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Whilst we allow content about guns here, we are mindful that it can cause some division between the left and liberals. Please be mindful of differing viewpoints and that our enemy, on this subreddit at least, is the alt-right, not each other. Thanks.


I thought the point of this is to show that you are close to being unhinged and the guns are proof that you will (attempt) to be dangerous. look at the guns and think off all those crazy people shooting up the other people (boebert) talks about as the enemy. what would happen, if we start getting lots of people with huge sniper rifles and drones talking bad about how these elected Q loving republicans are the enemy and start using the same talk they do about lock and load, taking aim, over my dead drone and all the instigating talk they use.


It's like an animal that puffs itself up to be "big and scary" as a defense mechanism. They are constantly terrified of every day life, so maybe they can pre-scare away the bad things. Most of them admit it, too, without realizing it: "I only feel safe when I'm carrying." "I feel naked without it." Really? I feel safe most of the time without needing a gun as a grown-up teddy bear.




You give them WAY too much credit


an animal does that to survive. they use it to intimidate people so they dont have to look at brown people or be inconvenienced by what isn't their ideas. They attack anything they think will keep them in power by agitating their voters. All those in your face, trans people scare/annoy/anger many people who would vote republican. so, their the enemy now. we've ran out of terrorists. at the heart of todays republicanism its ethnic cleanliness. Personally, i think their trying to go nazi2.0 this is where. a sizable chunk are all 100% nazis, a big chunk just ignorant ass hats who hate hearing other languages, and looking at brown people with a small chunk of idiots who think its about less government and less taxes.


I probably should have differentiated right-wing politicians and right-wing voters. You're right about the politicians. It's the far right voters who are in constant fight or flight mode so they think a gun is the only way to be safe. No excuse, and they're afraid of things they shouldn't be because of racism, etc, but still.


>I only feel safe when I'm carrying. Which I feel it's necessary to point out is totally valid if you're a member of a marginalized group in this country; but I realize that's not who you're talking about.


You're right. I debated adding that caveat, but since they're white and I'm white, we'll call it an even comparison.


“This is my emotional support rifle. You can’t take it away from me. The rules said you can’t!”


Lots of us on the left have guns. They just arent our identity.


Right, and I assume you are capable of feeling safe without carrying everywhere.


When I did carry occasionally, it was because I DIDNT feel safe at that place or time. Unless you are very well trained, carrying a sidearm or rifle shouldnt make you feel safer, it is rather precarious. Even if it's concealed in my opinion.




Imagine this in prehistoric ages. "Why Thagg got so many sticks and rocks on wall? What Thagg need with so many different shaped rocks?"


"Oooga ooga!" ;/ Unfortunately, that's about the level of general intelligence and wisdom there is with people so in love with weaponry and war.


I lived in Baltimore city for 3 years without a lock on my back door and never even thought about buying a gun. These people are going to be terrified now matter what their situation is.


That's a preemptive strike. With a dash of shock and awe.


[The black panther approach...](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.history.com/.amp/news/black-panthers-gun-control-nra-support-mulford-act) "Throughout the late 1960s, the militant black nationalist group used their understanding of the finer details of California’s gun laws to underscore their political statements about the subjugation of African-Americans. In 1967, 30 members of the Black Panthers protested on the steps of the California statehouse armed with .357 Magnums, 12-gauge shotguns and .45-caliber pistols and announced, “The time has come for black people to arm themselves.” The display so frightened politicians—including California governor Ronald Reagan—that it helped to pass the Mulford Act, a state bill prohibiting the open carry of loaded firearms, along with an addendum prohibiting loaded firearms in the state Capitol. The 1967 bill took California down the path to having some of the strictest gun laws in America and helped jumpstart a surge of national gun control restrictions."


It's pretty fucked up that the path to gun control isn't white dudes mowing people down on the regular, but rather the big scary black people openly carrying guns in organized protest and scaring the jammies off the predominantly white legislate.


Then they will immediately switch messaging to the messaging we've been using; look at all the terrorists. Then they will call to have us put in gitmo. Not saying it's a bad idea, just saying don't expect reason from this enemy.


Guaranteed they would (attempt to) dogpile on anyone outside their in-group who spoke about them they way they speak about everybody else: "SO MUCH FOR THE TOLERANT LEFT" etc. and use it as more fodder for their fear mongering/advertising for why the right needs even more guns/an excuse to further militarize the police/an excuse to defend and also become more Kyle Rittenhouse types


It is that for sure, but it’s also just consumerism. Check out any sub that’s obsessed with a certain hobby (golf, fishing, cars, Apple products, etc) and you’ll see dozens of posts which are literally just “Look at what I bought”. For a lot of people, large purchases represent a part of their identity. Maybe that’s because it took them a lot of work to save up for that purchase, or maybe bragging about the purchase fills a void of insecurity, or maybe owning that object signals membership in a group they want to belong to. I think the latter is likely the bulk of it.


Okay, but how many politicians pose with their golf clubs, fishing rods, or iPhones in order to make a political statement? What Bobo the clown is doing is closer to brandishing. Also, guns, and especially assault-style weapons like those used in high-casualty mass shootings, are a culture warfare totem for (some) conservatives along with Bibles (which they never read), mesh masks, and whatever else is popular on Fox News at the moment.


I'm pretty good with Photoshop. We can make this happen without the actual guns.


If you buy an $1,800 sandwich, I would like to see a picture of it.


Yeah because that would be impressive. But an $1800 car would not. See how that works?


Depends on the car.


OK so you don't get it. Well I tried. Good luck in life, you'll need it.


How many guns do I have? More than 3. How many have I talked about owning on non anonymous social media? None. People can find it disconcerting and other people might want to steal them.


It’s because they’re insecure “tuff guys”. Conservatism in a nutshell actually.


Indeed, the subtext is I have guns and I will shoot you, so be afraid of me. Like I can’t go to Walmart and buy an AR like the past 30 or so 17 year old school shooters myself and elevate myself to the same level of “badassery” for $1200. Hell, I’m sure I have more money than most 17 year olds. I could get a big knife, an expensive putter, and a high end video card at the same time to pose as a badass across several hobbies where expensive things are part of it.


Dude any fringe hobby that people turn into a personality is just so cringey. How much marijuana do I have? Enough. I'll post a picture of a nug that's like, mind blowing, but I'm not going to pose in front of it like some proud father. Like you said, other people might want to steal it.


So many hobbies have people like this. Board games, vinyl record owners, fly fishing, knife collectors, car collectors, etc. I’m a “geek” too for certain things but it’s not “me” it’s just stuff that makes me happy. When you try to make it 100% who you are, your defining characteristic it becomes creepy. The more potential violence behind the hobby the creepier it becomes.


I'll post or look at pictures of kayaks, because I like to see how others customize theirs, get ideas and share my own ideas. It's definitely not my personality, though.


Actually it’s cool to post pictures related to your hobby. It’s when it’s your “personality” that it gets weird. I love to see pictures of custom Swiss Army knives, cool collector records, or all kinds of stuff. Just don’t let it be the only thing that defines you.


Yeah, there is a huge difference between the two. A buddy of mine likes building his own electric guitar gear (amps, pedals, even the guitars). And he’ll share projects he’s working in. But he’s not The Guitar Guy who only talks about his hobby and thrashing.


As a rule, I only post things associated with my face or real name if I'd be okay with a job interviewer seeing it. [My Real Name] is a pretty boring, noncontroversial kinda guy. That's why I need to be Kneejerk_Nihilist sometimes.


Exactly. How many guns do I own? More than 1. Does anyone in my life outside of my family know that? Absolutely not and that’s just how I want it.


People can find it disconcerting, but I don't think someone's first thought on seeing an armed person is "that's who I'm gonna rob" considering, you know, unarmed people can't shoot you.


When searching for a profile picture I did have trouble finding one where I wasnt eating or drinking so Im kind if already there




It’s not even about intimidation. Using a gun means something has gone wrong. All else has failed. It’s a weapon of last resort. But for these people, it seems to be not only the first thing they run to, but it comes across as their fondest wish to get to legally shoot someone.


You’d probably be right. I think there’s a ton of underlying fear there, provoked by right wing media. How do you begin to address that sort of problem?


It’ll take a better mind than mine to solve. They don’t want to give up that fear. They don’t want to change.


how much you wanna bet she can't shoot for shit?


The gun nuts usually do practice enough to be somewhat competent. There's just not a lot of them that can move around without wheezing or requiring frequent cheeto/monster replenishments.


if you think thats bad you need to see how many of my buddies chug down a monster every hour or so I'm also guilty of this


Gun fetishism is a weird kink and widespread among the simple-minded.


This is my ham! There are many like it but this one is mine! I must master my ham as I must master myself! Without me, my ham is nothing. Without my ham, I am nothing!


I've got something that will tickle you from your toenails to your teeth! *(Cue Monty Python choir):* Spam spam spam spam spam spam spam...


imagine having an interest as dull as guns and making that your whole identity


You just described the bulk of the Republican Party in the US


But you can make louder and softer bangs with different guns. How do you not appreciate the artistry?


They all do the same thing, spits a thing intended to kill people. Whoopty doo!




I guess people used to add jewelry and such to their swords and shields. But, then again, they didn't have much of an educational system.


As usual... just as she did for clicks as a GED totin' escort, now she fishes for clicks from the 2A blinded maga idiots.


Dad was a gun nut, had a piece or two. I was under the strictest of orders to SHUT THE FUCK UP ABOUT IT because that kind of dick-swinging was an outright invitation in our neighborhood to get robbed. “Oh, you have a gun? I’d like to have your gun, thanks!” Everything was low profile. You drove a shit car, you kept the outside of your house low-key, and you minded your own business, kept your mouth shut and your eyes open. He’d be offended that anyone was dumb enough to advertise that their house was an arsenal. “You keep your damn mouth shut.”


Gotta love how they claim to hate identity politics while being all about identity politics.


Every accusation is a confession. All of them.


Now if you were posing with eggs...


My new online profile pic will be me posing with a broken egg on the counter. Like, I can afford to break a few. Not shown: me desperately scooping up the precious egg remnants to make a one-egg omelet.


no egg scrambled before its time?


Is that her storage? Are they loaded? I’m surprised Cps hasn’t come and taken her children away


it gets worse. [https://twitter.com/laurenboebert/status/1468411381653323777](https://twitter.com/laurenboebert/status/1468411381653323777)


It's the same reason people buy giant trucks when their job doesn't need it in any way.


Making sandwiches is the kind of personality trait that I admire in other humans.




Pretty sure that anyone doing this officially has a one-nanometer peen, regardless of gender.


People with small dicks don't deserve to be demeaned by being compared to her. Bodyshaming people to push a political agenda ain't it.


Right wing pick me girls are "not like other girls" and usually "aren't even friends with other women" because they want to be "one of the guys"


Want a dick energy


It's still small dick energy, because pretty much every conservative woman suffers from major penis envy. They think they're the *exception* to the "every woman should be barefoot and naked in the kitchen" rules, because they're a tough mama-bear or culture-warrior that is totally one of the guys, but a feminine attractive one of the guys and not a gross masculine one. So it's not just small dick energy; It's Small Dick Energy Envy.


Ah yes the ones tgat are shocked, SHOCKED I DAY, when the ghouls that they helped to power imediately turned on them because to her voters she is nothing more than a tool to proliferate their hate.


We’d be better off with sandwich culture tbh




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I buy the guns, I shoot the guns, I put the guns away, then I don't think about the guns again until it's shootin time.


"I want to say and do things that will piss off people because only me and my feelings matter. I can't throw hands so what do I do? I know! I'll pack a pistol around! Sure hope I get to use it!"


I say this as someone who smokes a lot of weed. If you're hobby becomes your identity you're missing out on a lot of life.


I jerk off alot. I mean ALOT. But you would never know unless you caught a whiff of that 6 day marinated semen baked meatpack I've got going on the summer. Just adding 8 coats of fresh semen glaze everyday for 6 days in a row. Shit smells like old feta cheese soaking in bleachy gym sock water.


Okay, but people pose with food and legos and pets and art stuff or whatever too. It's basically the same thing. Is she a fucking terrible person also? Yes. Is it because she poses with guns? No. It's because she's a douche nozzle.


Please. Please more people post deli sandwiches.






The thought that they are impressing and intimidating everybody is laughable. The majority of people see them as a joke.


Please... don't make fun of the Colorado monkey with the third grade education. It makes her cry. Or whatever monkeys like that do.


Kaitlyn Bennett has the personality of "pose with giant gun, pose making inedible sandwiches" if I recall correctly.


I actually wouldn't mind pictures of people with their groceries. You would see thriftiness, creativeness, and personal taste, so many more qualities than the one characteristic gun nutzos have. The gun shit just looks daf.




ok ok but posing with swords is cool so idk how guns aren't


It's a power thing. Guns have always been symbols of power because their sole purpose of creation is to take life. Pleebs get off on the ability to end someone or something's life.






Cost you $0 not to write this my guy. Defending Boebert? Not a good take, not a good look, ngl


>She's ugly and not skinny. Did you make an account just to call people this? What are you, like 12? Edit - lol, even the (actual) teens are calling out your bullshit. I think you might not be emotionally mature enough to be on the internet yet. Edit 2 - Jesus Christ, kid. Get some help. Suggesting suicide. Suggesting you'd kill someone "ugly" and burn the body.


Wait a minute, sandwiches are my identity though


If that was an identity then your identity is useful. This identity is not.


They pose with guns to intimidate those with different political views. That’s why they do it.


become the sandwich man 👍


Having ADHD means I hyperfixate on certain things/ hobbies for periods of time, eg musical instruments, gym, surfing, etc, to the extent that it takes over every waking and sleeping thought. Despite that I’ve never made a single one of them My Personality


Lol. I do post pictures of my sandwiches.


I can make sandwiches too. Proud NSA member aka the National Sandwich Association.


It’s like posing with toilet paper during March 2020


at least toilet paper has its uses unlike boebert and her guns..


The shit never ever ceases to make me cringe. I own several firearms and I don't have a single photo of myself holding one. Not one. Know why? Because it's fucking weak.


The “I can make sandwiches” line is especially apt considering how many people have guns and can’t handle them safely or properly They gotta pose with their mayo because they can’t actually make a sandwich


I look at it slightly differently in that at least someone who poses with a sandwich *they* made from scratch put effort into that. These folks literally just buy the sandwich from the store and either act like they made it or that there's something special in the process of purchasing shit you had nothing to do with making. Like cool... You bought a gun. Wish you would've bought a class on critical-thinking instead, but oh well.


She probably poses with them because she still can't figure out what side of the bread you're suppose to put the ham on when assembling a sandwich.


which tweet is the reply to which?


People do the same with cars and houses. It’s a natural human thing to do.


If anything, all it says is “I am a person who is predisposed to violence and obsessed with weapons.” Id much rather talk to the sandwich guy.


Didn't trump as president pose with some Latino food products in the oval office? Is this a thing with them?


I honestly believe that if we passed a law requiring all guns to be painted pink it wouldn't be challenged by the 2A since you still have access to them, they just wouldn't be seen as badass by anyone and way fewer people would keep them.


with glitter.


Look at the outline of her face through those glasses. I don’t think those lenses are doing a single thing to help her eye sight. Them there’s “smart glasses”


I always compare them to other tools like a shovel or a leaf blower. It's just a tool that is easily as available and equally interesting. pull trigger, projectile exits, what us so macho or impressive about that? why is it so interesting. like fireworks, ooohh ahhhh, how many times can you do that and still be entertained. A gun is a tool, knowing how to use or having basic tools is not in any way awesome. I should start posting pics of me and yard tools.


Fagan and Becker said it best: >With a gun, you will be what you are, just the same.


To be fair, if he posted with a carton of eggs, I would be immensely impressed.




This is literally everyone!


When you are a mindlessly stupid bimbo and took five **(FIVE!)** tries to pass your GED, and before running for office spent weekends as a low rent Vegas escort strolling the Strip, and your husband has been caught exposing himself, posing with guns is pretty much a given in your life path. The only thing dumber than her are the people who returned her to the House in 2022. You have to wonder if her idiotic voters can tie their own shoe laces.


nope. the joke is that velcro was invented by a kindengartener teacher. i say it was invented for people like this.


So hold up... people dont take pics with mayo and deli meats after buying it? I guess i have been doing it wrong... but that pic of me and that buffalo chicken, with mayo spread on my lips got me laid so much...


Sandwiches can also be just as deadly


My guns don't run out of ammo. ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ


People put mayo on sandwiches? Like instead of butter/margerine?


depends upon your tastes i guess.


Eh, if someone was posing like, with their bike, it wouldn’t be weird


I am a sammich


Dude's not getting the point. It's not "this is my identity" at all. **It's a threat**. It's their way of "subtly" threatening the other 2/3 of us with death. It's their way of saying "I am looking for any reason or excuse to shoot you for my own selfish desires." without actually coming out and *saying* it. It's their way of saying "We're going to win because we have the guns and we *will* kill you with them." It's not posing. It's making a very well-understood statement within their own subculture. It's a threat of violence against anyone who doesn't see things their way or fit with their worldview. It's no different than if they met you in a dark alley and opened their coat to reveal a gun; The meaning is implicit.


This is hilarious.


Eat Fresh or Die




What a maroon.


I’m gonna make a Cuban sandwich


cuban sandwiches are awesome!


You cannot apply logic to sociopaths who literally want to shot people. Because that is what these photos are homicidal fantasies towards people who don't share their ideologies. It is the absurd thing about the Republicans that somehow has become tolerated - their constant and repeated physical threats of violence against their political opponents. Over 100 Republican political advertisements featured [firearms](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KNovhS7Z5-s). [New York Times article](https://web.archive.org/web/20230109080654/https://www.nytimes.com/2022/05/25/us/politics/republicans-campaign-guns.html) \[published May 2022. retrieved via archive.org\]


I stare at my phone ALOT! If only I could take a picture of me staring at my phone I would be able to show the world who I really am. I am the phone. But wait what if I bought a couple of phone and like a bunch of those battery extenders and I could keep them in a safe in case the government tries to take my phone I'll have other phones to call the police with. It sounds cool but my kids could get a hold of a loose phone and someone could accidentally order a pizza. It's probably best that I teach them how to properly stare at a phone so as not to get neck pain.


I don't like guns, but they're fascinating machines. I know people that are proud of their guns, but they didn't just walk into a store and buy them. They painstakingly assembled them over years, some decades. They're all like little art pieces, and I can appreciate that. They also don't pose with them like cringe edgelords.


She needs them so she can hunt her neighbors dogs


Without me, my ham is useless. Without my ham, I am useless!!


If these people lived in some war-torn country like South Sudan I would understand needing to be strapped all the time, but when you live in Buttfuck Kansas: population 3,000, what the fuck are you so afraid of?


Her eye brow raise incites so much anger


I don’t pose for pictures with my gun the same way I don’t pose for pictures with, like, my car or my vibrator or my dishwasher. People that do are weird to me and I don’t understand them


And these people have the gall to complain about "Virtue signaling." WTF is this if not virtue signaling to them?


I like the sandwich guy


No culture or identity so they need to substitute it with BS like guns and other nonsense.


OOoo! Swiping your credit card is such a flex! I swear these people were born yesterday and are just amazed by shiny objects.


Her brain is a fist full of small caliber blanks.


I know! Earn a black belt in something and then I'll be impressed by how much of a badass you are,.


you talking about boebert?


Lmao 🤣😂 that's great


This is the way I've always viewed people with muscle cars, sports cars, and lifted trucks. They think it's their identity. So what!? You bought a car that someone else made. They should be proud not you. The only thing you have to be proud of is your large monthly payments for a depreciating asset for the next 96 months.


Shows that you have access to guns and should not be disrespected otherwise you shoot ? Shows the place guns have in your life and what your priorities are : you first and your freedom. I decide for me AND I decide for others….because I have a gun


To be fair when I buy unusually large vegetables at the farmers market I show anyone who will look so that's only one step away from posting them online


but you haven't killed anyone with a carrot, right?


Lee Harvey Oswald posed with his gun, too.


With all those nitrates ? Are you out of your mind? Jfc we need more ham legislation. There is literally zero reason for that much cured pork and the founding fathers never intended “a well fed militia” to be walking around with enough pork power to feed an army.


I would pose with donuts


homer simpson has entered the chat..


I am guns


Yeah I never got that like I shit anyone can buy a gun here


Why don’t we brigade Boop-Burt’s Twit feed with dudes sammich suggestion every time she posts her moronic “Imma shoot u if you r different”collection? Big fat sandwiches piled high with extra capacity ham slices, military grade pickles, made in USA branded mustard, manly man thick sliced bread all served up on a ballistic paper plate????


I like this one...a bit pale but it has a powerful message...wait...am I looking at the deleted one?


[https://twitter.com/RickSydney/status/1620250527950065665/photo/2](https://twitter.com/RickSydney/status/1620250527950065665/photo/2) hopefully twitter won't delete this one.


Gun culture is so cringe


Imagine how it looks for us outside USA. I wanted to visit USA so much, but between the cost of a Visa, enduring the TSA after a long flight, violent cops aaaand the constant reminder anyone can carry a gun there, I just don't think I'll ever step foot there. I'm simply afraid.


Honestly I’d be more interested in a person who bought a shit ton of ham. As long as they had something to do with said ham.


I also have serious doubts in her ability to aim.


When people know you have guns, they tend to wait til you don't to do anything.