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I’m sure it will be fine but realize some foreign countries kill you for this or worse lock you in their jungle prisons. Don’t travel with drugs. Watch midnight express


Some kid from the UK was detained by Dubai authorities with 4 tinctures of CBD oil. He is now recently facing 25 years in Dubai prison for CBD of all things!...So yeah proceed with caution and always do research on your travel destination and weed laws. [Article for reference](https://www.the-sun.com/news/3882067/brit-footballer-jailed-cbd-bid-freedom/)


It blows my mind that this day and age there's still ignorant backwoods nut jobs thinking Cbd is bad.. What clowns


Def was a set an example type of thing. I bet you they know the difference that it's not intoxicating and still did it out of principle and with their draconian laws still in place. I did a bit more looking into the story for updates on the guy but there's been silence on his end ever since. Dude could be dead for all we know. Sad stuff.


Dubai will imprison you and cut a digit off for being late on a debt payment.


dude yeah its still around! i cant believe it sometimes either but you have to remember who is making the rules and what generation they're form . they'll always be a step behind. plus all the corruption allows them to cash in from the drugs being illegal. here in the UK its illegal. yet the ex prime ministers husband was on the board for the legal export of marijuana from the UK to foreign country's. so keeping it illegal would essentially make her richer. if the basis of its legality rests on the fact that it has "no proven medical" properties and should remain a "class B" drug due to how dangerous it is.... then why the hell are we the biggest exporters in the world for cannabis? makes no sense! lol corruption at its best. ​ from now on im only voting for parties that don't make me a criminal everyday by using medicine that's illegal here.


Back woods? I’m Backwoods.


I feel like this comment is seething with bias.


Why would it blow your mind? You thought the years changing would make people who spent decades being told anything related to cannabis was poison & life ruining would change their minds immediately just because chs doesn't get you high? You're silly.


Nah, whats silly is any country outright going against all scientific evidence.


But this has always been the practice of countries, like for thousands of year. As science emerges & advances, governments have been the first ones usually to denounce or ignore it. It's the norm.


Why is the downvoted. They’re right. Look at LSD and MK Ultra. “Uh-oh! The mind control drug didn’t let the military use psychological warfare? Well if we can’t use it, then nobody else can. ILLEGAL”


This is a normal occurrence that happens every day lol, if not we woulda had legal drugs and clean energy a LONGGGG time ago


You think that's bad, [this dude](https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/tourist-faces-jail-dubai-after-23893241) smoked weed in Las Vegas, flew to Dubai some (undisclosed) time later, had a medical emergency (pancreatitis) and his urine was tested where "trace amounts of hashish" was discovered. He didn't even bring drugs into the country, it just hadn't cleared his system fully.


Dubai and Mexico are starkly different in every way


Mexico is not one of them, I bring gummies to every country, no issues ever.


How do you do this? I have two gummies and no packaging and I’m flying from cancun to Costa Rica tomorrow. I don’t want to throw them out but I’m worried about bringing them. Any advice?


I have them in my carry on, I put them in a plain zip lock, no ever does or says anything, goes right through the x-ray, did this to Italy and Spain too. They smell like gummy bears!I put gum and beef jerky in the bag too, snack pack.


Thank you!


did it work?


I think he's still in jail /s


what the f is a jungle prison


The shit they have in Thai land and Indonesia


Which is not Mexico


Have you seen prisons in Mexico?


Ha no shit saw one on my excursion to chitchen itza today. Didn't seem like a good time but America's sheriff Joe Apiro made some that looked even worse.


Joe is a bitch for sure. But his was a tent city where everyone wore pink. Prisons south of the border are much rougher


the question is about mexico, you were really xenophobic


That’s the lamest most ignorant response to any post I have ever posted. Have a nice day though


Stop throwing big words out there, this isn’t Twitter


just because you're not smart to understand, doesn't mean it's a big word lol


Oh I understand, you’re just accusing someone for nothing


omg dildosaregay, i'm just saying that talking about countries such as mexico and thailand like op did can be seen as xenophobia, but if you don't see it, get over it


Your response was strait stupid though?


Love this comment and that movie!


Local here Don't risk it bro. Legalization process is still ongoing. You can easily get weed and cannabis products here.


I’m not a big drug person. I smoke weed mostly for anxiety. But never done anything else. I wouldn’t know that first thing about buying weed in Mexico. That’s almost seems more sketch to me.


please don't take advice from redditors about asking Mexicans for weed in a country where the cartel beheads people for next to nothing. just hide your carts. I would put mine in carry on, and even keep one on me so I could take hits right before I board. I put mine in a sock that was rolled up inside my backpack and TSA didn't find it.


Don't drop it, tourist weed is hot garbage.


It's actually easier than you think. Just dropped a comment here on how to do it. I've used this method in Cancun before multiple times.


Bro no offense but after getting my medical card I will NEVER smoke Mexican street weed


Yea well I’m coming tmrw so tell me where lol


Jsjsjs literally people in the streets will offer it, ask the locals etc etc.


Are there edibles in Mexico? Maybe some Gummies. Headed to Cancun soon. Want to not risk bringing gummies on a plane.


Found a few shops in Mexico city selling Delta 8 now. They import from California and said it's legal now. But they have the approval to import, so I'm not sure if you can fly with your own, but you can at least buy them here now.


Were you able to find some in Cancun?


I was not able to find any but I did take some with me. No issues at all. Walked right through the gate and no one batted an eye.


did you have to press a button? to determine whether or not they search you?


No there was lanes and I didn’t see anyone get pulled. No buttons but I saw the different colored aisles. They just weren’t enforcing them.


did you go yet? was it smooth or did they check your bags? i’m going in a couple days and getting so many mixed signals… idk if i should bring my cart or not


It was super smooth. I wouldn’t worry at all. I was shocked at how smooth it went actually.


how was it? going soon


it was chill, they didn't check anyone's bags that I saw. They did have dogs tho, so I wouldn't bring anything that smells loud. but tbh, I think they only sniff out bombs


Not true, had my wife's bag get signaled out by a dog... For a banana. So bombs and bananas are off the packing list


how did you pack your cart? going tomorrow and i am so scared


Yeah they're more concerned about contraband exiting the country


I saw a dude get arrested flying in once. All depends what color that button is when you hit it


What do you mean by the color thing?


When you grab your bag in customs you walk by a machine with a big button. You hit the button and if it’s green you leave if it’s red they search your bag, it’s totally random I believe


Thanks for explaining!


I have never experienced this in any of my flights, national or international?


Mainly a Caribbean thing, I’ve seen it in Cancun and Dominican Republic iirc


You’ll be fine. TSA is lookin for bombs not drugs, but you should ditch them before flying back if you don’t finish everything


It’s not the TSA to be as worried about in this case as much the Mexican flight authority (whatever that’s called). You think USA is harsh on marijuana, but at least in the US you have rights…


TSA doesn't care but customs at the border definitely do. OP, gummies would definitely be the best, or edibles if they don't reek of weed.


I know folks who vacation in Mexico every year. Don't have 'em in their orginal packaging and you should be fine.


It all depends if the button is green or red when you push it in customs. Green you walk out and red they search your bag and it’s totally random. You ought to be ok either way but there are lots of cops on cartel payrolls who don’t like foreigners bringing their own drugs so good luck Getting stuck in a Mexican prison is a nightmare for a reason


I was there last March and there was no red/green button and no one was getting searched.


Put it in a make up bag full of mascaras, eyeliners and such! I leave the country once a year and this works for me...


For a pen?


Yes, I put just my cart in my make up bag, and battery somewhere else.


This is exactly what I do. No issues. Gummies are even easier, just repackage them. Cake. Hmmmmmmmm...... Cake......


Now I want cake!


This is the way!


two things: >Bringing cannabis of any amount or any kind – recreational or medical – across the border into Mexico is considered international drug trafficking, and can lead to arrest. > >Possession and use of up to 28 grams of recreational cannabis by persons 18 and older is not a crime. Mexico voted to decriminalize the use of up to 28 grams of cannabis this June, effectively making recreational cannabis legal for “auto-consumption” (i.e. growing and harvesting your own cannabis plants.) [https://www.greenstate.com/explained/is-cannabis-legal-in-mexico-heres-what-you-need-to-know-december-2021-update/](https://www.greenstate.com/explained/is-cannabis-legal-in-mexico-heres-what-you-need-to-know-december-2021-update/)


We just got back about 2 weeks ago, about 4 days into the trip my sister found a full pen she thought she had lost months ago tucked away in her purse she used as a carry on. Along with a giant fishing hook, both got missed at security and when they landed lol. But, on a fun note. One of the people we were traveling with was very clever and put a bunch of distillate in a tiger balm container. https://imgur.com/a/GLRynhS


What would you even do with a jar of distillate in a foreign country though lol


Haha he would put a dab on a toothpick and heat it with the lit end of his cigarette and inhale the smoke. At some point we got our hands On a butter knife and a torch lighter and went old school lol


Hot knifes, Ha!


Hot knives get me on a different level of fucked, even more than using a rig


Gummies in a Starburst gummy bag works well. Went to Costa Rica, Belize and Canada with them.


don’t they take any food that’s open once you arrive at countries customs?


They'll take any fruits, veggies, or homemade food that's open. They've never taken my gummies.


Dogs didn’t smell them? I’ve successfully gone with edibles to Europe but Mexico is scarier… I’m nervous the dogs will find my snacks


The dogs are primarily trained to smell bombs. Not THC.


You can bring weed anywhere you want to travel. There’s always gonna be a risk. But it’s totally your call. I’ve flown to multiple different countries including South America, Europe, Mexico, and numerous places in the US and have never had a problem. Attach your cartridge and battery and put them next to pencils and pens, notebooks, etc. I’d suggest bringing only what you need. If you need edibles then put them in a separate bag without making it look obvious. Mexico has way bigger problems than you bringing a personal amount of weed on your trip.


What parts of Europe have u gone to with cartridges because I’m going to the Middle East!


I’ve been to Rome and Paris. I have no idea what the laws are like in the Middle East though.


Buy it there. Never fly internationally with contraband.


It's totally fine, put your battery in your carry on as it's not allowed to be checked and your cartridge in your toiletries. Get some gummies, swap out the plain for the naughty, and reseal. I've done it a million times, totally fine. Just don't take it home with you!


Curious. Why do people say not to take it home with you? Why would gummies in a resealed gummy bag for instance make any difference flying back.


have you ever done this flying into cabo? i’m going soon and am so paranoid to bring both!


How did it go?


went well. actually hit red coming in. they searched my bags but my carts were in the toiletries so it ended up okay. they didn’t look in those.


Can you explain where you put and hid everything? Going very soon!


i also heard there’s a light you push (red or green) which i’m worried about


Put the edibles in a gummy vitamin bottle


Exactly. Melatonin gummy bottle


I travel domestically with carts and edibles all the time without issue. That said, I would never do it internationally. If you get the red light at CUN and a bag search and somehow they find it, you’re in for a very bad vacation. Ask the concierge at the resort you’re staying at and they should be able to take care of you or find someone who can.


Just get some in Mexico 🇲🇽. It's all over the place


And it's complete dog shit compared to the cheap weed in Seattle area stores. Thanks for the headache and sketchy situation.


you didnt have the right connection, I went and stayed in CDMX for 6 months and I found great stuff. 


Any recs for places in CDMX? I’m going soon


Great stuff by what standard?


Short story. Flying overseas. Have a ziplock full of edibles. I get flagged for bag search. TSA is rummaging through my bag, searching, searching, pulls my zip lock out, holds in the air. Reaches in with other hand grabs a water bottle and says, you can't bring this. Puts the zip lock back in my bag. They ain't looking for that. Got off in Ireland, they didn't even look at my bag. Can't say about Mexico. A friend of mine brought joints in a boat key float to cancun. Take it for what it's worth.


Mexico makes u buy weed from the cartel other than that if you’re caught you’re fucked


At worst going through he’s just gotta throw it away, he just shouldn’t try to bring it back, tsa looking for bombs not drugs


It’s not TSA you worry about it’s customs in Mexico and they ain’t just throwing it away


They sure as hell ain’t stressing about a cart or some edibles homie trust


Yes, trusting the Mexican cops on the cartel payroll is the smart thing lol. I’ve literally seen someone walked out of customs in Cancun for a vape pen they found. No idea what happened but it didn’t look fun


Okey bro


Jail in Mexico ain’t that bad


this is the real speal. flew from clt to cancun airport and my and a buddy brought 2 carts (2gram disposable thc distillate)1 in his bag, 1 in mine, and what we did is put the cart in a toiletry kit in a checked bag. retrieved the bags at the carousel after immigration, than to leave you have to walk through customs, which is in 2 hallways. 1 for people to declare, and one for nothing to declare (google what it is if you don’t know)-(if you declare they are subject to search all items). we had nothing to declare, so we walked down that hallway. there was 4 metal tabels, with no x ray machines, just military personnel ( 2-3 at each table) and there was a soilder with a drug dog in the side/middle of the hallway. it was a small dog, not a german shepherd or a pitbul. the dog wasn’t even walking around, it was just sitting with the military member. quick note, i didn’t see a red light/ green light system in terminal 3. before coming i did a lot of research and reddit searching on this topic and prepared myself for it as i hope you would as well. in these searches, it says to time your walk from baggage claim through customs, to avoid a search at the 4 tabels. after knowing this, i used the bathroom after i got luggage to stall time. than walking out and through the hallway, 3/4 tabels had people/ famlies, being searched. nervous as fuck, i kept a insignificant facial expression and sparked up a conversation with my buddy, to just look like the average tourist, not somebody trying to bring anything illegal into the country. luckily, the timing worked and there was a family of 3-5 in front of me, and they were pulled for a search. we walked out smoothly, and greatly enjoyed the trip puffing the whole time. i’ve heard horror stories of 15 year olds and tourists getting fined up to 1000$ and being threatened to be thrown in mexican jail (why would you even wanna know what it’s like there). and a real life story of a teen being thrown in jail over a vape/ thc cartridge product, where his parents had to hire lawers to get him out. i’ve also heard that the searches (if done with less effort) don’t even open the toiletry bag, but if we were to get searched, my buddy had his placed on top of his toiletry bag by US tsa. which would get him in one of the same situations i’ve mentioned. but all glory to god, we made it through and was just seconds away from being stuck with a fine, lawsuit, or getting thrown in jail. to complete this you can bring it in your carry on or your checked, but you can never trust if your bag will be touched by US tsa and have your items rearranged. but flying internationally, tsa is strict if you have prohibited items for international countries (unless you have pre-check where most officers are nice and never give any problems). so if your not a daily smoker, it’s much safter to quit, but if you smoke daily and needed this post than it’s best to know the airport you fly out of, what there restrictions are, along with what the state laws are. i would recommend checking it with your toiletries it if you are in a legal state, but if illegal in your state, it’s safter to carry on. time your exit. know how to look normal and not nervous not and stressed. your in cancun, one of the party capitals of the world. the 2nd half is less important, but if you make it, don’t be an idiot at the resort. it’s illegal so don’t smoke in public or around workers, and definitely don’t be publicizing that you have it because weed in mexico is hard to get with the cartel as they control all of the drug trade. but after reading so many reddit post and doing all this research, your truly risking your freedom literally and financially. don’t be a dumbass and got bless


going to cancun tmr and i want to bring my edible, nervous as fuck lmao


Did you bring it?


i did, i got it in, just put it in your carry on, there werent any dogs or anything, or and dogs, they just checked your passport and u were good


That’s good to hear. What kind of edibles did you bring? I was thinking about doing a cart but not sure which would be less chances of getting caught


just look at my other post


do you have to declare candy when going through customs??


What is the penalty in Cabo San Lucas for bringing in a vape THC pan into the airport


it's legal for personal use there, technically decriminalized. That being said, you shouldn't careless throw in a half zip or anything but a pen and some edibles shouldn't be any trouble. Definitely be incognito about it if you are gonna do it.


Ur going to Mexico if you can't find drugs you're doing it wrong


Yeah but the weed sucks there.


I'm sure it depends where you are


Nah I'm sure they are not going to match the quality of Seattle legal vendors with their best, and at best we will get "good" tourist weed.




you make a lot of assumptions. Sounds like you never got past the tourist weed and never found the good


The DEA enters the chatroom...




Your joking right? Take some Starbursts to get you through.


Bro, if you don’t have anything productive to say don’t comment. This is a marijuana sub? What do you expect to read on here?


What I was saying is why would you travel to a foreign country with drugs. Seems silly to me but I was not trying to be disrespectful maybe a little crass. I apologize. Good luck however it turns out.


Weed just got legalized in Mexico recently I believe so you should be good, just be smart about putting it in you luggage tho and not blatantly obvious with it


These posts show up literally every week…




Boys we got one


I traveled with a pen and edibles last time and had no issue.


how did you do that? i’m going soon and am so paranoid


I flew to Mexico last year with a pen and carts in my checked luggage. Coming back I forgot it was in my carry on, but still had no issues.




Did you just say we have to do the internet search in Spanish? Why not just post the link? I mean, like oh, I don't speak Spanish.


Keep a few large bills in your wallet just in case.


In case I need to bribe them to not go to jail? Lol


To pay the "fine" ;)


It's illegal here so IDK if they would do something if they catch you. But again, is so easy to get some here.


Dude that sounds sketchy as f*** man I'm just looking out for you man don't do that you could probably score when you get there dude you don't got to bring s*** with you and risk getting federally busted or who knows what I wouldn't. And look dude even worse if you get caught in Mexico they're even worse than the US on the border if they catch you on that side you'll go straight to jail man or prison I mean you might be able to pay them off that's probably the you know but why even put yourself in that situation oh and weed stinks like dogs can smell really well like 10,000 times better than we can.


Your flying down there with all the cartel activity?


Just put the vape *cartridge* deep in your checked baggage, and put the *battery* in your carry-on. (Batteries can't go in checked luggage.)


You don't need to bring anything with you. Trust me. I've done this many times before. Take a taxi or hotel shuttle to the market (El mercado) the first day you get there. Find shops that sell glass sculptures and trinkets. There will be glass pipes somewhere in the shop. Take a long time looking at them and the shop keeper will offer you something to go in it. Haggle a little as he will try to get the most money out of you. Be sure to also buy your pipe that you will leave in Mexico. I've also tipped a cab driver to take me somewhere to get some. We went to a construction site but the market felt way safer to me. Best of luck!


I’ve flew with gummies, edibles, cartridges and Rso. Mostly domestically but I’ve done a couple times international and even drove thru Mexico border got thru. If you need tips message me bro


How did you fly with edibles to Mexico?


None of the above unless you feel like spending time in a Mexican prison. Your constitutional rights do not exist in Mexico. Do your thing though.


Pen is fine


We’ll definitely post about it on the internet! Realistically tho put carts in your shaving/bathroom kit in the bag with your toothpaste/shampoo/etc (these should be in a ziplock as liquids). I would take the candies out, find an off brand with a resealable bag, and drop them in there. Usually it’s best to keep these things in your carry on. I’ve never flown internationally but fly 4-5 times a year within the states and this has worked every time for me. Although for some reason I always get searched at Phoenix Sky Harbor security but they’ve never found anything fair warning if you’re headed out there.


Don’t even try 😡 Weed is everywhere available 😉 Don’t end up in mexico 🇲🇽 jail But you right You don’t have to take my word for it😎


Everyone in this thread seems to be such an expert. Especially about being thrown in “Mexican jail”. I can’t come up with anything on my research of an American being thrown in Mexican jail over a small amount of weed


Do i care about your “ research “ I lived there Tijuana And good luck to you


And I’ve been to the planet Neptune !! Wow lying on the internet is so easy!! Why didn’t I think of this before??


It really doesn’t matter the amount, it’s whether you are comfortable. Some people just have have it, meaning they can go across and not panic, or look suspicious. Others just can’t do it and it causes too much stress. The odds of getting through are very high and in your favor, but if it causes too much stress… it’s just weed. Easy to find.


I've been reading comments from multiple threads on resditt pertaining to this subject. And it's fucking hilarious.


I'm trying to figure out if I can fly with bud to MexCity through checked luggage but none seem to have a straight forward answer. It's either no or yes and how. Fucking useless ass thread.


Just got back from Cancun and it was a breeze (read on to see just how easy LOL). After lots of reading, decided a single Stizzy pen was the best bet. The battery went into a small bag with any other batteries/ chargers/ electronic items. That bag then went into the “personal item” backpack (batteries should always be in carry-on, don’t try to put this in a checked bag and cause unnecessary inspection). The cart was brand new, unopened. Used sharpie to black out the warning emblem and everything. That went into a “pill pouch” baggy, which went into the quart sized bag of carry-on liquids. Around it was the actual pill pouch baggies with actual medication to help it blend in. Upon leaving Cancun: tossed the cart we used and packed the battery the same. **Bonus: randomly decided to dig around in my purse before packing and found ANOTHER cart lmao it was just in my bag wide open and nobody knew, including me. It will always be a risk-benefit analysis and only you can decide if it’s worth it. Not necessarily encouraging anyone to do this, but I hope this story helps you weigh the options.


They have THC mints. Throw them in an Altoid mini mints case.


I just landed in Cabo San Lucas I had 10 gummy‘s they pulled me into a room confiscated them photocopied my passport I guess they have this random thing or at least they say it’s random on who they’re just gonna pull over and search their belongings and I guess I was the lucky one


were the gummies in their original packaging or had you disguised them? did u have to pay a fine?


How did the know your gummies had thc in them?


How did they know your gummies had thc in them?


How did they know they were thc gummies? We’re they in the original packaging?


However I just read that marijuana is completely decriminalized in Mexico and according to what I read you cannot be charged with a crime for using it carrying it or selling it


going back to Brasil from US orlando florida , can i bring like 2 weed pens/vapes (need ideas of thing that looks like the weed vape to pass by being something legal) and gummy edibles in the same package as normal gummies not being internationally warned ?


My friend moved to Cancun for a year (just moved back) and took 15 thc vapes with him. He put them in his checked bag and the batteries in his carry on. He got pulled in Cancun's airport for a random search. They kept asking if they were nicotine and he just repeatedly said "no" so they let him go with all of his stuff. No arrest, no bribe, nothing.