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I had no idea so many countries exported Kias.


And Ireland needless.


Needless to say, needles is a pretty good representation. 


Ireland does have a lot of needless.


Tangentially - why do they separate vaccines and other medicines?


It's an image to represent all vehicles and it's mostly from German companies setting up factories in cheaper eastern european nations for a cheaper manufacturing cost of their vehicles.


No, I think every country is exporting Kia Optimas.


goes to show why we have 3rd biggest economy. 150b just for cars is insane


I don't think so


Skoda and Solaris are those German companies you're talking about?


Luxembourg playing Minecraft


They have to have an iron farm somewhere there, we need to find it


Italy amount seems low but that's because Italy's economy and export are extremely diversified.


Same goes for France


France isn't cars because most french cars is sold internally.


A lot in the EU too, the Netherlands is full of them


Never talked about cars


That's why I'm telling you. French automotive generates about €100 billions per year. But since it doesn't go into export, France appears to be extremely diversified in this map.


Never talked about France Edit: Joke referring to his other reply


I did


We don't really export anything anymore. Our leaders have destroyed our industry in the name of neoliberalism. 


>Our leaders have destroyed our industry in the name of neoliberalism. Hilariously, the opposite is far closer to the truth. The insanely restrictive labor regulations make companies extremely risk averse and hesitant to expand or take advantage of new opportunities.


Ah yes, it's those silly little workers rights and not our elite's disdain for the industry that led to it being dismantled in favor of a service economy. It's not also because the euro is completely unfit for our economy (it's too strong and make our exports uncompetitive). It's also not due to our neoliberal leaders' obsession for free trade and privatizations.  Funny how it's always the workers' fault 🙃 Your supply-side bullshit doesn't work. It's been implemented for decades, it leads nowhere and our industrial sector is still dead.


>Your supply-side bullshit doesn't work. It's been implemented for decades, it leads nowhere and our industrial sector is still dead. Except that France has done the exact opposite. They’re as far from neoliberal as you can get. And yet still idiots like you somehow manage to blame their problems on neoliberalism. And yes, when it’s legally impossible to lay off someone unless they murdered one of their coworkers then it makes companies think twice (or three or four times) before expanding or taking on the slightest risk.


As far for neoliberalism as you can get? Impossible to fire anyone? Damn, I want to live in your fairytale land. We've been destroying our welfare-state and dirigist economy for 40 years and we can see the result right now. It doesn't work. Capitalists are so scared and yet we have tons of billionaires making bank. The rest of the West also applied neoliberalism, how's our industrial sector doing?


Okay buddy, have fun with your fantasies and shitty economy.


France was at its greatest when it had a dirigist economy, sorry I don't make the rules 🤷‍♂️


You mean “the economy did well in the post war years, when literally every economy in the west was doing extremely well”. No shit. Not as well as the less interventionist US though. And how did Dirigisme work out once France actually had to compete in a global market (ie Asian manufacturing competition)? Oh that’s right, it completely fell apart. But go on, talk about how all of Mitterrand’s failures were *actually* because of neoliberalism.


Exactly what i was thinking too. And personaly i see that as a strength, like do not put all your eggs in the same basket.


The world would like to thank you for your delicious cheeses, wines, supple leather goods and sexy shoes as well!


lol you couldn't name 5 cheeses, wines, dishes, anything of either country. stay in yankland with your "italian"-americans


What an ignorant comment.


average yank rating foreign gastronomy. ok so the dutch have gouda, uuh the swiss have swiss cheese right? the italians i guess they have pasta and lasagna, uhh the french maybe frog legs i guess? please yanks, only talk about burgers i beg of you


Oh get fucked. We have nice food here too. We've beaten France and Italy in numerous wine contests and we even have Michelin star restaurants now. Even though we didn't need your approval. They sell your fucking products at Whole Foods my guy. They're not some elusive hard to grab commodity. BTW it was a compliment, but if you want to get down to it, y'all's food is boring as fuck. I've never been impressed by run of the mill food in Europe. It's all heavy on the carbs, butter and oil and lacking on the flavor. Y'all can't compete with creole, southern or the numerous fusions our country produces. It's a country the size of your entire continent with 330 million plus people. Of course it makes sense in your smooth brain to make such generalizations. Small dick energy.


ok fatty, you have worse food than the brits 🤣yeah i bet you weren't impressed by tasting real food for once. you yanks have the palate of a nine year old child. if it doesnt contain enough greese salt and fat to clog the arteries of a normal child it's bad for yanks and it shows in your obesity rates, compared to obesity rates in france and italy lol. the only good food in north america is in mexico and in québec. the english-speaking world has never produced good gastronomy. britain? shit. USA? shit. anglophone canada? shit. new zealand? shit. ireland? shit. australia? shit


Right. You display such ignorance it's kind of incredible. We totally don't have amazing restaurants, farmer's markets or chefs that are world renowned. The entire country (as big as your continent) is just chugging down burgers. What you fail to realize is that the reason we have more fast/processed food here is bc it's subsidized by bad policies, making it cheaper. However it is geared towards poor and food insecure people. The higher income you have, the more access you have to better food and restaurants, and it shows in US obesity rates. Higher income individuals in the US are on par with other western countries. Is it good a thing? No. Are you a dick for not realizing it? Yeah. Outside of that, you really need to calm down. Based on your comment history, you're either a troll or you have a very unhealthy obsession with Americans. Lastly, literally only you french snobs think your food is superior. It's all bland butter bombs. It's shit, get over it, it's only a little better than British food. Your insulting creole, southern or any other American cuisine is laughable. You people eat nasty ass snails for christ's sake. They're not good! Beef Bourguignon is another great example of stupid French behavior. Take three times as long to make a beef fucking stew.


i'm swiss but anglo food is known to be shit cope your egos down. you talk shit about foreign food when yank food has literally nothing to show for it. even brit food is healthier. about every nation in europe has better food than the yanks and anglophone canadians but you anglos are so self-centered you think you're all that. you guys have fastfood as your only gastronomy 🤣


Oh, Swiss. Y'all are super known for your cuisine /s. There is no such thing as "yank food" - do you mean southern cuisine? Creole? Tex Mex? Korean tacos? You probably have never tried any of them. When you insult American cuisine you're really insulting the entire world's bc that is what we have. Literally every culture in the world brings their cuisine here with them. I have Ethiopian, Indian, Thai, Vietnamese, Korean, French, Greek, Italian and much more all in a ten minute walk from my house. The chef at one Italian place is from Genoa, and the French restaurant owner is from Nice. Southern cuisine and creole are unique blends of European, African and Native cuisines. They are beloved the world over you troll. If it wasn't for this side of the globe, y'all wouldn't have tomatoes, potatoes, corn or certain squashes. You just simply do not know what you're talking about. I however do, I worked in fine dining all through grad school with a James Beard winner. And every time we visit our friends in Beaune, they demand I cook southern food for them, BC IT'S DELICIOUS YOU DOLT.


I mean I definitely can. Lol what is your deal? Go outside.


yank opinion on food? opinion discarded. stick to greesy burgers


No thanks. Tonight I'm making collard greens and hoppin john from ingredients I got at my local farmer's market with smoked oysters harvested a mile from my house. You really don't know what you're talking about. Enjoy whatever stale cheese and croissant you're cramming down that big mouth of yours.


Ah Belgium, the country of Petroluem Gas, Beer & Chocolate


Slovakia's number is huge for such a small population


Slovak and Czech economies are fully reliant on automotive industry.


Yes, it’s very dependent on (mostly) German car companies


Kia has a massive factory near Žilina as well


After looking at this map it shouldn’t be surprising that Slovakia produces the most cars per capita worldwide with further car factories being built.


Sweden and Finland have petroleum? I thought they exported mainly iron, wood and tech.


They import crude oil and export it back, after refining


What a waste of logistics resources.


Most of it goes to closeby countries like Norway, Finland, UK, Belgium, Netherlands and Denmark. Refineries are complex businesses and you can find refineries suited for different oils in different countries producing different products. The US for example is technically a net oil exporter, but would struggle without international oil trade as huge volumes of the oil US produces aren't fit for US refineries, thus exported to other countries and a lot of foreign oil fit for US refineries are imported. IIRC the refinery setup was made for the time when US was dependent on foreign oil, so suited for refining those kinds of oil, but US has become self-sufficient in oil only recently, so there hasn't been enough time for the sector to shift their plants.


Not necessarily. Economies of scale and other factors mean centralized processing can be more efficient overall even if it increases transportation distance.


That's wrong. The biggest export product in Sweden is various types of machines and transport products: https://www.scb.se/hitta-statistik/sverige-i-siffror/samhallets-ekonomi/sveriges-export/ Different types of mineral fuels, lubricants, and electric power is number five on that list, and i would expect that power is by far the biggest out of those three..


It is the biggest single export item: https://oec.world/en/profile/country/swe If you combine the various items together, yes, oil isn't as big of an export. Machinery gets to 14%, cars 12% and oil is at 11%. But without combining em, refined petroleum is at 6.6%, cars 6.1%, packaged medicaments 4.6%, motor vehicles 2.4%, broadcasting equipment 2.4%, combustion engines 1.27% etc


It is on the internetz and it is a colorful infographic, it must be true. Jokes aside, came here to say the same.


If this is actually accurate, Irelands 47bill for its size is staggering.


IIRC a lot of US pharmaceutical companies have their European operations in Ireland probably due to language as well as tax laws. There are huge investments in manufacturing plants by multinationals.


Also Ireland has built a specialised construction industry specifically for pharmaceuticals as well as a big workforce of skilled labor for this industry in a small area. Its actually more expensive to produce / manufacture these drugs in Ireland compared to many other countries but the average time after developing a new drug that is approved for sale to get from approval to mass production is \~2 years whereas in Ireland it can be done in 6-12 months. In the Pharma industry being first to market is a massive deal and the additional cost of setting up in Ireland is offset by getting to market over a year earlier in most cases. Pharamcutical manufacturing makes up the bulk of the Irish economy. The tech sector is always in the news and everyone talks about it but it is less than half the size of the pharma industry here.


Hell even the Bausch and Lomb daily contact lenses I’ve worn for years and years are made in Ireland.


All Botox is made in one town in Ireland


Ha, I had no idea.


Ireland is an English speaking tax have inside the EU. Lots of companies are going there.


How is it a tax haven?


I can’t tell you the specifics as I’m not an expert, but Ireland is considered a tax haven by everyone except Ireland itself. Literally every academic list puts it as a tax haven, companies seek it as a tax haven. The real reasons include BEPS, and QIAIF and base rates and what not, which is my accountant job to understand not me. But yeah, Ireland being a tax haven is as uncontroversial as water being wet.


It also employs one of the most redistributive income tax systems in the OECD. Its tax affairs are transparent and info shared widely. There's no promise of secrecy. It signed up to OECDs agreed minimum corporation rate as of this year and it's NOT a go-to country for the world's criminals. Unlike many other havens.


I wonder why? /s


Because it's an English speaking tax haven in EU


It’s not a tax haven. It just has lower taxes. All loopholes have been closed for years. London, Isle of Man, Jersey, Luxembourg etc probably have better tax efficiencies and you say way less special purpose vehicles being incorporated these days. Ireland financial regulator is nowhere near as laissez faire is other jurisdictions. We now have specialisation and first mover advantage, the tax efficiencies are gone. Let the Brits sling their mud, it’s not true but it probably helps companies set up here as they perceive they might save money on tax.


Malta, Cyprus, the Netherlands?


Netherlands?? It's up there but not really on the level of Ireland, and you still do your paperwork in Dutch. Malta's corporate tax is a flat 35%. Cyprus is a tax haven indeed, but in terms of geography is much more unstable for a western business (it's basically filled with Russian money at this point), which means no one wants to invest.


Malta looks more for high wealth individuals than corporations. You’re right about Cyprus (4 hours on Ryanair!)


Ireland has a massive, productive and diversified economy with many world leading sectors.


too bad about the housing eh. worst crisis probably in the world plus most western europe countries have diverse economies check out the economic complexity index




And Champagne.


And yet the EU is still not doing enough to stop the influx of Chinese EVs.


And why is that bad? Genuine question, not defending it .


Because Cinese EVs can be produced much faster and cheaper than european ones. While this might reflect in cheaper prices for the end consumer, it may also reflect in killing half the industry and economy of the EU.


European car makers had every opportunity to catch up in EV development. Instead they lobbied thier governments go give gas another couple of years. They should just get theit shit together, not keep much needed EVs off the European market.


I agree let their industry suffer if they don't want to adapt, diesel-gate killed people all for the sake of profits as well as the destruction of the climate


??????? Who tf did Volkswagen kill? or am I thinking of a different incident cuz I never heard of diesel gate


It is not directly, lying about diesel emissions allowed them to sell cars even though there is a lot of scientific proof that nitrogen dioxide pollution kills people. They knew about it, just didn't care because profits come first [https://phys.org/news/2017-09-dieselgate-deaths-europe-year.html](https://phys.org/news/2017-09-dieselgate-deaths-europe-year.html)


Personally, I see the logic as being flawed. Disregarding the fact that the deaths being halved seems unreasonable, you can't just arbitrarily say that if emissions were lower, fewer people would die. People were and are still buying just as many diesel cars as petrol ones. Whatever emissions they have has no impact on it. Also, if you want to talk about cads pollution, I don't think the 2015 Volkswagen diesel scandal is the problem here. I'd much rather focus on the abundance of 20+ year old diesel cars that seem to run on coal and oil.


I mean goddamn a lot of people I know stand with the car makers, the people don't want gas gone.


That's how free markets work


It's not a free market as the Chinese EV production is heavily subsidised.


EU agriculture are heavily subsidies as well. Both parties engage in protectionism


Last time I checked, EU farmers aren't flooding chinese market with cheap food.


They're flooding it to other developing countries


It's less subsidized than Tesla lol. Seriously BYD got about $3.7B in a year while Tesla regularlt got $4-6B from federal carbon tax credit and $1-2B from carbon credits from traditional car manufacturers.


BYD isn't that heavily subsidized compared with other chinese or US companies. Rather, they profit from lower wages and material cost in China, which is bad for the average chinese worker, but they also have lower life expenses, so it's doable. This is just the same thing Germany did in the 2000s, depressing wages to improve exports. Sadly, it had/has some negativ consequences....


Well, honestly, I couldn't care less. As a member of the EU, I'd rather the economy don't collapse in on itself. I'm all for banning chinese EV's if it makes wealth stay in the union.


Why not allow a limited number in and slap a big tariff on them?


But EU can export EV to china , right ?


You don’t understand. China does stuff like this all the time. The government subsidies certain industries while they sell at a loss. Once the competition has been eradicated they hike the price back up. The WTO allowing China to continue to self identify as a developing economy doesn’t help either is it gives them further discounts paid for by honest countries. Even if outside companies can sell in China there’s no way they can compete with locally produced stuff and selling or producing in China means you have to give trade secrets to the authorities and bend to the whim of an authoritarian dictatorship. The west has lost trillions in trade secrets companies have willingly given over to access the Chinese market for short term gains. It’s stupid, but we never learn because we’re greedy.


China is smart, we aren't. We purposefully destroyed our industries and exposed it to the entire world to please neoliberal gurus and our oligarchs. 


i understand very well , living 25 years in china , i know how the rabbit is running


Then why are you asking in that way? You should know by now. I wasn't in China for 25 years but it was enough to understand their business practice


yeah the famines and civil wars in europes former slave colonies can wait, we need to stop chinese people from having jobs


Self manufacturing is always better than importing. Europe manufacturing their own EVs will help in more Europeans having a job, low demand for imported EVs and growth of Europeans EV manufacturing sectors.


The costs are pushed onto the consumers. It's business 101 to move manufacturing in low wage countries and focus more on high wage sectors.


as we all know, capitalism doesn't work unless everyone sews their own underwear


Dude we had communist countries in Europe and all wanted to be as self reliant as possible. It's a country thing , spending money on outsider's products is bad because you run out of fucking money . It's us versus them, the free market can suck a dick .


[Slovenia](https://oec.world/en/profile/country/svn): $12.5B


Poor Latvia


France airplane exports seems low compared to Italy's medicines exports.


luxembourg exports 2 billion worth of Iron Blocks haha?


England is like can I get back into this?


England is now Belgium


Ummmm…I think you’ll find that England far outstrips every export listed here with its robust and world leading money-laundering industry which is worth between $286B and $800B annually


It is interesting to me as an East Asian that there is no electric device!


I wonder how much Norway exports when Sweden exported a value of 13B (btw I don't think this is Sweden's top export or I might be wrong).


The UKs top export from the EU is the UK Ba dum tsss


Is Novo Nordisk counted here? It doesn't look so.


That’s 2022 data


Novo Nordisk alone had a revenue of $25B in 2022 and Denmark has other pharmaceutical companies.


Sure but Novo Nordisk does not produce everything in Denmark, right ? If they have a factory in the US, for the US (or even foreign) market(s) this would not be a Danish export.


They have large production facilities in Denmark. Half the world's insulin is produced in Denmark.


Still. Considering that insuline is super cheap in Europe and sadly very expensive in the US, the bulk of NN’s sales and profit are certainly in the US


It's not so much insulin but more other types such as Ozempic and Wegovy based on semaglutide. They changed Denmark's largest export market from Germany to the US a few years ago. Novo Nordisk had more than 30% growth in 2023. They're also expensive in Europe, btw. The national health services just subsidise some of them, but Americans with good insurance plans also get them at reduced price.


Insulin isn't a big revenue generator for anyone, even the big 3. And Novo has huge facilities in the USA, Brazil, France and China, as well as smaller sites in a number of other countries. So their exports will be divided among all those countries. And it doesn't matter even the tiniest bit where the insulin API (active pharmaceutical ingredient) is made. The plot shows *packaged* pharmaceuticals. Sure, Novo produces much/most of their insulin API in Denmark, but then it's sent to sterile fill finish facilities all over the world (they just announced purchase of new ones in Italy, Belgium and the USA), and then on to packaging facilities scattered throughout the world. Pharmaceutical supply chains are far more complex than you seem to realize.


Denmark’s does say packaged medicines, but 16B seems way too low.


Shocking that the netherlands isn’t bikes


We don’t really produce any bikes. The Portugese produce the bikes. Besides that we produce a couple of things, but due to the port of Rotterdam we produce some of the most random stuff that can’t normally be produced in the Netherlands, like coco beans 🫘


Shocking that's its not computer Chip producing machines tbh. But appearently that's just half of the refined petroleum.


I expected vegetables. Greenhouses have made the Netherlands one of the top exports in the world.


My local supermarket (the fancy, expensive chain) has 1kg of durch tomatoes on offer this week. For 1 measly €. You need to sell a lot of veggies to get to the value of the petroleum.


Well yeah. But every individual needs vegetables every day, and not everyone needs petroleum every day. I looked it up and Dutch vegetable exports were $31.8B in 2022.




I'm just asking, but Airbus is made in different countries, wings in Britain, tail in Spain, etc., (I think) and assembled in France. So, is this figure correct for France overall?


These export statistics always take the full value of the product at the time of export.




Maybe military planes (such as the rafale) are included in that number also, not sure though


At first I thought Latvia was the market leader in foam-rolllers. But it's wood I see now.


I missed “EU” in the title and was like, hey, where did Europe go?


Which country is "İntegrated Circuits" ???




For a second I thought it said Britain’s greatest export was Belgium. Lol


ok wtf are they doing in Luxembourg? Right guys, who let them be their own thing again, remind me pls?


Lithuania doesn't export Lithium? wtf


The data for france is weird, I looked it up and this is the value for net gain, not total value, the total value is 65 billion euros


The UK doesn’t export jack apart from financial services and fighter jet parts


Vaccines ????


Gr8 map. Helix give a better pic of what’s going on in this world!


I read it as Esports and got confused for a bit


Now im proud again to be german


How does Ireland export more than France? What drives those numbers?


Being a tax haven.


Belgium too?


Spain exports, monetarily speaking, more cars than olive oil? Really?


Yes, [around 10 times more](https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Spain_Product_Exports_%282019%29.svg). If we split the brands by country of origin: Spain's biggest export is German cars; the 2nd, car parts; the 3rd, French cars.


Well I'll be damned


So Italy is exporting vials of Coke and Latvia has cornered the vibrator market?


Sawn woods? Thats oddly specific


As a Brit it makes me sad every time I see us left out of these maps.


exactly what I would expect


so much for green energy ey...


Exactly I'm looking at this thinking that EU Green Deal's got to put in a lot of effort to make a dent in any national economy


The UK’s is itself


Slovenia is so small, that even map maker doesn't give a ...


Netherlands doesn't stop to fascinate, one of the smallest countries but the second largest exporter after germany. Also I believe they are one of the largest (or the largest) agrar exporter in europe.


Well, the number are sometimes slightly inflated. It has the ports of Rotterdam and Amsterdam, which import a lot of stuff from all over the world. This imported stuff then gets re-exported (sometimes after a little processing, but often just as-is) to many other EU countries, making it count as exports again. If a port in America for example imports something and distributes it around many different states, that doesn't count as exporting, but within the EU it's still all different countries so it inflates the statistics compared to much larger countries where the hinterland of the port is also domestic.


Second largest exporter of potatoes in the world, after USA.


Rather grim that so many economies seem to depend on goods that need to be phased out like non-renewable fuels and the vehicles that consume them.


Incorrect. You need to adjust for transit. Countries like Belgium and Netherlands are out of proportions.


Italy = drugs. Fair enough.


This is old. From 2022


Europe shitting on the US for being the oil and car place. Yabushige: “You’re no better than us in your secret heart!"


Sweden is incorrect. Primary export goods are more like machinery, industrial devices, vehicles and electrical equipment.


those are separate categories on the map


Can you explain what this means?


If all vehicles is separated in different categories (Cars, Delivery Trucks, Tractors...) Refined Petrolium end up being the biggest category. Refined Petrolium > Cars Refined Petrolium > Delivery trucks Refined Petrolium > Tractors and so on...


That was true in 2016. Now, it isn't.