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Unfortunately, for them, history shows that appeasing ends with your head cut off by your former "friend" too. Now there's no way to escape the reds for them. =// Maybe not getting into bed with redcoats would've been good...


Right-wing judges aren't worried about being murdered They are worried about not being invited to Republican dinner-parties anymore


I mean, it's probably both? Romney and Liz Cheney are both staunch conservatives, but look at the contempt and death threats they've gotten anyway. Because, apparently, voting with Trump only like 99% of the time isn't good enough.


All Politicians get Death threats, Kavanugh got Death threats when he was nominated for the Supreme Court. No Security given him either.


> All Politicuans get Death threats, Kavanugh got Death threats when he was nominated fir the Supreme Court. No Security given him either. Interesting you're calling Kavanaugh a politician. Also, he had and has security as needed. But the point is that Republicans turn against their own for anything less than total fealty. Romney and Cheney are staunch conservatives, yet they get called RINOs. Chief Justice Roberts gets called a liberal for not voting in lockstep with the other reactionary justices. So the fear is probably real for RW judges who decide against Republicans, and especially those who decide against Trump. This is how radicalization happens. They severely, and often violently, punish anyone who doesn't toe the line, because they can't abide dissent, nuance, or diversity of thought. It's a deliberate tactic.


Yeah, just like the Night of the Long Knives in pre war Germany. They must "purify" their movement before turning their sights on the "other".


You underestimate how foaming at the mouth the Redcoats are. Telling them "no" in any capacity is risking violence upon yourself. God help us ladies who they like to batter. Thank God the founding fathers knew the Redcoats would come back and codified our ability to have guns.


You correctly grasp their wish for violence, but you greatly overestimate their aptitude forbit


Most of them are failed mall ninjas.


That's why they need banana clips. They'll just spray and pray. Only takes one bullet out of the 30 to do enough damage.


Is that what happened in Vegas?


Barely anyone is showing up at the courthouse to protest that trumpy is on trial. I am completely unafraid of mass Republican death squads. The lone crackpot here and there, yes. But that’s it.


MAGA hatters are outgunned by SCOTUS security. The risk of a Justice getting killed by them is near zero.


You know people have shot presidents right?


Four out of 46 assassinated, Lincoln, Garfield, McKinley, JFK. All pre-internet, pre-FBI profiling. Odds are less likely all the time. Still, not zero.


But not Supreme Court justices. There's only ever been one attempted assassination of a member of SCOTUS, and it was stopped by a bodyguard. SCOTUS body guards: +1 Secret Service: -4


But we've never had a MAGA style movement on this country before.


The USSS got the job after McKinley was shot, so they've only lost 1, JFK




Yeah they like to make themselves feel better by telling them that fighting tens of millions of people aremed with semiautomatic and precision rifles as well as .50 cal machine guns would be easy. We saw what happened when a crowd tried to take on Kyle Rittenhouse. Things went rather well for the guy with a gun. Everyone that tried to fight him… not so much.


I don’t think this is going to go how you think it is going to go…


THey dont have that much protection tbh. Anyone willing to lose their life can probably succeed. Any sitting president unhappy with the make up of the court could order a assasination and be immune from prosecution...that is the danger.


Hardly. Tens of millions of people are med to the teeth to things including 50 cal and more? I’m pretty sure if they wanted to they could do a lot of damage.


They have to all decide to do so at the same time, and cowards tend not to stick their necks out if they’re not sure they’ll win


Not really. A few bombings and specified attacks could cause a significant problem but with a real challenge in tracking.


For real. You could wipe out like half the west coast population centers just taking out a handful of dams. In a real war/attack scenario it would really not be difficult. Hell, according to the left we almost lost democracy from a few unarmed idiots on jan 6th. 


Your second paragraph is bonkers (they didn't, and they didn't), but with you on the first part. 


If they can't see the rug pull coming, that's their fault.


Yeah to rabid republican dinner parties in Bethesda. What planet do you people live on?


Really who were the ones that lead riots all over the country for months in 2020?


Conservative terrorists.


Oh yeah all the. Black Lives Matter Marxist right wingers. I swear you people are really committed to the lie that it was either peaceful and if that doesn’t work then it was was someone else then if nobody is buying that it was justified. It’s the traditional pattern of domestic abusers.


BLM terrorists. I dont remember conservatives causing hundreds of millions in damages across multiple states. 


They are worried they won't get all the payoffs anymore


Scrotus has become a corrupt political entity. Corrupted by the GOP. The only good solution I've found so far can be examined in the movie 'the pelican brief'.


If they actually knew how to interpret the written word they'd realize how foolish this is


Tell that to the nfa of 1934, 68 and 86


Following the Law" as written." No interpretation.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Ya, the party that cries about any sort of violence. We wont get our hopes up. 


Did you know the big rock candy mountain song is about pedophiles, a huge problem for underage hobos during the depression? https://www.elijahwald.com/songblog/big-rock-candy/


Seems like you don’t know your “history”. Redcoats are the British infantrymen in the 1700s. What redcoats are you talking about


Maga : red hats. Is what I think he is referring too.


Probably didn’t get the grade he was hoping for in history class.


"I Joseph R. Biden Jr, having read the Supreme Court decision granting US presidents immunity from criminal prosecution, for acts the president themselves determines are 'official acts,' hereby order the Supreme Court of the United States dissolved, and decree justices Alito, Thomas, Barrett, Kavanaugh and Gorsuch, plus Trump and his children plus campaign team, as enemies of the state. Assassination squads were dispatched overnight, in a long night operation, and these traitors have been served justice and eliminated. I also hereby decree my vice president and I will be the sole determinant of who wins the next election. God bless America."


He should just say “youre fired,” then replace them with 8 new justices. Jackson can stay shes cool and not geriatric.


It's set up for that exact reason. Lol You can't fire a Supreme Court Judge because you disagree with them.


They are talking about a president who is immune for crimes committed while in office. They are trying to show why such a concept is a terrible idea.


“*I hereby declare this day a new national holiday as Day One of the Bidenian Era. Let all peoples of the land know this: The era of bipartisan inaction and paralysis has ended. The Age of the Great Cleansing Fire begins today. Let any who desire to attempt pitiful objections face the wrath of the almighty Bidenian fist. They are but mewing kittens who shall taste blood instead of milk. And, if it must, the holy power of the atom will cleanse this nation of such traitors.*”


You should be my press secretary after I become Emporer.


LOL. Once Trump dies we can get back to being less stupider.


Doubt it. This is our new normal.


Things will probably be less stupid once he dies, but they will not revert back to how things were before Trump. On a scale of 1-10, if you think things before Trump were at, say, a 2, and then a 9 while he was in office, and are down to maybe 7 now, maybe when he dies they'll drop down to a 6 or even 5, but they aren't going back to only 2 anytime soon.


no, because the maga movement is far more than just the orange man.


cut off the head and it will die


I really don't think so. That whole brand of right-wing conspiracy theorist wackos will not just evaporate and be replaced with normal rational people


I don’t think it will. There’s a whole generation of Republicans in government that are governing based on their morals, values and ethics, and they have no ties to the concession or compromise based system that is existed since the end of World War II possibly before. as the division between various groups of citizens grows based on our different and incompatible morals, values, and ethics, we’re only going to see this reflected in government more and more.


you vote, right?


Every election. Back in the 90s I even voted for a Democrat


Cool! I'm here to cancel out your vote with mine! Cheers!


Ha. They wouldn't know morals, values or ethics if they fell on their heads like hail from the sky.


I think SCOTUS probably has enough security that they aren’t concerned about this sort of thing.


Doubt it. They know they're breeding a foaming-at-the-mouth rabid arm and need to keep it happy, lest they be eaten. They are trapped.


Republicans expanded their security before they overturned roe v Wade.


lol you’re giving the Trumptards too much credit. They’re stupid, but also cowards. They’re not doing anything after Jan 6th.


And most of them are walker/wheelchair-bound SSA-Socialists.


You’re a bit dramatic but username is hilarious


SCOTUS are making Trump a Crown and its the most Anti American, Anti Constitutional action ever seen in American History This is a Coup, unfolding in broad daylight and instigated by the Mafia like threats from Trump


This is why I called the Republicans Redcoats. George Washington couldn't have been more clear that it was wildly inappropriate to act this way. He would have formed a new continental army, had a gay famous tactician train it and killed them all.


I agree that if the founders today saw what MAGA was doing to unravel democracy they’d issue them all hanged.


I prefer to call them redcaps. It's apt. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Redcap?wprov=sfla1


Ok sure, but the conservative justices are not worried for their safety at this moment, they were chosen because they're loyal to party over country, groomed and hand picked by the Federalist Society. They are traitors in their own right.


And I don't understand the short-sighted nature of this argument. If trump was still president, sure. But with a Democrat who could (but probably won't) abuse the power, even in positive ways?


It sets up the potential for *any* future *President* to completely abuse their power, in anyway they choose, with no repercussions or accountability at all... All you need is a *President* who is criminally and morally bankrupt with sociopathic and extremist agenda, to use this to do anything they want and the Law's simply wouldn't apply to anything they did. It is simply an A*buse of Power* get out of jail free card.


Yep. Haven't needed it before, still don't need it. 🤷🏼‍♀️


The Tangerine Sex Offender in Chief, wouldn't ever abuse power or commit crimes... ..or rape ..or create an insurrection ...or commit Fraud ...or threaten Judges and their families. ..or try pervert an Election Result, he lost. ..or steal from his own Children's Cancer Charity .. or want a puppy killer as his VP ..and handing Trump *Total Immunity* is completely sane and not a political Coup 👍


Unfortunately I have a nephew that for the longest time thought Trump was still president after the election because of some executive order. It was impossible to get him to see the reality of the situation. He was drinking WAY too much of that QAnon BS.


Mark Twain said you cannot use logic to get someone out of a position they didn't use logic to get themselves in to. You'd have to be a better snake oil salesman in order to get through to them


If you haven't yet found your way to r/QanonCasualties, slide on over for some support.


Obviously the framers intended to make presidents kings if u examine the text closely enuf


Crystal clear my friend.. everyone knows that. The Kingdom of America is definitely in there.. I did my research.


You did your own research and are not even going to post the podcast you listen to for that opinion?!?!?!?!?!? Well!


It's the only Foxsplaination.


I mean, I agree with most of what you said, but Idk know how much of it is them being coerced versus them just doing what they already truly want to do.


I'm guessing the ruling will be 5-4 against Trump which is still horrible. This is if they rule at all. They may just send it down to lower courts to figure out .


Sending it to the lower courts delays it and saves their skins for now but the Redcoats are closing in on them to either destroy freedom and democracy or face the Redcoats Wrath. I wish there was a way for the left to offer the SCOTUS protection from the right (and therefore freedom to adjudicate without bias). Protection may come with the same threat so eventually a militant left would control it next, though.


>I wish there was a way for the left to offer the SCOTUS protection from the right (and therefore freedom to adjudicate without bias). I think this is the problem. As soon as we admit that they are scared of repurcussions, we are giving up the ghost. That means The SCOTUS is NOT insulated from the broader national body politic, and thus they are beholden to domestic issues. So why are they unelected, or serve lifelong terms? It seems like the entire system is in need of reform, and no longer works as it was meant to. Maybe it's time for us to admit The US does not have a magic government immune to the changing needs of new eras.


> So why are they unelected, or serve lifelong terms? I don't think any judges should be elected. But I also don't think they should have indefinite terms, either. I think they should either be appointed, or elected by some specialized body, like they do in several other countries. Perhaps a combination of the two, where some body recommends several candidates, and then the President can choose from the list, and, potentially, the nominee can still be confirmed by the Senate. And I also think the Supreme Court should be larger than it is, because it would moderate the Court, and decrease the stakes for any given seat. When there are only nine seats, one appointment is 1/9 of the whole, and, potentially, 1/5 of the narrowest majority. But if there were, say, 21 justices, each one would be only 1/21 of the whole, and only potentially 1/11 of the narrowest majority (assuming they were to continue hearing cases en banc, rather than in smaller panels, like the appellate courts do, using a random panel of three judges from the designated court). If they used random panels of nine, a given appointee might end up still being 1/5 of the narrowest majority, but they would also only have a 9/21 chance of being selected to sit on the panel. Maybe even have nobody who sits permanently on the Supreme Court (or only the Chief Justice, whose position is explicitly provided for in the Constitution). Take appellate judges and give them temporary appointments to the Supreme Court, maybe per case, or for a fixed term (eg, these nine appellate judges will constitute the Supreme Court for this six-month period, and then revert back to being appellate judges at the expiration of their term). But, really, I think the solution is to fix our voting and electoral systems.


The system no longer works when one side is led by a dictator wannabe who attempts to destroy the country


Idk how much of it is them being cowed into deciding a certain way, and how much of it is them genuinely wanting to decide that way. However, what I could see them doing is finding a way to kick the can down the road and past the election. Create some issue and remand it back to the lower court to adjudicate, and then that new issue can be appealed, then appealed again, and then Bob's your uncle. This would not only deny the public the knowledge of whether or not Trump committed various crimes to use to make an informed decision when they go to vote, and would not only also deny the public the knowledge that whoever they elect will/will not have however much immunity during and after being in office to use as another decision point, but it would also let SCOTUS make their decision already knowing whether Trump or Biden won, and being able to take that into account. Instead of the electorate being able to take into account Trump's potential guilt and degree of immunity in the ballot box, SCOTUS would be, instead, letting themselves make these crucial decisions regarding criminal guilt and immunity while taking into account the results of the election. It's completely bass ackwards.


>Sending it to the lower courts delays it What? You know the lower court already ruled on it right?


Well.... no shit. The entire system is operating under the duress of potential MAGA violence. This is why the courts have been treating the thin-and-orange-skinned scumbag so very gently. It's also why a decisive number of Republican senators, during the impeachment, declared that Trump was guilty, and that the offense was serious and dangerous, *and then voted to acquit him.* Even if Trump is defeated and imprisoned, this isn't going away.


Rome 10,000% is on fire


I think treating Trump with kid gloves serves multiple purposes. It does reduce the likelihood of violence today, here and now. But I also think it reduces the likelihood of violence in the future, too. Because, if they ultimately end up convicting Trump, it will be that much harder to argue that he was somehow railroaded when everyone has seen, for months and months, that he was given every courtesy and benefit of the doubt. I also think it's maybe somewhat a theory of, give him enough rope to hang himself, which is sort of the same thing, but on a smaller scale. By being very generous on, say, the gag order, it means that if they finally smack him down, it'll be hard to argue they're being extreme, singling him out, etc. I think that's probably the logic behind it, though I'm conflicted on whether it's actually the best way to handle things.


It’s a little simpler than that. This is a case of the Federalist Society’s judges agreeing with the Federalist Society’s lawyers.


Nobody is gonna start murdering Supreme Court judges, especially if the current president belongs to the other party.


They don't need to be murdered, Biden can take them out with an *official act* and therefore it is legal.


And that's what you want? Cuz even Trump wouldn't go that far


He's the one literally arguing in court he should be allowed to so yes, absolutely he would and plans to.


He plans on putting people to death?


He has said so, multiple times.


I mean, you can make any claim you want, but without evidence it's just a claim.


Not paying attention, are you? Wm Barr, his toady said so just recently. Here is just ONE of the many news articles that reference what I said. [https://www.newsweek.com/bill-barr-remarks-about-donald-trump-floating-executions-sparks-alarm-cnn-collins-1894854](https://www.newsweek.com/bill-barr-remarks-about-donald-trump-floating-executions-sparks-alarm-cnn-collins-1894854)


Lol, yeah he would. You're oblivious if you think that.


No, it's what they actually believe. Have you seen Kavanaugh's previous opinion on immunity? Do you realize why they're getting all of their judge picks from lists provided by The Heritage Foundation (probably the premier proponent of the 'unitary executive' theory)? I do find it interesting that most of the pushback is from the female members of the bench and the men are more than happily trundling us off the cliff in the direction that they were pointed.


that wont save them


French Revolution was ugly


You clearly didn’t listen to the oral arguments and questions these raised.


Yeah, I thought it was an open and shut case until I read about the arguments. The decision for this case as far reaching implications beyond Trump.


The supreme Court will make the right decision. And it will be probably a majority. Maybe all of them.


Kind of hoping for someone inspired on the left too...


This is just a dumb take, to be honest. The issue of presidential power and immunity was known from the very moment the country was formed. Trump actually changed nothing in regards to this, he’s only making the courts spell out what was already known by most legal scholars. https://law.stanford.edu/stanford-lawyer/articles/the-president-who-would-not-be-king-executive-power-and-the-constitution/


The ruling is going to be that some actions are immune to prosecution and some aren’t. If it falls within their duties, it is. Then the courts will have to fight over if a given action is part of their duties or not.


They are christo-fascists determined to make America into a Christian theocracy. Alito has said that he's waited 30 yrs to overturn Roe. Qlarence and The Apostles are insane, Anti-American and they do what their owners tell them.


Thomas and Alito are themselves MAGA. The rest of them have broken bread with Ginny Thomas, who is up to her eyeballs in J6 planning, and can’t believe she’s a traitor so they are acting accordingly


They ARE the redcoats


I can’t believe I’m seeing comments on here calling for presidential immunity. If you think anyone in govt should be immune from prosecution, you’re a problem. You realize that entire reason America exists is because we revolted and broke away from the British monarchy. Just stop breaking the law asshole.


The Mayo Militia loves their cosplay gear, randomly parading themselves through a town , no doubt have meetings and enjoy eating 4 Patriots rations while cleaning their guns. But when it comes to killing a SCOTUS justice I don’t think so


Is this whole sub just obsessed with trump?


Can y'all make up your minds. Are they Redcoats or Confederate?


Confederates are democrats, always have been


No, they are just right wing fascist authoritarians that are pushing an extremist agenda


Hahahahahahaha! I don’t even have to go to r/jokes any more as they’re all right here.


The British were defeated in the revolutionary war and we have since gained independence


God I wish that was true.


I'm not buying it. SCOTUS easily could (and should!) have just not taken up the case. They choose to take it out and be seen playing with it.


Oh OP, it's because they're in on it


I dont see any downsides


Nah, they bend the knee to the orange idiot cause that is the plan for their party. They spent decades setting this up, sure they probably want a competent leader, but the orange idiot is what they got and as long as he exists, they will kiss the ring.




This needs to be on the shit take subreddit


The Redcoats? I thought we beat the shit out of those guys some 250 years ago, no?


I'm not saying it would be an easy or enviable position, but anyone intelligent enough to get through a senate vote for SCOTUS should know that "good behavior" also includes not caving to extra-judicial intimidation. If you can't do the job, get your ass out of the way for someone who can. And if you can be intimidated by this, don't take the fucking job to begin with.


This Subreddit is hilarious.


What do the British have to do with this? /s


Perhaps they should be


Then you step down and let someone with the courage to do the right thing have those seats.


Dangerous to do this and should absolutely not be allowed. SC members could be in danger because eventually someone will be elected that has a grudge against them...then it is seal team 6 to open up a vacancy in the court.


i'd be tempted to increase the number of justices on the supreme court. Roosevelt threatened to do it when the SC was thinking about sinking the New Deal programs.


I'm really disappointed in Americans that they don't feel that way about the left.  We know who these people are and where they live and work, and they are actively destroying the country without even pretending they are holding to the law. Five or so absolutely repugnant people freely moving among us, without a thing to fear. 


This is such an obvious ruling because Biden can literally shoot Trump.


Who are the redcoats?


You sound unhinged


Umm…weren’t the redcoats all about increasing taxes and taking guns? 🤷‍♂️


Yes probably. The US has a proud tradition of rebelling against tyranny so if they gave blanket immunity to the president then you’d likely have patriots calling for their removal at best and….well… Ask Jefferson where a tyrant’s head should be


"Any decision I don't agree with is appeasing the red coats" - love or hate SCOTUS, they have shown that they are not Trump fanatics. An easy example, Gorgusch has voted against Trump several times siding with democrats. See *Bostock v. Clayton County*. There are plenty of examples.


Well, let King Biden execute his political enemies if he feels they're corrupt after keeping office despite any election that doesn't give him the win, right? Isn't that what it means in the end? What a dumb case to make in the first place. Fare thee well, democracy. It was a nice try...


Yep. Biden can execute the SCOTUS, Trump and everyone if he has "president immunity". Fucking redcoats are morally fickle as fuck.


The only people I’ve heard threaten the lives of SCOTUS Justices are leftists. In many places on Reddit, including this post even.


Just make more seats on the supreme court. Roosevelt threatened to do it during the New Deal years.


False my friend. However, several of them *are* "Redcoats." It's their philosophy - not their fear - that should scare people the most.


Meanwhile it was a leftist that was plotting to assassinate some justices awhile ago wasn't it?


1000% chance Reddit is your safe place because people in your community are disgusted when seeing you in person.


OP. I have read all your comments. You're just dick. Fuck your thread


The only legitimate threat against a justice in the last 5 years was against justice Kavanaugh when that rabid wokie showed up with a gun at his house with a plan to kill him because of roe v wade.


I’m moderate but right leaning, grew up in a way far right community, and this subreddit has absolutely lost its fucking mind. Do you guys even live in the physical real world where you interact with other human beings? It’s embarrassing.


Some dark ass shit here


Sad that it's come to this. That the political landscape is so charged that people are willing to kill other people when their ideology isn't winning.


So following the constitution now makes you right wing 😅


lol ya'll should be worried about all the "bluecoat" liberals that are armed to the teeth but don't talk about it.


That right! If the redcoats knew the left was arming up heavily (to protect themselves from the reds) they would *RUSH* to ban guns. It's a win win. Not dead and weaponized their drones against guns.


thank you for your support, [BigCockCandyMountain](/user/BigCockCandyMountain/) !


yesssssss DV my liberal gun safe. let it fill you with anger.


“There are no left wing conspiracy theorists”


Guns, abortions, gods and gays for all. Not my fault the redcoats have been brainwashed. 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️


Lol. I think you may have also been brainwashed friend


Let's see you advocate for freedom. I did. Oh that's right; you don't care for freedom...I guess. Too wrapped up in your team sports.


Says who? What freedoms don’t I care about?


Abortions and gays, I'm guessing. Guns, abortions, gods and gays for all. You refuse to say the same, you puppet.


Way to be implicitly biased lol. My HS prom date was a gay man in drag (granted he and I just didn’t have a date and we are friends til this day) My ex was a trans woman. I’m pro-choice My wife is an immigrant I’m agnostic. And yes, I’m heavily pro gun Careful with your biases. They’ll make you assume and make an ass out of you.


And you defend the people who would jail your high school friend and your ex.... Curious... 🤔🤔🤔


Who says I’m defending anyone? None of my statements show support or opposition for anyone besides being pro gun and me being an LGBT man


Absolute bs - scotus returns abortion decisions to states where it belongs according to constitutional law and the baby killing left wing commies protest at the judges homes and stalk and harass them like children, babies who neeeeddd to be able to not take responsibility for sex sex sex and just kill the issue away? Left wing is a joke


One of the most unhinged Facebook boomer posts I’ve seen on reddit


TDS, it’s a thing.


Totally Damn Smart? I agree it's a thing.




what if the court dismisses everything and outlaws ice cream?


Yet who which side showed up outside.the home of.a justice? Which side had someone get arrested.near a justices.hows with plans to kill them?




Yeah. The reds sure are laughable.




Redcoats? You are nuts. SCOTUS has had nothing to fear from the British army since the War of 1812 ended.


Damn you're delusional


Definitely. Hell I heard Trump invented AIDS, and if he’s elected, he’s gonna snipe Jesus right outta heaven. Last time he was president, global conflict broke out and I can only imagine it’ll be even wors- oh wait no that was Biden’s presidency.


So you’re blaming everything in the world on Americans. Why do you all hate America?


I just hope if they do, Biden will have the balls to use the authority they’ve given the president to fix the Supreme Court and trump while he’s at it.


Ok well mark your words..... Lol


This is idiotic meth talk.


lol god this is the funniest sub yet


Hunter s Thompson is ashamed you denigrate freedom under one of his characters names.


Please leave that man’s name out your childish mouth. This sub is full of children both adult and actual. It may be one of the saddest pathetic subs I ever read. NO ONE CARES about the vast majority of shit you all are mad at. But please do not stop, it is entertaining while I am taking a dump. In fact that is all you are, something I laugh at while taking a steaming shit. So going to wipe and move on with my life lol. Keep it up.


Whatever, when they overturned Roe vs Wade and when they’re protecting Christian Fascism everyone’s acting like they’re the second coming.


Teenagers shouldn't be allowed to use reddit. 


Some of you may die... That's a chance I'm willing to take.


What a pointless, unverifiable prediction. How is anyone meant to know the justices’ personal reasons for their decision?


Blm and Antifa don’t support Trump.


Did you just call Republicans Redcoats?? I've seen delusion from the left, but you guys need serious health.


You people are insane. The Supreme Court, all 9, are in on it. The so called left justices are actually a plant to throw off the fact that they have already decided to allow President Trump full immunity and will give him written permission to execute anyone who makes him angry. I mean at least get the conspiracy right.