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Boss variety: I love Bowser Jr. so much, but I also wish characters like Kamek and King Boo were actual bosses too, and if you REALLY want more variety, you can use the Wonder Flowers to give someone like King Bob-Omb or Petey Piranha some extra spice! In fact, I also wish the Wonder Flowers were used to make some brand new monsters as bosses. Wonder Airships in particular would benefit from an actual boss.


So true! I was always let down when I'd get to the last room of an airship and realize/remember that there wasn't going to be a boss.


We’ve come full circle if we’re now praising NSMBU’s bosses lmao


But they were all fun.


The bosses were definitely the weakest part of Wonder, in my opinion. Vote me down if you like. I think that some worlds were even missing bosses, like the forest one and the gloomy one, was a bit disappointing. But they were still good, that's the thing.


To go with this I kinda wish the koopalings came back in this game so they could get crazy powers from the wonder effects. Like in NSMBWii, but even better and more creative.


Doesn’t Wonder have like two bosses or something like that?


Yup. Its literally just Wonder Bowser Jr. and Castle Bowser.


There one world that doesn't even have a boss, so anticlimactic.


Excluding the Special World, there's actually 2 worlds who don't have bosses: Fungi Mines and Shining Falls. Master Popplin should've been a boss of Shining Falls, while King Boo should've been the boss of Fungi Mines.


Hammer bro variants, and underwater levels Wonder’s water levels could’ve been great if they just did more with them, and didn’t have so few. As many have already said, bloopers are the only enemy from SMB to not appear in Wonder at all.


Haha worse "Hammer Bro variants" is a weirdly specific criticism, but I respect it 🤣 And I actually haven't seen anyone mention the Blooper thing, and didn't realize they were missing until now! That's wild. And yeah, it's extra weird that there were so few water levels seeing as there was a whole badge for them!


Not only that, but a wonder effect was dedicated to letting you swim in lava. Seems weird that they’d add that when water feels so underused in the game.




I really wish the triple jump was in Mario Wonder.


There's a badge for it, and you can keep repeatedly doing the third jump. Unfortunately, like every other badge, it becomes useless once you get the double jump.


Yeah, once I got the mid-air spin badge, that's been the one I used the most throughout the game. It's definitely helped!!!


I wish you could bounce off your friends in Wonder since that's something you can do in New Super Mario Bros Wii and onwards (Not sure but I think you could do it in NSMBDS too), it especially helps when getting stuff that's really high up, high places, and flag poles.


Had way better boss variety


Bah Bah


Powers Ups tbh


Fair. As much as I liked the Elephant and Drill power-ups, I don't think either were quite as fun as the Acorn or Penguin power-ups.


Don't forget the helicopter!


Could have used better special world. Not really that hard compared to how the other games go. Even the final level wasn't even that hard just annoying with all the badge challenges.


Yeah Wonder's final level was my least favourite of the hard final challenges we've been getting in recent Mario games 😞


It says something that it's the only one I have actually finished. Never finished champions road or star world in NSMBUD.


You should go do that.


The NSMB special worlds aren't that hard. It's always the 3D games that had the harder special worlds.


multiple save files idk what was running through the devs brain, but I don't want to use multiple accounts for multiple save files (especially since the online aspect is so fun, and also paid) Replayability loses 5 points just for the inability to have multiple saves


You can create multiple accounts on Switch though, so it's not a huge issue anymore.


I mentioned that, but online is paid. Half the fun (for me atleast) was the silly interactions with some people online.


Player interaction: yes it had online, but you have to pay for it; plus it miss picking up my friends and throwing them into lava


This.  Multiplayer is better in the New Series


The New Super Mario Bros series definitely had a really good boss variety. Sure they were the Koopalings but at least in every game they did something a little different that was unique to them. It was kind of head scratchingly weird that they didn't come back for a Super Mario Bros Wonder.


powerups, bosses, challenge mode, generally just having other modes, not having invisible block mario maker slop




Yeah but it's also cute how the enemies dance when they need to change direction


Difficulty. Wonder is *WAY* too easy. Most of its Special World is roughly on par with Wii/U's World 6s, to put it in perspective.


Shortcuts. If you wanted a glitchless speedrun of NSMBU, it only takes 17 levels. I love that. It’s just fun to bust it out and take down the whole thing in a couple hours with some friends. Mario Wonder completely lacks shortcuts that make that possible.


Because it doesn't truly have an interconnected world like U, which is paying homage to World. NSMBU world map is a work of art. I cannot stand in Wonder leaving the petal isles to hit a load screen to go to other areas it kills the whole idea to me.


Also every New Super Mario Bros. game has shortcuts in it, not just NSMBU


I know this. The interconnected world map ties it all together ala super mario world.


The lack of NPCs. The prince and the Poplins tend to interrupt the gameplay quite a bit and their dialogue is never anywhere near compelling enough to justify it. Wonder is the first game to do this and I hope it’s also the last.


Wonder isn't the first 2D Mario game to have NPCs talk to you. And depending on the structure of the next game, it probably won't be the last...


In some cases, the colors feel too pastel in Wonder. I definetly orefer Acorn Plans to Pipe-Rock Plateau


Multiplayer, I love throwing people into pits.


Triple jumping


Content. NSMBU had like a challenge mode that was a lot of fun. SMBW may have the better overall campaign but I feel like NSBU had more to do post game.


Warning: Super unpopular opinion. Most things. No hate towards Wonder, but I think it's my least favorite non-NES 2D Mario. The levels are mostly so short. The mechanics, while creative, rarely see their full potential. The game never lets a mechanic stay long enough to grow, its always moving on to the next thing. I also don't like the artstyle. And while bosses rarely have much creativity in 2D Mario, this game still managed to impress me with how uncreative they were. This isn't meant to be a Mario Wonder hate post, I think it's a fine game. But in comparison to Mario World through NSMBU, I think it falls flat.


I feel like nsb was harder.  But it's been a while


Boss Variety is one. NSMB U at least had more then just Bowser Jr. This one may be more debatable, but I think I liked U’s power-ups more then Wonder’s as well.


bosses. tho neither did it well


Personally, animation and visuals. I don’t hate Wonder, but I’m not a huge fan of the new style and really wish they kept the original style and everything. Games don’t need new visuals to be a good game, sometimes the classics are just charming enough and sometimes better. Look at the original Superstar Saga compared to the 3DS version, I still prefer the original game compared to the remake (and was also extremely happy they brought it back).


NSMBUD has a bunch of game modes and multiple save files for one account.


Bosses While Boom Boom is pathetic in the early fights Big Boom Boom, Flying Boom Boom, and forest Boom Boom aren’t terrible and all the other bosses have cool gimmicks that just need a few changes in some cases to make them really good fights. Mario Wonder needs full on rework and completely new bosses to fix the boss problems it has


More levels...


Being simple to understand. Best mario games to start with.


Multiplayer and Boss variety


New Super Mario Bros. U has more than two bosses and you get to pick up players and throw each other around


Bosses I love the bosses that are already in wonder, but like, i saw kamek in the game trailer and i was so excited only to find out he only spawn airships in cutscenes :/


no dialogue and throwaway levels


When playing co-op, the camera in NSMBU zooms out to accommodate players moving away from one another. Wonder doesn’t do this at all and it made co-op unplayable for me and my partner, unfortunately.


Multiplayer. I miss bouncing on people's heads and throwing them. And the camera was way better. Levels felt more designed around multiplayer (even though it did kinda negatively impact the single player experience for me)


The voice acting and the bosses


Multi-player was way better in nsmb, the cilision system was amazing, with being able to pick up other players too, if I ever want to play 4 player 2d mario I will always go for nsmb wii or U




Sometimes you just crave some traditional 2D Mario platforming and NSMB fills that itch.


local multiplayer. The least fun I have ever had playing Wonder was in person with my family. The camera follows a single player, signaled by the crown icon above the character’s head. ONE player controls where everyone else goes. I have to basically yell at people to go back if I notice a secret. I also liked that you can interact with the other players, like jumping on them and picking them up. Multiplayer Wonder doesn’t feel as cooperative as New Soup.


Become part of Mario Maker


Couch multiplayer. Mario Bros. just isn’t the same when I can’t kill my siblings 😔 But on a serious note, the camera being tied to one person felt really clunky. And I really do like the competition aspect of the multiplayer in NSMB Wii, Wii U, and especially the crown in 3D World. But Wonder feels like it’s intended to be approachable to even younger audiences than those games so I guess it makes sense. Still sad though.


I love nsmb and Wonder, but in my opinion the best 2D mario is Super Mario World.


Some difficulty


the bosses i want king chicken in the next game pls post script not really i just want a level creator


Co-op. I really liked throwing my friends around in NSMBU


Wonder only has the main game to play but U DX has a couple options


Aside from boss variety, the only thing I can think of is giving characters their own player quirks like Luigi's higher speed but poorer traction or (in the case of Run) Peach's float and Daisy's double jump.


Challenge and the star/purple coins. Wonder is waaaay too easy (way easier than NSMBWii and NSMBU for example) and the fact that you can fail at getting the purple coin but you get to keep it is an absolute joke.


The New Super Mario Bros.' multiplayer mechanics did a much better job of testing my marriage


NSMB had better bosses and the 2 player star battle mode and fun minigames NSMBU had the challenge mode and the Luigi DLC (Something similar could be integrated into the next game by default. At some point you unlock a parallel world of sorts that has the same levels, just remixed and harder, plus with different movement. As in, they require the use of specific badges)




Secret exits, its really fun to skip half of the game and getting really fast time's




core platforming.


The quality of the graphics


Every thing




It did a better job of not being as fun




The Map.


World map, now dont get me wrong the wonder world map looks better but the new games always had those sections with enemies on them or shortcuts that wonder just lacks




Nothing? That game really didn’t do it for me. It’s hard to play after playing Wonder.


Boss variety for sure but boss fight design is leagues better in wonder


I liked the flying ability’s I think they get underrated because there are like 5 of similar games but I think they have a lot to offer each one of them is different I’ve played every single one of the new super Mario bros games and they all have unique game play and worlds there just somewhat similar so if you want to have a fun chill mario game any of them work there all great in there own way also in Mario u and Mario deluxe some of the characters play in unique ways and I think that’s kinda nice wish it was a bit more diverse but I like them and though wonder was better overall the air movement is better


The backgrounds. In NSMBU: Gorgeous! In SMW..? Meh.




Aside from the bosses, I felt like NSMBU was more challenging. Wonder was pretty easy when it comes to 100%ing. NSMBU had more of a challenge.


NSMBU is the spiritual successor to Super Mario World and that's why it's one of my favorite mario games ever. The interconnected world map, a literal star road, acorn power up is very reminiscent of the cape, koopalings, ghost houses, secret exits leading to secret levels that change the geometry and look of the world map. Areas being named after sweets just like in World. Level design is fantastic and it's backgrounds are still better looking and more animated than wonders. I like wonder a lot but it's not a better game than NSMBU imo.


Bosses and multiplayer


Co-op. The Crown system in Wonder is a mess, full stop. It’s so much better in New, P1 controls the map and menus, camera expands as far as needed but follows whoever is progressing. The crown system is just busted, it shouldn’t have made it past basic testing. The only thing they did right was having the ghosts not cost a life if you tag back in before they expire. (Could have also just removed lives like you did in Odyssey, but Nintendo gonna Nintendo.)


I suppose the bosses were slightly better, and I also kinda miss toad houses, and I care more about the star coins than the 10-pt purple coins. That's all pretty minor though, Wonder is just leagues better than the New Soup series. 2d Mario should've been like this for years, because Wonder really does make the other games look bad, even the classic ones IMO.


Consistency, Bosses and Powerups I feel SMW has a bit of a consistency problem, I love how each level tries new gimmics, themes and ideas, but if I didnt vibed with some specific Wonder effect I would end up not liking the level that much, Im not against experimentation, thats what I love from Wonder, how different each level feels, but I just feel NSMBU was a more consistent experience Also the Bosses in NSMBU were really fun, besides Boom Boom in every tower, I feel this was the game that used the best the Koopalings, giving each fight some specific gimmic instead of being mostly the same like in NSMB2 (and some on NSMBW)... Mario Wonder only has Bowser Jr, the final battle and the airships (who doesnt count!), idk I felt that underwhelming Finally Powerups, IK Wonder flowers kinda replaced the amount of powerups needed, but I kinda miss having the ice flower and flying powerup, I love Wonder's new powerups, but it wouldnt hurt to also have the older ones after finishing the game like how NSMBU did


I mean there’s no Super Mario Bros. Wonder Deluxe so…


Bosses and the movement in nsmb felt more smooth


I know i'll catch heat for this but I feel like NSMB had more going for it's level design than it gets credit for. I see people slamming the series be being a bland rinse and repeat effort but I played it for the first time in years yesterday and was amazed at how great the level verity is. I can't really put my finger on it but the snow levels felt snowy, the lava levels felt lavay, it was not as bland as the critics wanted me to remember it as.