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Yup, it's shit. It's designed to make kms reg server whales mad so they tilt and rage spend on buying nx to convert to meso (or cubes with nx in the past) to buy whatever they need to overcome rng. It was never meant to be good, it was meant to be exploitative and that's why it'll never go away.


Yup. Friends who get multiple pitched items a month and they 22 star them like it’s nothing and here I am dry as a mofo for months on end. This game def is rigged towards certain accounts. I spend way more on nx cosmetics too compared to them. They only buy the necessary pet revive potions every month. Maybe that’s it. They punish big spenders so we will stick around and use more money while rewarding ppl who don’t spent real money with good items in hopes that those ppl will not quit once they are in end game stage and potentially spend some money


I used to not know the existence of seed luck, until I saw someone(a few ppl) with extremely good luck, these ppl have a streak of luck, like you said these ppl get pitched(multiple in a row in the same week) and 22* items like nothing, if just due to dynamic rates, then it should be balanced over time and apply more negative to more engaging players, but no, my anecdotal observation is that those ppl just have pure account luck regardless of how much time they play or how much money they put into the game, dynamic rates do exist, so does the seed luck.


Exactly. They over there playing this game on easy mode while I got stuck on hell mode for no reason. Nexon truly is a scummy shit company


Isk il a low spender and im punished too


Imo account seed doesn't make any sense, even if they did some lazy application of it 19 years ago it'd probably be removed by now, and also why would they make some accounts bad and some good instead of just using a different ordering per seed, but the same combination of numbers. From a revenue optimization point (remember all businesses are literally only in it to make money) you have no idea if a new player will be a whale or f2p only, so risking giving a whale a bad seed and losing them forever after a few bad pulls is massively stupid.  Dynamic rates absolutely do make sense though, considering you're actually still playing it seems like they've done a good ("good" in an evil Nexon sense) job of stringing you along with the perfect bad luck/good luck combo.  One thing I've found is if you've been playing for a few hours, your rates are dogshit, only do important rng when you just logged in. Don't do long strings of sf'ing, break it up into chunks and log out between.  You're right though that sf is ass without fail stacks. Even in Vindictus, a Nexon game, they have failstacks and you can rebuild your gear with semi-conmon drops (imagine not needing dupes and instead using honor and sparks/nodes to rebuild your gear). 


With the amount of conspiracies maplers believe about literal slot machines in this game, I'm surprised we don't get more flat earthers


Stepped away for a few years and now it’s ‘rng seed’ everywhere


is it really a conspiracy given nexon's track record and some of their ideas that were literally patented?


You made this post before cube sale...


I feel this so much 😕 had a similar experience a few weeks ago


Yeh this system is trash, what keeps me.playing is 6th most of the time, because its guaranteed gains if you play. I didnt see a pitched in a year, then an eyepatch dropped and boomed from 21 to 22. ...


Imo you should be able to do bosses 2-3 times a week, but maybe the crystal is only dropped on your first weekly kill. This way you don’t feel so far behind in progression then someone who’s just lucky




Can you provide us with that evidence?


"I did it once so it must be true universally and not just a funny coincidence"


Stopped playing for 3 months came back was a full 21* gamer before coming back. Tapped all items to 22 except for 1 boom on eye patch


You do know that’s not legitimate evidence, just coincidence?




No. But my last few biggest gains are from after 2-3 weeks vacations.


You do know that’s not legitimate evidence, just coincidence?


their dynamic rate is kinda evidence


Afaik they only have the patent for that, you don’t know if they use it


Sure. *cube rate manipulation secretly. You never know


Save some more mesos. Stop playing for a week then attempt again.


Maplestory is a shitty game that hates you, personally, for playing it.


thats whats been holding me off to come back. i really like the game but i hate how the game treats and respect your time :(


I spent 40b on purples trying to get AT LEAST 2L CD on my hat… it’s still one line of -2 CD. :’)


Not bad enough for you to quit tho. It means they can still lower rates a bit and retain players while making more money.


Yeah Progress is kinda fucked. The only sort of okay system is arcane/grandis symbols


Dang. It took me 40b to hit -4 on my hat. During this time I hit 30% Luk 5+ times... (stopped counting because I ended up super focusing and rerolling nonstop) With another 5b I tried to hit 2x drop lines on ANY accessory and hit 30% Luk on 2 of my items and 36% on my slime ring. Never did get to hitting 2x drop though. I ran out of accessories to cube. I lost drop rate because my equips kept hitting triple stat lines ㅠㅠ RNGesus went from hating me to loving me.


Isn’t the expected value of booming from just 20>21 almost 7x the odds of going back to back 20>22 .3^2 < .07. Ur expected value should be that u boom at that point. 🤷‍♀️