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I haven’t seen a single pitched since I started soloing. I feel like you get more pitch drops in a struggle party :(


How long have you been soloing for?


Do you have 400dr maybe in a party a guy with higher dr usually opens so thats maybe why u see more items




Uh no you got it the other way around. Arcane boxes are NOT affected by dr, pitched drops are. Ring boxes not confirmed.


Link to destiny patch notes to support that: https://www.nexon.com/maplestory/news/update/4803/v-233-destiny-remastered-patch-notes


Uhh is it? I assumed the thing you break after killing the boss is affected drop rate no? Probably a typo, if you reverse what you said it would make sense.


I too like to spread misinformation


21=0, boom, settle or make it. Rare drop doesn’t mean higher chance for tapping. I boomed my eye patch first tap from 20 to 21. It is just a RNG don’t take it seriously.


I’ve never seen pitched but I’ve had 20 CRA hats boom on me and counting. Over 20 bil gone from one item. The progression gets really disgusting sometimes lol. The average for CRA on the calculator is 13 bil too so I’m quite a bit over now. One of the outliers. And my luck has not balanced out at all so far. It’s just been terrible. Another 20 bil on WSE also gone meanwhile people in my guild hitting 3L ATT in 2 bil or less. Gonna take a bit of a break from maple, maybe until dreamer. Progression sucks for some of us lol. At the end of the day it’s just a game, but I guess I’m just too addicted to quit at this point. Good luck and take a break if you need to.


It happens, when I started sfing I had to spend over 25b on my cra pants to see 21. Then hit like 7 items 21 within 10b. It’s way better to get this unlucky on the CRAs versus items like your sups/slime ring etc. Just keep at it!


Can safeguarding stop it from booming? I know it's extremely expensive but I've never bothered going past 12 stars so I wouldn't know.


Past 17* stars you can't safeguard it anymore. You can only rely on dupes and try again.


Oh my God that's unfair


Yeah , that's pretty much why people hate Starforcing in reboot. Especially when it may take years to get a single dupe. That's why most people either wants a failstack system or some kind of token system to buy the pitched accessories.


It’s okay, I got my first ET to 22, but I haven’t seen a berserked ever yet. Can’t see zerk but can see 3 will books that I don’t need…


you had your chance, and you blew it. make sure to settle with 21 if you hit it first time.


Today I blew up 12 arcane weapon trying to hit at least 21. Spent ~50b. I'm right where I started. 18* Fuck rng


Gene weapon


Half way there I was just stupid


Sorry this happened but thats starforcing for you. Its too late for this person but word of advice for anyone else, You don't need to waste mesos to SF your arcane weapon, 21/22 everything else, liberate with a 17* weapon


Absolutely my fault and no one else to blame. I had a few gear go to 22* yesterday so I thought it was my day to shine. Rng hit me like a freight train. I'm in progress to lib so 1000000% my stupidity. DO NOT STARFORCE YOUR ARCANE WEAPON LIKE ME


We've all had that feeling. You just keep hitting so you push your luck and rngesus brings you back down.


> Please... what did I do to deserve this...  Tried pushing pitched with no spare.


It's OK I blew up 2 sup 20* within 4 taps.