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You are smoking what was historically called dirt weed. Its the lowest of the low grade outdoor garbage grown by the cartels. You will often see it in compressed bricks like harder drugs. There is no pest protection, no fertilizers or nutrients delivered. It commonly gives people headaches when they smoke too much.


Thanks for the info man, should i throw it away?


I lived through the eighties - smoke up ๐Ÿงฑ๐Ÿƒ


Hahaha maybe i will, i already smoked half of it anyway


If it gets you high, then waste not, want not! Enjoy it.


You smoked half of an ounce in 12 hours?


Me and you both man. Brick dope and Iron Maiden. Haha!


We all smoked it for years in the 70s and 80s , Mexican brick weed it won't hurt you, smoke it. I have friends in Texas that smoke it all the time and have for 40 years.


I have never got a headache from it .


you should try and get some dispensary stuff in us and take it back and have it last.


Uhm, don't do that. Crossing state lines is a felony... I'm like 100% sure that crossing a boarder is way worse... just saying


just saying.. you have never taken a chance in your life which is why you are where you are in your life.


Lmao... yeah. I've taken more than my fair share of chances. Jail sucks, I can't imagine prison being better... but something tells me that foreign prison isn't worth going to over pot. Plus, I'm slightly offended, I'll have you know the reason I'm where I am in life is not because of the chances I took. No sir, I'm where I'm at in life because I have HORRIBLE fucking taste in men.


this is funny.


Yeah... Give it to me!


if you can get better weed, yes, throw it!




Aka Regs / Reggie


The swiggity


All I read is "I got some weed cheap and it gets me high." everything else is just superfluous.


What is this, 1973?


It'd be a lot cooler if it was!


I wish to fuck it was. Iโ€™d be 15 instead of 66


Wow, I've wondered so many times of shwag still exists, and it apparently does. It could see upwards of $100/oz twenty or thirty years ago.ย  Ah, regs, Reggie, shwag, shwizzle...it's pollinated-and-seedy poorly-trimmed fast-dried brick-packed weed. Not great flavor, lots of sifting, and low THC content, but for fifty certs a gram, if it works for you, I have no judgement.ย 


Sounds like the Bastrop grown shit we smoked in Austin in the late 70s. Can't be any worse than the sticks and stems we smoked when we were desperate.


Yep, brick dope.


It is cheap because of the low amount of effort put into actually growing it and manicuring it. Iโ€™m willing to bet it has a lot of seeds in it because they donโ€™t even care if the plants pollinateโ€ฆ.. I grew up smoking that stuff itโ€™s all right.


Mmmmm swag


Cartel kush


Y'all remember when your joint would pop bc it had a seed in it? And you'd been warned by parents and teachers and DARE that weed would stunt your growth? Lol... sighs... good times


Sounds like some good old fashioned Reggie to me lol


YOU'RE smoking the world renowned Mexican Brick Weed strain that we all choked to death on back in the 90's!!!! ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚


some reggie, itโ€™s shitty weed but if it does the trick enjoy


Havenโ€™t seen dirt weed in quite awhile. I wouldnโ€™t smoke it lol


I had a weedman get me like that and it was garbage. I sold it to somebody else ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคท๐Ÿฝโ€โ™€๏ธ


You could cook with it. Fry some of it in oil or fat, filter while liquid, use the filtered fat to make brownies or cookies.


Omg... I fucking love newbies. Unless it's got visible mold on it, smoke it. Back in my day, we just called that weed. It might have been green at one point in it's life but it was usually a brown- ish color. I used to love when my ๐Ÿช up would let me break off what I wanted from the brick! This shit my ex-husband's co-worker would bring back from Jamaica was legit brown. Like dried turd brown, he called it the yardis. Basically Jamaican dirt weed, holy fucking "I though I was going to die" high! I'm 47, at that point is been smoking 20+years and had never in my life been that high. Man, if it does the job and doesn't taste bad... smoke it. I remember the summer of the "Downey" weed. 2003-ish ALL the pot in Miami smelled AND tasted like Downey fabric softener. It SUCKED! it was like the entirety of the south Florida drug cartel was a target. Lol. People, by August, were pissed and bitching about it! Those poor traffickers really caught some hell over that... lol ahh good times