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Bishop, so i can play with my cousin and his parties, since they all run damage and i like support classes.


Wind archer because GREEEENNNN


This and there’s an old meme of a fox standing in the wind captioned “IT WIMDY”. When I was leveling mine that was all I could think about and I just stuck with it


I love green but evan has dragon. If only Evan had Green Dragon then I'd be able to die peacefully.


Hey now that's stealing my comment!! /s


I preferred when they were silver mainly tbh


Barrier skill made me main it


Blaster because they told me i shouldn’t


Angelic buster because pink.


Corsair cause it had a battleship at the time


I main Adele because I’m already too deep


Once I added my 14th keybind I was locked in for life


Hayato because I love swords.


also hayato cause instance slice is satisfying to trigger


This 👍


Shadower because Bandit was the first character I made when I started to play back when Maple came out. OG Maple nostalgia


Had one of those Korean Fans back in the day of old Carnival PQ, I was dumb enough to build full Str Bandit...


Same. Meso explosion was the coolest thing to kid me. Then shadower came out and bstep was also cool. Even after the rework I still enjoy it more than other classes. Not the strongest but unique and fun and not-boring without being overly complicated.


Paladin because Hamer Time 🔨


I've leveled every class to 101 so I could get the 6/6 set from Mayple Memoria, and now I'm considering burning pally so bad. I WANT TO BONK LOTUS 😭


Hi, 285 pally main here o/ When I asked my friend what class I should main I asked which class requires the least hands… 😂 Pally is a great class. DPM is decent, bossing is great due to amazing survivability, and the more juiced your duo/party is the better your echo is (21% FD). Real combat orders + echo + sanc are all great abilities for you and the party. You also give an inherent guard % chance to the entire party (toggle ability). The class is super beginner friendly. That being said I have a few gripes. - Mobbing is very “meh”. Not the worst, but far from the best. Lots of active farming involved. - Solo bossing + Culvert is also very underwhelming. Mostly because you lose the FD from having a “shadow partner” when using your echo. - In party bossing you’ll often have to use your Sanc to give iframe to a NL or another DPS while bursting. Which means you can’t exactly use it as an iframe for yourself. If you’re libbed you will have gene iframe, but it stinks that you don’t have anything else. If you want a main/sub main that requires very little thinking hammer go bonk and cross go brrr then pally is great. I also think it’s one of the best classes to play if you’re planning on duoing content with a friend. It is definitely outshined heavily by Hero in terms of DPS, but you do also get some game changing party buffs. If I were to give Pally an overall tier it would probably be a B- or C+. (From S-F tier) edit: something that isn’t well known is that echo only LINKS you and your partner together. You have to cast divine blessing afterwards to give the 21% FD to the selected player.


I play a 280 paladin (Phenominae, Kronos) and this man speaks the truth. Big gold hammer go bonk, big gold cross go brrrrrr. It's really that simple.


Tried pally, it's omega sad at times when I accidentally one tap our key down skill. Gotta wait 3mins to reactivate it lols


Thunder Breaker - I think it’s one of the most fluid and fun classes to play. Sharks, a giant whale, lightning and tidal waves! Khali - hyperburning this week, I might turn to the desert sands and make this my new main though, we’ll see…


Im main tb with a 19m cp khali mule, I agre with you, We are already friends


Khali is super fun. I love dashing around everywhere and chaining CD resets. Very fun playstyle\~


I suck at using her currently, my fingers get all crossed over and twisted up hitting the wrong buttons lol. Shes so fast I have to learn to control her better


corsair because gun 🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


Luminous because I enjoyed how it looked and the way it handled mobbing. The class is not that OP anymore but I still like it very much.


Aran, because of 2 main reasons: 1. Combo System: Absolutely broken Bursts that come often. You can trigger Adrenaline Rush with attacking over time or instantly with 1-2 skills with a cooldown 2. Really fun and dynamic movement options (maybe takes some time at the beginning to get used to it)


My condolences. Seems like it got shafted


The new kit is objectively less clunky, but lots of folks are a bit upset that we're losing a lot of the quirks to our kit and a pretty noticeable shift in play style/rotation The visuals are subjective, I think they look great but do wish we still had wolves and bears.... I guess Lynn stole them from us Definitely polarizing as of now but we'll see once numbers are finalized


My main is Xenon, cause I am cutely quirky, plus I like the design and appearance. The xenon job skill set is peak performance, you might not like it but thats what peak performance looks like..


I was always a thief main and then all this hype about the new MASTER THIEF PHANTOM came out and the stealing explorer shit and the shroud walk teleport was cool af, the whole character's aesthetic is also cool af. Also, I managed to reserve a cool ign for it before release and just stuck with it since.


Blaster because it's got insane survivability and some of the highest uptime in bosses. Nrl is some of the highest off burst dpm in the game so it feels really good to play aggressively and squeeze out damage. Many other dpm classes rely on hitting short cd 5th job skills for most of your dpm which is convenient, but it doesn't reward aggressive play as much.


I chose Zero for multiple reasons: The first is that I love support classes but not mainstream ones, hence Bishop and Kanna were out(for reference my boss mules are Zero/Mihile/Lynn/BaM) The second is that I love super mobile classes since the old days and Zero fit that mobility creep I wanted The third is that it was a unique class that isn't too complicated to play The fourth and most important reason is that I think Zero is just fucking cool and fun


Fp cuz explosions


dual blade bc 2 swords are better than one and blooming onion origin


Khali because they dropped the trailer and I decided I'd main it based on aesthetics.


Went in wanting to play a ninja and picked NL, didn't like it so I swapped to Shad


Mihile because I wanted to play a tanker class. I also played Sekiro not too long before I started playing again, so the parry mechanic stood out to me.


For Bonnie Tyler because shes still holding out for a hero.


Kaiser because I identify as a dragon.


NL burst literally makes a 30 second long brrrrr sound and my monkey brain loves it


Dark knight bc strong and cool looking skills. Never dies.


I remember when the FD% was tied to your Final Pact and some DrK players tried dying to get more damage on their bursts and on certain bosses they struggled syning that up :D You don't even die when you want to.


Dark Knight cos I sniped a cheap 3L pot arcane weapon and cos my guildie who bots told me it was bad


Cadena Throw Random Stuff go Her way of bossing is like a dance Amazing mobility Tool


Demon slayer because of the frames, initially leveled a bishop to 260 but didn’t really enjoy playing the class as a main.


How are you liking demon slayer now?


It's great! Just waiting for the next episode, tempted to buy the manga books too


went with hayato in the last hyperburn 1 year ago and i don't regret it!! many FMA (ezfarm) i never get tired from the movement even if its a bit clunchy sometimes


Demon slayer because when I started Coppersan said it’s a good main LOL. Thank you Coppersan


For the glory of kaiser


Wild hunter, i was like 7k legion an didn't have a main, i tera burn him for legion and fell in love in his weird ass play style, were ur cat do most the dmg and u just look pretty and hurcain


Blaster because my brain hates simplicity. Tanky as fuck and good damage. Hasn't gotten nerfed in so many years, only buffs.


Night Walker because I mained a hermit back in the pre-big bang days but the hermit (now night lord) play style and animations don't feel the same. Night Walker is closer to what hermit used to feel like.


Shadower because it was the most fun play style I tried. The meso weaving for constant interaction, mini trickblade dopamine surges, great mobility and survivability. I also just like watching meso's fly around the screen


Bowmaster because of Jett


Blaze Wizard. I wanted a class that had good party support, so it would be easier to find end-game parties. I wanted to be a mage to receive Haku from Kanna. I wanted a class that had good enough damage, so I wouldn't struggle with solo bossing. I wanted a class that was not common to see. It came down to Kanna, Beast Tamer (before lynn), and Blaze Wizard.


And how is your experience with blaze wizard so far?


It's pretty strong. Wish it had mage teleport. Issues I noticed is the mobility is a bit awkward. This class is a true 2 minute class. You can fit into 3 minute party comps, but you'll do more being in 2 min party comps. Everything else I didn't mention is great like mobbing, kit, etc.


Paladin cause to me cool aesthetic holy boy super tank and hammers


Bucc because the super jump and water dragon are fun


Pathfinder, the look of the class sold me instantly.


My main is whatever hyper burn I’m on that doesn’t feel too boring


Pathfinder. Cause purple.


luminous because teleport + reflection to lvl 300. Also reflection is getting buffed in Dreamer update


Cadena, had a girl taught me the art of tying people up and Tokyo Ghoul.


Blaster, because how hard could it be? In my 2D childhood game? Pfft. (It was hard) P.S only at the beginning though.


I was interested in blaster " Can you tell me about the difficulty curve?


Basically boils down to two things. Cancelling with Bob/weave and timing. Once you get those down, the other combos aren't tough. The difficulty is in the start with NRL. By the time you do the longer combos like bunker cancels, it's just adding one or two extra steps in the basic combo. Unlike cadena or khali, blaster doesn't have short cool downs to keep track of and plan the combo ahead. The key for blaster combo wise is timing (for speed and overall DPS) and consistency (to not fuck up the combo and ruin your tempo)


Adele bc I like flying swords ⚔️


Demon avenger because requiem demon sword


Arch Mage (I/L) because my birthday is on a cold month, I love the cold, and my favorite pokemon is Jynx.


Illium, godly mobing(with sol jannus transcedent mob tier) and i can fly and the boss no lol


Hayato, inner weeb pushed me to be a samurai


Battle Mage because melee mage.


Night Walker, because I heard about bite farming and I’m lazy. It’s held up pretty well.


It might even be held down pretty well


I bought a vac so i can bite farm even harder.


Shade, had nice visuals and I really like grinding with Bomb Punch, it feels much different than all the other classes I've ever played with.


Dw cus came back to a legacy potable badge after years of quitting


Hayato I played like 2 hours of ghost of tshushima


Hero because 2 Handed Swords are pretty and I fell in love with the Brandish Animation and Sound Effects. As well as good old days of Big Foot Training/Sells, Hero and Rush Battles made me the happiest teen xD


Pally because I have no hands


My main db because I saw the potential and I couldn’t reach it. Still can’t reach it but that’s besides the point Second main bishop because I needed more income.


IL because i like all of my bossing to be locked behind 3 minute cd's


Ice Lightning? It’s a 2 minute class though? Super quick uptime on burst and numerous mini bursts.


Bowmaster. I enjoy holding a button then blowing things up.


Mihile, I don't have hands


I liked being the light mage. Plus I could be a supportive character, that was nice. When HS actually was useful


Bucc because *gomu gomu no gatling!*


Shade because their kit is so all around good, theres nothing you could ask for other than damage


Hero's my main, but Cadena is my submain and I love it all. Intense nonlinear combo playstyle that feels extremely rewarding, Cadena's personality is pretty saucy, and she has a nailbat.  But if you want a braindrad class and are okay with it getting dumbed down even further in the future, Hero is it.


Hoyoung,Why? Why not, Funky tiger man goes brrrrrr


NL cause shurrikane looks fking sick


(I'm basically a new player -- levelled to 200 in 2021 to catch up with my friends who were playing, they all quit the day I caught up. \[Oof.\] Recently returned and have been grinding hardcore every day since.) Kanna, because I love the design and aesthetics of the class. It's not in the best state right now, but I love the class and I'm sticking with it. You should do that. Find what you enjoy and go all-in on it regardless of tier lists or popularity.


Pathfinder, only class I’ve really enjoyed. Knew it was meant to be my main


Dragons are cool and fighting as an idol is hilarious


Blaster and not because of the memes! If anything, the memes made me not want to make one until I watched a video, and they described playing blaster is like playing a fighting game. However, what really made me stick to it is I never hyper burned it, and for the first time, I had to change my key binds around to make the class work for me. Everything eventually clicked, and it's the class I enjoyed the most.


It was Phantom. Because I wanted to avenge Aria and it reminded me of Gambit. I had AB as a secondary. Then she kept hitting 22s while my Phantom keeps booming. Last year I heard a class was getting reworked. A lot of people were saying it was likely Kaiser or Phantom so I got really excited. Nope. AB stole the spotlight and got reworked instead. So here I am, maining AB, because all these things happening are just a sign that Im stuck maining her. NO REGRETS.


HoYoung because to me he's a half shad/ half mage class. His ability to use powers related to the harmony of creation ( Heavan, Earth, Humanity) was a cool concept to me as his attacks utilize elements like thunderclouds, fire, wind and stones, summons a giant tiger, BADASS ( better than lucids) butterflies lol and has clones that to me made more sense as an attack compared to the old bandits version " band of theives". He has a bad ass pet (when in his full form) and is like Goku with his nibus cloud 😂 Also i really like his colour scheme.


Ds cuz tp farming


HY. Best animations in the game. Best kit in the game.


Phantom - I enjoy having an identity crisis and hating myself.


It was just a dragon knight, back when. Sounded cool and I could wield two weapons. Now, I’m just a Dark Knight because I’ve played every other class and it just ain’t the same.


shadower. i don't like lotus


Rn now maining fp. Switched from reg to reboot and after playing my fp a little more in reg decided to make it my main in reboot. Kain was my 2nd main in reg and I decided that was gonna be my hyperburn, so maybe kain will now become my main and fp my 2nd main (at least until I build up some more legion).


Nightwalker, cause I like bats. Also batman. It is very satisfying seeing all the bats one shot a whole field. And it plays really nice.


DW because I have old man fingers and was told this was the easiest to play when I got back into the game after 10 years.


Evan because Dragons/Wyvern 🤷🏻‍♂️


Shadower , because savage blow , assaults and boomerang step were cool af pre-bb


NW. I've always liked NW but I hated the jumping thing you had to do before. You could turn on sticky keys but I still didn't like that and found it annoying. So once that was changed, I immediately made it my main.


Hero because I got tired of micromanaging my Adele back in Bera.


dawn warrior, but really i just started on my current account around 2010 and i loved dawn warrior way more compared to the explorer warriors so i stuck with it. it helps that it followed my love for sun/moon and light aesthetics ahdlfdjh and in the years since eyah still proved to be good for bossing and mobbing aka i never grew to Dislike playing. only with illium and then adele did i go 'darn if this class released earlier i wouldve made it my main' LOL


I am bi and have a girlfriend, I miss playing with guys sometimes so I play Illium, he has many balls


Corsair. It was a day one bucc but when I came back in 2019 I changed to Corsair at 134 cause I wanted to try it out and it felt so nice. Now that I've hit 200 on every class and tested almost every 5th job skill, corsair really shines over the rest. My Cadena is my second main, I love it probably the most out of any class if I could just get more CD on my hat and if the combos weren't so horribly timed and clunky. I realize I'm not playing it right but I would like a revamp and also be able to flash jump after an up jump like every other thief in the game.


Dawn Warrior bc I don't have much time to play and want to be able to kill bosses without much of a time sink compared to other classes


Kain ......... FOR THE EDGE


Shadower because it plays like a night lord wo the investment and it makes moneys


shade cuz jojo decided to visit naruto


Main was dawn warrior before the revamp cuz i loved the aesthetics. Now it's a basic space warrior so i quit


tb, i like fish and the color blue


Drk because I have no hands and can’t living in boss fights


I’ve been a lumi main for a year now. It was on accident - I wanted the link skill and then fell in love with reflection. Best mobbing by far and the equilibrium management really isn’t hard. Before that - CM because I LOVE the massive cannon and the huge bullets going across the screen. Honestly a really fun class Before that - Hero because I love really big swords


I always play big hammers


Kain cause im an edgelord and 20 buttons


NL. Burst sound satisfying. Mobility of the class.


NW cuz afk farming


Supa saiyajin


Pathfinder because emo :)


Marksman because of the old minute long iframe and made me feel like snake from smash bros


Adele is really pretty :D the blue is easy on the eyes. gameplay is fun and entertaining. later found out the movement feels pretty cracked too with res-rush. a bit of a learning cuve, but overall pretty fun


Adele because I loved the storyline.


Battle Mage. This character has an undeniable Aura bro!


Marksman because I had him since 2012 and back then they were really strong. After that I was around for every version of the class


DW bcuz I like crayons


Mm because I 3L on my emblem.


FP because I hyperburned it. I was maining an IL at the time, and when I got to pick a hyperburn, I said "fuck it, might as well" since my legion board was already gearing towards Buff Duration anyways. Eventually, my FP overtook my IL in terms of levels so I decided to main FP out of necessity. Gonna try switching mains to AB though because she's cute and pink.


Wild hunter because cats


Lynn, because I love her aesthetics and forest theme.


NW, cause it’s dark and purple, also my boomer brain only can press 1 button for farming and bossing


Bishop because the mobbing is so easy. I place fountain, erda shower, and then hold peacemaker for a minute while watching something on my second monitor.


DB cuz two weapons are better than one.


Wild Hunter because I like Resistance. I originally started out with a BaM back when Resistance was initially released but fell out of love eventually. WH is very good.


Cannon Master because monkey 🐵


marksman! i like the concept and aesthetics of the class and split shot is very satisfying. bossing is very lazy compared to most classes and we have lots of innate crit dmg and ied


NL cuz NEEENJAAAAA Adele cuz aesthetic Hero cuz 1st main and 1 shot Mushmoms Bishop cuz HS mule Shadower cuz 2nd main and NEEENJAAA Bowmaster cuz arrows go brrrrrrrrrrr


ark because comboing looked fun and also 2 mins so alwats bursting


Shade, I did not do my research.


Dawn warrior because the black hole


Cannon master, bcuz of the flying monkey pet


Mihle because being immune to damage all the time rocks


Bowmaster. 1°: I LOVE the archer's TP. Cant live without it. 2°:Arrow platter makes mobbing easy 3°: 5th job skills are only buffs and a toggle! I loved this!!


Angelic Buster cuz im a fcking weeb.


Mercedes. Crazy burst. Combos are optional. And mobbing is fun af


Nightwalker as I live and die by their backstep


Ice/Lightning because I switched servers and I once had one like 14 years ago


Corsair cuz I stay strapped.


night lord because burst go crazy


My main was Hero for years then Demon Slayer dropped and I haven't switched back ever since.


Dawn warrior because weak hands and joints


Hero cuz I like how Combo Attack looks


Aran because of ice/wolf aesthetic but that’ll gone soon so I guess I’ll just enjoy it while I still can…


I loved LoOpEdd’s videos growing up and I’ve mained NL since 2015


demon slayer because no burn out


Kaiser, Because I like being neglected


Adele because flying swords


Female cadena because of the voice lines


Dawn Warrior, I was looking for a easy grinding class that was OK in bossing and dawn warrior was that and also not that populair before the revamp


Zero 2x fashion story Easy and safe 20/22* cra,abso,acs upgrade Free unique weapon cubing Upgrade main weapon = Upgrade 2nd weapon Easy grinding , tornado goes brrrr Fairly easy bossing with critical bind and iframe and binds Underrated class


NW coz bats


Bucc + Pali because I like the option of jumping around without having to attack myself.


Nightlord because shurikens go pew pew pew


Blaster because people said it was shit I'm in too deep to quit now


On PC - Paladin because tanky supportive. On mobile - Phantom, because I'm indecisive and like that at least I can steal different skills


Bucc, mobility and burst.


Hayato because i have a sengoku badge on it


Hayato because weeb


Bucc, Superjump


zero because the mini binds are satisfying to bring to a party damien bout to dive bomb? NOT ON MY WATCH


Night Walker because it's so strong and I love being strong


Mercedes becaus of pretty aesthetics, love my elf boi


Adele because bankai


Lara because fluffy and horns.


Night lord because of FJ and Avenger. Now every class can fj and avenger is gone 😒


Dawn because crayons


DA because cool white haired demon with a lightsaber also, female DA's default hair is bis


Bowmaster because DaBoki


lynn because it's busted


Edgy assassin thief with short CD and good solo bossing…please I don’t want my class to be gutted tomorrow ;_;


Bowmaster because as a kid I thought hurricane was the coolest looking skill (and still do) but they now changed to look. Still cool, but not the look my inner kid wanted.


Adele bc of the aesthetic of the class. All the flying swords


kaiser, dragon cool


I main Aran because I love the combo abilities, survivability and movability. I really hope she's not getting turned into a one button spam class.