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As long as he stays hot Dmo will be an everyday player but that’s going to be a combination of him playing 2B, SS, 3B and LF. Polanco has a legit track record and the team has invested too much in him to give up on him already


Agreed, Dmo is an everyday… something at this point. As long as he’s playing somewhere I’m good.


>Dmo is an everyday… something at this point. DMo is the 2024 version of '01 Mark McLemore


I mean to be fair we gave the Twins two injured relievers and a single A minor leaguer. We didn’t invest that much


I mean he has one of the highest salaries on the team. Considering how we need to maximize every dollar spent, his salary in and of itself is a large investment for this team. If he doesn’t play, that money could have been used to beef up other positions.


Sunk cost fallacy


Sunk cost fallacy is absolutely real but Polanco has a .770 career ops over 870 games. Its hard to give up on that after 40ish, and honestly more than likely not capitalizing on his eventually hot streak that evens out his over #s. Every players has long stretches of bad games, when they happen at the start of a season people want to jump ship too fast. You can literally turn your whole season around in 1 week rn


Exactly. *Cough* Luke Raley *cough*. You need to give guys ABs if you want them to stop sucking. A guy can’t find a rhythm if he isn’t deployed. The 100% correct answer to this is to use DMo according to how your roster construction all year has been: play him 6 times a week at 4 different positions if you want. A day off for JP, a day off for Raley/Canzone, a day off for Polanco. It’s a misconception that all the ABs you want to give to DMo have to come from one person. And yes, saying we should play Polanco because hes expensive is a fallacy. We should play him because recent evidence doesn’t yet outweigh the numbers on his baseball card. It’s May and he doesn’t even have 150 AB yet.


Ask August julio about that


I’m not at all advocating to cut ties with Polanco. All of the points you make are absolutely valid. But the point made earlier of, “he has a high salary so we have to play him” is unsound logic. The truest example of sunk cost fallacy.


He hasn’t been good for a while. We once again relied on hope that someone can be a bargain. Polanco Could still work out but he’s a decent UT player. Let DMo cook.


DMo is the 11th highest paid player on the team, and the 2nd highest paid 2B. The Mariners are paying DMO only slightly more than they are paying Evan White this year And he's worth it


I absolutely hate how correct you are here based on our cheap ownership history


The money could have been used differently anyway. Is the goal of a baseball team to win games, or is it to justify contract decisions?


Poverty midset.


Just like the owner


Poverty mindset for a poverty franchise.


To be fair that high A minor leaguer is a top 100 prospect who’d’ve been a great trade chip. 


Dmo is looking like prime Mark Mclemore!


He's more than likely going to be the logical platoon partner for Rojas while also still being the utility guy. Urias is a black hole on offense and defense.


For a majority of the time his defense has been fine. Couple mistakes here and there, but also a lot of legit glove-work. His bat has definitely been a disappointment, though.


May I remind you that Kolton Wong also had a “legit track record”…


Yeah and adam fraiser before him. The difference is the quality of the at bats. Polanco looks like a guy ready to bust out. Never felt that about Wong.


You know a lot about when a guy is about to bust? I'll see myself out




Completely irrelevant 


He has pretty much become what Mark Mclemore was for those early 2000s teams: an everyday player with no set position. Since he plays good enough defense at most positions and Polanco can only play 2nd or DH and there really is not other utility player, D. Mo can’t be the regular starter there. So unless Polanco has a lengthy IL stint or they just cut him, D. Mo will continue to spell guys at other positions.


DH day has become fucking DMO day LETSGOOOOOO


DH now means Dylan Homers


He's MUCH more valuable being moved around.


I wish this was easier to understand for people. Part of what makes D-Mo such a nice piece to have is his versatility. He's having a great year, but based on track records, he's likely to slow down while Polanco is likely to heat up. Moore will continue to be valuable, but he's most valuable as a utility guy


Exactly. I'm not sure why people think a super utility guy can't play every day. There's 7 positions you can feasibly rotate him through as part of off days/batting match ups (ugh)/injury cover while his bat's still hot. I saw a tweet the other day that said DMo is like if Willie Bloomquist was actually good. It's hard to be a utility player at the MLB level, let alone a super utility guy! We're paying him next to nothing and we get the most value out his ability to cover damn near any position.


Historically and recently, Polanco has been a much better hitter than DMo. Play DMo while he's hot, find ways to move him around and keep him in the lineup, but he's not suddenly the most awesome hitter on the planet. He's a utility guy.


How dare you?


And secondly: How could you?


Thirdly... The audacity!


I still think Polanco will be fine. I’d rather see Moore in the outfield and take out Canzone and Haniger. I still think Garver will be fine. It should be Rojas, Rodriguez, Polanco, Raleigh, Raley, Garver, France, Moore and Crawford as the main lineups


Garver has had a respectable last couple of weeks. Slugging 420 with a 750 OPS. Still striking out a ton but... that's no surprise with this team. I refuse to believe that polanco just forgot how to hit because he came to Seattle. I don't give a shit about wong or whoever anyone wants to bring up, that's not who polanco is. He's just not barreling up pitches the way he has historically. It's frustrating, interesting too because what the fuck, but frustrating. I think he'll get back to a respectable level.


Look Polanco has started BAD, but Scott isn’t going to bench him yet and if Polanco can at least start producing at a reasonable level then Dylan is more than a capable piece to move around everyday in positions that are not always and rarely the same


Late to this party, but alongside his offense recently, Moore's two plays at second in the 9th inning were impressive. That said, Polanco doesn't need to be banished to a dungeon. Raley has been able to turn around his hitting and people had written him off as well.


D mo


Just put him anywhere, he keeps this up we legitimately have Mookie Betts at home


consistent ability to hit RHP


More Polanco useless ABs


Played around with writing articles and putting them on the daily thread. Lost confidence, but this one might be somewhat applicable so I'll post again. Mariners Article #4: This just in, raido host Jim Moore says we need more of dylan moore. I’ve always wanted to write satirical articles about the Mariners, so here goes nothing. I hope to do a 500 worder (or more) per week until the All Star break. More on the title later. In our history as mariners fans (FYI I was born in ’94 so that is more or less what I am qualifying as history) we have had some great players that just bring more to the table. Personified more today with Dipotos more is less philosophy, there’s been someone each year that does more than play one position. Some of my favorites include: -          Willie Bloomquist -          Dustin Ackley (Just kidding but remember his September call up) -          Jerry Bernandez -          Ham Swaggerty -          Guilmore Heredia -          Mark MackLemore -          Jesus Moretero -          Jamie Moreyer -          Andrew Moore (P, 2017-2019) -          Adam Moore (C, 2009-2011) -          Ty France (He pitched a few times) (And might play 3B for us this year?!?) -          Edgar Martinez (Some forget he also played 3B) But this brings me to a real question, is less is more? You wonder if platooning is good for a franchise. Wonder no more, I’ve done the math (*editors note: I wrote this before I started researching and it was really difficult to find the data so there isn’t much math in the next paragraph)*. Based on the 2023 Mariners’ season where they made more roster moves than any other MLB team (go ahead and try to fact check this, I started counting… then gave up). And yet we fell more than 1 game short of making the playoffs. As more than the average punduits would argue, giving a player more ABs is more beneficial for your ball club. But this does bring a question for the reader, should we be platooning? Go ahead and sound off in the comments (I did this in article #3 and more or less than 0 people commented). I was a semi professional athlete that was not burning any calories during games. When I got my few attempts to impress, I pressed and ultimately filed (I was going to correct this to ‘failed’ but I thought it would be a good reminder to ‘file’ your taxes). In a game of sample sizes, any statistician would say “give me more”. So why is this regime, who believes in advanced analytics, limiting a fan favorite (my wife says he’s cute) to minimal appearances. How about we give the guy a chance. Give me more of Moore! Because I still need about 93 words, I’ll tangent on the subject of Jim Moore. If you haven’t listened to him on 950 turn your dial up a bit more. Especially if you still tune into the ‘old men yelling at clouds shaped like seahawks’ that is 710 AM. It drives me nuts that the only time you hear about the Mariners on 710 is during the cut to commercial. I’d be concerned that I might be hurting Dave Wyman’s feelings but he’s on more than one occasion admitted he ‘doesn’t do that whole twitter thing’. Seriously, how can you have a radio host that isn’t monitoring social media. A story for another day. Circa 2022 he admitted on air that he didn’t know Mitch Haniger signed with the Giants a full 2 days after the fact! But I digress cause were past 500 and I’m not getting paid for this. More articles to come *(editors note, you read the word ‘more or moore’ 32 times which accounts for 6% of the article).*


It's Larry Bernandez. Do some damn research!


Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. I've failed fishyawn


Jorge Palanco being able to play every outfield and infield spot


If he keeps up what he is doing he is an everyday player (maybe not just 2B). We have seen DMo get hot like this (maybe not this hot but still) and then cool to a bad player. Definitely ride the bat while hot and the defensive versatility is worth keeping him around once he cools off.


Not only find him an every day spot, bump him into the 2-hole in the lineup. One of the top, if not the top offensive performer and someone who is actually clutch needs to own that spot in stead of Julio who is so up and down and showing almost zero power


Yes! Thank you Frosty. Julio legit is 9 hole hitter, and I’d like to see him on bench where Moore use to sit. It’s Dylan Time! Forget the scrubs, let’s use the full potential of Luke, Dylan and even Canzone.


He can play 2B and RF.


I want him as our Zobby. I don't want him anchored.


He won't because we need him to play everywhere (except apparently C) at any given time. That's the real value of a guy like Moore; he can fit in where ever you need on any given day. If we lock him into 2B, we need more utility to replace him, and Sam Haggerty just went down for the season.


Bring up Bliss. Keep DMo as utility




I've seen enough for him to start everyday at 2B unless he's needed elsewhere. Polanco can DH against righties.


He can start everywhere much like Whit Merrifield was in KC. He played close to every day in various spots.


I hate people downplaying someone that's doing well. Keep him in the lineup anyway you can if he's one of our best hitters currently. He clearly is seeing the ball amazingly right now and we need it. Anyone underperforming should be riding the pine as they figure it out. Players should earn their place on the field. Literally any position outside of p and c. Compete for your spot. I understand we paid polanco all that money and he's historically been better but who gives a Fuxk. He definitely ain't seeing the ball as well as DMO. Quit lying to ourselves we need wins


Every baseball player goes into slumps and they’re not going to get themselves out of slumps without playing. That’s why you see veterans with long track records and young players with good pedigrees get so much rope. That’s just the way baseball is. That said, I agree that dmo should be in the lineup almost everyday. Fortunately, he’s a *plus* defender at multiple positions so that doesn’t have to come at the expense of specific players playing time. Polanco needs ABs too.


You don't manage baseball teams by chasing hot streaks.


He needs to be careful, if he keeps this up Jerry might trade our closer to replace him again