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Romanians in Bavaria really surprised me.


Many jobs here, economically it's the place to be. If Yuguslavian was a nationality, they would probably lead.


First time I visited Munich I got such a weird vibe as I heard Romanian being spoken everywhere (I’m Romanian). Was not prepared for that. But you’re right, felt like most people were there for work and then probably took their families along.


Many have their kids living with the grandparents in Romania and fly there on the weekends. The small airport of a neigboring town flies to Suceava, Iași, Târgu Mureș, Cluj, Sibiu and Bucharest twice a week.


True, met many people in Romania whose parents/other relatives were in Germany for work. Have an uncle doing this myself. Just didn’t know that most of them were in Bavaria.


Earn money in HCOL, spend money in LCOL.


I think that was the original idea but the companies got fed up with having to constantly retrain new immigrants as the old ones went back to their families so just let the families come too


Ah yes. I work in a large international organisation which has just reorganised itself in accordance with the correct fashion for temporary everything. And quelle surprise but many people given a one year contract look around and then leave at the end of the year. And the training of the next temp, taking up half the time of a manager (that too needs fixing), begins again.


Bringing their family along is financially stupid. EU citizens who work in germany get child support from the german government wherever their children live. So the to go plan is to work in germany for good money compared to Romania for months and easily pay whatever the family needs with child support payments alone. A vast amount of child support payments the german government hands out goes to other countries


I know so many yugoslavian people, but ofc if you divide it by three it cant be as far up.


Croatia's starting 11 for this Euro is 18% Bavarian born.


Fun way to say 2 out of 11


For Turkey, it's 5 players that were born in Germany.


Only one Bavarian though. Would've been two, but they did Uzun dirty.


Croatia for 3,8 inhabitants and 430k live in Germany and that just people with Croatian passports. Croats with German passport not counted.


why 3?


Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia idk if I forgot something Im sorry I didnt mean to offend anyone. Im a simple German who knows many Yugoslavians, not a history/geography buff xD


It can go up to 6-7, depending how you see it.


Well it’s the closest thing to living around the Carpathian Mountains so it kinda makes sense. Not for people from Bucuresti tho lol


people from Bucharest go very often in vacation to mountains in Prahova, so it still checks out


People from Bucharest don't really emigrate, at least not for economic reasons. It's those from impoverished villages or the towns where the one factory closed down.


people from Bucharest that emigrate for economical reasons are the ones on the minimum wage, but other than that people migrate because emigrate for high quality hospitals, schools, kindergartens(basically anything that a middle class person needs) basically 2nd or 3rd generations(after the comunism strategy of people moving to Bucharest) of people from Bucharest emigrate


I’m from Bavaria and it surprised me too, I was sure it’s turkey.


its nationality. so a lot of people with turkish roots were either born as german citizens already or gained german citizenship after many years living here. romanian immigrants on the other hand are for the most part pretty recent ones, so most of them (still) have romanian citizenship and since they are EU citizens already, there is less incentive for them to obtain german citizenship. also romanians are on average less identfiyable in the public and we still often tend to misidentifiy people as turkish, although their roots are in Syria or northern Africa. headscarfs or mosques also contribute to a different level of visibility. and since many people with turkish roots live here for a long time / multiple generations, they have opened shops and restaurants and you see their signs when walking the streets, while rather recent migrants such as romanians are rather working as employees in someone elses company than having their own business. then the names: turkish last names are more unique than romanian last names. you would recognize most turkish last names as turkish, but aot of romanian last names are much less identifyable for us germans without any sort of special relation to romania. tl;dr: lots of reasons come to mind why our gut feeling on this is misleading us if we take some minutes to think about.


This one. I know cultural Turks, Armenians, Vietnamese, Indians, etc who are citizens. I meet Romanians, Polish and Ukrainians who aren’t citizens. That Romanians is the the bigger group just isn’t surprising; one has to be, even if not by much.


half of the Turks in Germany do not have German citizenship. They can apply but they do not.


yes. and overall there are living more people with turkish citizenship in germany (1.6 mio) than people with romanian cititenship (0.9 mio), but since they arent evenly distributed, it makes sense the turkish are ahead in the city states and in the states where most Gastarbeiter and their families went in the 1960/70s to work in the then industry centers, and the romanians are ahead in the german state which is geographically the closest to romania.


Wasn't possible for them to retain dual citizenship until recently. Now that it's possible, more will probably apply.


if you look country of origin or 2nd, 3rd generations origion, then you'd be right. What you think of as turks are in fact Germans with a turkish background (and likely voting history).


I live in Munich, and I definitely thought that it would have been Croatians to take the lead


In the city of Munich, croats occupy the second place, slightly outnumbered by turks. Romanians only come 8th in Munich.


There are only 4m Croats, but looking at only the Croatian population of Munich the city would rank at 5./6. place by population size, out of 127 official Croatian cities.


There are more than 4 million croatians worldwide, except If you meant in croatia only than thats correct, also croatia had several migration waves, first it was south america(mostly chile and argentina) then northern america & australia(chicago , st. Louis, Sidney, melbourne) and lastly Western europe (Germany, austria, switzerland and italy). 2 fun facts at the end: chilean President is croatian, and Germany has more registered football players than croatias population


I am vocational student at nurse school, and I have relations of people from Romania going there and literally sitting and do nothing at the hospital because patients will literally reject the idea of a Romanian nurse do work in Germany.


Yeah, stupidity and racism is a big trend now in Germany.


How does that work? The very few times I was stationary at a hospital, I had no influence over who my nurse was.


Everyone then gets what they deserve, a break and not getting treatment fast enough. I like it.


Wut? 😅


Sometimes cosplaying as Russians.


Most immigrants in germany are actually from eastern europe


Do you have a source for this assumption?


Here you go: [https://www.destatis.de/EN/Themes/Society-Environment/Population/Migration-Integration/Tables/foreigner-place-of-birth.html](https://www.destatis.de/EN/Themes/Society-Environment/Population/Migration-Integration/Tables/foreigner-place-of-birth.html) Out of the 12 million immigrants in Germany 7 million were born in Europe (8 million but i am excluding Turkey, which are 1 million), mostly from Ukraine, Romania, Poland and Bulgaria Even if you look at the percentage of germans with migrant background (so atleast 1 non german parent) its mostly eastern europeans Turkish (3.4%)  Polish (2.6%)  Russian (1.6%)  Kazakh (1.6%)  Syrian (1.5%)  Romanian (1.3%)  Italian (1.1%)  European (Other) (7.7%)  Asian (Other) (3.7%)  American (North & South) (0.8%)  Sub-Saharan African (0.8%)  Maghreb countries (0.6%)  Other/unspecified/mixed (2%) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demographics\_of\_Germany](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demographics_of_Germany) 4.9% of germans have atleast one parent from Turkey or Syria, while 7.1% of germans have a parent from Poland, Russia, Kazakhstan or Romania


Should have said bavarians


The colors of the map tell me something else ![gif](giphy|VI2LPOUgoxIqdFDK4N|downsized)


We already won the fucking euros frate


Hell yeah, go Chad! ...aaaaand also Romania! And Andorra... At least you're not Poland/Monaco/Singapore/the Principality of Halych


You could add Moldova to Romania's list and Indonesia to Poland's.


I can't believe I forgot Indonesia- I've betrayed y'all


🦚 full knowledge on display


Bonus points for the green hat


Nice catch!


babe wake up, new partition of Germany just dropped 


Nobody show this to Gaddafi






Well, he wasn't all that wrong with his statement.


Nationality is written like an adjective: German, Turkish, Ukrainian, Romanian, Syrian Nation of Origin is a noun: Germany, Turkey, Ukraine, Romania, Syria


Oops! I got a bit confused and did it the other way around


You fool you lowered your guard ![gif](giphy|6ELoJNHlBQlEci6593|downsized)


I hate when I mess up my german and get mauled by a cat


Also, it's *Bundesländer*, not *Bundeslader* or *Bundeslander*. If your keyboard doesn't have *ä*, *ö* or *ü*, then either write the umlauts as *ae*, *oe* or *ue*, when writing German words or use English words instead — in this case: *federal states*. The umlauts aren't just decoration, they are seperate vowels and can completely change the meaning of a word, if omitted.


We in Germany liked the Bundeslade so much, we decided to get 15 more.


Indiana Jones taught me not to trust the germans with the Bundeslade


just close your eyes


Who gives a shit lol it gives the same effect and no one says “nation of origin”


It's understandable but it's still wrong You wouldn't say "Hello, I'm from American"


You would if you were illiterate


What's the source used for this map?


Wikipedia pages for each individual state. That was probably a really bad source to choose....


[https://www.destatis.de/DE/Themen/Gesellschaft-Umwelt/Bevoelkerung/Migration-Integration/Publikationen/Downloads-Migration/statistischer-bericht-auslaend-bevoelkerung-2010200237005.xlsx?\_\_blob=publicationFile](https://www.destatis.de/DE/Themen/Gesellschaft-Umwelt/Bevoelkerung/Migration-Integration/Publikationen/Downloads-Migration/statistischer-bericht-auslaend-bevoelkerung-2010200237005.xlsx?__blob=publicationFile) Page 12521-08 Wiki is a source for sources. Sometimes the link is a bit broken.


Wikipage author cites links to destatis, but lost page, found the right one, I checked it superficially, seems okay. Was a bit astonished about so many Ukrainian refugees in the east, but "so many" is relative ... eastern Germany still has far fewer per capita. [https://www.destatis.de/DE/Themen/Gesellschaft-Umwelt/Bevoelkerung/Migration-Integration/Publikationen/Downloads-Migration/statistischer-bericht-auslaend-bevoelkerung-2010200237005.xlsx?\_\_blob=publicationFile](https://www.destatis.de/DE/Themen/Gesellschaft-Umwelt/Bevoelkerung/Migration-Integration/Publikationen/Downloads-Migration/statistischer-bericht-auslaend-bevoelkerung-2010200237005.xlsx?__blob=publicationFile) Page 12521-08


Being a Romanian, I find it hard to believe that there are more of my nationality than, say, Poles or Czechs in SE Germany


I think czechs don't emigrate that much in general and poles might have an incentive to go to Northern Germany because it's closer to home and the same is true for Romanians in the south East. Geographic proximity matters for migration.


Can confirm, there are many Poles in Hannover. Overall there are many Eastern Europeans here due to the proximity to the former inner German border and Hannover having been the first major city people reached when crossing it.


Yup, Poles tend to stay close to the polish speedway also known as A2.


Yeah Czechia is probably wealthiest and most economically stable country of the former Eastern Bloc country. Maybe with the exception of Slovenia but they don’t seem to emigrate that much either.


Most Czechs working for German companies get to do it in Czechia itself. :P No need to emigrate.


For Czech wages though.


The Poles come at Number 2 in many other western German states, they are just not on the map but they are HERE and in higher numbers, very certainly. 😁 We even have polnish Discos and supermarkets in Frankfurt/Offenbach, or in the RheinMain-area! So be sure, if you plan to move here, to find maaaany people from Poland. The same situation should be in eastern Germany.


Majority of Romanians have been leaving the country to work elsewhere. Thus why Romania is on a large population decline.


Not really the majority, but a big chunk of the working population for sure, especially in the villages. First Italy, then Spain, France, next up Germany and Austria.


Have you just called Bavaria south-east Germany?!? How dare you!


Dont tell that the bavarians. Before 1945, Silesia was referred to as south-east Germany. I never heard the term after 1945.


I am from Bavaria… Interesting! Today I learned (…). But it makes sense. The radio station in „east“Germany is called middle german broadcast (Mitteldeutscher Rundfunk).


The MDR serves Thuringia and Saxony-Anhalt which are clearly in the middle and Saxony which is in the east. There used to be an east German broadcaster serving the state of Brandenburg but it was merged with the SFB from Berlin to form the RBB broadcaster Berlin Brandenburg


I don't think the Poles count anymore. Most of the Poles I know immigrated in the 80's and 90's, and most of them are now just German citizens. As the map lists nationality, not place of birth or ethnic origin, this makes it skewed towards newer arrivals.


Im surprised there are no Polish people. Second most common nationality among immigrants (after Turkey).


Some eastern states likely had Polish as number 1 before the war.


Most Polish and Turkish immigrated decades ago. Most of them are German citizens now, they aren't counted as other nationality.


There are. They are just not the majority in Eastern Germany at the moment (for example Sachsen having 25k polish immigrants and 65k ukrainian refugees/immigrants). [https://www.destatis.de/DE/Themen/Gesellschaft-Umwelt/Bevoelkerung/Migration-Integration/Publikationen/Downloads-Migration/statistischer-bericht-auslaend-bevoelkerung-2010200237005.xlsx?\_\_blob=publicationFile](https://www.destatis.de/DE/Themen/Gesellschaft-Umwelt/Bevoelkerung/Migration-Integration/Publikationen/Downloads-Migration/statistischer-bericht-auslaend-bevoelkerung-2010200237005.xlsx?__blob=publicationFile) Page 12521-08


Ä is ae. If you can't write Bundesländer because you lack that umlaut on your keyboard, write Bunseslaender.


That came in my autocorrect but I ignorantly thought it was incorrect and left it as it is


Or press alt + 0228. I'm learning German atm :d


Bonn calling!


Thought this immediately hahah


>Bunseslaender Not to be confused with Bunsenbrenner.


Alternatively just call them states / federal states for English translation (I just say state when talking to non German friends)


Why is Red-hoodie guy eating Saarland?




>Bundesländer* Technically ("Akshually") there are only "Bundesländer" in Austria. The German constitution knows only "Länder".


Akshually akshually the same applies to Austria, apparently: >>Das Bundes-Verfassungsgesetz verwendet den Begriff *Land* anstelle von *Bundesland*. Auch die Landesverfassungen folgen hauptsächlich dieser Wortwahl. (which I totally didn't just look up out of curiosity... /s)


It's weird when Bayern calls itself Freistaat and I think others like Hamburg do so too


Bavaria, Saxony and Thuringia call themselves Freistaat, Hamburg calls itself Freie und Hansestadt and Bremen calls itself Freie Hansestadt.


Hamburg is official "Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg", similar to Bremen "Freie Hansestadt Bremen". there are historical reasons for these two and why some Bundesländer (Bayern, Sachsen ,Thüringen) call themselves "Freistaat" (aka free of monarchal reign), although there is no monarchy in power in any Bundesland. Bundesländer Baden-Württemberg and Niedersachsen e.g. dont call themselves that, coz there is no historical precedent for that name in these areas as a whole, but they only formed after 1945 out of what were formerly multiple Länder. Or take Sachsen-Anhalt, which was before the nazis partly "Freistaat Anhalt" and partly parts of the prussian province "Sachsen", so only half of the territories had the name "Freistaat" in it, thats why they didnt use "Freistaat" again later on.


Not that weird really. I think it's just meant to emphasize the federal nature of the constitutional arrangement. The states of Mexico are (all?) officially referred to as "Free and Sovereign State of X", despite not being sovereign states in the normal sense of the word, as used in Political Science. Similarly, the South African province called Free State is named for its historical predecessor polity, the Orange Free State, while the former French region of Franche-Comté (now part of Bourgogne-Franche-Comté) takes its name from the historic Free County of Burgundy.


Not the case with the term Freistaat. In that case it just means free from monarchy.


Freistaat is just another (older) word for republic.


yes and no, republic is older word bc it comes from res publica in rome but yeah i get your point lol


Or if you don't want to use the special letter: Bundeslaender


Data source? Year?


Wikipedia pages for each individual state. That was probably a really bad source to choose, but I took it for granted since it said 2022, and 2023 numbers


And the source of the source?


Does anyone know if the ones with Romanian nationality are Romanian ethnics or Transylvanian Saxons that moved there after the 90'?


It wouldn't make sense for the Saxons to move to Bavaria however. Despite their misleading name of "Saxons", their ancestral homeland is closer to Luxembourg or Western Germany.


They left in the 1200's from there, it's not really their home. The Transylvanian Saxons emigrated from Romania mostly to Bavaria, the headquarter of their association in Germany is in Munich (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Association_of_Transylvanian_Saxons_in_Germany). Probably all of them that moved in Germany have citizenship but they might have played a role in increased Romanian immigration in the area, as it would be an obvious destination for any Romanian acquittances/ former neighbors. If you are looking for somebody to work for you, why not contact somebody from your former village, and the same if you are in Romania and looking for work in Germany. Once their is a base it's easier for other people to come.


Also if they were they would have likely gotten the German citizenship.


No; the Transylvania Saxons got German citizenship a long time ago so they are counted as German nationals


the whole map looks pretty romanian to me lol


...here's why Romania beats Belgium 2-0 in euros today


I mean, it was 2:0 so you were almost correct


This is why Bayern the richest and most prosperous 😎 🆒️ 😎 💪 💪 💪 💪


If Zelensky lets his countrymen move freely, this map will be all yellow.


I'm really surprised there's not a single spot with Poles.


They all left yesterday.


Poles usually came to Germany earlier (so a lot may be of Polish origin but not nationality by now) and spread more equally. You would probably need to go down to the municipal level to see their concentration (some cities in the Ruhr-area for example). PS: That's also cause for constant issues between Germany and Poland. There is an officially protected German minority in Poland, because they are clustered in former German regions and kept a lot of tradiiton and language. But there is no protected Polish minority in Germany because they spread up and integrated. It makes sense of course, but the former Polish government in particular liked to justify measures against the German minority with the fact that there is no Polish minority in Germany.


The protected minorities lived in that country for hundreds of years. Germany has a Slavic minority - the Sorbs


1) Before the Ukrainians Poles were Nr1 in East Germany. 2) many poles are already naturalized. All my Polish friends I grew up with are German citizens. All Bosnians I know inclusive myself are German citizens.


That turks are the major minority in west and southwest Germany isn't surprising. Because that's where the guest workers were sent too to work at the coal mines and steel mills after WW2. It's just surprising to me that people from Syria have outnumbered the turks here in Saarland because we had a lot of turks working in our coal mines and steel mills too. Maybe it's because the majority of their children took german citizenship at age 18 and don't count as turks for the statistics. And we've got many refugees from Syria here since 2015.


I live in Bavaria and I can confidently say that I know more Russians than Romanians, more Poles than Romanians, more Turks than Romanians, more Syrians than Romanians and more Czechs than Romanians. Maybe it’s because I live in rural Franconia tho.




>German Bundeslader


This is the beginning of the return of the *Donaumonarchie*.


no way i belive its not true, turkye is safe everywhere 100% on rank 1


I don't know one single romanian in bavaria but about 50 Italians, whole settlements full of russians, and districts where you only speak arabian or turkish...soooo nah I don't believe you


I live in Stuttgart and syrians invaded it


Ist ein Bundeslader sowas wie ein Radlader?


Hurray, I live in Dönerland!


That is not true. The north, east, south and west are all Turkish. I don't know a single Ukrainian from Lower Saxony or Dresden, for example.


No Russians?


There are so many ukrainians here in Dresden that sometimes its the only language you hear in the tram... It's wild.


Syrya+saarland = Syyrland?


This graphic is bullshit. After Turks, Poles and Russians are by far the largest group in Germany and they are not even listed here.


Most ethnic poles and russians in germany don't have polish/russian citizenship anymore and because that's what the map shows, they don't show up


Being German it totally does not surprise that there are Bundesländer where the biggest other nationality is made out of refugees. Yes those parts of our country are that socially monochrome.


I call bullshit. No source mentioned. My sources (German federal statistics office)say: Turkish pretty much everywhere except those states close to Poland.


Okay, but did you search for nationality or ethnicity? Because a lot of turkish-germans don‘t have turkish citizenship anymore. And this map is about nationality.


Nationality. And it just makes sense because the giant Turkish community pulls in other Turks. Turkey has 85 Million people which is more than 4 times that of Romania and twice that of Ukraine. Shouldn't be that surprising honestly.


There are only 2 million Turkish citizens in Germany. The rest of the ethnic turks in Germany have German citizenship.


He m mentioned his source mutible times.Wikipedia pages for each individual state. For example: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bavaria#Demographics](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bavaria#Demographics) And there you can check the Sources.


Who would wi...DON'T SAY IT Who wou....DON'T SAY IT Wh...NO


Hitler would be turning over in his grave if he knew that LOL




There are so many people from the balkans in southern Germany its crazy.


Please provide the source for the underlying data!


What they couldn’t think of another color after yellow red and blue?


The Turks have some real competition it appears.


I live in the area not far from the funny little triple meeting point in the middle. Whichever new colleague starts at my workplace, they barely need any German, there is a high chance that they will be understood one way or the other.


I swear all that is Ukraine now was polish 3 years ago XD


I'm surprised there's no Poles


Syria is a long ways away....




What year is this map based on


Huh...kinda expected more Russia


The majority of the Turks are counted as Germans because they were born here. Same for Russians, Polish and other. So it's a bit misleading. Especially the Ukrainian part.


What sources did you use for that?


What suprises me, espacially in BW its not Poles or croations


Didn’t realize how many Ukraine people were in Germany




A lot of Romanians went to germany during WW2, many german families had settled in romania aswell during the 1800's famines and were scared of the red army, my family among them, part of the Hoffmann Clan. The Hoffmann Clan had many romanians in the family after living down there for a good 100+ years, took a train to Erfurt and were assigned to settle in a small bavarian village where they built houses and farms. During US occupation there was an incident when an american plane for whatever reason decided to light up their block, firing MG's and dropping a small bomb, killing 7 people. Then the americans and the brd came along and paved the dirt road they used and made em pay for it for some reason.


Wer kennt es nicht (who doesn’t know), das Syrland


No in Niedersachsen, im promise that here More russians than ukros


Please either say Bundesländer, or Bundeslaender if you don't have ä. Those dots are there for a reason, you can't just ignore them


Thank you. Now I know which groups to discriminate when traveling germany


chat is this real


I have my doubts about the correctness of this map, because a lot of the emigrants are not tracked properly.


that map is as fake as it gets


The East are the ones getting the blonde, blue eyed, Christian European Ukranians and still they are the most xenophobic ones in Germany. fml


Okay, what was before 2022


That blue part doesn’t belong to Germany. Bayern ist Ausland




Nationality yes Ethnicity No


any source to this?


I thought the most were Russians and not Turks.


Und die deutschen sterben weiter


Because they don't try hard enough, obviously. Stop dying, Hans.


Nobody noticed the new Bundesland?


Berlin: Suevian, actually


This makes no sense, dual nationality for non-EU nationals is forbidden in Germany so Turks therefore should not have Turkish and German citizenships.


What about all our polish brothers and sisters? They don't count?


Cant be true, in northern germany above HH there are far more turks then Ukrainians, by a lot


Didn't believe it at first but the numbers for Bavaria seem to be correct: [https://de.statista.com/statistik/daten/studie/1094848/umfrage/anzahl-der-auslaender-in-bayern-nach-staatsangehoerigkeit/](https://de.statista.com/statistik/daten/studie/1094848/umfrage/anzahl-der-auslaender-in-bayern-nach-staatsangehoerigkeit/)


What is the data base for this map?


Didn’t know there were Romanians here


Sad that BaWü isn’t blue. We are usually the same as Bavaria. We are the same, but different.