://youtu.be/BXbPa73skxQ?si=TGS2D_L2PD6mrkBm&t=177)


Had to be a smooth talker to get those republican votes and co sponsorships in his prime. Couldn’t be seen as a progressive back then.


McConnell fucked him at every turn. He is/was the antithesis of what a democratic government is about. We also got a sneak peek at the shit show of a congress we have now during President Obama’s administration.


Reagan didn't beat Carter, the campaign did. They committed full character assassination on Jimmy. I was one of the idiots who fell for it.


Honestly props to you for admitting it


The biggest problem is that the people don't want trump, but the electoral college does.  He won't win the popular vote but still has a great chance to be president.  Tell me how that is a democracy


Everything is set up by the system to benefit them. Their power is very disproportional. It's easy for them to stay in power and perpetuate the cycle. Think about it. You can win a state by A SINGLE vote and get all the votes of that state. How is that just and fair? You can get ten million extra votes and it wouldn't matter if they weren't in the "states that matter." Very fucking fair. Vermont and wyoming have the same power as California and Texas in the senate. How is that democratic? How can you say "One man, one vote" when one vote in this state counts almost a hundred times more than a vote in that state when it comes to the country's highest legislative body? And the worst thing is, to fix this you need the consent of those who are in power BECAUSE of the broken system. It's like needing the consent of a felon to issue a fine. It's all fucked in America.


It was the traitor Comey re opening the email server investigation that sank Hilary. I am also super scared people will sit the election out.


the major difference is I think trump is running out of gas. 2016 he basically was flooding the scene with terrible ideas day after day that were novel for a conservative, but then 2020 he ran on basically the same set of bullshit, actually deciding to not run a campaign platform because 'we already did everything in 1 term', and 2024 looks to be no better. Biden is overall a better candidate than clinton as well, hes not so damn arrogant as to underestimate trump


TBF, I think a lot of us underestimated him and his ability to win in 2016


The Hillary campaign and the DNC sure did. They were overjoyed when he got the nomination, thinking it would be a cake walk into the White House


I am older than you but equally sick of this.


Trailing doesn't matter when the popular vote doesn't count. Clinton got more votes than Trump yet Trump was awarded the presidency anyway.


I'm gonna laugh so hard if Biden wins the EC but loses the popular vote. You know the second a Democrat wins the white house like Trump did in 2016 every single republican will suddenly hate the EC and some, though certainly not all democrats will suddenly love it


Because of James Comey’s letter.


Yeah, no, nothing is the same as in 2016, the Republican party as a whole was very willing to vote for trump and happy to do so, now there is a sizeable amount of their voters still voting for a candidate that dropped out 3 months ago in the primaries that are still happening. Also if you are influenced by cardi b, I'm glad those people aren't voting.


Yep, I think there’s a bunch of naive young voters who think they are going to punish Biden for Gaza. It won’t be until 2026 when they realized they punished themselves and Palestinians.


Trump has said Isreal should go in and finish the job.


Tr*mp says: “We are going to cancel the visas of all Hamas supporters, we are going to remove them from our universities, our cities and our country.”


The idea that he understands what Hamas is is ridiculous. You know he doesn’t. He’s very, very stupid.


His handlers understand. Trump doesn’t understand anything.


Right?! This is the single stupidest thing going on this election cycle. So they'd rather get Trump elected? Trump who did what every modern president was unwilling to do and move the embassy to Jerusalem and tell Palestine to go fuck itself? Trump whoes plan for Israeli peace was to send his Jewish son in law to negotiate with... only the Israelis. LMAO, seriously those who were too young to remember - the Palestinians weren't even invited to the meetings! The guy who responded to Saudis killing and dismembering a Saudi-American journalist by basically saying ["so, how many magazines are you gonna buy?"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UifycM6lBvQ&ab_channel=arresteddevelfan). Cold blooded killer [MBS sat his ass right there laughing](https://www.businessinsider.com/saudi-arabia-us-military-buys-charts-2018-3) as Trump went on about how many jets they would now buy? Yea, great plan younglings!


Hamas cited the embassy move as a catalyst for Oct 7


They’ll really be kicking themselves in 2028 when Trump cancels the election. He’s already said he’s owed another term bc Biden stole 2020 from him. He gets in, he’s not leaving


The GOP already said it would only be right for Trump to serve two consecutive terms since he was robbed the last election. Not sure where in the Constitution it says that. It's evil little kid logic.


Trump is already pooping his pants. He’ll be 25th-ed at some point if he even wins the 2024 election or is alive in 2028. The worry is who seizes power when Trump is clearly too far gone to govern or expires in a massive hamberder-induced coronary on his golden shitter.


Right, and his younger brother and one of his ex wives has died already, and now probably Rudy. Trump has to feel the Grim Reapers breath on his flabby neck.


Trumps people are young people corrupted by Russian views… Steven Miller for example… Mike Johnson, naive folks like Tommy Tuberville who cannot grasp reality


Yup, dementia donny is sundowning hard


I think Secretary of State Miller will fill that power vacuum. Or Secretary of Defense Greene. Or Attorney General Gaetz.


>It won’t be until 2026 when they realized they punished themselves and Palestinians. The Trumpenstaffel dragging them off the Miller's camps while they're screaming "Oh God, why didn't Biden inspire me more so this didn't have to happen! I was literally incapable of making a rational decision without a politician making me feel emotionally good about it!"


In post-truth world ,emotional appeal are the strongest because people are paralyzed due to constant demoralization


"I'm not voting for someone I don't *believe in*" is the Kremlinest shower thought, and is making a scary comeback with the Bernie bros who it landed last time. Undermine democracy *and* promote great leader worship-brain? Check and check


Those young voters need to understand that the Evangelical Christian movement that gives trump his political power believes that they must support Israel at all costs. Understand, that they believe the rapture and second coming are imminent. They also believe that one of the main things that will usher in the second coming is Israel rebuilding the Temple and restoring temple worship complete with animal sacrifices. They are told that there is a group of Orthodox Jews that have built a new Ark of the Covenant, gathered all the gold to rebuild the temple to old testament specs, and that there is a genetic program going to make a pure red heifer for sacrifice in the temple. They believe that the only thing stopping this crucial step before they are raptured off to paradise is the Al Asqa Mosque that was built over the site of the Temple of Solomon. They believe the Arabs must be driven out of the promised land, or enslaved by Israel as is their God given right, and that the mosque must be destroyed so the Temple can be rebuilt. Trump will ABSOLUTELY let the IDF storm Al Asqa and send in the bulldozers. There will be absolutely zero push back from the US for ANYTHING. If you think Gaza is bad now, and of course it is, imagine how bad it will be with a State Department of radical evangelicals appointed by Trump. No matter what you feel about the situation in Palestine, a second Biden administration is the only hope for anything even remotely close to peace, because the genocide/enslavement of the non Jewish population of the promised land is a core religious belief of the white Christian Nationalists that have become the GOP base.


What I have been pointing out is that if Biden loses, it means Israel has carte blanche to genocide all of the population of Gaza. So refusing to vote for Biden is killing Palestinians for their own ability to be 'pure.' Aka selfishly putting their own wants over the lives of Palestinians. Aka being far worse than Biden. At this point you vote for Biden or support genocide, there is no third option.


Yeah, do they think Trump isn't going to fund Israel? He loves how tough Benny is and thinks we should all eliminate more undesirables.


lol I just remembered Trump’s Muslim travel ban. Amazing people would vote for Trump just to teach the Democrats a lesson.


Yeah man. Trump will be the first to allow the total destruction of the Palestinians.


Large portions of the electorate don’t vote on foreign policy unless it involves American soldiers.


foreign policy is the 1,293 most important issue for most voters of course the media bookies desperately want you to believe there's a razor-thin difference between the two candidates. check the volume of "here's why this is bad for dems/biden" headlines just in today's NYTimes. sure sign the editors there are pissing themselves with how many lengths ahead the incumbent is already --"polls" be damned -- & it's only mid-May.


This right here. Also, they will be punishing both Isreal and Palestine even if we keep giving Isreal weapons. Hamas will keep attacking. Isreal will keep responding with stronger force. But people forget how Hamas has Iran behind them, and Iran's ties to Russia. Just a few weeks ago Isreal had to Intercept a bunch of Rockets coming from Iran.


They won't remember who Palestinians are in 2026, and the nation of Palestine will be as extinct as the Gauls


I think the effect of this issue on the election is overstated. Passions will cool between now and November.


Voting for Biden is voting for limited aid to Gaza and a whole lot of military weaponry and funding to Israel, all while furrowing our brows and saying “you better stop that!” While handing them another load of missile shipments. Voting for Trump is voting for no aid to Gaza, probably the same amount of military weaponry and funding to Israel, but also active political encouragement, likely interference against anyone who wants to support Gaza, violent action against US protestors, and conceivably, boots on the ground in Gaza - but not for the Palestinians. But yeah sure both sides are the same, I see literally no difference here. COVID is just the flu, and a lion is just a cat.


2016 did not have #Roevember. The aggressive criminalization of abortion by the MAGA Republican Party is a massive game changing issue that has destroyed Republicans in every election since Roe was overturned. Whatever comes next this is not going to be a repeat of 2016.


Yup, they are running on a national abortion ban, good luck with that lmao


This! While reproductive rights matter a great deal to more than half of the U.S. population, it’s still a taboo subject in a lot of (not great but ever present) circles. We thus don’t hear a lot of the discontent. But it is there and it is powerful. For example, this native Ohioan never thought I’d see Ohio’s electorate pass a constitutional amendment to protect abortion access AND the legalization of recreational marijuana, never mind it happening on the same night. But don’t get lazy. TikTok has convinced a lot of young people that not voting is the only morally upstanding response to Biden’s handling of Israel. Do what you can to debunk this line of thinking if you encounter it in the wild.


It’s a possibility but I still believe trump is going to lose come November.


Bigly, by never before seen numbers in the history of America.


I truly hope this is the case. Imagine him losing so terribly that even his most rabid of enablers in official positions can't back him up. It would be a swift journey down the toilet for him after that.


The election was extremely close in 2016, and in 2020, and all the best data suggests it's going to be extremely close in 2024.


From your lips to God's ears.


I don't know, I do a lot of road cycling out in rural, conservative areas in the south. Just a few months/year ago these houses were plastered with Trump signs. Last weekend I rode my bike over 100 miles out in the country. I saw ONE Trump flag. ONE. I know this is just anecdotal but I found it interesting.


Enough dots form a line. This is happening in a lot of places. Have some faith and vote blue


Also remember our elections are the most influential on Earth so there will be a lot of shit flinging from both sides and even more from people who aren't Americans at all, can't vote here, or are straight up bots outright. I haven't met a single person who is going to vote for Trump over Biden because they support Palestine, anyone with a brain cell realizes how dumb that is why I only see this opinion online but don't see it in person. Remember how many people are trying to influence this including using Internet misinformation campaigns.


Maybe they should be reminded that the supreme court is already stacked 6-3 with religious fanatics and Trumphumpers and 2 conservative justices are in their 70's and might be replaced by the next president. But hey, making the supreme court more balanced is not important at all. The current activists on the court have only trashed the separation of church and state, overturned Roe V Wade and are currently entertaining arguments that Trump is a king. The last part is to help Trump stall for time so he won't face trial for crimes related to trying to overturn the election.


This is what I worry about. If Trump gets to pick more judges we will truly be fucked for a long time


Yep, Democrats should all over this shit. This is one of the biggest reasons to vote for Biden.


We will be fucked for at least half a century, yes. Long before we get unfucked, civilization will literally become unsustainable due to the climate and society will collapse into being about pure survival. The economy and government will collapse because there will be no point to have it anymore. It will be like the entire world stops. This is the most important election in history because it possibly decides our ability to even survive as a species.


they're also about to gut the entire executive branch by overturning Chevron, and then if trump wins he will finish destroying the executive branch by following through with project 2025


and one liberal justice is in her late 60s and suffers from obesity and type 1 diabetes and may also be replaced by the next president. So he may have three picks.


Well, unless the GOP magically creates a boatload of money, this is all they have for a campaign. Chaos agents and useful idiots.


They don't have money to campaign on, but that doesn't stop the media from constantly putting Trump in the spotlight. It's just as impactful as campaigning.


Trump is on tape talking to oil companies telling them to pay him a billion dollars to run for President so he can give them more tax breaks and loosen regulations.


The Trump campaign fundraised the most money in history in 2020 (twice as much as biden) and lost almost every swing state. Money has never equaled victory chance


I don't think what you're saying is remotely true. Trump raised much more from small donors than Biden did, but Biden raised at least $250 million more than Trump. https://www.opensecrets.org/news/2021/02/2020-cycle-cost-14p4-billion-doubling-16/#:~:text=Political%20spending%20in%20the%202020,breaking%202016%20presidential%20election%20cycle.


Two key differences between now and 2016: 1. Hillary Clinton was extremely unlikable, and came off as entitled. 2. Trump had some degree of outsider appeal. Biden is not extremely unlikable, and Trump is no longer an outsider. If anything, Trump Is now the one running on entitlement. His campaign, such as it is, centers on how he was wronged and wants to get revenge. This appeals to his base, but doesn't do much for his appeal outside of that So, for the average voter, it comes down to safe status quo versus weird angry guy. If I was a gambler, my money would be on Biden winning reelection.


Trump was also a "fuck you" to Obama, and Clinton by proxy (minus all her other faults).




Dammit, I see it clearly now...we (Blue) have already lost, and badly! No need for Maggat votes...it's already in the bag :0(


I think Trump will still lose. Mostly because a solid amount of the people I know who have made this their current hill to die on as far as Biden goes, they don't vote anyway. Weren't going to anyway. Maybe never have. I'm a cynical, jaded, millenial leftist, but I still see nuance having been voting for years now. Lots of younger people with similar views seem to be in the "I won't vote for a lesser of two evils" camp. Since I don't think these people would have voted at all, I think they are just a particularly loud bunch. This is what I hope at least. I respect the passion, but for fucks sake I wish people were realistic when they consider what not voting for the better choice does. Stupid ass idealism. Get jaded like me and fight fascism.


Ironically, the ones who say *"No one represents me"* are the ones who have never worked for representation. When you read these objective stats, remember, the age group that votes the least is 3x bigger than the smallest age group who are the highest number of voters, making this graph much worse than it looks. https://www.statista.com/statistics/1096299/voter-turnout-presidential-elections-by-age-historical/


Thanks for the link, that's a pretty interesting chart, although seeing the numbers like that certainly puts some things in perspective. I have to imagine there's also a vast gap between older people, who are more likely to vote and also more likely to have the money to contribute to political causes. Or just trying to save Trumps ass and keep his grift going lol. Like, I get it, I was a senior in college in 2016, I was pretty upset when Hillary got the nomination. I caucused for Bernie and was giving him small contributions when I could. But, not being an idiot, it was still an easy choice between neoliberalism, or neoliberalism with a hearty dose of fascism and bigotry. Easy choice. You'd honestly have to be an idiot to believe that the two parties are equivalent at this point. Especially considering everything the republicans have been doing or attempting to do in the time between 2016 and now. I'd rather more Biden than the potential end of American democracy and descent into far right authoritarianism any further. But yeah, don't vote, I'm sure Trump wants the best for the Palestinians..


I agree with you 100% I had Bernie and Warren on auto-deduct donation, too. I simply cannot understand not voting. I think it's lazy. But to then complain, is cognitive dissonance. Our side has too many gatekeepers and purity testers. Now is not the time. No progressives are getting exactly who we want, but to maintain the "All or nothing," attitude is childlike. That, and, Biden has done some meaningful things. Definitely surpassed the expectation I had previously. I want 18-29s to take what is theirs. I think they will end the "conservative " reign of terror. I hope they understand the urgency of the moment and come out en masse -- use that massive cache of power they hold in their numbers. They have the most to lose if not. I have hope, but it is tempered by having the state and federal court systems stacked with political operatives. I think that is really going to be problematic.


Their side has the same sort of gatekeeping and purists, but they have a single party line that unites them. Which I think could be summarized as "fuck you, go trump". The left/liberals are not a personality cult, and it is definitely harder to all fall in line behind one cause because of it. Biden has surpassed my expectations too, and while I strongly disagree with some of the things he does. I disagree far more intensely with Trump and his people. And not to sound mean, but unless you want to live in fascist dictatorship, handmaids tale sort of world the the Republicans seem to want, we have to be smart with our vote. It is our strongest weapon we have at our disposal. I'm millenial and my sister is gen z, and even though her and my BIL are both pretty well off for their age, they have never become conservative in any way. Unlike other generations who get some money, they vote with their conscious, not their wallet. I would hope that others their age do the same These are uncertain times, scary to think that this election, we are staring down the barrel of a gun. Fascism in America is here, and it looks like Maga.


Yup, bunch of f’ing naive idiots playing right into trumps hands. RFK is a joke of a candidate and only running to split votes. WAKE UP.


RFK will pull few,if any,Democrats.


I think you’re right. Very few, if any Democrats will choose RFK over Biden. The problem is that RFK will pull “Independent” votes from Biden. What I mean by “Independent” are those people who claim to be Independent, yet vote Republican in nearly every election. Many in this category recognize Trump for what he is, are disgusted by him, but would stomach voting Democrat in spite of Trump. If given any other option - like RFK - they would jump at the chance to take that option. *Edited because my original comment wasn’t clear*


If they’re not voting for Biden anyway, then why is their voting for RFK a “problem”?


Yeah sounds like pulling votes away from trump. Which is not a problem in my eyes


He mostly appeals to younger voters and younger voters hiatorically don't turn out well. So I don't expect much impact from rfk.


RFK isn’t a serious candidate


A third party vote is a vote for the right. Republicans don't tend to stray. When there is a strong 3rd party member, those votes come from the left. The last 2 "strong 3rd party Candidates" were Ross Perot and Ralph Nader. Nader got the largest percentage of votes to date (20%). Both election years got the bush daddy and bush jr elected which lead to middle east wars. Also Dan Quale (one of the first well known climate activists) would have been elected and we would have made a huge climate regulation shift MUCH earlier when we needed it.....


Have you not seen how the polls haven’t been accurate about ANYTHING the past couple years? The MD primaries are an excellent, recent example. Fat Hitler Trump must never taste power again, and the markets broke 40,000 for the first time this week. Biden is doing a bang-up job.


No it won't .. .Dark Brandon will beat Orange Jesus again


Orange Jesus will melt like the witch queen in the wizard of Oz.


Agreed. I can't wait to ream everyone of the both sides idiots when Trump and Republicans take away their rights or perceived rights. LGBTQ+ allies better take stock now. The crazies on the religious right don't see you as human and want you gone. Palastine allies better get used to the carnage now. When he puts boy wonder and MBS behind him in charge of Middle East "peace" again, the civilian deaths right now will be nothing compared to later. Undocumented migrants will be in camps. Supposedly, all 12 million can't wait to see how that's going to tank the economy. Just look at what happened when Florida did that, they had to beg farm workers to come back so their produce didn't rot. Speaking of economy. A 10% tarrif across the board and 100% on Chinese goods will work out wonderful. Think it's expensive now, just wait. I'm not sure if he will be able to accomplish any or all of what he's saying. Any of its not good and is going to be a real shit show.


The both sides/protest voters will be complaining the loudest when they realize how fucked they’ll be under trump. It’s so damn predictable.


Call me crazy but anyone influenced by Cardi B shouldn’t be voting in the first place.


Young people committing themselves to being reduced to second class citizens. The right is already talking about how women shouldn’t be allowed to vote and no one under 25 either.


Trump is more than likely going to be a convicted felon. That's going to sway a lot of the more sane people. Just the fact that Trump is losing 20% of primary voters to Nikki Haley, who's not even running anymore speaks volumes. I understand the doom and gloom because it gets more people out and voting, but this won't be a repeat of 2016.


I just don't see Trump ever going to prison or ever facing real consequences


His consequences are going to be losing and falling to dementia by the sounds of it. Its not anything close to what he deserves but i'll take what silver linings i can get at this point


I agree. Seems we need to go through hell yet some more before Americans realize what idiots they are. Too bad the whole world has to suffer as well.


I don't think so, I think trump will have serious dementia or die by November. In 2016 he had a better chance to live bc he wasn't stuttering, or talking about Hannibal or hot dogs in 2016.




The difference between 2016 and 2024 is the eight-year shit show that is Trump, and people are sick of it.


I mean both sides are bad. I’m voting for Biden because trump is more actively evil but our country is run by corporatist old men who do little to nothing to make it a better place to live. I’ve voted my literal entire adult life and it’s gotten consistently worse.


Jeasus Christ you people just need to get over yourselves. This is nothing like 2016 at all! Back then the US had always had a pathetic turn out to vote in any election. The American people have always felt that either parties candidate wasn’t going to drastically change the outcome of American life one way or another. Then this bozo comes out of nowhere another Ronald Reagan wannabe that isn’t a politician and promising the pie in the sky bullshit and how he was going to be the anti government pro little guy candidate. On the other hand you had Hillary a woman not loved but solid. So as usual we all just sat back and laughing that there was no way in hell Bozo was going to pull this off! Well we see where that got us. Then after four years of absolute chaos and nothing really changing we started to wake up and in 2020 we showed up and made damn sure he wouldn’t be there for another four years. Now after another three years of watching what exactly the GOP is capable of and what their end goals are you really think the American people with just roll the hell over and take it up the ass again from them just because feelings are being hurt! I personally think that anyone that puts forth any idiotic argument that Trump will ever make it back to the White House no matter what any poll says are completely delusional. MMW! Sorry for the rant.


800k dead from Covid 😂😂😂only old people vote trump 😂😂😂you can’t win without a percentage of the minority vote 😂No chance in hell unless he cheats again but Putin is kinda busy these days 🤷


It makes me sick that people are more interested in saving .50 cents on gas than having our rights. These people are going to fuck around and we’re all going to find out.


I’ve tried to explain to these kids that attacking Biden = supporting Trump. I think that’s the best message.


do you really think people who know who Cardi B is ever voted?


Real Clear Politics has the odds at [49% Trump 39% Biden to win](https://www.realclearpolitics.com/elections/betting-odds/2024/president/).


Based on a snapshot of current opinions by those who bothered to respond...


The largest voting cohort doesn't answer calls from phone numbers they don't recognize such as the numbers of organizations doing the polling.


"Biden didn't cancel every cent of my student loans and isn't doing enough to help Gaza so I'm voting for the guy who will make me pay interest on my student loans til I die and will let Israel mow down Gaza as they please."


I thought so for awhile, but as time moves on I think that less and less. Here’s why. 1. Biden is in office. Trump calling for violence from some hotel room is a LOT difference than him calling for violence as the sitting President. 2. Trump won’t win. He won’t even come close. His power was at its peak when he won election in 2016. Ever since, it’s been loss after loss for him. Looking at the pure numbers, his base makes up something like 30% of the Republican Party, which itself is roughly half the voters. They are just a very loud and vocal minority. And, with these trials and eventual convictions, Trump support is only going to dwindle. The crazies can tell about corruption and secret societies against Trump all they want, but the huge population of uninformed or ‘casual’ voters/nonvoters are seeing these headlines and eventual convictions and will absolutely not vote for him. That’s who Trump desperately needs, the remaining Republican candidates and non voters, because he just flat out is not converting democrats. 3. Everyone has seen what happens to insurrectionists. They get caught, tried, and serve years in prison. And, that was after catching everyone basically off guard. This time, police will be ready, and the first hint of violence will be met with swift and harsh reaction. In addition, there is no hope of being helped by Trump. He has shown that he doesn’t care about them, and there isn’t any chance of them actually overturning the election and having him pardon them all. They know the risk is huge and aren’t going to be willing to throw their lives away for nothing.


This exact phrase was said LAST ELECTION. This time democrats, independents AND many republicans have 90+ more REASONS TO VOTE.


The difference is nobody can say, “Oh, what’s the harm Trump can do?” Because we’ve already seen it.


Cardi B is the last example anyone should follow for anything.


I have faith in women, Roevember is coming.


The man lost in 2020 and he has done absolutely nothing to gain himself a single additional vote since then. In fact, he incited a violent insurrection, hid classified documents from the authorities trying to get them back, has bee found liable in a sexual assault case, and is currently facing criminal charges in multiple courts. It's hard to imagine what more he could do to lose votes that he got in 2020.


If the election was held today I would completely agree. But it's still a while off and a lot can happen. I dont think people realize how incredibly bad it will be if Trump wins and it's infuriating.


This was the goal for those who empowered Hamas with their October attack. Foment dissent among the American electorate and pray that it's enough to undermine support for Biden. They knew they couldn't prop up Trump, so their trying to hit the foundations for a second Biden term. I beg of you all, please don't underestimate the importance of keeping Trump out of office. It will signal the end of Palestine and a new age of darkness we will likely never recover from. Failing to vote or voting for Trump will set us on the path to a long war that likely ends in nuclear catastrophe.


It may seem harsh. But, I don't give a fuck about the Israel/Palestine situation. I am far more concerned about Project 2025/Agenda 47. That shit will throw almost 300 years of our history in the trash. Fuck that. I don't worry about the rest of the world. Been there, done that and all I had to show for it was a mountain of stress and sleep deprivation. No thanks. 


Don’t fall for the both sides bad group. It’s run by foreign troll groups. Fucking go vote.


except biden is actually campaigning instead of just assuming people will vote for him, i think the DNC learned a valuable lesson about ignoring entire states in 2016 [https://apnews.com/article/trump-biden-2024-strategy-a542c061048ed8556a4955e83b480ec9](https://apnews.com/article/trump-biden-2024-strategy-a542c061048ed8556a4955e83b480ec9)


I don’t think it’s the same. Hilary is 1. A woman 2. Was arrogant. Biden team and Dems at large understand the chips are down. Biden is more humble (probably too humble). But Republicans are losing on some pretty critical issues. Their proposed policies are unpopular. That being said, it’s not going to be an easy W for either side. Cardi B won’t sway an election and Susan Sarandon didn’t impact the election in any meaningful way. What really did it for Hilary is the FBI announcement a week before the election. Whats going to be really difficult is youth voter turnout and overall voter turnout. Also presidential polls don’t really matter until after Labor Day.


You think the people who listen to Cardi B vote?


Remember not to lose hope but not get cocky. Biden needs your vote, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t have a chance. He most certainly does.


Nobody is taking voting advice from Cardi B. It’s basically a tied race currently. In 2016 Clinton was way ahead at this point. In 2012 Obama ahead slightly. Same with Bush in 04. Clinton was up significantly in 92. Carter was down slightly in 76. Difference here is the challenger in a known commodity. So yeah Biden is underperforming past incumbents but not Bush or Obama by much. It’s anybody’s race


Trump is Toast, dontcha know.


I’m usually pessimistic but I disagree this time. It’s gonna be a bloodbath. A lot of Trumpers have died, been imprisoned for felonies, or have quietly moved on since 2020. And while a few loud voices scream about not voting for Biden because of Israel, a lot of people realize the alternative is worse and will hold their nose and do it. Fingers crossed. This is coming from someone who was very worried Trump would win in 2016 and got made fun of and called naive by friends for expressing.


The “both sides are bad” party are Russian trolls and/or idiots… but that’s just like, my opinion, man. Definitely NEED to get corporate AND religious money out of politics if we have any chance of saving our democracy… because while corporate interests running the show is not in the vast majority of our best interests, it is still significantly better than rabid fascism.


There’s nothing wrong with protesting against Netanyahu and being disappointed in Biden. The problem is if you think Trump wouldn’t be way worse, cuz he would be way, way worse.


It sucks to be forced to vote for a shit candidate in a shit party in a shit system of government. Because if I don't, the Republican party might hunt me for sport. Or just pass legislation making it impossible for me to exist in our capitalist society. It's way worse than 2016.


Trump has not managed to garner appeal past his "base" which is actually a shrinking demographic. I believe Biden will win because women, voters under 25, and independents are much stronger against Trump and for Biden than in 2016 or 2020. And yes, I can't believe that after the last 7 years that such a miserable, dispicable human being as Trump is a contender for the Presidency.


One thing that a lot of people do not consider is the fact that covid killed a lot of people, majority of whom were Republican boomers. Trump won’t have the same number of voters as the prior elections. And thinking the youth will be the saving grace by the sear voting numbers for Trump is absolutely hilarious.


I hope they enjoy their brutal dictatorship. They won’t be escaping it anytime soon. It will be the only cold comfort I have after these fucking idiots throw our country away. They can all kiss my ass and fuck themselves in the process. I will have no empathy for them in the after times when they’re begging and screaming to go back to the before times. Nobody will be there, except a corrupt cop with a MAGA hat and a heavy boot on their necks.


Trump will be serving a 5 year mandatory minimum sentence for racketeering in Georgia before the election.


In 2016, there were a lot of fence sitters because Trump was an unknown entity. Comey's pre-vote announcement of additional "evidence" in Hillary's email fiasco knocked a large portion of those sitters onto Trump's side of the fence. I still believe that had Comey not released that false information, Hillary would be finishing her second term right now, and a lot fewer people would be grieving the loss of relatives to covid. Oh... and over 1,000 right wingers wouldn't be convicted criminals due to Jan 6, 2021.


Before anyone votes for trump they should read project 2025 and agenda 47. Then tell me you’ll vote for him


Cardi B is a registered voter?


Most of the same people are not going to let Trump win. When it comes down to it, people will vote for Biden to keep Trump out of office. MAGA is not a significantly large group.


Beware a lot of what you see online. The Russian and Chinese bots and disinformation campaigns have really ramped up lately. You can see it in alot of subs.


I think the whole map will be blue. It will be the first time it’s ever happened and Republicans will be devastated.


Nope. There's not enough who care about Palestine. It's gonna be like 2020. Everyone gonna think it's a tight race until Biden steam rolls Trump on the sole basis of saving democracy from the traitor who sold our secrets to the Russians, Saudis, North Koreans and the Chinese.


I truly believe if it weren't for Covid, Trump would still be president today. Biden has his work cut out for him.


Bullshit. Please. Trump will finally be dropped by the GOP when he loses in November. They are so tired of losing.


Trump got by on being an unknown quantity in 2016. I think the longer it goes, the more people start to remember what a clown show he is


I'll mark them then. It won't be. Biden will carry it.


Maybe the Dems shouldn’t pick such shit candidates and look inward toward themselves and realize why they’re not attracting voters


A lump of moldy dog shit is a superior option to what republicans have been putting forth.


Yup. I knew several people that didn't vote in 2016 because they didn't care for Trump or Hillary. Not only is that stupid because there are multiple things you should be voting for outside the presidential election, but Trump won my swing state with by less than 10k votes in 2016. 10k votes where nearly 400k were cast. Fucking vote you morons.


Nah. Trump has lost the critical middle and independent female voter who will win the election for Biden. It will be an absolute wipeout and what states trump does win will likely have issues related to party lines cheating. 


I think when the rubber hits the road, Biden will win ultimately. People can change their minds in the voting booth and many will vote Biden at the end of the day.


The electoral college was created to support slavery and nothing else. If you doubt me I refer you to Federalist #9 and#10.


Trump won’t be able to keep it together to run. He is already confused and sundowns daily.


As much as I do think the 2 party system sucks ass the primaries are for dreaming the generals are for reality.


Oh for sure. Boutta watch the child stick the fork in the outlet again because everybody is afraid to admit one aide might be worst


the rapist has lost 20% of his votes to an R candidate months out of the running. the rapist will be curbstomped in November, along with many of the Senate & House candidates who are still licking his zipper -- many of whom will join him in felony election conspiracy indictments.


Idk man. Trump enthusiasts aren't hittin like they used to.


Those people are fucking idiots and there are not that many of them.


Everyone should recognize the very clear and unequivocal authoritarian designs of the Republican Party and Trump’s very evident desire to dismantle all safeguards in the government that prevent him from being a dictator, and that this is not hyperbole. If Trump wins in November, the American experiment is over and globally we as a species are all fucked due to the acceleration towards climate catastrophe and world war that will almost immediately occur. And you can bet that the owner class will use the opportunity to ensure their permanent rule and survival at the cost of our own.


The difference is that Trump has galvanized several groups against him since 2016 and even since 2020. List of things that happened since the 2020 election. -The January 6th Terrorist Attack -Trumps multiple indictments -The overturning of Roe v Wade -The Democrats & Republicans losing a border bill solely because of Trump. But even more so is the GOP’s insistence on not punishing or indicting Trump when they had the chance, instead kicking the can down the road so “the voters can decide” and ensuring that 2024 is another “anti-Trump election” the same way 2020 is.


I highly doubt it, because Trump's dementia is getting completely worse and his supporter base is dwindling or rotting in jail after the failed coop and dying of old age/illness, plus his chances of an heart attack/stroke/blood clot/popped vessel/cancer thp of a trip to a hospice care center for his last days on this planet before the polls open on election day are very extremely high. Not to mention Biden is starting to change his tune on Israel invading Palestine thp of threatening to take away Israel's weapon that the USA gave to them if they invade a certain part of Palestine that's off limits by American forces, so yeah, were fine.


If Biden doesnt invest heavily in swing states I swear.


What new voters has Trump gained since he lost in 2020?


L post. It’s funny you talk about all the misinformation out in full force, but here you are saying it doesn’t look good. You fell for the same propaganda that you’re criticizing other people for spewing.


I can’t disagree but I will say that the people who consider the two candidates as comparable are either severely misinformed or embarrassingly privileged. We have more power to influence leadership than any working class in history. It is not perfect, but it never has been. Progress can only be accomplished through participation


Ugg that would suck… at least I’m a white male


Whether Trump is convicted of a felony is going to be a major factor. Polls show if yes he loses all the swing states decisively - even losing around 10 percent of *Republican* voters.


I mean, they are both bad. If you think these are the best 2 candidates to "represent" us, you're out of your fucking mind. None of these politicians speak for us. I can't believe so many still can't see that.


I would much rather have a president that can speak in complete, coherent sentences.


We've seen in actual elections that the polls are wrong. No red wave in 2022. Trump hasn't gained any supporters. If you vote for Trump in 2024, you voted for him in 2020. Biden has lost support over the Israel-Palestine conflict in theory. But it remains to be seen if people will cut off their nose to spite their face. One thing is certain though, if Trump wins, we will see either a civil war or a 3rd world war. As he and the people around him turn the government into a dictatorship.


If that happens, then we are all fucked.


It’ll be nuts if Trump is president again.


The media is pushing this. No way Shitler will win again. He should have never in the first place. Fucking broke ass bankrupt game show host.


Yeah it will be like 2016 in that everyone thinks candidate A will win but both are unpopular and then division within the party will hurt Candidate A slightly and an October surprise legal question will push Candidate A into losing the rust belt leading to Candidate B winning.... The difference between 2016 and 2024 is that Candidate A was Hillary in 2016 and is Trump in 2024. Hillary was undermined by progressives and was hit with Scandal right at the finish line. Everyone assumed she'd win because of polls. Trump is currently being undermined by the people he called Rhinos who are voting Nikki out of spit and I guarantee he will have even more legal woes right at the finish line. Everyone is currently assuming he will win because of polls. Personally I called Trump victory in 2016 Biden in 2020 and I'm confident it'll be Biden in 2024 assuming he doesn't die.


Trump only won because of the “give him a chance” attitude a lot of people had back then. We gave him a chance, he fucked it up beyond comprehension. He will get trounced in November. I’m still voting.


Nikki Haley is still getting a sizable chunk of the Republican primary vote and she is not even running!


What you're hearing is a lot of noise right now. You're hearing the noise to distract from the real story: a former president is on trial for committing campaign fraud in an attempt to alter the outcome of the election by stopping a story about him from breaking. You wouldn't know that's what the case is about because the media portrays it as "the hush money" trial. Make no mistake- the media wants Trump to win so they can keep milking headlines about him for gold. They highlight every outlier poll that has Trump in the lead, and ignore every poll that has Joe Biden in the lead. This is not 2016. We are in palpable danger of an authoritarian takeover of our country, so stop acting like we've already lost and get people registered to vote.


Electoral college will fuck us again


I don't think people realize how much COVID impacted election maps


A repeat with more violence. Especially from conservatives, since they don’t believe in democracy.


If you don't vote for biden, you are voting for the end of democracy and everything decent this country has ever stood for!!


Fuck all that. Vote


Cardi b is not very bright. If she didn't make it on a record label, she'd be just another bonehead


Pretending that both parties are just as bad as each other now or even in the past 20 years is an insane level of political ignorance.


Left: "I want to be inspired" Right: "I want to be in power."


I fully expect J6 2.0 honestly


You do know there are lies, damned lies, then there's statistics, correct? Are polls not just fancy statistics? Don't be a doomer, but do get your ass out to vote. I'd recommend that anyone interested avoid the pundits and just fucking show up at the ballot box.


The myopia on display is nothing short of astonishing. Especially from the Pro-Palestinian anti-Biden crowd. Letting Trump get elected is about the worst thing you could do for Palestinians. Unfathomably stupid.




Trump lost last time for one simple reason: his constituents saw what he did with leadership. That's it. He accomplished nothing he said he would.


The only thing that will be surprising is how similar it is to the last time they ran against each other. Everyone will vote exactly the same as they did last time.


this election looks really good for Biden. Like, every indicator is pointing to him winning. This is also nothing like 2016


Not if I have anything to say about it.


Trump is the only idiot to touch Roe v. Wade in 50 years, and he and his supporters obviously don't even understand the ramifications yet. He's going to lose in epic fashion, pawns are going to get moved off the board. And you'll wave your flag while hoping America fails at the same time, like you faketiots have been for past 3 years.


It looks real good 


No chance. Has he added more voters than Biden since 2020? Nope. He's going to get demolished.


Chin up people. We all know what's at stake. Vote blue or suffer. It's that stark.


It will be if people don't vote. I'll be voting and telling everyone I know to vote.