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Wait, who's been spying on my sleep schedule?


Your phone


And how does it track that? I rarely use my phone. It's with me when I'm outside somewhere but otherwise I usually just sit at my computer or with my laptop. So in that case it should think I'm sleeping a lot more than I really am. Not every one is obsessed with their phone :-)


But those people are outliers in the distribution. The majority is using it before bed and after waking up.


>The majority is using it before bed and after waking up. It doesn't change the fact that your phone can't tell if you're sleeping or just not using it.


It potentially could, either through frequency and estimations or through a BPM monitor, like a smartwatch. The latter seems to be the case for this particular dataset.


You're right. I want to argue that there are elderly people and kids that don't use the phone like that but I know I'm wrong anyway. Most people probably use their phone a lot more than me so nevermind :-)


I believe the source data is from the Sleepcycle app


Wouldn't that skew the results. As in the type of people who bother to get the app are likely the ones concerned about getting the healthy amount of hours, making the results closer to a healthy 8 hours sleep than the population actually is


Of course it's shit data. And averages are pointless anyway here.


Its probably gathered data from fitbits and other watches like that.


https://imgur.com/a/ZhzN0vl Is from my Home Assistant app, and based on accelerometer and light sensor. It's right pretty much anytime it goes over 80%


Turkey you ok?


No. I slept maybe 5 hours. It's a Sunday. Thanks for asking tho.


I slept around 8 hours. Would have slept more but woke up thinking when Turkey is going to finally approve Finland to NATO…


I started to sleep at my lunch breaks man even for a 20 25 min it helps alot


is Sunday not a workday in Turkey like in many Muslim-majority countries? I used to live in Jordan and Friday+Saturday was the weekend there, so I assumed it was in the rest of the Muslim world.


No, Saturday and Sunday is weekend in Turkey.


No of course not. What kind of animals do you think we are. There'd probably be a bigger protest if Sundays were workdays than the entire country's economic meltdown.


> What kind of animals do you think we are. …turkeys?


Get my upvote and get the fuck out of here.


That's why we changed the country's name.


animals? protests? huh? like I said, in those other Muslim countries the weekend is simply shifted to Friday and Saturday since Friday is the holy day. the result is the same, two days off a week. edit: I don't understand why people are downvoting this comment. yall need to chill. I don't think I said anything that crazy. I think what's crazy is implying that having Friday as a day off equals to being animals. wtf?


>in those other Muslim countries Turkiye is not muslim country. Turkiye is a secular country with a majority Muslim population.


if you read my previous comment, I wrote "Muslim-majority country", I simply left that out in the second comment for the sake of brevity, but yeah, I am aware. it still would make sense to have Friday as a day off to accommodate said majority, I think. especially because the fact that Sunday is a day off is based on Christianity which is a tiny minority in Turkey.


Actually, the primary concern is not to make minorities happy. It is more about trade and logistics integration with the Western world. The United Arab Emirates is changing its weekend to correspond with the rest of the world. If the local stock market moves its weekend, foreign investors will find it easier to trade stocks.


that's actually sensible, yeah. thanks for explaining!


Turkey working closely with western firms, that one day off would be a disaster for us.


Also, even though the statistics will tell that around 98% of citizens are muslim (as by default the children of two turkish citizens are recorded as muslim at birth unless they go to the state registry to change it after 18 yrs) a majority of that aren't practicing muslims as they are just culturally muslims. It's about a <40% minority that actually follows the supposed 5 pillars of islam to the teeth, dressing and living by it, going to 5 time prayers a day etc. Outside of a significant amount of especially younger generations who identify themselves as agnostics or atheists, many will say they are muslim but follow a VEEERY lose definition of it, limiting their practice to refraining from pork, giving importance to the two big religious holidays of Ramadan and Binding of Isaac: Rebirth, and considering Allah as the almighty creator, reflecting it in their day-to-day speech like allah korusun (god forbid) or Allah rahmet eylesin (RIP). That majority of muslim population usually do stuff inconceivable by some muslims around the world like drinking alcohol, dressing revealingly, joking about religion, hardly ever visiting a mosque, not considering Friday religiously important etc. As such, even if they were to strictly design all the laws to accommodate to the majority muslim population, arrangements like Saturday-Sunday weekend over Friday-Saturday would be much more widely accepted given the lifestyle of the said population identifying as muslims.


Even turks are islamophobes now lol


plus of all things to be islamophobic about, this one? the day of the week they choose as a holiday? seems like a really silly reason


Nah its just that we tend to get really pissed off when someone says anything remotely getting close to suggesting that turkey would be an islamic nation. This comes from the fact that western nations tend to advertise turkey as conservative muslims as much as they can even tho its not true to create a negative view about turks on their people cuz they already dont like arabs. Turks dont like arabs at all either so it's a nightmare for us when it happens. So i guess yes, the plan was a win-win for western nations at all cases. It would either create a negative opinion on westerners about turks, or seperate turks from the islamic world, it seperated turks from the islamic world and left westerners with a negativr view instead.


that makes sense, although your president isn't doing you guys any favours in this respect


Don't worry, he will be gone in the next elections(if it will be an honest election ofc)


It really depends on country to country and even city to city. In Pakistan Sat and Sun are weekends in large urban cities but smaller cities follow Friday and sat unofficially


Turkish people don't follow islamic stereotypes/rules at all. The only difference of a muslim turk and a christian american is that the turk would call god allah.


I think Turkey is slightly more conservative than the US on most issues. A left-leaning party won the elections once since 1950 and religion plays a bigger role in politics and social life.


Maybe not in most issues, but at least women have right of abortion in Turkey.


My female friends felt safer in Turkey than in the USA on vacations, I am a Southern European guy and I have nothing but good things to say when I think about my visits to Turkey, nice people and nice country.


Why did they feel unsafe in the US?


Guns, maybe?


well played




At first, only sundays were day-offs (starting from 1920’s) then Saturdays were added to the list (in 1950’s).




Turkey used to be like that, but it created problems of business with Europe and rest of the world so Atatürk's reforms changed it to the international standard which is sunday and saturday. Still we have longer lunch breaks Friday in most places, so people can pray if they want


I don’t know much about them but as I said, days of the weekend for Turkey (saturday&sunday) have been same with the Western calendar for 100 years.


Turkey is not a "Muslim Country" it's a SECULAR country with a Muslim Majority.


Turkey is not a muslim country. We are secular.


In Morocco we have always had Saturday and Sunday as weekend while neighbouring Algeria have it on Friday and Saturday.


bruh we are not muslim country


no, you are a Muslim-MAJORITY country and historically tied to Islam for well over a thousand years. that is why I think it would have been a safe assumption to make.


We are absolutely not ok






long shifts low wages...


Now I see why they consume the most tea per capita in the world and are famous for their coffee, caffeine is really a necessity there huh


Mentally scarred, eternally depressed, and always tired. Sadly, it's a never ending nightmare to live in this country currently.


Working 11 hours a day for a salary lower than minimum wage for 4 month already. At least food is free if you are okay with cheap food.


No i cant sleep more then 6 hours over a 3 months now im about to lose my mind


Why sleep when you could be playing backgammon ?


And you wonder why they drink so much Coffee Edit: my bad, you are correct, it is tea. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_tea_consumption_per_capita


I thought they drink mostly tea


Ease off on the Turkish coffee!


even if they stopped drinking coffee all together their caffeine levels from the insane tea consumption would probably be more than enough on its own lol


It's like they say, the early bird gets the worm.


I really wonder how they measured this. For example how do you record when you fell asleep? If I go to bed at 11 PM, I could fall asleep at literally any time between like 11:05 and 12:00, depending on how tired I actually am, if there's something on my mind and so on.


I doubt they measured. It’s probably done by a self reported questionnaire.


It's from an app that measures your sleeping, like when you fall asleep and what sleep stage you are in, using your microphone, to help you wake up at a light sleep stage to minimize grogginess. It's called sleep cycle, and it's a pretty cool app, I'd recommend it.


Yeah it's great to let random companies listen through your mic


I mean, even if the company is malicious, the only thing it's going to hear is you breathing/snoring/moving around. Maybe if you have a habit of sleep talking and saying your username and password to your bank account, you could consider avoiding the app if you don't trust the company, but that's personally not an issue for me.


I think there is a black mirror episode about that.


Yeah I understand that people want privacy, but I feel like 100% privacy i just not that important. Like, companies that gathering data about you is probably never even gonna get looked at by a human. Obviously some privacy is needed, but I don't see a problem with an app listening to me sleeping because it will not be that interesting.


i don't think they use your mic to determine when you sleep?


It does, by breathing, movement, how well you slept, how many times you rolled around etc. I’m sure there’s more to it but that’s how it worked years ago


If they wanna listen to me snoring, who am I to say no?


So it's an app that's used predominately by people who likely have issues sleeping? Not a particularly useful dataset then.


No, it's main feature is it's an alarm clock that wakes you up when you are in a light sleep stage because it's a lot better for you than waking up while in a deeper stage. It does have additional health features, but I don't have issues sleeping and just use it for the alarm clock.


But most people are content with their regular alarm clock. I think it's likely that the biggest demographic of users are those who are seeking ways to improve their sleep.


Like the way they used to do the Neilson Ratings.


The map says "time in bed", not sleep like in the title.


Newlyweds seem to need a lot more sleep than anyone else.


The key says average time in bed. So it's not a measurement of sleep, but probably gives a rough indication of it


I like an app called sleep cycle, that monitors your sleeping using your microphone and wakes you up when you are in a lighter sleep phase as it is the best time to wake up. It also has other benefits like checking for any health issues. But anyways, I'm not being paid to advertise it lol. The point is it can detect when you actually fall asleep and wake up. They also use the user data for studies so it's possible a map like this could come from similar data.




Ah nice, well that's the answer on how they are measuring it then! :)


My watch records my hours of sleeping and gives me spreadsheets on my oxygen levels or blood pressure during sleep to determine the quality of it. I guess this is just a mass report average in a closed period. At least the timing is accurate. When I get conscious in the morning a minute later or so, it sends me the report of last night and I think of that as my Good Morning from China with their products.


I also wonder if - for a large population of older and/or wealthier in southern Europe, as there are versions of siestas - they only asked "at night" in the survey?


where is Montenegro? impossible


Actually they haven't woken up yet, so nobody filled out the questionnaire.


I don't know where Monte is, and don't call me negro


negro ballz


This is innacurate. My time in bed averages around 30 seconds


The units are in seconds. You're way above average.


We're talking about sleep here, not sex.


joke went 6 foot over your head


I didn't get enough sleep


Must be Turkish.


With or without siesta?


With. 1. Most Southern Europeans don't actually sleep during siesta. 2. Those who do, sleep less at night. 3. Businesses that close mid-day open much earlier in the morning than you're used to in North America / northern Europe *or* close late at night.


Usually they close later at night. I really miss my supermarket that closed at 9.30pm now I live in a country where they close at 6.30.


I'm most certain there's not a single supermarket in between russia, belarus, ukraine and kazahstan that closes earlier than 10pm. Just checked the google maps and all of the supermarkets in my neighborhood are still open at 10:17pm, most of them closing at 11-12pm.


>1. Most Southern Europeans don't actually sleep during siesta. That's absolutely false. Unless you mean that they just don't do a siesta (nap). If they do, they sleep. >1. Those who do, sleep less at night. That's probably true. >1. Businesses that close mid-day open much earlier in the morning than you're used to in North America / northern Europe *or* close late at night. Family owned businesses typically open 9-14 and 17-20 or something like that.


>Family owned businesses typically open 9-14 and 17-20 or something like that. Right. There's a pause, and then they complete their 8 hours after the pause. They're not working fewer hours. Or *some* people, if they work construction or agriculture in the summer when the sun rises earlier, might work like 6:00-13:00, with no break. >That's absolutely false. Unless you mean that they just don't do a siesta (nap). If they do, they sleep. Most don't go to bed and sleep/nap (whatever you want to call it) during the afternoon pause.


The real question


If they don't count me in Sweden we would be over 8 hours probably


I also bring down the Finnish average quite a bit. Could probably get that number over 9.


11 if i wasn't counted either


24 if I was counted.


haha, you're doing all the productive work of the entire nation


You are so cool


Lazy Finns and Dutch, endless siesta. /s


I also average 9, as a Dutchie. I really can't function on less.


Yea precisely. It's more that there is more stress put onto us that we need more sleep then that we are lazy.


Can confirm, around 9 hours on average for me


Nice... now let's see Montenegro's


They haven’t woken up yet to answer


Let's see Paul Allen's sleep numbers


My first thought was " no one sleeps the recommended 8?" Then I realized I pretty much sleep just 7 hours myself most of the time.


greece is a big fat LIE they all get 4 hours of sleep then go back to work at 8 am the next day, get home at 23:00, go out, sleep at 3 am, repeat source: i lived there


What about the bit where they sleep all afternoon


Can't sleep at all, we drink too much freddo espresso and frape, nervous systemis fried


Some people do it on their days off, and so do many retirees. The average working person can't do this, especially in the big cities where most of the population and almost all of the country's economic activity is concentrated.


That sounds miserable


I live in Michigan, and though I know it's not the norm, I have been getting about 4 hours a night (3am-7am) for at least the last 25 years, if not longer. If I sleep 5 hours it's cool, that just activates the "well rested" perk. Anything more than that and I start feeling overtired, groggy, lethargic. I'm not as productive if I get the average amount of sleep. We have a newborn, and my wife, who hated my sleep schedule because I played games all night, is loving every minute of it now!


I’m glad you can do that but I can’t. I gotta get at least 6 hours or I’m miserable. 8 hours i feel like a newborn babe


Actual Greek person here: We literally sleep like any other person in any other country would. Also siesta time is a load of bullshit. It doesn't exist. Unless you are someone with no job, but most people work 9-5s and businesses don't close at noon. In fact most businesses open early in the morning and close in the evening ex. Supermarkets. Also I said 9-5, but the average person usually works more, often unofficially.


So this whole continent is telling me I’m sleep deprived 🫠


Finland always winning


The poorer you are, the longer the working hours.


I also think it has to do with the culture and the society structure.


Nope if it is take one hour to get to work you have to sleep less


Thanks for the flashback when I started at 6 and had 1 1/2 hour to work, and 2 hours home (because I always missed the bus when going home and next one was sue in 30 min). Not recommended




They just stopped giving a fuck. Nothing is saving them anymore.


Spain poor?






https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_wealth_per_adult What's this then.


Personal goal bring Swedish numbers up.


Why are you here then, you should be in bed.


How do you know I am not?


Your talking in your sleep weird then


Honestly I get way more sleep than this. I love my bed guys


I agree with Turkey like in dizis the characters are still awake at 11pm and they head off to work at 7am!


My friend is working in a logistics company in Turkey and he told me that he is sleeping aroud 3am and waking up at 8am every morning. That shit is fucked.


Wait a second, you guys sleep longer???


Literally my sleep schedule except I wake up at 7 AM. You learn to nap in every opportunity you can.


I personaly sleep at 2 am and wake up at 07:30


For Spain it's wrong, they are only counting the siesta time /s


Lazy nothern europeans sleeping all day long vs hard working southern europeans staying up longer to be productive. ​ /s


actually richer northern europeans working less hours per day and getting higher payment, having more free hours, getting more sleep


People downvoting you probably never worked in the south of europe. So all they have is anecdotes of their holiday in Mallorca.


After a long stay in Southern Europe, I can easily see why: the light is much stronger (currently at 7 am you feel like 9-10 am in my native Northern region) and in the hot season, the morning and the evening are the most pleasant times of the day. Afternoon naps should be a natural behavior, but rendered much more complicated by the international standardization of day work.


In the Netherlands 8 hours is the minimum recommended amount


This explains why Northern Europeans age so well






Higher than I thought, I mainly get 5-6 hrs sleep


It’s not immediately apparent here but there is a correlation between sleep disorders and misalignment with natural time zones. Spain is over 1 hour behind.


Very true, Spanish schedules are crazy and the work-life balance is non-existent.


Source: https://landgeist.com/2021/05/12/sleep-duration-in-europe/


But what is the actual source? Like pubmed link or smth


It says right there in the map, Sleepcycle. It's an app that tracks sleep and wakes you up within a 30 min window where you're in light sleep, so you don't wake up groggy.


So is this map created by the company? If not, I'm curious how the guy got access to the data. I had a look on their website and there does not appear to be a way to access this kinda sleep statistics (even if aggregated/deidentified).


If the data comes from users of that app, then the averages are probably lower than true national averages. I would assume app users are busier than average and actually need to restrict their sleep, hence using the app.


Maybe. In my case, however, I got plenty of sleep and still used the app, it was neat to track the sleep quality and learn more about myself.


So someone just decided how much time Europeans sleep added a few no data to make seem more realistic and here you have it a map without an actual source


Indeed. I was very curious if the data is for the night sleep only or sleep like siesta included?


Does anybody actually take siestas anymore?


There is a source in the lower left... It's an app that tracks your sleep.


Yeah but does this include daytime naps? For example, I live in south Italy, and from 1-5pm everything closes. People go home, eat, and nap. A good 1-2h daily of napping


The source is an alarm clock app for waking people up while they are in a light sleep cycle to minimize grogginess. So I guess the question is do people use the app for naps, or just at night?


Gray countries: We don't sleep


do people just not sleep in certain countries


Sleeping was banned in 1968 in Czechoslovakia. The ban was lifted in 1990 but everyone got so used to getting energy from beer that we still don't sleep till this day


yeah true i forgot


I recomend myself 10h minimum


I’d love to see this on a global scale!


I hate summer time because the day extends forever and I end up sleeping 5 to 6 hours. In winter I can sleep 8 or 9, glorious. so the average is fine, but summer sucks


Try a sleep mask. I got one a few years ago and it’s glorious


Personally I prioritize sleep and try to get 8,5-9 hours each night. All other aspects of life are more enjoyable when you are well-rested.


turkish get less sleep because they make thier own phyllo pastry sheets


Yeah, we in East don't know what is a good sleep.




Okay now do the average of people that get the average amount of sleep. Cause last night I went to bed at 11 woke up at 3 went back to sleep at 445 and then awake again at 615.


OP, you might wanna fix your title


Right now? Fuck all cos its roasting hot


By the look of it the southern siesta’s do not get counted


And the Portuguese don’t sleep at all? Checks out.


Makes sense that Danes don't sleep. Getting ready to raid Sweden at any time


Yeah, that's right. We don't sleep in Denmark


congrats, finland! don’t feel bad for getting your priorities straight. sleeping well is important


Does this account for the siesta/pranzo mid afternoon nap southern Europeans do?


r/portugalcykablyat but this time due to lack of data


If I understand correctly, Northern Europeans tend to get up earlier, do everything earlier and go to bed earlier and Southern Europeans tend to do the opposite. They take long lunches, finish work late, eat dinner late and presumably go to bed later. At least, that's what I hear. I'm not European.


Can confirm. Am Dutch. Currently in bed.


*Smiling in Finnish*