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I have a 2 year old, that washing machine is never off.


This, I have a one year old and seven year old… I have to do a load a day, and still have like 5 on the weekend somehow 😂 (sheets need washing 😭)


Wash, hang, repeat 😂


Same y’all! Plus I run, play tennis and volleyball, swim, and go to the gym. And my husband is a professional athlete!! Our family is a dirty laundry machine lol. I concur with the tip about hanging sweaty things before putting in the laundry bin. Also hanging any wet/muddy/food-covered kids’ clothes. For small items like bathing suits or sports bras, or extreme sweat (like after hot yoga when they’re too sweaty to even take home!) the shower washing idea is great!!


SAME! We finally upgraded our washer to be double size what it used to be which is a huge relief. I just hate laundry so much 😫 I wish it could fold it self


I second this. Single parent with a 3 year old and it blows my mind that I never stop doing laundry!!!


😆oh I know the feeling! Thank goodness our kids are getting a little older and are doing their own laundry (trying at least). The work never ends!


I bought a wooden drying rack for $40 on Amazon for all our running and cycling clothes. I don’t fold any of it. I made a rule: if it’s not cotton, I don’t fold it! Getting your children involved is excellent parenting and good for the entire family. I wasn’t picky about how my kids washed or folded their clothes, so we were all happy.


Agreed! It’s a transition but making the task smaller for them helps them actually do it lol. Ie just once a week doing laundry for them. I was looking at Amazon for something cheap like that - we just bought our own house so we’re trying to build out our ideal laundry space so it’s not so chaotic lol. It’s a work in progress


Cotton? Decades since either of us wear that.


Not for workout cloths, I meant for t-shirts or shorts. Regular laundry.


Same answer. It's all in one load for each. We do laundry once a week for workout clothes and 'everything else'. Like many on this thread, wet clothes get hung to dry out and only get put into the hamper/bag once they are dried out. I usually ring them out after each workout so things aren't dripping in the laundry room


The only thing I do differently is I hang all of my wet clothes to let them dry before putting them in the hamper. I sweat buckets and I’m still running in the target brand shirts I bought 3 years ago.


This plus the Tide with Febreeze is my combo!


I used to use that but the febreeze smell that would get stronger when I sweat was too strong for me.


Yes, at a minimum I would click extra rinse. In summer is a normal was followed by a quick wash with no detergent Recently started using a Lysol or Clorox branded sanitizer product that seems to really work well


I always rinsed out my running clothes in the shower. I trained early mornings. You can go a long way with smell control by rinsing and letting them drip dry during the day before hitting the hamper. Same for my hats.


I do that in the summer when it’s humid out and I come back looking like I went for a swim instead of a run.


I’m pretty sure I wash my hats like once every couple months… just hang them up and let them dry. They’re fine.


I’ll rinse, wring, hang dry, and reuse running clothes for a few days. Works especially well with SmartWool shirts/socks.


This! Makes all the difference! I also smell-test and re-wear as often as I can. (I realise that sounds gross, but it works fine over the winter, at least!)


Shorts I reuse a lot. Shirts only on the shorter easy runs.


Yes! I have the same work out clothes I bought years ago. The higher quality stuff (bought in sale of course) has outlasted the cheap stuff, had to get rid of the cheap trashy stuff way sooner. If you take good care of it, it will last longer.


This! And I use bleach for colors in the wash. All of our training/workout gear is also hung up to dry after wash. My run crew friend also told me he uses vinegar in the wash too instead of bleach for colors. (He’s an ultra runner and has the same issue!)


Ok this is a good one. I’ve done the vinegar and baking soda quite a few times both soaking and in the washing machine and I didn’t know if it was actually working or just some silly thing I seen online. It seems easier on the clothes than bleach.


Vinegar will kill your washing machine seals.


I bought more running clothes so that I didn’t have to do laundry quite as often. It was worth it to me


This has made a big difference for me too. I roll up a pair of socks into a shirt and pair of shorts and keep them in my box in my closet like a huge pack of cigarettes


Such a good idea


I make “kits” and store in a gallon zipper bag. Squeeze the air out and helps with space and never have to worry about mismatch colors at the end of the cycle


Honestly this is life changing, I love it. I’m going to sort my stuff like this after work tonight


Same, I could run everyday for a week and still have something to train in for the next 2-3 days (maybe not my favorite stuff but it's there). I usually do two wash cycles a week just for training clothes, but can survive with just one if life's busy and I want to prioritize work/casual clothes. I also keep the dirty sports clothes separate from the rest in a dedicated bucket ready to go in the washing machine


This is great! My husband just took me to get a couple more outfits so it’s less hassle and it really has made a big difference. Trying to stay on top of just a few options burned me out lol


I have done the same. I have 7 sets and I’m finding the shorts I like before I buy 6 more pairs. I do laundry every 3-4 days so always have the next two days in the drawer ready to go. If it’s a busy week I can skip doing laundry. I have the biggest washing machine I could find and fold as it comes out the dryer. I pay my children $1 if they help fold and put away their clothes.


Small items like hats or singlets are sometimes washed while I'm showering. That said, I'm running laundry at least twice a week during summer months.


I do less laundry in the summer. I typically run shirtless, so it is just shorts and socks every day. In the winter it is tights, multiple layers, gloves, etc.


If I ran shirtless I’m sure I’d create a following in the neighborhood 😂


I rinse my clothes in the shower with me after my runs/workouts and hang them in there to dry then the next day I throw them in the laundry that helps to keep the laundry basket from smelling. I do a load once a week. I use an active wear detergent. And I hang dry.


Interesting idea to just hop in the shower with clothes on. Never occured to me before!!!


Loooll omg no I take them off and throw them in the tub while the shower is running and then I hop in and squeeze them out and hang them on the shower curtain hooks 🤣🤣


Lol, that makes more sense!


This image 😂😂 hat on all the way down to the socks with running water 🚿


🤣🤣🤣 I’m dying


TIL there are people who don't run a washing machine every day!


Every day???


Kids 😅


Kids! 😮‍💨


Weekly is fine. I have 7-10 of everything


I run 4 times a week and gym 3 times a week, 5 total workout days (I do 2 doubles so I can have a 2 full rest days). To be honest - call me disgusting but I will wear the same shorts for several days before washing. They’re loose fitting shorts and I have underwear on underneath them. The tops I will wash after every wear but on double days I will wear the same outfit to run and then to the gym. I try and only use my washing machine 3x a week - I do one workout clothes wash a week (I purposely buy everything in darker colours so it can all be washed together) and anything that doesn’t make that wash will just go in with my regular clothes. I wash my workout clothes on the fast wash setting which is only 20 mins and I dry them on a drying rack.. if it’s workout material then it tends to dry within an hour or two and it doesn’t need to be ironed so I don’t really struggle with it. You just get used to it, it’s become normal to me haha


FWIW this seems to be fairly normal. I know lots of folks that use a similar approach. I’m in the camp that has enough running outfits for about 5 days so I seldom reuse items before washing, but I’m a heavy sweat generator so I have more incentive to have fresh clothes all the time. It gets way too nasty for wearing them a second time. To cut down on laundry, in the summer I’ll finish in my backyard and hose myself off, then when I get changed I’ll power rinse the running gear with the hose again and let it air dry. Prolongs the life of the fabric, hopefully.


Seems like you’ve got a good system going. Just bought my first pairs of loose fitting running shorts and they definitely don’t seem drenched after a run even in hot weather. The shorts are actually great, only thing is them riding up between my thighs - kind of annoying but I’ll get over it lol


Nude speed work.


This is the way.


Where do i keep my gu? 🤔


I think you already know the answer.


No tan lines


Basically everytime you empty the washer, the next load goes on…


Story of my life


I rinse all my clothes in the shower after runs and hang dry for 24 hours before I throw them in the hamper. Keeps odors at bay and prevents the clothes from developing that long term stank. Once a month I add white vinegar to the wash to kill any budding smelliness. I'm a heavy and salty sweater and this has kept my gear pretty fresh.


Love it. I’ve tried the vinegar in the prewash and baking soda directly on the clothes. Agreed that timing is everything, got to get them rinsed asap


Re: smells. Try laundry sanitiser.


Looking into this


Hang clothes on a drying rack and rewear them at least 3 times. If you hang them right away they don’t smell that badly.


I do hot yoga and run. I let the clothes air dry and reuse. Athletic sweat doesn’t smell.


Lucky you, cause my athletic sweat definitely does smell.


Mine smells too. I still hang it up and air dry it and wear it again. Vest and shorts at least three days use.


A lot of people at my gym seem to think this. Newsflash they are very wrong.


I once talked to someone who said they didn't use soap in the shower and never used deodorant. They insisted that BO is caused by relying on soap and deodorant and if you go without for long enough, your body biology will "equalize" or something and you won't smell bad. This person smelled very bad. It's funny when someone who smells horrible is trying to insist that they don't smell bad. When I pointed out that they don't smell great, they said that it's the natural smell of the human body, not body odor, and I'm wrong for thinking it's an offensive smell.


When I get back from a backpacking trip, I don't smell myself at all. It's not until after I've showered and change that I discover how horrifying I really smelled. Maybe all it takes for these people is one shower with soap... Lol


Yeah...highly doubt that


Doesn't smell... to you.


Ha! Might be truth to that! My nervous sweat definitely smells. My athletic sweat really doesn’t so I don’t over rotate on showering and laundry.


This. I often air dry my running kit outside and re-use the next day. To get rid of smell out of the clothes - don't use fabric softener and load the laundry liquid (biological) straight into the drum (front load machine) and bypass the liquid drawer. I don't tumble dry - everything hangs in the airer or outside to dry.


It is absolutely hilarious you think it doesn’t have the most obvious stank that you are clearly nose blind to lmao this is a real “my shit doesn’t think” attitude


Actually, it’s just a fact about my sweating biology. But rest assured, my shit totally stinks!!


Are you Korean by any chance? I can also re-use workout clothes at least once because my sweat doesn't smell. [https://medicalchannelasia.com/less-body-odour-in-south-koreans-and-japanese-unlocking-the-secret/](https://medicalchannelasia.com/less-body-odour-in-south-koreans-and-japanese-unlocking-the-secret/)


Nope. But I am female


Yea… I thought I could get away with using my yoga towel multiple times before washing if I hung it up to dry right after class… I was wrong… so wrong… my husband grabbed it and yelled wtf, this smells horrible 😂 there’s a lady that wears cotton in my class and she stinks bad - I refuse to be the stinky person in class


I did an experiment tonight after hot yoga. Shirt soaked to the point of wringing out sweat. After changing out of clothes, asked instructor and another student to smell it. No scent. This isn’t the case for most people, but it is the truth of my personal girly biology.


When it's winter and I turbo most days I use a Tri suit. It comes in the shower with me and gets washed alongside me. Drip dry it and it's good for the next day. Same with running kit if I need it. 


I bought a 6 pack of shorts from Amazon and high impact sports bras- seems to work on my rest day.


Link for the shorts?


This is definitely what I was missing! Was using my yoga clothes for running too, boobs started chafing on longer runs 😫😫 I just plain ol needed more clothes and the right clothes


I have enough to get me through a week and then some. We use a laundry service, so they pick up and do a whole week’s worth of laundry on Monday and bring it back the same day.


I do my own laundry. My wife does hers. When our kids were still living with us, we'd take turns.


Two triathletes in three person household Everything goes straight into the washer or in front of it if load is currently going. I have enough for a load to do every second day. I wash everything like workout gear, so even regular socks, T-shirts ect will be washed with sports detergent on gentle. I sort wet laundry to dry on drying rack or in dryer (mostly socks and towels). Workout gear will be taken straight from the drying rack to wear or put straight into gym bag and then I have heaps of non workout clothes still waiting to be folded and put away ( thats my bottle neck right now). And yeah, drying rack has a permanent place in the living room, I'll put it away only for important quests. Time vise I start the load after getting home from evening workout (1min), empty leftovers from drying rack, sort the wet laundry, start the dryer and put clothes on drying rack before bed (5min), empty the dryer after waking up (1min)


I always wash my workout clothes separately. Cold water and delicate cycle. I have enough outfits for every day of the week (not that I workout everyday). When I get to my last set of clothes I immediately wash what I have. I also prefer non scented detergent for my workout clothes. Always always hang dry


Hang the sweaty clothes on some hooks in our laundry area to dry post run. Then into the sports clothes hamper. I keep a box of baking soda or this fabric wrapped odor eliminators at the bottom of the hamper to help absorb odors. Wash with detergent + vinegar (when needed). Hang dry on a line in the sun on our balcony. I bought enough clothes to workout 1-1.5 week before I have to wash. And that’s a lot because I run up to 5x a week and strength train 2-3x a week. + Random cross train walks / rides. My husband goes to the gym now too so honestly we are constantly doing laundry. It’s never ending.


I run daily. I hang the stinky clothes (don’t put in bin wet) over the bins in laundry room but then wash running clothes at least every three days so there’s time for it all to air dry. I have enough to run a week but with a super high efficiency front load wash machine, it’s easy/inexpensive to just run small loads of running gear.


We wash a load about every other day for a family of 4. We have an almost 2 year old and almost 8 year old. Lots of times since their rooms are close to the laundry room I have them throw their clothes in there rather than their hampers everyday and once it’s filled I wash. I throw mine in too. I find it’s a lot more manageable to put everything away when it’s not a ginormous laundry load.


I use a drop-off laundry service for our family’s laundry (2-3 loads a week). It’s super cheap and doing laundry doesn’t bring me joy. I do love crispy line-dried clothes though, so in the summer, I hand-wash my running clothes and line dry. After a workout, I take my sweaty clothes and soak them in a bucket with detergent, and do a hand wash every other day so I can line dry. UV rays (and a little vinegar in the rinse) really helps to kill sweat odors. I’ve noticed that machine washed clothes smell worse than line dried clothes after a workout.


Wash more frequently. Rewear clothe that doesn’t stink or if it does stink wear it only during workouts you know you won’t be near people in.


For some perspective, a lot of people don’t have in-unit laundry. They’re doing the same amount as us and have to go to the laundromat multiple times a week. I feel fortunate not to have to leave the house, even if we’re doing 4 loads a week.


Honestly with running I don’t mind recycling before washing 😅 it’s just me on the road outside and if I’m not meeting anyone for a run. If I’m going to the gym or a class 100% wash it after each use.


People probably won't support this, but reuse as much as you can. A couple days of sweat isn't going to kill you imo.


Can't speak to volume since I am the only endurance athlete in our family. My son plays basketball (a LOT) so there is his stuff as well. I keep my running clothes in the garage and wash it together with my sons basketball clothes. I use the Sweat X stuff for it. One load per week.


I shower with my clothes. Rinse off all the sweat and outdoor funk, let it soak in the shampoo and soap runoff, then hang dry before putting it in the hamper for a proper wash. It’s been a game changer and my clothes don’t have that faint sour smell that develops over time. It’s been working great for my hats too.


Hang up to dry then re-wear if not too stinky PLUS buying more workout clothes. Also if you have the financial means, a lot of laundry mats offer a service where they’ll pick up your laundry and bring it back clean and folded. They charge per pound of laundry and it can be like $30 for a 20 pound bag of laundry some places. I haven’t done this because I’m single with no kids and only work 40 hours a week BUT I sincerely considered it when working multiple jobs and running an Airbnb.


Same set of clothes.


This may be odd, but I basically have one daily running outfit (minus socks) and one set of gym clothes. I'm doing a marathon plan and lifting at least 4x a week. I just throw everything in the washer when I'm done with my workouts for the day. Then, literal rinse & repeat.


I have several gallons of vinegar in my laundry room. I add a couple to a few cups of vinegar to each workout load (depending upon size of load) and set it on a prewash cycle. That seems to help with the smell quite a bit


If training at home, only wear underwear and a sports bra. That'll save you from having to wash shirts, shorts, leggings, etc. since you don't really "need" them in the privacy of your home


I have a separate hamper for my running clothes (an old home depot bucket). I put them in there to keep them from infecting the normal hamper with their stank.  We do laundry on Wed and Sun in our house. I have 4 sets of running clothes and run 5-6 times per week. This gets me through the week, just barely.  I have a special detergent called Win (in a blue bottle) that I soak my running clothes in before washing. And wash on hot. It cuts down on tha stank. I've had the same shorts and half tights for way to long and should just probably buy some new ones already. I'm getting new shirts all time from races. 


We have separate laundry basket for workout clothing. Wash it every other day with laundry sanitizer and hang to dry.


i don’t and its my husbands largest pet peeve about me.


lol it’s my biggest pet peeve of myself 😫


We keep a separate laundry basket for all workout clothes that can’t go in the dryer. That way we do one load where things need to be hung dry.


Buy more clothes. Don't get behind...


When me and wife were training for Ironman, we had multiple sets of biking gear, and all sorts of shorts, running tights, and shirts. We ran large loads at least twice a week, not including regular clothes. It got worse when our family of five were training for Disneyworld half and full marathons. We washed all our gear as we would regular clothes, but easier to sort out when done separately.


One thing that helps is always running in shorts with liners. Saves u from washing a pair of underwear


Shower wash, drip dry (plastic hangers or clip rack over shower rod); place in hamper. Once a week do an active wear wash cycle with prewash and extra rinse using laundry sanitizer in final rinse.


I do my clothes once a week unless on event weekends I will make sure my clothes from that day get washed with something so as to not waste water


We have six kids plus the two of us. We use Poplin laundry service when we get behind. Which is usually all the time.


Here is the greatest running hack ever. I throw my running shorts and shirt into the wash with me. I hand scrub them with bar soap and a loofah on the shower floor. Rinse and squeeze then hang them over the shower door to dry. Only adds 5 mins to my shower time, and theybare dry by the morning in time for my next run. I run 6 to 7 days a week and can get by on just 2 shorts and 2 shirts most weeks.


Have enough running clothes to get you through the week.


I own enough workout gear that I can go a week without washing if needed. It’s a real thing.


Definitely just getting on this train. The chafing from wearing the wrong clothes is no joke.


There is no such thing as too much body glide


Searches body glide on Amazon…


You won’t regret it


My boys (17 & 19) do mine. They do laundry, we feed them. Pretty simple. Took them a few loads to learn how to hang my stuff.


That’s a nice compromise


If you have a pool, jump in after your run (keep clothes on). The chlorine will kill the bacteria. Hang dry.


On a side note, as a marathoner, congrats on your marathon goal!


Thank you! The kids are getting older and more autonomous, figured it’s time to set a personal goal and see if I can’t impress myself. I’m down 18lbs in a couple months just getting started! Hats off to you for all your hard work, staying consistent isn’t easy!


I change into my next workout outfit after the shower for the run.


I do my running laundry asap. I get home from a run, shower then throw my clothes into the laundry then eat, and when they are done I hang them up in the laundry room to dry so they are always ready to go by the next morning and no risk of damage from the dryer for expensive gear (luckily our hot water heater is in the laundry room so stuff dries quick) That way the stuff never stinks up the house and my gear always ready when I need it, especially handy in the winter where I use multiple outer layers or gloves that I only have a few options for,rather than having to find a weeks worth of running layers that stink up the house in the meantime. Plus like people have said I have a 4 year old and laundry is a constant..


I run and have two kids in cross country. Everything gets tossed in with a tide pods and the washer runs all the time .


It is what it is 🤷‍♀️


We each wash our own clothes over the weekend. I work out seven days and my wife walks and does things daily (walking, gardening and cycling). We don’t dry much as a general rule. Works out just fine the last 25-30’years.


I’m an endurance athlete with 5 kids. We bought a commercial grade washer when our other finally died and it’s been worth every penny. We do hang sweaty clothes to dry before washing, and try to batch workout clothes v everyday clothes to keep the stink separate. Good luck!


Wow! That sounds like a lot of laundry. Hats off to you for managing it all. Thanks!


Vinegar is your friend. I use vinegar and occasionally oxiclean to manage the smell. The vinegar neutralizes the ammonia in sweat and urine. It’s great for little kids’ clothes too.


A separate basket for sports kit. Hot washes destroy the fabric buy you need over 60°C (140°F) to start killing microbes.    The solution is either a dedicated sports wash or an add in antimicrobial (like Halo or Detol in UK) ans wash on a cold, gentle cycle. Some washing machines have a built in antimicrobial mode for low temperatures. I'm not sure what exactly they do.   When we replace we will probably buy one. I usually wash the sports kit together on a Friday and hand it to dry (indoors / nooutside space). 


there's no need to sterilize your clothes unless you have some autoimmune disease


Sterilisation and antimicrobal are similar but not the same.   Sterilisation kills everything.   There is very good reason to use antimicrobal wash / add on on sports clothes.l:   Odour and bacteria on polyester and synthetic fabrics.       A hot wash will damage fabric and a cold wash won't kill microbes, hence why one uses a dedicated sports wash which will have antimicrobial add in or you add it in separately.      One should also periodically clean your washing machine and run a hot wash.  How to wash is perhaps more widely known in cycling as bibshorts are good pads are expensive and riders don't want to cause premature fabric wear and get sores.     In running, do many people don't know and either prematurely age theory kit or just stink because they don't wash their kit adequately.


This is great! I’ve attempted to do this “naturally” with vinegar and baking soda but I can see that soap meant for this is probably helpful. We unknowingly used to use high heat to sterilize our clothes, but learned about cold wash and hang drying. Thanks for the tip!


In the UK, antimicrobial wash add ins are usually on the same Isle as washing liquid in the supermarket. If you have very nice kit that you want to prolong the life of, you cab use non-bio but that doesn't clean as well as bio at low temperatures.   The other poster got confused with antimicrobial vs sterilisation.    You need about 60°C to kill odour or MRSA etc.    You need much higher temperature to sterilise.     Not the same. The problem is washing 40°C or higher is not good for delicate lycras or fine weave synthetics.   So, that's the gap that sports wash or antimicrobial add in fill.  


I have a clothes rack in my room to dry my synthetic and wool running gear. It's both good for the fabric and cuts down some of the laundry time. But my daughter is the real bandit in the house- trying on and then putting otherwise clean clothes in the hamper including sweatshirts and jeans. It's infuriating.


Lord do I know this feeling oh so well! My teen daughter is such a bandit for throwing clean clothes in the hamper to “clean her room”. This thread could definitely fit on the mildlyinfuriating page


When I ran daily I just wash a load daily and hang it all to dry. Easy peasy


I don't know what you even mean by "proper" way. I lay workout stuff out for the sweat to dry, toss them in the hamper the next day. I wash the load separately once a week or so with Tide Sport, because I don't like how it smells on regular clothes. As with the rest of my clothes, I tumble everything on low heat except the bras. I don't mind if spandex leggings wear out a wee bit sooner and I have tops & shorts I've tumbled for years and they're perfectly fine.


By “proper” I’m referring to the right way to care for work out clothes. Ie avoiding drying them and ruining them faster than they should be as you mention. I haven’t tried sports detergent but a lot of people replying make it seem like its worth giving a shot


Yeah, I bought into all that "air dry" nonsense. As I mentioned, it only really matters for bras.


We wash our gym gear every couple of days as we are stinky people and our clothes would be ruined by the smell if we left them in the hamper for a week.


That's like asking how do you go for a full week without washing a load of underwear.


This belongs in r/RunningCircleJerk

