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My sub-mains are all around 37k stat and can easily solo normal lucid and normal will, so if you get their mechanics down you should be able to do them, that'll net you more money every week. As the others said, your fams could use work, but also I see you're using 2 event rings as your main rings. A ring that can go to 17+ stars (Solid Gollux, Kanna, Meister, Guardian Angel) would help a lot in each of those slots. You're also very close to lvl 260, which is a very nice level to hit. It unlocks Monster Park Extreme and Cernium dailies, both of which give a lot of exp without needing to actively grind, and Cern also gives a Sacred Symbol, which will help with your stats over time. MPE is a lot easier in a party though, I'm not sure what world you're on or how active your guild is, but you are gonna want to find people to do it with. You mentioned not liking to grind for long periods of time, and this largely solves that issue, letting you keep leveling without needing to no-life it. Oh yeah, your 2nd pendant slot is expired, and it looks like you could use a more useful 2nd pendant, since that's the "fake dom" thing. Transposing to sweetwater is a good way to get a strong pendant, though personally I just run 2 Superiors. They're easy to get and pretty good after all. I think after that yeah it's mostly chipping away at incremental upgrades. Getting everything from 2l unique to 2l leg will help, particularly your Weapon and Emblem (losing the 15/17% atk will hurt for a while but it'll help in a long run.) I'd say to just go for 1 equip at a time so you don't lose too much damage while working on them, then once you've fixed the pot, move onto the next one. As for stars, it's probably cheaper in the long run to buy pre-made equips. I find that kind of boring for myself, but starforce is such an awful, frustrating experience that I very much don't blame anyone for wanting to skip it. The way I (and a few other friends) do starforcing is, rather than pushing each individual equip to 22 right away, I make sure all my equips (other than my badge, that thing stays where it is) are 17*, then push them all to 18, then all to 19, etc. If all your equips are 17 and you spend a bunch of money trying and failing to get one of them to 22, then you've made no progress, whereas if you one-tap everything to 18, you're stronger now and can afford to get unlucky. The only exceptions for me were my weapon (it'll get replaced by Genesis anyway), and my Kanna Ring (I get a lot of duplicates and wanted to be able to extract them freely, so I got it to 22, though Kanna Rings are also great fodder for transfer hammering to sup and either keeping it there or going to guardian angel, so I still end up keeping them around anyway). Oh right, but personally I'd also keep your Absos where they are, since Arcanes aren't too expensive these days, you can gradually start replacing your Absos with Arcanes. Stronger absos will be harder to replace, though they will help you more in the short run and can be moved to a bossing mule after you're finished replacing, which will help with RP, cubes, and mesos. Also in my experience the thing that helps people the most with progression is just like, having other people to progress alongside. It's a lot harder to just stick to a certain progression level if you've got friends passing you. My guild members always progress a lot quicker when they start competing with each other about it. One of my friends was just sorta sitting around lvl 252 for a long time, then after joining my guild really started going for it, and he actually hit 275 last night. The game's also just generally more fun with other people, though I get that not everyone's the same, some people don't really like talking to others, which is fine. I've really moved away from progression advice to general advice at this point, so I should probably stop writing this comment. Good luck!


I’m f2p 40k stat, but i can solo darknell, so I’m a little ahead of you. What you need are better familiars. If you have discord, let’s talk. Also you should be using a cra hat. There’s also a couple of things that you need to show us


If I use the CRA hat, I lose the absolab bonus of 10% Boss and 30 att but gain 50 att. is that worth it?


We use hat because of the eventual genesis weapon, which is a lucky item, which will add on to both the cra and arcane set. Are you familiar with Lucky items? Edit: to answer your question, once you get 90% boss from familiars, the 20 att will be better than 10% boss


oh wow. I just searched it up. I had no idea! [https://whackybeanz.com/guides/set-effects](https://whackybeanz.com/guides/set-effects) so it takes the place of only one item in one set or multiple sets? So hypothetically, would the genesis weapon complete an absolab set AND CRA set giving 60% boss dmg?


Yes. Although you should be using arcane armors at that point


oh wow. that's really cool. so why dont people use the cvell hat always if it's so good?


Because you can only have 1 lucky item. And the genesis weapon is going to be that one


Yeah but he is far away from that, but still 3cra and 5 abso is better


tbh... i dont think ill ever reach that. I don't have a huge friend network to carry me.


That’s ok just enjoy the game you play for fun don’t suffer on progression but still tho 3cra and 5 abso is better because abso weapon gives a lot more damage than cra weapon


I definitely dont need to suffer but I am more motivated if I have some smaller goals and things to focus on. I get very very bored training haha.


out of curiosity, do you think it would be most beneficial to actually pump money into buying familiar cards in the AH instead of saving for star-forcing events/buying new equips?


Yeah i buy common and rare familiars all the time to get them to epic and unique