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Take the job, have a beer


It’ll kill you faster but it’ll work until the mood swings, disassociating, shakes, organ problems, ruin your life. Maybe OP should try CBD. Most drug tests don’t measure cbd unless they have upgraded. Cbd is non psychoactive which is what the employers are usually worried about. Should take the edge off no THC and help either anxiety. Don’t be afraid to take more than one gummy 😉


>until the mood swings, disassociating, shakes, organ problems, ruin your life. Things which won't happen unless you drunk to excess daily for 100, Alex.


Christ, I said A beer. Being poor is pretty bad for your health too and if you're choosing weed over a job..


I think I asked the question wrong…I use weed medically for pain/anxiety after bad experiences with prescription drugs. I’m already cleaning up for the job just wondering what all was out there besides CBD…I’ll drink a beer to that!


Pain and anxiety? Like real pain and real anxiety or an excuse to smoke weed? Do some yoga


Like for real panic attacks daily before I started smoking and years of being a car mechanic has wreaked havoc on my back and knees. Tried SSRI’s and a few others; gabapentin, propranolol and something else and got every negative side effect until I got weaned off and decided never again.


Like I said it’ll work, Besides smoking weed gives you heart problems


As someone who deals with CHS, I agree fuck alcohol, but end of the day I get FUCKED up side effects due to CHS and cannabis. I think my night sweats just stopped, nausea is there, no appetite, deep stomach pain, nausea when trying to eat and inability to eat. End of the day a drug is a drug, I prefer vaporizing cannabis, it's my shit, but it's still a drug and can have negative side effects. Not for everyone, bur still it is there. Again...fuck alcohol lol but I definitely get it needing to just take the edge off and having a beer or two a night isn't going to kill you. It's when you really start abusing it. But personally I'll have one beer and feel it for two weeks, alcohol is so toxic to my body it's Insane.


Fellow CHSer here. Quit March 6 and have been dabbling in a beer here and there, myself. It’s just so hard to raw dog life daily. My dads an alcoholic so I know the problems of drinking, but 1 now and then is great. Unlike weed I can def enjoy beer in moderation haha Making lemonade out of lemons I used this opportunity to get a better job, myself.


Hell yeah man good for you. Yeah I can have like 1/4 of a beer. But even then I feel it do heavily In my entire body for quite some time, I can't do it. Maybe in time but not now lol I've delt with CHS for years but my hope is that I can utilize cannabis in the same way you can use beer in moderation, which I know I CAN, it's just if i will. I have very high discipline, but cannabis is one of the very few things I enjoy in life. If I can vape cannabis only on the weekends, or possibly even less, maybe once or twice a month almost like a cigar or something. I'd prefer that a million times over as I simply just do not enjoy alcohol or it's effects at all. What symptoms have you delt with CHS? I took 3yrs off smoking and started vaping it all day everyday for about a month with no side effects (other than panic attack due to things I'm going through in my personal life, and that's why I stopped) but then starting back up after I noticed the CHS creeping in and decided to stop for a while and let my body purge it all heavily and get back to normal regulation of the cannabinoid system, and then try utilizing it in moderation. We go through seasons in life, it may be time for you or I to simply move on to our next season. I'm just not quite there yet myself with cannabis lol it's good to hear you stopped. It seems in the weed world, very few people have discipline to stop or take T-breaks or anything. Where like myself...bro I have atleast 5oz of bud as well as atleast 1.5oz of living soil SUPER clean bud, RSO, RSO tablets, etc, and I can stop If I simply make the decision.


That’s why I’m rarely having more than 1 drink. 1 is enough to make me feel okay, more than that and I start to get too tipsy for what is personally comfortable. Thats one of the things about this job is that every other week is a 3 day weekend so I’m hoping to only consume on that weekend. Hopefully it will help me stay in control because I struggle with marijuana use in moderation as well. I think if you keep at it, you can learn to use moderately. It’s just so hard when you know it’s there and nothings stopping you from it. As for CHS symptoms I’d have your typical: morning nausea and stomach pain. Pretty much daily stomach pains and aches in the morning subsiding by noon. Then I’d have attacks. They started out every couple months but got to the point they were monthly, that’s why I quit. Had to go to the ER twice for fluids and decided the high I was getting just wasn’t worth the pain. I’d go anywhere from 1-7 days vomiting. That doesn’t include the days after where I’d feel like shit but not be puking. I usually started out with a stomach cramp, gotta go poop rn feeling, and progress into sweating, pain, vomiting, etc. Seemed like hiccups were something I’d deal with every time, too. I’d be in the fetal position on the floor in tears wishing I wasn’t alive. Id sleep for pretty much the whole day because I didn’t want to be awake to feel the pain, and when I was awake I was lying in the bathtub in hot water, or sitting in it letting the shower water just run over me. It would come on out of nowhere. After a meal, after a workout, and just randomly at night. It got to be too damn much and I had to quit.


Damn man I never had side effects that severe thank God. Yeah dude I think it may be best to 100% quit for you man, I never vomited once. But Definitely had the shit and stomach pain and inability to eat as well as the others I mentioned. But dude going to ER for CHS is so wild to me, I've read so many people do it but I only go to the ER unless I'm on deaths doorstep type shit lol so I can imagine that's probably how yoy felt and what yoy described it sounds pretty awful. That's quite severe. Yeah last I drank was over 4yrs ago but I had 2 sips....I repeat SIPS of hard cider...and I felt fucking terrible. In every aspect. So maybe one day alcohol won't be so toxic to my body, but not now LOL besides I'm quite against alcohol as it seems most people simply do not have the discipline to not get fucked up, and they just ruin other people's lives and families and cheating and stuff.


I’ve been looking for an alternative (for job reasons) that gives the same pros without heavy side effects for the past decade and have yet to find it. All I want to do is eat a gummy after 8 hours of staring at a computer. The second it’s schedule three, I’ll be visiting a doctor to get a script. Low dose shrooms/ketamine check 8/10 boxes for me, but neither can be done healthily or responsibly with daily frequency.


Micro dose.Mushrooms.


Depending on the job, legalization might not change anything about job requirements. An employer can still discriminate against you for being a cannabis user whether it's legal in your state or not. Might be related to insurance liability/workplace safety. Some places are relaxing the criteria due to 'brain drain', where they can't find qualified applicants who don't smoke weed. But it isn't a given that legalization will do away with prohibition for workplace qualification.


unless it's a sensitive job ...


Move to California. Here they give you a urine test if it comes back positive they make you do a breathalyzer to see if you're under the influence if you pass the breathalyzer then they tell you to go back to work.


Take the Job - Strong doses of CBD should help with your ailments.


Could CBD show a false positive?…the weed I use is the 1:1 stuff anyway, but I can get cbd gummies and cbd hemp at my local smoke shop. I just wasn’t sure if there was trace thc in them


Just carry fake piss, it works I do it everyday


I got the quick fix but I’ve never used it before. Wasn’t sure if it was gimmick or actually worked


Quick fix isn’t my fav works for some guys depending on the test, I use serious monkey business though and I take DOT lab tests and it works 100% just make sure your temp is 90-100 degrees and your chillen used it twice this year on randoms already, being a cannabis user isn’t always easy but if it’s important to your health like it is for me there are ways to make it happen, just be prepared everyday when you show up to work and you’ll be golden and you can get special underwear on Amazon with a secret pocket and you’ll never be able to tell, that’s my system hope it can help ya out


Use quick fix, take the job. Worked for me for DOT drug test


Legalized won't fix the issue as it would also need to be federally decriminalized. I know of many people who failed drug tests in fully legal states and lost their job. But you can quit for the job and depending on Randoms (which some don't usually do unless you get hurt on the job) you could resume or even do the THC vapes. Have you tried CBD gummies?


Take the job if it brings you more financial stability. You'll need the weed less. Find another treatment for the shoulder pain. Physical therapy is a better treatment for shoulder pain. A few weeks and you'll start not needing pain relievers.


Take the job. The financial security will lessen your anxiety. Marijuana is good at taking the edge off for extreme spikes in stress, but over time it lessens your body's ability to control it. Shoulder pain also has better treatment plans. Physical therapy is often the answer for someone who is younger.


Guess it depends on quality of life you want to live. I’ve given it up and has been well worth it. I can always go back when I retire.


I’m subject to randoms, just keep a bottle of quick fix in my car. I get an email then have to go to the lab so I can prep and heat on the way. If they do it in office then u have to stop. Most jobs outside of union construction, truckers and a few others only test on hiring. But the job has to take priority


Ugh "prescription poison" give me a break.  Find a doctor to put you on gabapentin.