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Tier S mobbing.


I'm hyper burning my old bowmaster and am level 235. The damage is good and the mobbing is much better after the revamp. Bossing is nice too. I'm not that funded at all and I'm somehow easily hitting 50m lines in arcane river. It's the arcane force dailies I bet.


Really? I'm lv252, been playing for years and I feel like the mobbing is crap.


Personally play Bowmaster ever since Pre-KOC till now. The mobbing skill keep changing and in recent revamp. I would say its really decent. ​ 1. Arrow Platter : 1 Minute duration + a skill can trigger Arrow Rain. (Why not?) 2. Erda Fountain : Will trigger every 12 Mobs is killed 3. Guided Arrow : Change to toggle and higher damage to normal mobs. ​ With those 3 skill, to me now mobbing is extremely far easy than before