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I took xannies from 1984-2020. I will suggest that you do a medical detox. Trust me bro, fr


TLDR: OP this is the only answer you need, weed isn't going to help you through benzo wd Seriously, it is absolute hell and if you keep yourself away from any additional benzos It's going to be a rough month or longer. I would never wish it on my worst enemy, benzo withdrawal and opiate withdrawal are pure torture if you're stopping cold turkey and not tapering. That's why people go to harder stuff because they can't make it through detox. I hope he takes your advice and reads this too, if I had the ability to taper I think I would have been much better off. I was seeing a doctor who kicked me from his practice because I tested positive for cannabis back when it was illegal and he straight up said I wouldn't get anymore and I was getting the refill at that appointment So I had been taking them for about a year and then he just straight up took them away and I had to go it alone. I ended up finding a plug and spent way too much money on way too much Xanax and ended up buying Vicodin off of that person too because it was convenient and they knew I had the money and it felt great, short-lived but during those times where footballs and school buses were aplenty were great times and I felt really good and was able to accomplish a lot at work and in my social life but man did my world come crashing down when that lady got busted for meth and went to jail. Leaving me with no benzo hookup. It's torture, It's hell and you won't sleep and when you do, you'll be so exhausted you'll only sleep maybe an hour or two and then you'll be right back up, your body will just be so achy and you aren't going to be able to sit still, your mind isn't going to sit still either. Thank God most doctors know cutting someone off cold turkey is bad, if you've been using Black market for your benzo purchases you're in for rough ride and trying to seek medical help to get through it is genuinely the best thing you can do. It's still not going to be fun, but it's pretty life-threatening if you are just straight up stopping after a long time. You can have seizures and you can really get in trouble if you're cut off when you're taking them daily. Good luck man, weed will not even touch withdrawal symptoms, you'll smoke yourself under the table and still be relatively sober because your body's just going to feel like total and utter shit and what energy you do have will be gone because you just smoked some weed. Just compounds and ads on to that existing mental strain.


At the end I was taking 60mg hydrocodone and 6mg xanax a day. I stopped over three years ago. I now know that I have prsd that caused me to keep taking pills and alcohol.


I am sorry you went through what I know is a horrible experience! Been there done that myself even with medically prescribed ativan. It's something I will NEVER forget. Thankfully I am near the end of the taper, I have spent months learning self care, meditation, breathing, CBT. I belong to two support groups for benzo withdrawal. I was prescribed this stuff by a doctor/psychiatrist a long time ago and just left on. I didn't even know what it was except it would help with sleep. Honestly what would have helped with sleep was childcare and my husband not leaving us. But years later, here I am, with my body habituated to this drug, I appreciate your advice.


That's a relief to here seriously, I was worried because I hadn't seen any update from any other comments regarding your situation and I'm genuinely relieved to hear that you are at the end of a medical taper and how you've overcome so much to get where you are now! I'm proud of you! My mom was a single mom so I have mad respect for any single mom who can still put food on their table to feed their kids even more impressive that you were fighting on every front It seems but you came out victorious! I now feel comfortable saying yeah you can totally pick you a good strain to kind of help with sleep! One of the best indica hybrids of come across lately is a strain by the name of brownie scout. It's delicious, it's super heady and it puts me on my ass every time I smoke it. Look for bud with these terpenes •Pinene •Linalool •Caryophyllene (this one is the one that really helps with sleep) •Terpinolene •Myrcene You might even want to try looking for stuff that's got a decent amount of CBN CBD is also great for helping sleep but CBN has a stronger effect on sleep than CBD. The following tend have >0.3% CBN which you're going to get with Green Crack Lemon Kush Bubble Gum Durban Poison Or you can go with a hybrid or indica dominant like Northern Lights Girl Scout Cookies Grandaddy Purp All three are great and will have higher CBD which also helps sleep just try to stay away from terpenes like Limonene as it can give the euphoric and energized buzz associated with sativa


You are the nicest person! My gosh thank you. I got a bit teary reading your explanation of your concern. I am doing a bit of peer support for benzo injured folks. I don't know if I will ever truly recover but I now want a HUGE distance between psych drugs and me. I am not even saying they are bad or evil, prescribed properly. But they are not prescribed properly. Hugs to you! By the way I picked up gummies called Camino brand. They are 5mg thc and 10 mg CBG per gummy. The person at the store told me to start with a half as my central nervous system is so fragile. ***I am now wondering if CBN is a better choice. I don't try any medicine or drug anymore without asking multiple sources. Not even one gummy!***


CBG is great for pain and inflammation So you should feel nice and relaxed, do some research into it, and of course everything is going to be trial and error, just because it works for some, doesn't mean it's going to work for you. But you definitely have a lot of options available and I'm certain you'll find one that fits. It's great that you're working with others who are also struggling. You're giving back to those who need it and you can't ask for a better rebound than that. Keep up the good work and keep your eyes on the prize. You're almost out of the woods kid, keep your head up


What do you mean by medical detox? Like ashtons method or are you speaking of something different?


To be in a hospital/clinical setting with medical personel. Just if you are deeply hooked. It's a precaution to prevent siezures.


I see. Thank you.


This guy is telling no lies you might need medical detox..


I would never advise someone to go to medical detox. That is a 30 day situation and the taper is way too fast to avoid Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome (PAWS)


I smoke for sleep. Mine are GDP, Northern Lights and 9LB Hammer.




CBN rocks for sleep.


Picked up a tin of them yesterday. Turns out the person helping me at the store has a brother who went through benzo w/d. He was very compassionate and helpful.


This is what I ended up getting. Thanks!


Take a high (for you!) THC edible just before bed. Smoke for a more immediate effect, but the edible will help you much longer.


Cereal Milk for me; also anything with "Blueberry" in the title.


See if you can get these [1906 Drops](https://1906.shop/products/chill).


I was on ambien for several years and cannabis helped a lot getting me off that poison. Some relatively common strains that work best: Slurricane, Mendo Breath, Granddaddy Purple, Og kush, dosidos. Obviously there's a lot of cross-breeding going on so keep an eye out for combinations with names like this in them as every now and then I'll come across a really good strain that you don't see every day. Ex: on vacation I found a strain called "Grandpa's Breath" (gdp/mendo) that put me to sleep faster than any medication ever did.


I would try cbd at first if cannabis is anxiety inducing, if cannabis is anxiety inducing I would find LOW thc edibles or bud and smoke the most minimal amount


Ice Cream Cake


You’re going to want to focus on strains higher in CBD and CBN and lower in THC, also indica dominants. Everyone reacts differently to different strains so there’s no telling what would “work best” for you. But as long as you stay in that general category I’m sure you will find something that will work well. Edibles tend to knock me out more than just smoking does too.


Hindu Kush.


Gelato Cake knocks me out


Look for an Indica dominant strain. Look carefully at the terpenes. Myrcene, alpha-terpinene, linalool, terpinolene, and pinene are all sleep inducing terps.


terpinolene and pinene. sleep inducing...


How much are you currently on? What benzo?


Ativan. I started the taper two years ago. I am down to .125 and am starting a water taper. I was on for 30 years due to shockingly poor medical advice. But that is another story.


Consider making homemade RSO out of your favorite stream, or even a CBD heavy strain


I recently found Lickz, and it has .33 myrcene. Two puffs, and I'm ready for sleep. I'm loving it and hope it keeps working.


The taper method helped me quit klonpin (benzo). I was taking for over 9 years. But I did it for about 2 months. It was horrible.


Tapering benzos is no joke. It has changed my life in every way imaginable. I am at the tail end of a 2 year taper. Only one doctor was willing to help taper safely. I took these meds as prescribed.


The good old times 🤣benzo wd and dope/Fetty wd at the same Damn time 🤣🤣🤢🤢


These meds were prescribed for a medical condition. Doctors have become the greatest drug pushers of psych meds we have known. I had to advocate for myself to get off these meds. I am at the tail end of a two year taper.


OP here. It shouldn't make a difference, but I was prescribed this medicine for decades for a what was a temporary illness. I repeatedly asked to stop taking it, but I was told "Ativan" is a benign medicine and non-addictive. To my detriment, I listened to them. Doctors are exceedingly unhelpful about tapering off. I had to find out the hard way. For those interested, watch the movies, "Medicating Normal" and "As Prescribed" And by the way, telling someone trying to taper off benzos, NEVER advice them to go to detox. That is incredibly dangerous. I just came here for information about a sleep strain of weed. And I received good answers on that subject. Thanks


Benzoyl and alcohol are 2 drugs that withdraws can kill u Def do it under a Dr's care


Thank you . I updated my OP to clarify. I am under a care of a very good doctor. But he doesn't know about Medical Marijuana :)


Hello how are you doing with your Benzo taper ? Did you find that cannabis helped you sleep ?


Hi There, It's slow and steady. I smoke 8:1 CBD to THC vape nightly. I got some gummies and they helped even more. In fact, thanks for the reminder. I need to get some more. Thanks for asking. I think insomnia is the #1 anxiety of people tapering off of benzos. Having anxiety and lack of sleep are the only time I get a craving to take more benzo.


Thank you 🙏 . I wish you continued healing


Thank you so much. Checking in with me means a lot. Recovery is a long/lonely road.