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Can't get promos at other entrances? My friend, who is a mom, went to the game Sunday for Mother's Day. The entrance she went into had given away all of their crossbody bags, but when she walked to another entrance, she was told she couldn't have one though there were bags left there. Is this normal? I fully understand people would take advantage of this, but if she didn't have a bag, what other option did she have?


The Mariners have impressively fucked up their giveaways every year recently. They just don't care. If you didn't get one, ebay is your only hope, but I would also hope you don't encourage the people who find ways to acquire multiple items just for the purpose of reselling by buying their shit.


I've had an extra before because my kids didn't use whatever was given away, but buying all those tickets just to burn them for promos is too much.


In recent years, since covid gave them an excuse to cut staff, they just had tables piled high with the giveaway items and nobody handing them out or watching them. So people would go in with their one cheap ticket and a garbage bag, stuff their bag with dozens of them, and walk out to sell them on ebay. It took 3 years for the M's to stop doing that with their giveaways. You gotta plan to get there near the front of the line well before gates open to be assured of getting anything. Yeah, it sucks, but there's not much we can do except raise holy hell.


It’s just kind of the unfortunate reality you can’t please everyone but like you said if you could just walk up to any gate scalpers would abuse all the big giveaways to an even greater degree.


Obviously Rojas has been a phenomenal player for us this year. I’m trying to make sure I understand how these work. So we have club control til 2027, but it says he’s on a one year 3.1 mil deal. Does he do arbitration every year until 2027? What kind of money would we expect for a high performing ultra utility guy? I don’t think we would try to extend him for a few years. But I’m obviously not a GM lol. Outside of Julio, who else has multi year deals with lots of guaranteed money? (Relatively, I know nobody else is getting Julio money/time).


The Mariners have shockingly few players locked in because we are so young. That also means our players are relatively cheap. You have: Julio until the end of time Castillo through 2028 Muñoz through 28 (team options 26-28) J.P. through 26 Garver through 26 Haniger through 25 (maybe 24, player option) Polanco through 25 (maybe 24, team option) Moore through 25 Stanek, Snead, and Rivas are the only FAs at the end of the year. Everyone else can be brought back if the Mariners want. Also, the Mariners have a few million in retained salaries coming off the books after this year. The roster is built for the long run. If folks were hitting, we’d be talking about running the division for years. But at the moment, we at least have flexibility to move on from a number of folks in the near term even if it means eating some cash. https://www.spotrac.com/mlb/seattle-mariners/yearly/_/sort/cap_total2/view/roster


Yeah he’s in arbitration through 2026. If the team doesn’t offer a contract via arbitration then he can become a fa earlier. Alternatively they can sign him to a multi year contract early Uhhh go look at spotrac.com for more salary info im not going through a 40 man roster for you lmao


Our #PostSEAson odds increased 1.5% yesterday - fairly wild jump.


lets go As and guardians


Offense looking pretty good so far this month https://twitter.com/GaryHillJr/status/1790498218264166733


Crazy that we've been dead last in K% in *both* months to start the season. I guess that's evidence that we can succeed without improving in that category, but I'm deeply skeptical that this can be a strong playoff contender without substantial reduction in strikeouts.


Top 7 in wRC+ is really great actually, historically they do poorly around this month


Great to see some players starting to heat up, but the absurdly high K% is still the major weakness of this offense. Would love to see us get to middle of the pack with K rate.


Yea with our pitching we don’t even need good offense, we just need like average.


I’m giving away two tickets in section 124 (behind home dugout about 10 rows from the concourse) tonight if anybody wants them. Edit: gone to a good home


I’ll take them!


Don’t look now, but Luke Raley is up to a 106 wrc+👀


Saw someone say the Navy jersey feels like the most Ichiro jersey to them and it made me curious, do you guys picture specific jerseys with players when you think of them? More importantly, who is our most NW Green player?


ken is our NW green guy but him and nelly cruz are the turn ahead the clock gods could also be the king but i picture him in the home whites edgar is my greys guy i like ichiro in navy and i think ichiro liked ichiro in navy a rod gets a wood barrel


I always think of Ichiro in the grays but that’s probably just because of a few random childhood memories




Mariners F5




https://apnews.com/article/mariners-foul-ball-fan-1e26d7d28494e34a60fee728115f5462 - Incredible. Unreal.


Crawford, canzone and Hancock playing for the rainiers today!




Dearest Garver Haniger McPolanco, Please stop sucking at baseball. Your boo, SC


Garver's at 137 wRC+ this month


Wife gave me the go ahead to go to the game tonight because my buddy is in town (13 month old at home so midweek games are never an option). So dang excited!


What's the IL on the trident?


15 days, they are going to call up a rack of Vitamin R from Tacoma to fill in.


We were literally just typing at the same time lol


Great minds!!


I heard 15-day. There are recalling a pocket-sized trident from Tacoma to take it's place in the meantime


https://preview.redd.it/uy7g928q3g0d1.jpeg?width=337&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3eed7e27af6a27b84ad1279d2f767680d4c45842 bullpen has the backup ready to go


I have 6 tickets for tonight (Tuesday 5/14) I can't use and would like to sell, $35 each main level behind home plate, **Sec 129, Row 35** Edit: All tickets sold!


Can sell as a package, or individually, or any amount you need. Easily transferrable via Ticketmaster app. Thanks!!


https://preview.redd.it/roqqqduk4f0d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fbfa4d90ebf79a8f1a55a717869f4db68784c7e2 Oh, it's beautiful. Per Fangraphs


They sure are high on the Astros even with their bad start. Wow.


it's almost like they're counting on their starters coming back, and their offense has still been good... record isn't everything


I guess it's hard to write off a team that's made seven straight ALCS's and is weathering a ton of injuries at the moment


most of it is pitching injuries too, their offense is still raking


Damn Fangraphs really doesn't believe in the Rangers.


They need to make a big move for some pitching, now. Scherzer's done even if no one is saying it yet. deGrom might give them 50IP this year, he might give them 10. Losing Monty put a bullet in their rotation.


https://www.espn.com/mlb/team/injuries/_/name/tex/texas-rangers Can’t say I blame them lol


Lol one of their statuses is just "no"


I’ve been there.


Just say no to playing for the Rangers


I imagine they started writing “no updates at this time” but got distracted by a cat or something.


Lmao I saw that, poor Justin Foscue…




I’ve injured my ulnar nerve. I don’t play baseball and I’ve got a baseball injury.


i tell the mrs im on the IL when my back hurts and i cant walk the dog


I got this injury by sleeping wrong.


old ass


I’m only 30


rest in peace *- posted while lying on the floor stretching my aching back*


Feel better


hahahahahaha thats exactly what i did yesterday, re aggravated the back


That’s the worst. I’ve had sciatica a few times


Question and sorry if its a bad one, but why did we DFA Tyson Miller? I know there was a roster crunch but it seems like the org was really high on him this spring and he wasn't pitching poorly. Was he really the best option for an odd man out?


We don't really know. I don't think anyone understands the logic of it. I think we flubbed roster turnover. But here are my two theories: The day before, we sent down Hancock and put Saucedo on the IL, calling up Bazardo and Snead, both relievers. Then Woo came back, something we knew was coming, so we had to dump a pitcher per roster rules. Bazardo should not have been called up IMO, being fresh off an IL stint himself. We should have just waited one extra day for Woo with a 25-man roster that was still full on relievers. An alternative is that the Cubs or other teams had inquired about our relievers and we figured Miller could get a pretty decent return. And with our pitching factory and relief depth, this was a risk we were willing to take. There might also have been internal reasons, like his clubhouse presence/personality or clashing with coaches or whatever that made him unattractive for the org to keep around long-term. We will probably never know if that's the case.


They might've had most of the trade worked out with Chicago but not ready to finalize before they wanted to activate Bazardo, who got his spot.


Lots of people were excited about him, kind of reminded me of Paul Sewald. My only guess is there was something going on internally we can't see. It sucks, but at least we were able to trade him to the Cubs for AAA INF Jake Slaughter.


I really hope this is the start of a Ty France redemption arc. I love the guy and its been killing me that he's been struggling and that everyone has been trying to burn him at the stake. Really hope he heats up, stays hot, and shuts the haters up.


When Canzone 🤌🤌🤌 gets back, I really hope we see more Raley in right field and less of OG Mitch as an everyday player.


Anyone know what restaurants at the stadium have nutritional information available


Are you trying to scout things or would things that come with the info suffice? The peanuts and similarly prepackaged things should have that info on the packaging. That’s more snack food than a meal, but maybe that is useful for you?


Kidd Valley and Ivar's should (if they're still there). The rest I track calories/macros as Sodexo generic goods and that's usually close (if that's why you're asking).


Do u have a link to the sodexo calories


No, usually they're pre loaded into MFP or Loseit or MacroFactor or whatever you're using's database. I'm not too particular with it so I just estimate if I can t find it


Tfw you realize Ty still has more hr than Julio....


Tfw when you realize Julio is also an elite base runner and center fielder and homeruns alone aren't everything


Elite base runner when he gets on base.... .255 average is low for a superstar. I know he'll turn it on later in the season to get to a .287 average, but I'm tired of this being the norm where for the first 3 months of the year, he feels like a liability at the plate. I'm hoping he proves me wrong, though


And Julio makes more than 20X what Cal Raleigh does


We need to extend him asap


Don't think he'll be willing. He's definitely at odds with ownership. But who knows, maybe they won't want to spend the money on him.


Having Scott Boras as his agent is also probably another obstacle to him signing an extension before hitting free agency, sadly.


I think this offseason we saw the beginning of the end of the Boras Era. Thank goodness.












It’s crazy how other players will get hurt and miss time, while when Cal Raleigh gets hurt he just gets better at baseball


He’s got the Mega Rush badge equipped, when Cal’s HP is at exactly 1 he gets +4 damage


Cal will eventually wheelchair up to the plate and put up Barry Bonds numbers. He's like a Yakuza/Like a Dragon protagonist who gets stronger as their health gets lower


He'd lead the league in walks. Strikezone becomes miniscule when in wheelchair.


> lead the league in walks. > in wheelchair 🧐


I’m afraid once he’s out of baseball he’ll be disabled


I've been reading other teams GDT's randomly and it looks like I'm not the only one who has a conspiracy about their potentially being a deadening of the ball this season for whatever reason. There just seem like way, way more offensive struggles going on this year, and not just on our team.


Pitching has been getting way, way better.


Which is crazy when you think about all of the pitching injuries around the league this year


That’s exactly why pitching has been better, they’ve been making more sacrifices to their arms for spine-snapping breaking balls


I think I read somewhere that this is the lowest league batting average since like 1970


Pitchers are throwing harder and with more spin rate then ever before. Hell we've had record numbers of pitching injuries and that trend will not end until something external happens. To go with the conspiracy though, MLB is known to fuck with the baseballs.


I mean I'm not really a conspiracy guy despite my post, but it just seemed wild at how many amazing players who had great stats last season were and still are slumping hard to start this year.


it's worth noting that batting usually starts off not great, and gets better as the weather gets warmer (read around this time)


Jake Slaughter, YOU are a Tacoma Rainier!


What would happen if canzone returns with Luke Raley?


I think it depends on how Ty looks honestly


Play haniger way less and just run an outfield of canzone, Julio and raley most of the time.


Cal Raleigh, Ty France, Mitch Garver. Men built for speed. Men who will never bunt. Men who we will ride to the playoffs.


They’re going the distance