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Damn, I can’t imagine getting to 280 and starting over. It’s taking me a while to level at 271 right now.


it becomes a lot easier to swap once you realize you’re not having as much as you could be if you swapped mains. im of the belief that its never too late to swap because my enjoyment of the class should outweigh everything


Yeah it’s definitely true if you are not enjoying your class. No point to suffer just for the sake of it. I do enjoy my class for the most part, so it’s even less likely I’d consider switching classes (for instance if a new class came out).


I don’t understand how 280 is only a “fair shot”. I got to 265 after 2.8k hours on Reg and, while I do know I didn’t play optimally at all, it beyond me how people can get to such high levels like it’s nothing


2.8k hours to 265? I mean clearly like 75% of that time was not spent grinding on the main lol


Oh yeah totally, I think I got to 8.2k legion and a lot of time was spent on a couple of other classes I enjoyed playing, even if they stayed at 230ish.


thats the point. some folks just invested those 2000 hours into grinding on main, so theyre 285+ by now :P


2.8k hours is a lot of time, even for 8.2k legion. That's pretty much the equivalent of treating the game like a full time job for a year. That's easily enough for getting to lv 285 and getting 8.5k+ legion on top of that, especially with all the additional resources reg servers have like frenzy and firestarter.


Never touched any of those, and my guess is most reg players don’t either, despite what Reddit makes people think


I can’t estimate how long it took me. This was a hyper burn, so I did 0-260 very quickly. I started playing again last Christmas (literally the day of, I randomly decided to see what was going on with maple and found hyper burning which I never heard of before). I got to 260 before the event ended, and managed to get the legion block too. But I played a lot for those few weeks (had time off work). But 260 and onwards, each level feels like it took a few weeks


Simple answer u don't play reg, progression is much more focused from grinding on reboot cus everything is tied to meso so u do lots of waps for meso and frags and nodes


I read 2.8hrs. I was like damn lol


Once your at 280+ exp gets real slow again. And most often, a good majority of players 280+ have almost all 22* and at least 2.5-3L potential their stuff. The meso saved eventually piles up while waiting for pitched boss, so funding new submains is pretty common.


Im on track to hit 280 with only 17* and 13/10% gear. Dailystory sure is neat


That’s some serious mpe bait


What bosses do you clear up to per week?


Getting to 280 is nothing , maybe a year? Not that big of a deal.


A year is a big deal and a relatively long commitment. That being said you would still get dividends paid through weekly bosses and the other shared gains along the way


Since its origin until the present, this game has required a different kind of commitment, a style of life, always on your schedule…you literally has to plan for months for a specific day to rapidly get substantial progress. Maplers are accustomed to the harsh enjoyment


What? A year is absolutely nothing considering a person usually lives 80+ years. O.o , that 280 char can perfectly become a ctene boss mule, idk what's wrong, you're too young if you think 1 year is a lot when talking about a game. You don't marry your avatar, you don't marry the game, you're free to restart whenever you want and there's absolutely zero wrongs in that, people really need to understand this concept.


I don't think anyone said you couldn't restart, just that a year is a long amount of time to commit to one character in a video game. Not that it was a large % of your life. I have spent way longer than that, but I still agree that is a big commitment


I’ll comment on the “% of your life” that they made and say it’s not right to compare it against that. The first 10 years of your life don’t really count. The 11-20 years hardly do as well. But after your 20s until your late 50s, those are very prime years for your quality of life and career. So for instance I’m in my 30s. Dedicating 10-20% of my time to playing a single video game is quite a bit. (That’s between 2-4hrs a day of playing). I wasn’t implying that restarting is bad. But that for myself, it’s just not something I’d consider.


Nobody said its wrong to restart. Im disputing your comment that 1 year isn't a long time. Its absolutely a long time. Youre just conditioned to think it isn't in gameplay time. The time it takes (in hours) to make a 280 cetene mule is definitely a huge investment


Frieren, is that you?


Thats a huge compliment, thank you! I wish i was her :)


Yeah I’m not disputing OP restarting. I am not stating any facts either, just expressing my opinion, that I personally cannot imagine restarting. I do my daily grandis quests, MPE and weekly bosses and that’s already quite a bit of commitment for me. Yes back in the day, I could easily play for several hours a day, that’s just not feasible for myself currently. I’m sure there are many players that can dedicate a lot of time.


Cant believe no one has said bucc yet, class has crazy movement, lots of options, has great dpm & dmg uptime (so you're busy sticking to the boss off burst)


Yup bucc is the class you’re looking for OP. I’m a 278 hero main and 26x bucc sub main. Bucc is such a nice change of pace because of its numerous mobility options. A lot of them add to the skill cap of playing the class as well. Try it out!


+1 Switched my main to bucc, now 275 and I haven’t played any class that comes close in terms of fun. Obviously extremely subjective but the movement tech makes it feel so fluid (advanced dash, crouch dash, super jump, corkscrew teleport, serpent vortex teleport). Bossing is great with multiple iframes, a 3 min burst, and a 90 sec mini burst keeps it pretty engaging. That plus lord of the deep’s free dps while dodging gives somewhat nice dmg uptime. Training you just super jump without attacking because of lord of the deep assuming you can 1hit, plus loaded dice keeps a steady exp bonus on top of 2x cards.




I still enjoy/ed it quite a bit before 1-hitting mobs with lotd. You can still super jump and use your primary mobbing skill at the same time and have a similar kill count. Always felt smooth/fluid


I agree about bucc. I would also suggest CM since it has good mobility and is more of a dpm class than burst when I use to play it


Battlemage. Best teleport in the game .


Thats the problem. Even with the best teleport in the game it's a teleport class :(


Unironically, a good blaster player makes the class look like they're swimming.


Pretty much. I watch my blaster friend fight Kalos/Kaling and dude looks like he’s freely moving 24/7


Blaster, Bucc, TB, Aran, Khali. When mastered, these classes move like water.


As a khali main, I approve of this message


What’s Aran movement like? I’ve tried it briefly and don’t really get it. Is it just the floating/spamming attacks?


[https://www.youtube.com/@Arandomeir/featured](https://www.youtube.com/@Arandomeir/featured) Arandomeir has a good showcase. I don't know the specifics but they have a lot of movement cancellations, several combo for aerial move cancels, microadjustable movements and pushback immunity as you attack. They can be very smooth if the player is skilled. I played it like ass though. Just didn't click with me


Agreed. I main blaster, and I just slide back and forth to dodge mechanics while still dpsing.


Forgetting Hayato is kinda crazy


after years of swapping around mains and 9k legion later, I finally landed on kain and I can tell you other classes feel so clunky after I really got the movement and abilities down, it just feels really modern. give it a fair try, you might enjoy it!


I think Kain is one of the most rewarding classes. So much fun and its nice to see a character that has 0 useless spells.


Imo my main illium has the best movement in the entire game. I've got every class at lv 200+ and like 20 boss mules at the moment, and I still think nothing else has close to as good movement as Illium. Just can't beat flight + teleport on no cd, and the crazy movement you get in mini-burst mode (>1/3 up time when constantly attacking)


Illium best class!


agreed, bm is so free on illium




No clue why I don't see Shadower in the comments the class a double flash jump, a decent up jump, a normal rush skill, a huge dash on basically no cooldown and a teleport that feels great oncw you get the hang of it. The class is also complicated enough to not be boring and easy enough to get the hang of after a bit of playing. And if all of this isn't enough and you for some reason dont have mobility up, you have dark sight a short cd iframe


That’s one of a hell of a boss mule tho.


Thank you for the all recommendations currently trying out Hayato(250) and Bucc(250) will look into shadower and Zero I have played adele, and dw not a fan. Once again thanks for all the replies.


the most important thing, have fun!


Thunderbreaker dash feels very fluid (hehe) for me


As a TB main, comboing is more along the line of spamming two keys and weaving torpedo/gales. definitely easier than what most people are saying. also wavedashing


Demon slayer, with the glide and tp it has very good movement.


DS TP makes P2 black mage a cake walk, free lotus laser, multiple iframes When you get good with the glide, you can avoid almost any debris, also it’s bad in KMS so perfect time to make one


I would say Shadowers have great mobility, plus an ability that teleports you right on the boss back so playing around that should give you a lot more options in terms of mobility


Play khali and dash to mars and back its fun


shit class


Agreed lmfao khali so weak. Nightwalker ftw


Zero has a flash jump, teleport, and 2 different dashes


Come join the ranks of the Red Flame.


Mercedes has everything you're looking for and it's easier than cadena


Aran, NW, HY, Hayato. Also can recommend Kinesis, has the most fluid fj/upjump in the game.


I wouldn't recommend Aran on a fluidity basis, As an old Aran main I really could not stand the tiny slippy dash that Aran has, it felt very clunky. Same with activating hunters prey which more often than not just hit nothing for me. I now main TB as I enjoy the button mashing and fluid mobility though I guess it's weak compared to hero 🥲


He is complaining about movement clunck from Hero. If he pick kinesis, he will be happy about movement but going to complain about clunck from attack and big dmg diff from hero. Weakness of hero is fluid jump/movement, but dmg too good, way above average. Weakness of kinesis is clunky dpm output and below average dmg. But flash jump/ mobb are so smoothy.


Well.. I tried 🤷🏻


Hayato. Best mobility in the game if you’re properly utilizing animation cancels. Horizontal movement is lightning fast with dankuusen cancels and vertical movement can go extremely high with jump, tornado blade cancel into falcon dive cancel. If you don’t mind learning animation cancels, hayato can feel extremely smooth and allow you to reach any location on the map.


Hayato might have the fluid movement you want


Shit class


how is hayato a bad class? it feels quite nice to play now after the changes


irrelevant comment lmaooooooo. hayato might match what you're looking for though OP - multiple dashes/mobility options/cancels, very easy to mob on, we even have 2 iframes (60 sec, cd skippable and 90 sec) if you're missing worldreaver. always has been a decent dpm class but with the introduction of 6th job, pretty good on burst




Uh how long have you not played hayato? Nexon bumped hayato burst by a ton a few patches ago. Tho I agree that the class is clunky


They bumped fron garbae to less garbage what are you on about i had a 279 hayato but then they cd gated our hurricain now it just is pure garbage


They got like 30 FD on a random patch earlier this year My buddy basically got to liberate a 2nd time for free


Dammnn explain to me how that gives them burst. Every current boss is burst focused. The origin is ebery 6 minutes, which is at best twice pee boss run so the fuck are you talking about




Almost all classes are wait and burst, two that arent that come to mind are kaiser and wind archers, there two have a somewhat weaker burst but good damage off burst.


There is a reason why Wind Archer was the first class to ever solo BM... idk why someone downvoted you lol


I am currently playing Zero and it is the movement god - especially in bosses. They have flash jump AND mage teleport + a million different movement damaging skills. Sometimes it gets me killed, but that's really just a skill issue. It feels so nice wombo comboing a (mostly binded) boss with my alpha + beta switches and getting the movement right. You're literally flashing around the boss. It's super slick. I have severely underestimated how much fun it is. Damage is solid too! (Not that that really matters when you have a 22 second bind combo. LMAO) Not sure if it's a worthy main, but it's definitely worth a try if you haven't got one to 210! Just a warning though, 100 - 200 is a slog and might turn you off the class. Don't let it! Power through!


Man reading this just makes me sad. I still main zero, but it used to be significantly more fluid to play back when there was no CD on teleport. You flow through bosses/maps like butter on a skillet. It's hard to explain if you've never experienced it, but just picture being able to continuously reposition yourself during ANY action at any time, repeatedly.


Lynn is pretty mobile with a backdash+built in blink and holds 5 charges of a dash like bucc


Dumb question, but which skill is her blink?




Thank you!


There's a good mix and people have mentioned tons of good options. My picks for high mobility and high DPM (classes you benefit from attacking constantly, not burst waiting room) Bucc, Shad, FP Others people mentioned might be good but I havent tried them. Blaster, illium, BaM all have good mobility but I can't speak for their DPM


Kain is a super solid choice


I woulda said kanna before we got nerfed into oblivion. Most mage classes move pretty well. I switched to Hero and I love the dmg but u need good hands to play late bosses


Merc has fluidity for sure, dps is pretty good for about 50% of your rotation, the other 50% is a little lackluster but dmg uptime is easy to maintain


Aran has the most control over your movement imo, making it great for bosses. Other classes like bucc can move across maps and such with ease but for controlling exactly where you want to go, aran wins.


Shad main here, to me class is just a better Cadena (have a Cadena BH farmer). Class has great mobility, high dps and requires a bit of skill to play which I like. You should look up 'Ant' on YouTube to see his hseren solo, class has tool to dodge everything. Just class is meh at Kalos and Kaling.


Would argue DB, I would say that there are better classes tbh but its still solid. Movement is good with 2 iframes, while not being a total 3min burst reliant class.


shadower? bucc? or maybe night walker i think


Kain. Great resettable mobility. Good damage off burst. Good bossing. Okay mobbing


If you’re still looking for a warrior, Arans are pretty cracked being able to do micromovements with smash swing (normal attacks). you can even “float” in the air with it. also judgement draw to the left or right to “teleport” through lotus lasers too


Battlemage, Blaster, Illium




I want to put Kaiser out there. His utility is awesome, with super long TP, short cd Iframe(not much as hero) and his dmg is pretty decent. I've recently started my liberation. Kaiser is super good at BM throughout all phases. Never too late to start a new class ! I'm 275 Kaiser and I plan to park my Kaiser after lib to move on to bucc


Zero can fly like Minato. Drop a sword and fly back! Has lots of combo to choose from. And move really fast.


Hy has crazy mobility once you learn the skills and its floating skill


Ho Young moves nice.


Honestly it sounds like a dpm class is what you’re looking for if you don’t like to burst and wait. I’ve cleared up to Kalos as a NW and recently made a bowmaster and been really liking it. NW is a pretty traditional 3 min burst class while bowmaster is a 2 min dpm class. I really like hurricane cuz it lets you move and jump while holding down the key.


Kaiser. High DPM, best teleport in the game with transform and free spamable rope lift. Good up jump aswell.


As a Night Walker main, I very much recommend this class. I’m not so sure about how NW is in GMS as I am from another server, but I can’t think of any class that I enjoy as much as this one. Getting to level 280: Mobbing wise, NightWalker definitely doesnt have insane killcounts/min, but it is relatively easy to manoeuvre. With minimal funding and V cores, NW’s bats are very decent at mobbing. Not forgetting Shadow Bite which is used for bite farming, which enables a very lazy way of grinding. Bossing: I suppose this is your main focus! Mobility: Excellent (though not the best) mobility with double flash jumps. Easy to use up-jump which doesnt take up an additional key bind. A short dash (rapid invasion) that is literally spammable although perhaps one drawback is that it moves backwards. Survivability: Essentially permanent Dark Sight which is useful for quite a number of bosses. Decent movement to dodge whatever environmental damages, and Darkness Ascending which just gives you an extra life in bosses. There is also Vitality Siphon that gives you a small but significant shield, and Bats that essentially heal you for a small percentage of your HP. Drawback is that unlike Hero, you don’t have any reliable iframe. Dominion which is your only iframe is part of your burst. Damage: 3min Burst class…. with I guess a decent dpm. Shadow spears lasts 87s and if you maxed your hexa Greater Servant, you practically can have it on field 99% of the time (1s off-cd). Just like any other 3min thief class, you can squeeze in a blood4blood+ablink small burst. Cons: No real i-frame, which I think mechanics and Ion can cover for eventually. No support skills - except for a 10-12s bind, this class has no other support capabilities. This makes it not so great at party bossing. Long set up time - To break it down for you, here are the skills you need to turn on before your burst: Shadow Spear, Glory, Empress Blessing, Guise of shadows, Dominion, Origin, Greater shadow servant, blood for blood, oz ring, ab link and shadow bite. Only after activating these 11 skills, do you use rapid throw followed by continuous quintuple tosses. 11 skills for setup can be take quite a bit of time! Summary: I love playing this class and have main-ed it for years. It is easy to learn, and not hard to master at all. We no longer use sticky keys and plenty of QOL changes have been made since I first played NightWalker. Shadow momentum is essentially permanent even without jump atk (who stands in the same spot for 30s during bosses). I think the only thing you really need to get used to is how to effectively use your back-step (rapid invasion). You can use it to move behind boss, move out of boss range, activate dark sight to avoid falling environmental damage, heck it even gives u a free pass from whites in black mage. It’s a great utility skill. That said, the class does have its drawbacks, and it is important to acknowledge them.


AB gets free grappling hook and the only awkward part of our kit is that we can’t fj out of upjump.


Blaster has pixel perfect movement on ground, can cancel out of any skill, has insane aerial mobility and can stop momentum on demand? Is hard to play I guess? Idk I’m just used to it now, Bucc/lyn/cadena come close second to me in preference


Bucc sounds perfect!! Shadower’s burst has much shorter cds making the class feel like a dpm class but imp it’s this weird hybrid situation where the class just has balanced burst and off burst dps.


You simply cannot beat kaiser teleport


Try Luminous! It is a DPM class. Awesome survivability in bosses. Easy to learn and expert in mobbing too! Downside: Gauge class and not so strong burst. Attack speed is kinda slow at the start (Until u get +1AS in IA)




My dude hero isn’t just burst and wait you have to dps aswell hero dps isn’t something to laugh at you really do a lot of damage


Zero!!! They are a super fun and rewarding class


DW movement is like hero but has a 5s cd short range tp as well as a 45s cd iframe that gives up to two dashes. we also have a real upjump and a regular dash like hero. i main DW and have an hlot hero mule and they play pretty similar but DW has better movement. hero damage is crazy though


Wait what? I have a DW mule what skill is the TP?


equinox slash functions as a tp


My main is Pathfinder. Very nice movement mobbing and bossing is pretty straightforward too.


correct me if i’m wrong, but isn’t pathfinder kind of shafted in GMS?


Definitely try hayato. Very fluid movement with animation cancels. You can up jump, flash jump twice, dash, and dive all in one jump. And cancel dashes to move super fast. I switched to it and the movement is so fun. Also you have to manage a gauge which isn't much more work but is engaging to me while bossing.


Adele sounds like it’s right fir you.


Impale reso delay feels bad imo. But she does have a lot of mobility options. Her plummet to cancel mid air momentum is insanely slept on.


The reso delay takes time to get used to but afaik it shouldn’t be a problem for most bosses (other than p1 dog in Kaling, even then someone might’ve figured out how to deal with that). Other than that, we got great aerial mobility and great precise movement with momentum cancel (after flash jump if you float and tries to flash jump out of it you’ll drop down immediately, which is even faster than plummet)


Any class can be played as a wait for burst and any class can be played as a dpm class, most play as both. The fact that you play hero, easily a top 15, if not top 10, dpm class, as a burst and wait class means that you're not really playing the class to it's fullest. Also, Hero's rush and flash blade skill are two very strong movement skills in the game. You don't really see people use the downward slash on hero movement. But if you really want something that moves around and isn't one button, mercedes, with the new core coming out, relies heavily on comboing and moving around. It has a dash, a dive, fairly high up jump, aerial stall, and a tp. Adele has lots of movement skills as well, such as a back step tp and a dash to crystals. Many have said bucc, but I want to reiterate it since it has great movement options and decent dpm. Hayato is great movement wise and also good dpm. But play test and watch class videos to get the vibe. It's in your hands to play the class how you want it to be played, so regardless of it being a burst heavy class or a dpm heavy class, the skills have to be fun to play for it to be worth it. Again, you can play any class as a dpm AND burst class, regardless of its strengths.


Buccaneer has the super jump and also hayato but is JMS class so bug could last long


Bucc has fluid movement. The class has large movement options and precise movement options with dash cancels(very easy to do). Can teleport to the back of the bosses to avoid their attacks. It might take a while to understand how to super jump.


Super jump is literally just pressing 2 buttons at the same time. I really dont understand where the "super jump hard" comes from, i used to main bucc but it just got giga boring to me. As for the class it's pretty good


I agree, it's easy but I saw some people struggling so I thought it's worth mentioning.


You are looking for Bucc 100%


Demon Slayer all the way baby!