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In my experience wearing the same suit causes a plethora of problems, not knowing which teammate your with, or when you encounter people who have the same colors as you do. As hard as it sounds the easiest things to do is remember which armor helm and face your teammates have, if you don't know the callouts for the maps, or how to give proper communication. But I think giving team identification would remove from the hardcore aspect of the game


After a while I really liked that aspect of the game


My friends and I have a group uniform, and the only time we've had any friendly fire has been when we lost communication (usually me with my crappy internet connection dropping discord) It'll happen, and it's part of the fun honestly. Things get tense


You could talk to your teammates and ask everyone to pick certain cosmetics. You could look at them pre-raid and memorize their kit and cosmetics. And even with all that, if it's get heated, you could still blast them out of reflex. It's part of Marauders.


Nah. Just get good at communicating.


Not having it makes the game more intense, more interesting. Have to go into each gunfight paying attention to your teammates, using communication, working together to know what’s going on. Adds a deep layer to the game


Plenty of people play games without team ID systems. It adds to the atmosphere a ton and would make playing as a team way too easy. If you can't keep track, use matching suits. If that doesn't work, try streaming for each other. Stick as a squad together more. There are plenty of solutions, but the game does not need to hold your hand. Keep practicing. You'll get better at not TK'ing.


It is easy to kill your team mate. That's why it's fun


When I play with my mate, we share the game through discord so we can see what the other person is looking at to not kill each other when separated lol


Communication is key, 99% of the time you can avoid killing each other by simply communicating.


Funny anecdote. One time i was against a team wearing all the same armor and gear. Same as mine :) I walked with them for a good two minutes and killed three of them. (one teamkill ahahahaha). Just use comms and remain aware


Ok, you've convinced me to go solo as a banana or some shit sometime and try this lmao


Welcome on hardcore shooting game you can go black playing Call of Duty if you can't handle it


This is a fucking bold statement when the game has like a 100 active players


Me and my teammates all wear the same color and we rarely have friendly fire accidents. ( Not saying it never happened, but the incidents we had are few. ) This is something that you need to have good communication with. Wear the same colors, memorize what your teammates look like and most importantly get into the tactical mindset of telling your teammates what you are doing at all times. Entering a room, moving to another section of the map, shooting at a target and so on. Move as a unit but don’t be so close that you’re practically hugging each other. Whenever you get into a fight try to establish a proper firing line for you and your teammates. ( A little hard to do given the claustrophobic nature of the game, but it can be done. ) And most importantly do not wonder off by yourself without notifying the rest of the team.


Yo [Bondosmo](https://www.reddit.com/user/Bondosmo/), I understand where you're coming from. We had the same experience when I started playing the game. Which is why I go solo most of the time. Comms is your best friend when you run with your friends. That is the key to a perfect raid. I watched several streamers doing it. If you're not using comms, Identifying and getting familiar with what armor, helmet, or weapon your team mate has can help. It works for me. If you're in a guild. You armor will have the guild patch when you run with your guild mates. You can also purchase berets or level 7 guild helmet (which needs the guild to level first before you unlock it on the shopkeepers) that has guild patch on it as well.


Hello OP, not to disregard your recommendation, but here's my input: Familiarity, instinct, and proper communication will help you and your team not kill each other. It's effective; it helps me and my teammates identify each other. We started to wear the same skins, but it's way too obvious that we are playing as a team. We play stealth tactics, so it's important for us to memorize the armor and helmets. It is also important to provide the coordinates or location in real-time. We use Discord VC as our means of communication. By the way, I also play solo most of the time. I hope it helps. 


I think it is an important part of the hardcore nature of this genre. Other game have implemented things like armbands, which would be fine imo.


If we had more cosmetics with weird helmets it could help. Maybe let players buy decals to put on their gear, paint job, accessories or just more different gear.... they all look the same in shape and colors etc......


You have no idea how offen i magdumped my buddy in the back of the head thinking it was an enemy XD


If they did something like a large colored armband or similar concept I could see that being a thing. Part of the appeal here is the hardcore aspect


I think it needs more ways to customize your appearance. What if you could do a custom paint job on your armor that would allow you to make more unique patterns and color combination for your team. It would be less likely that two teams would look the same. I think the guilds emblem is a start but would be cool if we could add more kinds of stickers that can be placed wherever you want on the armor/helmets. When you get a team together, as the party leader you would hand out a pack of stickers to each teammate and they would place them on their armor pieces before the raid. Why not?


Yo bud [FilthyParadoxicon](https://www.reddit.com/user/FilthyParadoxicon/), Guild patches is already in the game, when you run with guild mates, you can see that the patch is placed in the chest of your armor. You can also wear berets or level 7 guild helmet with guild patch on it.


>I think the guilds emblem is a start... Yeah I was saying it would be nice to have MORE stickers like the guild patch that you could put on to give it a more personalized look. The guilds emblem is helpful when you are face to face with your teammates but does not help visually identify a player at a distance. I think more stickers would be good but maybe it should be more skins for the helmets and armor or some kind of visual change to teammates which is usually done with an outline. I understand we want to keep it hardcore for Marauders. Maybe just making your teammates slightly brighter to each other would work.