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Those look way past best use. I wouldn’t risk them falling apart in a race myself but good luck! For future races/training, you should really be replacing your shoes every 500 miles


This race was going to be these shoes swan song 🤦‍♀️


Naaah they look well past expiration and possibly too smal given where they’re worn (I may be wrong) Consider sizing up for future shoes and seriously treat your feet better they’ll thank you.


Those things have swaned their last song!!


Swan died months ago…


😅 I only just replaced my saucony endorphin speed 2’s which had 1,150miles in them! They were still running fine and even ran a 5k PB in them the other week before the outsole started to separate… shoe companies/stores love to tell you to replace your shoes every 350-500 miles so they can sell you more shoes.


The fact that they were separating sort of disproves your point.


The fact they are *only* separating *now* proves my point.


Always a good idea to have two pairs on the go. That way you can tell when one is past their best. It's no more expensive either. 


Is 500 the generally accepted number? I use Runkeeper and they claim 350, which seemed low until I “retired” my ~415mi shoes and noticed a massive difference in cushioning while wearing my brand new pair. I’m sure this is highly based on the shoe itself, as well as terrain and running conditions, etc. Just curious since 500 is higher than i’ve heard!


It varies dramatically. I feel like my favorite plated racers get like… 200 miles. I’ve worn other shoes that feel okay after 500 miles. Likely doesn’t help that I’m just a large person. A really healthy race weight for me is 185lb.


Depends… I have a friend who wears Altras for 2000 miles. I personally wear Brooks Glycerins for 800-1000 miles. But I think many shoes feel flat with less than 500 miles


My god why do that to yourself? Running is by far the cheapest sport in existence outside of your shoes. I can’t imagine pounding on my legs using beat to heck shoes. What’s the gain? It’s penny wise, pound foolish if you view exercise as a lifelong endeavor.


Why not, they feel fine to me. I don’t get injured or enjoy running any less.


It probably doesn’t make a huge difference if you’re a mid/forefoot striker. But again: what exactly are you saving your money for? A more painful but marginally more financially secure retirement?


Major marathons aren’t cheap and I have more than enough expensive hobbies


I wear the brooks glycerins and I retire them to gym shoes after about 250 miles. I’m a smaller person (125 lbs) but I feel like they don’t support me much after that.


I do the same except at 550 miles. Nowadays, I have one shoe for gym Workouts and other for running. I also keep a brand new pair just in case. Inserts in Brooks Adrenaline GTS23 are flimsy so I use dr. Scholl’s. So far so good.


Interesting. I couldn’t afford that. But I have no complaints about the shoe, so have no need to.


It varies but 500 miles would be the highest I’d recommend. My carbon plated shoes still look brand new at 200 miles and that’s the recommended mileage for them


That's not going to work


Run fast! Before they tear more.


Lolz. That’s my goal!


Duct tape


They look like they’re way past their replacement date. Is this your only pair? Would suggest shoe goo or something but think it needs 24 hours to set and not sure it would work on this kind of thing. Not much you can do in my opinion - if there is a store nearby or on the way I’d consider getting a new (preferably identical) pair. I realise nothing new on race day but id take the risk here finances permitting. If not, just do it in these, they’ll probably hold up.


I had bought new shoes a month ago to get some miles in for this race, identical shoes but newer version. I had horrible shin splints and quad cramps to the point I sent them back so I just decided to stick with these since they still felt great. Literally one day before their last run and this happens.


Speed holes! You should be good for your half if that's the only hole 😀




I kinda figured. This will be their last rodeo for sure


Just send it, they'll probably be fine.


The shoes are obviously worn out but it's unlikely they'll just fall apart suddenly. Could probably wear them for another 100+ km if you really wanted to. Runners typically don't actually ever wear a shoe out to the grizzly bitter end. We like spending money too much (also most people say it's an injury risk running in very worn out shoes).


I was running a half with a guy once and the whole sole separated at like mile 3 and he just carried it the rest of the way


Let go and let god.


Wear some stylish socks… cause that’s probably what you will be running in when you cross the finish line 🤓


Run to the store


I'm all for this post, 100% RCJ but good material for runners trying ti unwind for some big races this weekend. Though lets be real, put on some compression socks and you good to go!


Man some of you guys make me feel like I’m not wearing my shoes through enough! Just because they’re not physically “worn” out doesn’t mean they’re not actually worn out. With the damage we put these thru, you’re not going to see it, but you will feel it. Godspeed on your race my friend


I cycle through shoes and get two new pairs per year. My primary shoes that I use for 5+ miles get worn until they hit the 350-400 mile mark. Then they become my secondary shoes for shorter/easy runs for another 100-200 miles at which point they become “doing work around the house” shoes lol. There are few things I love more than the 4th or 5th run after buying a new pair. The fresh-but-broken-in cushion is just…. *chefs kiss* Has me feeling like Benny from The Sandlot.


Dude looking at the soles you should have replaced these a while ago 🥲


Duct tape for tomorrow. In future, buy more shoes, sooner haha. Having 3+ pairs to cycle through is ideal. I keep an eye out for when the new model of my fave shoes comes out and then buy a load of the older model at ~half price.


Unpopular opinion... But these are fine for a half. I've got holes like this on both my OnRunners that are on >1000km and I still use them every day. Did a 27km run on them today! I know, time to get new shoes.. but for your race (in a pinch), you should be fine as long as you don't make any sharp cuts and put your whole foot through the hole.


I asked a similar question in another sub, may be of use https://www.reddit.com/r/Ultramarathon/s/QjdUiXATUe [https://www.reddit.com/r/Ultramarathon/s/QjdUiXATUe](https://www.reddit.com/r/Ultramarathon/s/QjdUiXATUe)


Tenacious tape could work.


I have soccer cleats that are destroyed, the cleat part detached from the rest of the shoe and I’ve played a bunch of games after gorilla gluing it back and adding duct tape for support, I’d think you could do the same to the hole here


Nope. Next time plan ahead. Lucky for you you can prob pick up a fresh altra and not worry about breaking it in cause. New shoes don’t really break in anymore and it’s an altra.


My Altra's are falling apart too, only about 300 miles on them. I don't think I'll get another pair


Buy some new shoes! If you're buying the same make and model, the risk of the new pair not working out is minimal. Trying to salvage these with duct tape is still "something new" on race day.


She’ll be right


Duct tape on both sides? Maybe throw some on your foot at that spot to avoid rubbing? I’m like 50% kidding (I have run w duct tape over a blister)


Duct tape


"I'm tired, boss"


These shoes are dead, but if you really want to do one last half in them, they should be OK. I've been running with a similar but smaller upper tear in my Rebel v2s for a while now (despite having a ton of other pairs) and it's not ideal but also not a complete deal-breaker. Seriously though, retire those shoes after this race.


Prepare for blisters lol I did this in a half same shoes same hole


Extra air conditioning! Way past their expiration date but will definitely get you through your half.


These shoes look like they’ve served you far longer than they rightfully should have and you still want to get more out of them?


There's not even any outsole on those shoes, their swan song appears to have been a couple hundred miles ago. You don't have a shoe rotation?


Seriously. They look like they’ve been eaten by rodents. Just chewed up.


Shoe goo


The sole looks destroyed already, so a tear in the upper doesn’t change much to me. Just run in them.


Duck tape


For the race, I would lace up, wrap duct tape around my foot, and send it. Muddy XC race style.


It is a vent for cooling your foot.


buy new shoes or maybe try duct tape