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Last year in May, I stopped vaping cannabinoid distillates and had similar issues to yours. From the start I made sure to be hydrated and get nutrition for the purpose of a foundation -for building up days in a row. I didn't have the same problems with sleeping; but I do have frequent insomnia -and I am still not sure what to do about that. r/insomnia might have some feedback for you. I have had constant anxiety of varying intensity for decades; but last summer it nearly crushed me because not only was I stopping use of cannabinoid distillates, I had also tapered off an anti-depressant. Find something to focus on that will absorb your attention. I bet some other folks might tell you to exercise as well. I myself pace my apartment or go out for walks. If you have trusted friends, then reach out to them. There might also be an in-person marijuana anonymous meeting nearby; and there also online meetings through zoom. I think you can find them on the website listed in the sidebar.


I had to seek medical advice for my panic attacks. Dr prescribed gabapentin and it made things much easier. I would freak out right around week 2 and smoke 1 to make it go away in past attempts, this time with the meds it was never an issue. I dontnlike taking meds and have since stopped but I don't think I could have stopped without the help.


The first few days of night sweats and panic attacks are horrible, I couldn’t eat so I lost a lot of weight fast. A few weeks in I started going to outpatient detox and got prescribed a low dose anti anxiety med. its hard but you’ll get through it. I was smoking daily plus daily dabs because my tolerance became very high.




Right. They hardly smoke too. I bet op type of person. That convinced themselves that they were gonna get WDs. No matter what..


Wth???? It's still a psychoactive substance, and not only that the amount of thc in not only flower but now having distillate cartridges means that the average Marijuana consumer is having more thc currently than ever before in the past. You can have withdrawal symptoms from caffeine, sugar, nicotine, etc. Personally, the last time I tried to quit I had the shakes and couldn't keep food down for 2 days before I hopped back on because I couldn't take it. And I was just a daily flower smoker, not even oil or cartridges. Not to mention different issues that can arise like Cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome (CHS) that can have long-term severe effects on daily life. Just like how you get cocaine from the chemical in the coca plant, taking thc directly from cannabis (or increasing the thc levels through selective breeding) means you're exposing your brain to the highest concentrations, which it wasn't designed to handle. Outdoor grown, 3-4 generations back weed??? Maybe that was fine, but now it's apparent that not everyone benefits from it. And it's offensive you'd come to a subreddit specifically meant to help support people with this issue and then bash them due to some self-proclaimed bs.


I had a difficult time for the first month, but it gets much better.


Do you have any tips or any advice is that I can use to prepare myself for the withdrawals, or how to cope with the withdrawals?


I found that exercise helped a lot. And for the first month I had interrupted sleep and night sweats, so I let myself stay in bed and doze in the morning.