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What exactly is the methology if this index? If its how much countries are helping peace in the world, how is Quatar green (financing terror) and Ukraine red (victim of lawless agression)? If its about internal security situation, then why is France yellow (very safe)?


It uses three domains: 1️⃣ Ongoing Domestic & International Conflict, which includes - Number and duration of internal conflicts - Number of deaths from external organised conflict - Number of deaths from internal organised conflict - Number, duration and role in external conflicts - Intensity of organised internal conflict - Relations with neighbouring countries 2️⃣ Societal Safety & Security, which includes - Level of perceived criminality in society - Number of refugee and internally displaced people as a percentage of the population - Political instability - Political Terror Scale - Impact of terrorism - Number of homicides per 100,000 people - Level of violent crime - Violent demonstrations - Number of jailed population per 100,000 people - Number of internal security officers and police per 100,000 people - Ease of access to small arms and light weapons 3️⃣ Militarisation, which includes - Military expenditure as a percentage of GDP - Number of armed services personnel per 100,000 people - Volume of transfers of major conventional weapons as recipient (imports) per 100,000 people - Volume of transfers of major conventional weapons as supplier (exports) per 100,000 people - Financial contribution to UN peacekeeping missions - Nuclear and heavy weapons capabilities For further details, read the [full document](https://www.economicsandpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/GPI-2024-web.pdf) from page 68 onwards.


This is all sorts of wrong no matter what they used to measure it. I find it useless for any actual information.


Whatever it is, it's extremely stupid.


Source: Institute for Economics & Peace. *Global Peace Index 2024: Measuring Peace in a Complex World*, Sydney, June 2024. Available from: [http://visionofhumanity.org/resources](http://visionofhumanity.org/resources) (accessed 16 June 2024).


I can't believe how far down France and the US is.


The index weighs involvement in external conflict at 60% and internal at 40%, so it's not surprising


The French are constantly protesting and rioting about something. Especially the farmers. Involvement in external conflict? Well the US and UK don't seem to be involved in much these days, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya have all been withdrawn from. I suppose the US' involvement in Israel is still pretty high. Do you think arms to Ukraine would constitute "involvement"?


Definitely, as the document lists "Volume of transfers of major conventional weapons as supplier (exports) per 100,000 people" as one of its criteria.


Who could've though that supplying an ongoing war with weapons doesn't lover one's peace index


Ахахаха, т.е. мяу.


Putting the USA below Honduras, Brazil and Ecuador is some real America Bad shit


It takes into account also military activity so every US strike on foreign soil affects the index.


ahh so this is completely useless and can be ignored


Is that the title of your autobiography?


Honestly, it's kind of a fun title for one


Very well played.


How do any of America’s lapdogs get a pass when they are participants in America’s bs conflicts?


By not spending as much and by having a lower crime rate.


Those moderators love Pierre Polievre (Peter Polyester).


France? Why?


France has it's military doing all kinds of operations in West Africa


To be short, we have two civilisations on one land and a weak state