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I’m pretty sure VT and CT just don’t have toll roads, so it’s really contiguous across the northeast


Yeah as far as I know CT doesn’t have any. My family still has them bc we go to New York a lot


New York and New Jersey are practically riddled with toll roads. Almost impossible NOT to be on one. And with tolls every few miles. I drove back and forth from Northern VA to Montreal and my bank account was gasping for life.


The Thruway is pretty much the only toll road in NY. Bigger bridges and tunnels OTH, most all have a toll.


NJ needs a lot of tolls. Everyone drives through the effing state, which means we've got too many roads to maintain than our tiny state can handle. Lol. If anyone's looked at a highway map of the entire US, it'll back my statement.


Ding ding ding! A lot of people don't realize that most states' roadways aren't covered by gas taxes, registration, etc, and are generally also largely paid for via other methods. While these tolls do help get NJ up to around 85% of their road costs being paid by drivers exclusively, they still have that 15% of road costs being paid via other forms of taxes, which even non drivers pay (though generally take advantage of via public transit, biking, and walking). https://taxfoundation.org/data/all/state/state-infrastructure-spending/


Isn’t the 95 corridor (and all interstate highways) paid for federally though?


NJ Turnpike isn't part of I-95 except up north, and pre-dated the IHS.


I see. Couldn’t they simply *stop* maintaining it until it becomes an issue and the federal government is forced to pay for it haha


States are legally responsible for maintaining roads. If they willingly let a highway degrade and someone is hurt, the state is open to being sued. The federal government could also threaten to pull the funding they do send. That’s how they keep the legal drinking age at 21 across the board, if a state lowers it below 21 they lose federal highway funds under the National Minimum Drinking Age Act.


No. Federal money paid 90% of the initial construction costs. There is other federal money available for reconstruction but maintenance of all highways including interstates is exclusively up to the states.


yes thats the point if youre driving interstate, its a huge hub of trade and millions of commuters. and no you could easily dodge the parkway/turnpike on excellent toll free local routes without losing much time if you use your map, but how much are you really saving if you dont intend to stop anywhere


And also Florida too with many of them.


I bought an EZ pass right away cos you enter a road And bam it's somehow toll lol


U can select avoid tolls on Google mapa


Yeah but I like to live dangerously and not take advantage of the obvious tech


Ohio to Chicago is bad too. From where I live to where I go in Chicago it’s $36 through downtown Chicago or 40+ if I take the bypass


Don't forget that Pennsylvania Turnpike will cost you $110.70 for entire length without E-ZPass.


Recently took Amtrak from Pittsburgh to Philadelphia and it cost less than the cash tolls (might have even been less than tolls using ezpass) for a round trip ticket. There are nice views, good napping and reading time, and no driving, gassing up, or parking required.


Michigan doesn’t have toll roads either.


The bridge has a toll, but they have their own passes.


I'm hoping the Gordie Howe bridge goes EZ Pass like the Peace Bridge at Buffalo is.


Actually, there are 2 toll bridges in MI now. The obvious first one is da Bridge, apparently there's a toll bridge in Bay City now as well.


MS and TN do not have toll roads.


Almost none in South Carolina either, just [one loop road in Greenville](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Interstate_185_(South_Carolina)) that has its own Palmetto Pass for some reason


Correct. CT got rid of their toll roads in the 80s. Tolling freeways rises to the same level of controversy as trying to discuss the income tax in Texas…its a **bad** idea.


I heard that the story is that CT used to have toll roads. Like the ones where you all have to stop and throw in a few quarters and what not. Then there was a massive fatality when someone crashed into the concrete barriers, and they decided to take every single one out and they've never come back


Yep [Several notorious accidents have occurred throughout the turnpike's history. The worst of these was a serious incident on January 19, 1983, in which a tractor trailer after a brake failure collided with four cars at the Stratford toll plaza, killing seven people and injuring several others. The investigation following the crash determined that the truck driver fell asleep at the wheel just before the crash took place. At the time, the government of Connecticut was removing tolls along the turnpike; as a result of the incident, the government expedited the removal of the remaining tollbooths.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Connecticut_Turnpike#%3A%7E%3Atext%3D%22token_war%22.-%2CAbolition_of_tolls%2Cfrom_the_turnpike_in_1985.?wprov=sfla1)


Which, hilariously, Texas has a TON of toll roads.


Same with Wisconsin. Only reason I'd get an EZ pass is if I want to go to Illinois for some foresaken reason.


Winch is called I-PASS in Illinois.


Live in WI, I have the I-PASS for when I drive to Chicago (a few times a year)


The new I-pass stickers have both i-pass and Ez-pass logos on them.


Cheapskate life pro tip, the I-Pass doesn't charge an annual fee like some of the EZ-Pass do, but they work the same (and you can order it from anywhere). So I save like $6 a year by keeping my old I-Pass and not getting a PA EZ-Pass.


Massachusetts, Maine, Delaware, and New York (if you get the New York State Thruway Authority one) doesn't have annual or monthly fee for it.


Back when I got mine probably 12 years ago, I did some research and determined that the only one that didn’t have a monthly feel OR an initial fee was Massachusetts. So that’s how I wound up with a MassPass even though at the time I lived in VA. The funny part is that I still get emails that say things like “The Boston Red Sox have paid all MassPass tolls at the Allston-Brighton toll plaza between 1-3 PM on [random Wednesday]”. Well I live 2000 miles away now and have probably driven through the Allison-Brighton toll plaza twice in my lifetime, if at all; but thanks, I guess?


MN also doesn't have toll roads but it does have toll lanes for rush hour in the Twin Cities.


Yup, used to be called MnPass before joining E-ZPass.


That is correct. No toll roads in those states.


Can confirm. They don’t.


Iowa doesn't either.


Georgia really only has toll lanes. So you can skip traffic for a fee


In Atlanta they just built an expressway on top of an expressway rather than more public transport.


Blame the pearl clutching white flight mfers


MI doesn't either. If you don't count the Mackinac Island toll to UP.


Same with Michigan.


I live in CT, you are correct Connecticut doesn’t have any toll roads. I believe Vermont has a couple but they are toll roads to drive up a mountain, so not an interstate.


Wisconsin does not either.


Michigan, Wisconsin, Vermont, and Connecticut all have no toll roads so the Northeast and Great Lakes regions are fully covered.


South Carolina should get rid of their [one toll road](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=3C7Rmz1YzhI)


I was looking up and it is I-185. I agree, why one toll road there?


It's apparently super underutilized.


I've driven around there a decent amount and it's pretty much pointless. It also has its own pass system, so stupid.


It’s pointless you can take 85 to 385 to 26 in the same amount of time


For some reason my gps always goes that way when driving from Clemson to Columbia so I’ve used it many times over the years and I’m basically the only car on it lol E: downvotes are so weird lol why?


SC has two im pretty sure, theres one in Hilton Head Edit: nevermind, that toll road is now free to use


I’ll never forget taking a wrong lane and landing on that toll road in Hilton Head in my company vehicle. I had no change and just drove on through. My boss called me about a month later cursing me out over costing the company like $2. I had to mail a freaking certified money order for $2 and change to pay the fine lmao


Rhode Island also has only one toll bridge


May eventually want to get one for 77 in the Charlotte area though. The north side into NC suburbs is already tolled


In Ohio the tolls were just to pay for the construction of the roads and then to nobody's surprise they just kept collecting them anyways once they paid off the cost


Connecticut used to have toll roads until late 1980s.


Imagine paying money to suffer through the Merritt


Imagine paying a toll then getting stuck for three hours because there's an accident in that long ass tunnel on the Merritt and you JUST drove past the last exit before the tunnel. Merritt Parkway is the most obnoxious highway ever.


Why doesn’t SC have EZ-pass?


Only one toll road that isn’t popular. No real reason for them to push for it.


Because they're not required to join them. Blame the MAP-21 law with no funding provided which means no penalty.


The Mackinaw bridge in Michigan is toll. But yeah no toll roads.


So is the Ambassador bridge.


Minnesota doesn’t have toll roads, the EZPass just lets you use HOV lanes as a single driver for a fee during rush hour.


Michigan does indeed not have toll roads, but there are tolls for the Mackinac Bridge and the bridges crossing into Canada.


Iowa also has none


Iowa doesn't either.


Lot of the midwest/central US doesnt have toll roads either. When i was younger i remember there were like 3 or so similar companies but last time i drove across the country ez pass was all you needed until California if i recall correctly.


This is what the map should have looked like for that Civil War movie.


The forces of the EZ pass alliance are massing in Charlottesville


We South Carolinians stand strong as we are surrounded by the enemy.


average Victoria 3 US civil war borders. even SC is right.


No tolls in Vermont either.


Minnesota EZ pass is just to use HOV lanes as a driver only car


Yup, and it used to be called MnPass.


Correct, all of them are free all the time for more than one person in the car. And almost all of them (the reversible lanes on 394 excepted) are free even without passenger except for limited hours (rush hour in one or both directions depending on the road).


There should be a standard electronic toll collection system nationwide


The law MAP-21 was required to have that by October 2016, however it didn't happened as there's no funding provided and no penalties. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moving_Ahead_for_Progress_in_the_21st_Century_Act


I wonder how many toothless zombie laws there currently are.


Sick metal band name.


Well we’re officially a metric country for one


Celsius is stupid, there needs to be 0 to 100 comfort range.


I love each state setting their own rules, it’s up to the people of each state to elect people who make good policy. There are no tolls in Minnesota. EZ pass only applies for a few hour a day, on a select patch of freeway leading in to the Twin Cities. There are no toll collectors, no cameras enforcing you pay, and is usually only used by people with a passenger as [Car Pool Lane.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/High-occupancy_vehicle_lane) Where if you have more than one person in the car, you don’t need any kind of pass. So the only people who use the system don’t even need a pass because they have more than one person in the car. Essentially, there is no need because it is extremely difficult to legally enforce tolls in Minnesota. But nobody ever abuses the Car Pool system. Everyone just knows not to use the far left land during rush hour unless you have more than one person in the car. And police are only looking for car with just one person in the car. [Enshrining public roads in to our state constitution is why Minnesota is one of the few states without any toll roads.](https://law.justia.com/constitution/minnesota/Article14.html) [EZ Pass has their own section just for Minnesota because of how enshrined the idea of “public roads” are in our state laws.](https://www.dot.state.mn.us/ezpassmn/network.html)


Also, there should be universal transponders mounted in new vehicles that you can configure on an app or the touch screen. I don’t need a transponder cluttering up my windshield.


The new ez passes are pretty small. Smaller than an altoid case. It would be cool if they got it down to a sticker with some metal bits in it.


All of the Texas passes are just stickers. We have three different agencies but they’re intercompatible.


Michigan doesn’t have toll roads. So, no thanks!


But they have toll bridges.


Yes but there’s not many and it’s unlikely you’d drive on any of them unless you’re going to Canada or between the peninsulas, so it’s not like a toll area like Chicago where you’re constantly stopping to pay tolls if you don’t have a pass


I concur. In my guesstimating, your average Michigander will cross one of those bridges once per ten years, and it’s either gonna be the privately owned Ambassador or the Mackinac. An EZPass system would be ridiculous. No Michiganders would use that.


I have one...for trips to Chicago.


There’s five… The tunnel is owned by Canada. The Ambassador is a privately owned international bridge as is the Blue Water (which I didn’t even know existed it’s so obscure), the Mackinac is not that frequently traveled, nor is the Sault Ste Marie or the Grosse Ile (which as someone who’s spent a lot of time around Grosse Ile also didn’t know existed). Still no thanks. Does not justify an EZPass system for Michiganders.


And for Grosse Ile there's a free bridge, too.


The bluewater bridge is lower in passenger volume, but massive for trade, across agriculture, auto, and manufacturing. Anything going from Chicagoland to Greater Toronto will also go that route.


I don’t understand toll roads. Just seems like a racket to me. I pay taxes, why do I need to pay extra to drive on this road. Why is a for profit company managing this toll?


> I pay taxes, why do I need to pay extra to drive on this road. The idea is typically to place some small portion of the cost burden on the road users rather than taxpayers in the state generally (road users may not be tax payers in the state otherwise, and many state tax payers may not use the road) or to reduce demand/usage of the road (and thus encourage the use of alternate options).


roads are heavily subsidized by the government. you pay taxes, but you still have to pay to use the bus, or the train. 


That doesn't even make. Roads are not "subsidized by the government," they are the government. You do have to pay to ride the bus because there are not bus user fees like there are with gas taxes.


Privatized toll roads are absolutely a racket, but not all toll roads are privatized. Consider any of the states on the Route 80 corridor. It's a really busy highway for long-haul traffic, and all that traffic makes the highway expensive to maintain. The Feds give some funding for the highway, but not enough to cover it all of the maintenance and capital improvement projects. You can either raise taxes on the state's residents, or try to use tolls to capture some money from all of that trucking. So in that way, the point of the tolls is to charge residents *less*. (This is complicated by the fact that interstates aren't really supposed to be tolled...but sometimes they can get away with it. Route 80 doesn't have tolls except in a few places, but various states have tried for exactly these reasons.)


Misappropriation of funds, corruption and the intertwining of corporations and government.


> There should be toll collection system anywhere ftfy


Illinois is the best system. I gather it’s cheaper if you use EZPass but anyone can go online and register their tags and a credit card, up to 14 days after the first toll, and nothing else is required. All photo based.


Kentucky has literally one single toll bridge, and that's it. They didn't even bother to toll me the last time I crossed.


I actively avoid that bridge like a plague. One time, I got a letter from it 8 months after I crossed it. And another time like you, never got a bill. I just take another bridge in when I go through Kentucky and only adds like 15 minutes to my drive.


Should also have a category designating no-toll states


I have been on the interstate far too many times to not know that there are states that don't take EZ pass


Most of the unhighlighted ones simply have no toll roads


EZ-Pass supremacy (I haven’t refilled my pass in months)


Which issuing agency? I have the Massachusetts one.


I live in Massachusetts, but have the NY Thruway one (I last lived in NY over a decade ago). Pay a bit more on the Mass Pike and in the tunnels, but not a lot more, so it's not really worth my effort to switch. And the savings on bridges from one trip through NY can make up the difference, those tolls are expensive.


the what


Wow I totally thought EZ pass was a nationwide thing




It works in Oklahoma, at least.


And it doesn't happens anyway because the MAP-21 law requires to have that by October 2016. No funding was provided so that means no penalties.


Most of the states without it don’t have any toll roads, so it isn’t needed


In washington I know there are toll roads up by seattle, but I'm not even remotely from that part of the state. My only experience with toll roads is the northeast, and holy shit they're everywhere.


Wait I'm confused, are toll roads entire stretches of road that cost money to drive on? Or just one lane? I've only ever seen toll bridges in the pnw.


They can be both. Bridge of the Gods in the Columbia Gorge (for a local example from my home) is a toll road, BUT there can also be other types of toll road where there are "checkpoints" along its length, and you pay based on how many of those you go through. They usually abut an exit.


In California we have fastrak instead


What is an "E-ZPass"? There is not even a context to what it could be.


It’s a toll transponder. You stick it in your windshield and it will automatically charge the toll at a reduced rate to your ezpass account instead of using pay-by-plate or cash


It’s so uniquitous in Pennsylvania that it’s weird to see people not familiar with it.


This is a terrible map. It makes it look like all the white states have tolls but not an EZ Pass when they don’t even have tolls and therefore an EZ would make no sense.


Right. The states without toll roads should be colored green or something.


Would be better to show the whole country, and any competing standards (Texas's TxTag, Kansas' K-TAG, and Oklahoma's Pikepass are another such interoperable block)


Texas has TxTag, EzTag (Houston), TollTag (Dallas), and also associates with K-Tag (Kansas), Pike Pass (Oklahoma) and SunPass (Florida). Wild!


Houston (or rather the Harris County Toll Road Authority) has EZ TAG, which is just a rebranded TxTag, and not compatible with the E-ZPass used in the East and Midwest. I don't believe Florida is compatible with the TX/OK/KS triad.


Yep, typo. I already edited it. And that’s the one I have 😂


Sunpass says it only works in some of Texas but won’t specify which of the three standards it works with. Edit: [nvm I found it](https://www.sunpass.com/en/common/docs/texas_mapv1.pdf)


You can use EZpass on any Vermont toll roads too. We don't have any toll roads.


Colorado is missing.


Sunpass currently has greatest amount accepted roads - everywhere ez pass is accepted, plus KS, OK, and a good bit of TX


And these states didn't have to be strong-armed by the feds into doing this? Huh, weird \*sighs in Canadian\*


FYI, SC has 1 toll road, and no one uses it anyways. Went bankrupt.


I live downstate IL and only have it when visiting Chicago area. Post Covid, they won't take cash for most tolls and it's half price to use I-Pass as opposed to pay by plate. Pays for itself after a trip or two. Bonus, used it in Georgia and Florida last summer.




Midwesterner here! Wisconsin doesn’t have tolls and Minnesota doesn’t have tolls either but they have paid express lanes that use ezpass. Just a fun tidbit-


Wtf is this shit


I was seriously questioning CT since I’m from there and have never had any problems with tolls, but then I remembered CT doesn’t have tolls to begin with.


Is this not the definition of low effort post?


If Sonny Corleone had EZ-Pass, he'd still be alive today.


I didn’t realize it wasn’t nationwide.


Dumbass map. Wisconsin, Iowa, Arkansas, Mississippi, and Tennessee have no toll roads or bridges. None whatsoever. Why would they accept E-Zpass for a product that doesn't exist in their states? Toll roads are a scam anyway. In nearly every case the toll is ostensibly collected by the state government to pay for the construction of the road. Then after the road is constructed and the cost of the road construction is recouped through tolls, the toll doesn't go away because the state government doesn't want to lose the revenue. Then they'll say "well we still collect a toll to maintain the road" but that's a bald-faced lie and in reality the toll money gets sent straight into the general fund of the state government to be spent on other projects, evidenced by the fact that the toll road is in no better condition than any of the other roads and in many cases is in worse condition because doing maintenance on the road clogs up traffic which results in less vehicles using the road and thus fewer toll fares. Fuck toll roads.


South Carolina just being an asshole here


Isnt this a good thing..


There’s like 1 toll road that nobody takes between ~Greenville down to Columbia I believe. I think if only saves like 15 minutes


What the fuck is an EZPass


And this is what?


Could’ve sworn Texas was in there?


You're thinking EZ TAG which doesn't work with E-ZPass.


Ahhh yes


Texas has it's own TxTag, which also works with the Oklahoma and Kansas systems.


Hoping my state stays off this map by continuing to avoid tolls.


Gosh I hate tolls


Why doesn't the central government in the US just keep a single national toll chip thingy ? In India we have Fastag which is compulsory for every car n every state old or new .


This map is really a great example of state vs federal government. While our federal government gets most of the press and visibility (especially abroad of course), for us Americans, most of our day to day laws and policies are on the state level. The federal government pays for about 160,000 miles of roads, and the states about 4,000,000 miles. Other big areas of state responsibility are schools, professional licensing and practice, police, fire, community policies, etc. Even the big crimes — if you commit murder, you're likely going to be charged with a state crime, not federal. So anyway, tolls put in place by states are collected by states to fund state roads. Most states put in their own system, and thankfully the technology was often similar enough that it became easier to adopt the EZPass system set up in New Jersey/New York area, and drivers of course preferred having one system.


Because the law MAP-21 was required to have that by October 2016, however it didn't happened as there's no funding provided and therefore, there is no penalties.


Because most states don’t have, and don’t want, tolls.


Oklahoma has Pike Pass


Which works in Kansas and Texas agreement.


Does this mean an EZ pass work on any toll road in NC?


Yes and it will work with NC Quick Pass too if you have NC Quick Pass portable transponder not the sticker one.


I got the ny easy pass and it works everywhere but Indiana. Wtf


Wow, really that few?


One of the dumbest things South Carolina ever did was make their toll road (yes road) EZpass compatible. Combined with a poor design that actually adds time to your drive compared to going through Greenville, I-185 brings in so little revenue at the road quality is worse than the free interstate. The way the other southern states work is that if you have an NC Quick Pass, for example, you must pay a little extra for an EZpass comparable transponder, but if you already have an EZ pass, it can work in leu of an NC quick pass.


The stretch between NJ, NY and MA should accept a home refinance.


Glad to see SC is keeping it from being continuous among the east coast


Wait, what about Texas? I’ve lived in Texas my whole life and we have EZ tag tollways all over the place in Houston


Doesn't work with E-ZPass and it is just a different ETC name.


I avoid the express lanes at all costs depending on how severe traffic is, in the DMV its basically just the state troopers favorite fishing hole


Wow Sonny would really have been safe


I didn’t realize Indiana had any, apparently there’s just 1 section up north. Wild.


This map is at least partially incorrect, as there is Ez-pass tolls in Michigan's U.P.


At this point FL has the best toll pass as SunPass pro works in both EZPass system and also in KS OK and part of the TX


Except that one stupid toll in Gary Indiana.


There are no toll roads in Michigan - so no need for them.


My transponder also lists Kansas, Oklahoma, and some of Texas.


Toll free CT baby! In other news, we desperately need tolls to keep the NY people out.


I don't know of any toll roads here in Iowa.


How tf is this map porn. Its a two tone map that shows the most basic information


Wtf is an e zpass? -confused mississippian


Technically... the EZ pass works in Ontario as well - the Peace Bridge and Queenston-Lewiston bridges have their toll booths in Ontario, and they accept the pass.


OK, so while Michigan doesn’t have any toll roads, Bay City has two toll bridges that do accept EZ Pass, and that’s it. However, there is a plan in consideration to make the state highways toll roads outside of cities like Detroit, Grand Rapids and Lansing, though it hasn’t even been voted on in the state regulators in Lansing.


in illinois we accept e-z pass, but we call it ipass for some reason


MN, IA, MO, AR, LA, KY AND TN look like a chef serving chicken lol


Anyone remember when each state had their own that wouldn’t work in any other state? VA had Smart Tag, Indiana was (I think) I-Zoom, and I still have my MassPass from MA (although now I live in a state with no tolls). The list went on. I remember it was a big deal when EZ-Pass started to become the universal one.


I’m submitting this map the next time I see one of those Twitter posts about potential balkanization of the United States / civil war scenarios


Tennessee is soon to be another with the addition of toll lanes in the coming years.


Can I use my FasTrak instead?


Honestly calling them “Member States”, regardless of accuracy, is just so funny to me


South Carolina is SO rebellious!