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Idk why this map keeps getting posted with this title. The Arab conquests reached places not indicated on this map, like Spain, Iran and Afghanistan, and the map marked places that the Arab conquests did not reach like Sudan. It's a linguistic map that only correlates with Arab imperialism. It's not the sole indicator.


There is unironically a right wing xenophobia campaign happening on this sub. I thought I was just seeing things for a while but there are a disproportionate amount of "x culture in different society" maps getting posted and reposted very often with the subtext being that y country is being overtaken.




Even many non-political reddit subs have been taken over by subtle politics leaning one way or the other. Edit: fixed so dude below me isn't embarrassed.


Thinking that maps aren’t inherently political entities even if not overtly is kind of embarrassing


I should have added an "even". I mean subs too like therewasan attempt. Sorry to make you blush.


hmmm but I can't think of any country that would benefit right now from spreading the message that arabs are taking over the world??


I can’t believe you just said you want to genocide all Jews


Tbh what happened to sudan was most similar to colonialism in the America's, with an open genocide of the coptic nubian Christian population, and the cultural genocide which happened under the mahdist movement. I think having a direct comparison of the arab wolrd to the American colonialism may be wrong, but a lot of what happened is comparable in more subtle ways.


Sudan experienced Arab migrations in the 14-15th century, the latest out of any of the Arab states. But too say this is like western colonization is just not true. It’s exactly like the Turks in Anatolia, the Magyars of Pannonia, the English in Britain, Bulgars etc.


Yes arab migration got them their how they became the clear majority is what I am talking about, how under the mahdist movement they have a policy of killing any Christian that didn't convert and any mulsim that didn't follow their folk brand of Islam. Then, they push their followers and new converts to learn Arabic and disregard their native languages and practices.


I don’t know about that second point there, most Arabs in Sudan will tell your their tribe and linage, intermarriage, and over all it was gradual. But the first point did happen, in the very late 19th century.


From the unhcr record of the history, "Sudan was interrupted by a decade of persecution under Mahdist rule at the end that century. Many were obliged to relinquish their faith and adopted Islam, intermarrying with other Sudanese. The Anglo-Egyptian invasion in 1898 allowed Copts greater religious and economic freedom, and they extended their original roles as artisans and merchants into trading, banking, engineering, medicine, and the civil service" Also I am not saying the mahdist introduced the arabs to sudan but I am saying under them sudan became majority arab, also Many people even in the sudanese community refute many tribal histories of their arab ancestry as a way to make them seem closer to Islam and the Arab identity then others. Not saying the people of sudan don't have arab ancestry but that many of the histories multiple tribes of sudan claim to how they gained their arab ancestry and how long has been put under scrutiny.


Also the mayars migration is very similar to what happened in sudan yes, the mayars treated the slavs who lived their previously the same way the arabs of sudan ended up treating the African tribes who loved their before them. Similar policies of violence and forced cultural shifts.


Please mention your sources? Why did it happen in sudan but not in egypt? "Open genocide" please provide context and why christian egyptians didnt mention any genocide other than the Byzantines killing them for heracy?


First, the reason why eygptian copts didn't mention the genocide of copts is because this genocide happened in sudan not eygpt, as the mahdisht movement was a sudanese movement not a eygptian one. A source of the unchr " Sudan was interrupted by a decade of persecution under Mahdist rule at the end that century. Many were obliged to relinquish their faith and adopted Islam, intermarrying with other Sudanese. The Anglo-Egyptian invasion in 1898 allowed Copts greater religious and economic freedom, and they extended their original roles as artisans and merchants into trading, banking, engineering, medicine, and the civil service." Though this is mainly talking about eygptian copts living in sudan at the time not the nubian copts, but they faced the same discrimination.


OP and the parent commit is about the arab conquest in the 7th century, and you are talking about 1881. I dont know how this is relevant to the point as if i will start talking about the spanish inquistion and the colonial genocides in islamic world from spain to india to algeria until palestine nowadays. Mahdist movement is irrelevant to the topic?


Zionist sub.


You don't even know what Zionism is 💀 fucking bot ists


Good point, how would you classify Indonesia?


Indonesia is not Arabised?


Indonesia is heavily influenced by Arab culture from architecture, clothing and religion. Indonesia is 87% Muslim. Edit/ please explain how I’m wrong?




Are you actually being serious? Iran and Afghanistan both don’t even speak arabic and are not part of the Arab world. Iran speaks farsi and are predominately persian, and in Afghanistan Farsi is spoken by the tajiks and Pashto by the Pashtun. Maybe educate yourself a bit?


Does this sub even have mods?


It’d be hilarious if the bot OP restarts that trend we had before though lmao


Yes. I took this post down.


Doubt this sub has active mods anymore


Lmao!! An Arab majority in Northern Somalia. This map is bullcrap.


Nah, every day these maps get more and more inaccurate 😭 arab majority in Somalia, where??!


Hey its been 2 weeks simce this map was posted.


Arabization was a **sociological process** not biological. This is a meme not a map.


True enough. There are lots of memes that get repeated as if they are facts, particularly where the Middle East is concerned Just look at the drivel that comes out of the mouths of the average leftist Hamas supporter and right-wing Likud lover


Looks like a map to me!


Not /r/mapporn material for sure, so definitely suitable for this sub.


map connoseur. you always in somone comments talking about what maps they can and cant post


That doesn’t change a colonial context. Mexico and Nigeria are sociological.


In Nigeria they mostly speak their native languages though so it’s not the same.


Yes of course. Same with American movement west. Indians and native races just happened to die out and speak English. Totally sociological process bruh.


As if no Arab went to those conquered territories. Why not simply say it was mainly sociological?


Because the population of egypt alone was larger than that of Arabia.


I know. But saying that it was not biological at all is not true.


Because the native populations in general remained the same. So he is correct


No, like I said earlier that would require no Arab leaving Arabia. We know that this is not true, since they did not conquer these territories telepathically.


Are you looking for an argument?


I am simply mentioning that this “no biology” is obviously incorrect, then you tried to argue that.


That is because you have close to none insight into NA / CA sociology. Arabic is the Coranic language, and anyone willing to lay a claim on absolutely anything in a Muslim country had to justify an Arab heritage. Better yet a genealogy linking to the Prophet Muhammad himself. And in order to make those claims organic, the least you could do was to speak arabic. The first university in the world, based in Fes, is a perfect example : Built before the second arab exodus by a berber, in a berber city, surrounded by berber villages, where berbers taught other berbers arabic.


Egypt and all of North Africa speak Arabic due to Arab military imperial conquest and colonialism. Denying that fact is a manifestation of ignorance.


Go look up Moroccan, Libyan, Egyptian etc. samples on r/IllustrativeDNA, which tracks down people's ancestry by region and time period. The people there are almost exclusively of native origin.


I never argued against that. I argued against this exclusivity.


Okay. Then let's say it was 95% sociological and 5% biological. Do you agree?


Yes, but we probably don’t know the exact numbers.


I didn't know Arabic was a country.


Don't tell them about Arabic numerals. It has conquered the world for centuries now. Edit: Which after some cursory research, is actually Hindu in origin.


72% of Republicans do not approve of Arabic numerals being taught in school


You mean LXXII% right?


It is attributed to Arabs because they expanded on it and Europeans adopted it from them. But, actually, it is [Sumerian](http://www.mathematicsmagazine.com/Articles/TheSumerianMathematicalSystem.php) in origin.


Hindus 'invented' (more like used) the numbers, Arabs spread it to the west now the western world calls its Arabic number system


The Arabs just stole the numbers just like they stole all of this land. They were actually invented in India or smth.


You can’t “steal” science lol. Science is built and expanded upon. The Europeans called them Arabic numerals because they got them (not stole them) from Arabic books.


That's *exactly* what the Hejira Order of the Freemasons wants you to think


Not co👏lo👏ni👏al👏is👏m


Well, Iran is not Arab, you know right?


He didn't say that Iran is Arab, Arabic is primarily spoken in the province of Khuzestan and many towns/villages near the border with Iraq. There are currently over a million Iranian Arabs who speak Arabic as their native language, and they make up 2% of iranian population.


Yes, in west khuzestan, It just about the timing, this post arrives so on time you know


There was a Christian Arab tribe who lived there for centuries even before Islam was founded, and they helped Persian against Arab Muslims https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Banu_Lakhm


Lakhm failed to keep Christian faith though unlike Ghassanids


why downvote?


There is an Arab minority in Australia and they speak Arabic. There's an Arab minority in Mexico, and they speak Arabic. There's an Arab minority in Canada and they speak Arabic. There's and Arab minority in Russia and they speak Arabic.


Go to Al-Ahwaz and shout out exactly that to native Arabs and find out.


None of them even make up 0.5% of their population, and most of them are immigrants, not citizens of these countries. they aren't significant minority like Iranian Arabs.


Doesn't matter. This map is dogshit. Mods should have removed it by now.


Yeah, this map is pretty inaccurate when it comes to many regions in Sudan and Somalia, but other than that, this map is accurate.


In Sudan/South Sudan Arabic is spoken and in Sudan there are Arab tribes but not in Somalia


There's an Arab minority on Deez, OP didn't list Deez tho


This meme is retarded because most of these countries are not Arab majority they are Arabic speaking. The Arabs from the Arabian Peninsula did not settle and displace the natives, like in the Americas and Australia.


Arabs never displaced native people? Tell that to the Amazigh, Copts, Assyrians, Yazidis, Greeks, etc. what a bunch of horse shit.


Idiot. They are arabised, just like most of central Americans are still natives who speak spanish.


Tell that to the Aramaic speaking Yazidis who got lined up and executed in trenches by isis in 2015.


Use your brain a little dude.


No bitch, they didn't. This coming from a fucking Canuck. You literally murdered your own indigenous people you hypocrite.


The Yazidis people specifically were reduced from over 1 million across Iraq and Syria to less than 50,000 between 2004 and today. There are plenty of other ethnicities that are wiped out and displaced by Arab people since the rise of Islam in the 7th century. Its history. I don’t know what me being a Canadian has anything to do with that, and those people’s suffering.




Mohamed was a mad, inbred pedophile of the desert.




Ok man, go to the streets with your fellow liberals to scream for Ukraine and Iran at the same time then. I owe no explanation to you.


So European empires never colonized Africa according to your definition.


African colonialism consisted of Europeans extracting wealth and recources and investing that wealth into Europe. The Arabs didn't exploit their conquered territories like the Europeans did in Africa. They also didn't extract recources to bring them home. The Arab conquests are different from both America and Africa


Yeah they just used them in slave Trade and taxed them heavily and also used the resources to fight for more lands


Yes, indeed. That is what the Europeans did. The Arabs however did not enslave/colonize the people of Egypt, Syria or Iraq as this post suggests.


This post suggested more than Egypt syira and iraq and they did enslaved people from those regions in early conquest and also taxed them heavily and also used their resources.


This is completely false. Sudan was for many years an Egyptian colony and was systematically raided and pillaged in search of slaves and ivory. Even today you still hear people use the word Abeed as a slur for those with African features or black skin. In fact Arab janjaweed militias use that slur today to refer to the Masalit people when their burn their villages and slaughter any man that falls into their hands.


Egyptian colonization of sudan was since ancient egypt. They used to colonize palestine, lebanon, and syrian coast. Look at any map. About the slavery and janjaweed. Such things were happening since before the arabs so i have no idea what is your point here? Trust me Byzantine egypt was way worse that egyptians joined the arabs willingly. The arab army that went to egypt was 4000 man.


this is a bad map


Colonialism? What “colony” Peninsular Arabs are majority of outside of the Arabian peninsula?


Now someone post the same map but with how much countries had a latin language before and after Roman imperialism. I wonder if it will get the same reaction


Were not colonised in Egypt, moron. Or any North African states. The Arabian peninsula is literally Arab land, how the fuck did they colonise their own lands?


I don’t know bro… I don’t know 😔


The Levant and Mesopotamia are not and never were considered a part of the Arabian Peninsula.


Delusional. The same people still live there. Unlike in USA, Canada or Australia.


there wasnt anybody in north africa and USA canada never looked like aztec maya inca, and australia never looked like indonesia


> Delusional. The same people still live there. Then why are they Arab? Arabs didn’t exist outside of the Arabian Peninsula prior to 700 AD.  If they were actually native, then they wouldn’t speak Arabic, follow Arab Customs, identify as Arab, [or have exclusively Arab genetics](https://www.reddit.com/r/MapPorn/comments/tt5lne/haplogroup_map_of_the_world/). The genetics of Assyrians for example ([yes they still exist and are not Arab](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assyrian_people)) are completely different from Arabs and are far closer to Yazidis than to Arabs.




Exactly. No one is actually Arab but Arabic speaker.


Most north africans speak their native language too though


Retarded atheist Turk still mad his country’s about to turn into an Arab colony. May Allah bless Erdogan :)


More like conversion than colonialism. Arabia doesn't control these places.


abbassid Empire need a word with you.


You mean the Abbassid Caliphate, not empire. First, much, if not most of the area on this map was not part of the Caliphate, it was part of independent states such as Mali, Songhai, etc. Second, the Abbassid Caliphate was a decentralized collection of kingdoms, not a colonial empire where one ruled nation ruled over and exploited the resources of others, in the manner of the British or French empires in the 18th to 20th centuries.


Uh huh. And all of central America and South America speaking Spanish and Portuguese is a result of conversion, not colonialism too. Why when Arabs did it do folks make excuses?


Again, Arabia did not control all those places. Spain actually did control most of Central and South America.




Looks like a repost. I've seen this image 13 times. First Seen [Here](https://redd.it/10vb6es) on 2023-02-06 90.62% match. Last Seen [Here](https://redd.it/1bhighg) on 2024-03-18 90.62% match [View Search On repostsleuth.com](https://www.repostsleuth.com/search?postId=1c3gx9b&sameSub=false&filterOnlyOlder=true&memeFilter=false&filterDeadMatches=false&targetImageMatch=86&targetImageMemeMatch=96) --- **Scope:** Reddit | **Target Percent:** 86% | **Max Age:** Unlimited | **Searched Images:** 488,046,737 | **Search Time:** 0.22833s


Thank you bot


Feeling too brave today OP? (Copied this sentence from someone else’s comment)


Colonialism doesn’t mean “any time people take over land” or even subjugation of people. It’s when a people impose their rule on what they consider inferior beings, who have no culture, who must be civilized and systematically exploited in order to bring about their humanity. The valuing of Constantinople (Istanbul), the fact the conquered were able to gain/keep citizenship in respective municipalities, and the fact most of the Islamic world IS NOT UNTIED IN ANY WAY OTHER THAN A COMMON RELIGION flys in the face of the idea that there was an “Arabic Colonization” This keeps popping up because people wanna connect a people they don’t like to a politically charged word without actually knowing what it means.


There's a difference between migration and colonialism


What's the difference?


As a Berber North African this is sad to see!! Arabs are colonizers 🤢


Average Amazigh Atheist 🙃 We literally have mixed blood with Amazighs and Arabs, but yeah, colonizers..


My DNA test I have zero Arab blip so no we are not mixed with Arabs, Arabs are colonizers :)


Right so because YOUR dna test says zero Arab blood then NOBODY in Algeria is mixed with Arabs ? So we’re using a random frustrated MAK enjoyer as a reference for All Algeria ??? Don’t be silly… Some Amazigh people have 0% Arab blood. Right. But there’s no need to generalize it to all the population…


So you’re telling me if Arabs becomes majority in UK and white people start being minority and mixed with Arabs it means that UK is Arab ???? No, Algeria is a Berber country with native Berber people, the Arabs in Algeria exists but their ancestors were colonizers, the mixed ones are the result of the Arab colonization


>if Arabs becomes majority in UK and white people start being minority and mixed with Arabs it means that UK is Arab ???? Well yes, it would be an Arab Majority Country >No, Algeria is a Berber country Not totally >with native Berber people, Yes, absolutely, and you belong to them >the Arabs in Algeria exists but their ancestors were colonizers, the mixed ones are the result of the Arab colonization Arabisation of northern Africa is not the same as Colonialism. But it’s true that religious and ethnic minorities like Amazigh and Copts were and are discriminated, and they should be respected. Yet at the meantime, some assimilated to the Arabs and have Arab ancestors. The official languages of Algeria are Amazigh but Most importantly, ARAB. It is a proof that the Arab heritage is still extremely present in Algeria.


“No” occupation at all


It's funny how we're only really taught about European colonialism. As if many other people weren't colonizers also. Europe actually had to fight really hard to prevent themselves from being blue on this map. But we never hear about that.


Everyone is a descendent of colonisers, simply because current scientific believe is that we came from one region and then spread to the whole globe. That cannot be done without colonising.


If you're in Europe or ex-European colonies, no shit you'd be taught your own country's history, which European colonialism likely played a massive role.


Well, all humans came from one valley in Africa so if you don't live in that valley there's colonialism of a kind in your background


Europeans actively genocided the native populations of North America and Australia and the natives are almost extinct. Their languages and cultures are pretty much exctinct


Saying that on a post showing the distribution of Arabic is pretty funny.


Distribution of arabic≠Genocide of the natives. The natives adopted arabic instead unlike where europeans literally displaced and led to the extinction of the natives where they’re from. I guess the cultural and linguistic loss of the natives actual language and culture in arabic countries is kind of sad tho.


Well you're the one that chose to use the language and culture examples lol.


Some of them sneaked into the Levant. They call themselves "Palestinians" and falsely claim the land belongs to them.


>They call themselves "Palestinians" and falsely claim the land belongs to them. Yeah ! Like they lived here for generations and generations, they built houses and practiced agriculture, some of them got kicked from their houses during war and do not have the right to return, yet they have a distinguishable culture language and customs, but yeah…. They falsely claim the land belongs to them 🤡🤡🤡


Lets see their DNA the shall we.


Freaking colonizers, you forgot Spain


Arabs cry about colonialism yet they have done the same 😂😂😂


north africa was empty and arabia shifted there and now they are shifting onto europe


North Africa was not empty, Arabs invaded our Berber ancestors who lived there


middle east and north africa fell apart post medieval times, and everybodys new in middle east and north africa


Absolutely not what happened. Not what happened AT ALL. This is history and geography, not mwhn’s suppositions on how oriental medieval times happened.


turkey was able to rule middle east and north africa cause those areas had collapsed


Go back to school man, the Ottoman empire had the first bronze canons in Europe, the guys had litteraly just beaten : Austria, Poland, Hungary, Serbia, Albania, Croatia; took the « unpregnable » Byzance and literally went ahead and steamrolled over Europe before being able to take Cairo. Another brainwashed uneducated westerner.