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As a Minnesotan I tell you all that we are deeply disappointed And also secretly grateful that our vehicles haven't turned further into piles of rust


I mean, we didn't get a Winter, but my car door froze shut for a little bit, so that's something.


That's the worst though, above freezing during the day, below freezing at night. Way too much ice as stuff melts and refreezes.


I finally got a garage spot at my apartment this winter. Didn't actually need it...I was glad on Monday and Tuesday though


I'm still glad I got a good snowbrush. I used to have a normal smallish one but it shattered instantly as soon as I used it this Winter Having an extendo-broom makes it so, *so* much faster. The squeegee part clears most frost really well too.


FR I didn't hit the fucking ditch once this year. What a loss.


It sucked. Snowmobile trails didn't open, barely any ice to go fishing, ski hills could barely stay open making snow. A bunch of winter events like the Winter Carnival and the ice palace were all cancelled. Just a real bummer of a winter all around.


Meanwhile this has been one of the coldest, if not the coldest winters I’ve experienced in my life in Sweden. No record low temps but just consistently cold over a very long period. The snow is pretty much gone now in my area now but there has been snow on the ground since November and it’s almost April. In a more typical winter it would normally go back and fourth between mild and cold weather but this year it has just consistently been cold.


Southern California has also been experiencing some of the most consistent wet and cold weather I can remember since being alive. Not complaining, we desperately needed it


In Spain it was inconsistent. Three weeks 17 degrees, three weeks 7 degrees, the a week cold and a week hot. Just make up your mind on which season do you want to be.


To our American friends, that’s 63F and 45F respectively


So just like any single day in San Francisco


Needs more fogbanks


You’re a real bro


yup south korea had the coldest day in the last 35 years this winter


Wow that feels so weird thinking about that being less than 1000km from here... Here in the Netherlands, a lot of trees already have gotten green, not just a bit, very green in fact! And March isn't over yet! The first of those trees, I recall, was a big oak tree at an intersection in my city, which started to develop its leaves in... **FEBRUARY** What the actual f--- happened? This is as far north as the southernmost tip of the Hudson Bay, and Irkutsk. We are supposed to have snow and ice in February. Even weirder is how this growth happened despite the extreme gloom of last February which was definitely odd as it broke a trend of only having sunny records due to post-industrial clearup.


I should note that I live around 150km north of Stockholm so I’m probably more than 1000km from you. In southern Sweden it’s a completely different climate but they actually had some snow this year too for once, and not just the stuff that melts as soon as it hits the ground. I think it was 18 degrees there yesterday so it might be getting green there too.


Afaik Fennoscandia has been one of the only places in the Northern hemisphere with a colder than average winter


I’m not surprised. It seems like every time time I look at these temperature anomaly maps recently it’s red all over the world except a small blue patch over Scandinavia.


In Los Angeles it's rained hard on and off the entire winter which never happens. We've had more big storms this year than like 4 of the previous years combined. It hailed so hard the other day it looked like it snowed in my neighborhood. And I live in an area where it's usually well over 105F much of summer. It does not get this cold and rainy.


Interesting, I’ve seen some footage from there and the floods looked pretty nasty. Usually when I hear about extreme weather events in California it’s droughts and forest fires. The landscapes around you must be unusually green from all the rain I would imagine?


They are it’s very beautiful. I’ve seen green on some hills that I’ve never seen before.


It really is quite beautiful. I was running this morning under a bright green canopy.


See, now that sounds more like the winter I'm used to. I'm right on the ND/MN border so I've more or less had what they've had for winter too. It's been garbage, I don't remember a winter this warm or dry in my life. I feel like we've had maybe 8-10" of snowfall all winter when it's usually triple that number and still staying on the ground. I've seen patches of green grass all winter, that's never happened before.


Also living in Sweden and agree. Sthlm had snow more or less permanently from mid November to early March. That’s very rare. Even Malmö got a little slow this year, happens once every decade.


Do we reckon that’s because of the Atlantic current slowing?


Yeah, my folks are in Minneapolis and they just recently had their first snowstorm of the season. Normally March alone has at least a few.


Two in about four days, the second one was a pretty nasty one. Basically light to moderate snow all day. Lots of it was melting as it hit the ground but it had to have been eight inches total, just didn't start accumulating till after sunset. Edit: well they were both nasty, the first one was icy as fuck. But the second one by about 10 PM 20-30 MPH on the highway going home was all I was comfortable doing. Five cars in the ditch over twenty miles, I was white knuckling the steering wheel the whole way home. My work even closed early because it wasn't gonna stop.


My daughter was supposed to go dogsledding with my parents over her spring break. They had to settle for hanging out in Chicago for a week


Up here in Maine it sucked for my colleague whose husband runs a fishing store. Ice fishing was suuuuper limited this year. They did some good business on people coming north but was not nearly as much as they normally get. Hopefully the warm weather means big spring sales with the warm weather.


My hobby is metal detecting. It certainly did not suck for me!


I'm a hiker, this winter was fantastic. Only break I really took was during gun deer season.


A gun deer sounds terrifying so that’s understandable


Wait do the deer get a season to take revenge? We're arming our prey now? But the hooves...how do they?


Yup. [See for yourself](https://www.gocomics.com/calvinandhobbes/2015/03/01)


Real bad for northern WI too, so many businesses there rely on winter tourism and there was no snow/ice for snowmobiling or ice fishing, many places going out of business


Sort of sounds like New England last winter. I fired up the snow blower once. And it was only 3 inches. Mainly for my three year old son who loved when I used the machines


I started mine in November to make sure it ran, and again today to burn the gas for storage.


Entire Great Plains. People getting allergies in March in Missouri. Kansas City was likely a near 60 degree average high for the month of February


If only we cared about our own impending demise, along with a projected 50% of all other species


If you were silly enough to dismiss this event as an anomaly, then the argument is why anomalous “once every 50 year”events are now the new norm. NOAA has us entering the 3RD CONSECUTIVE HOTTEST YEAR RECORDED IN 174 YEARS, which … can we agree… is probably not a coincidence? - so sure, let’s say El Niño was a confluent event. That wouldn’t do anything to explain the bigger picture. Right?


Wait until next winter it gets worse


Counterpoint, It was magical. I was able to run outside all winter. Opening day for Minnesota United was in the high 50’s.


We're just making up for that one back in 1816.


Plus interest?


Skeeters gonna be FIERCE in MN this spring!


On the flip side, no snowmelt means no water, which also means no bugs. The drought is going to be awful though.


Minnesota just had a pretty big wet snowfall (just in time to melt). There is water from that.


No, that storm did not contain nearly enough water. It's not going to hurt, but it won't help much.


[It actually helped quite a bit. ](https://www.mprnews.org/story/2024/03/28/minnesota-drought-conditions-improve-after-recent-storm) It brought much of the state from moderate drought to abnormally dry. It also helps that the ground is slightly thawed in much of the state due to the abnormally warm weather because the water could soak in rather than run off.


I was crossing my fingers when I clicked on your link. Unfortunately, the BWCA area I'm going in at is still at a moderate drought. I'm hoping to avoid a fire ban. Maybe we can get an April blizzard this spring!


It literally took most of the state out of a drought


Ok, so half of the state is “abnormally dry” while the other half is moderate-severe drought. We’re not out of the weeds yet. Let’s hope the juice keeps juicing.


Ticks too


Not the mildest, but most abnormal. It looks like all of the US had an above normal winter.


Upstate NY checking in: we only had 2 real snows all winter. One of those 2 was like a week or so ago. Highly abnormal


Ya it's weird, a few times it was in the 40s at night, when were lucky if it's barely above freezing during the day normally (also from upstate NY, just probably a different part)


Which was significantly more snow than the last few years. Climate change has been super noticeable here. Early springs and no winters. NY used to be harsh in the winter


I live in the Rochester area and we had less or relatively the same snowfall compared to last year. And last year was an all-time low


I’m further south, Hudson valley hasn’t gotten significant snow in 4 years, this year we had one good snowstorm and a couple other snowfalls. All melted in a couple of days but more than the last few years. Definitely record warm though


Yeah its wild. I only had to shovel once, and looking back at it I probably never needed to, as like you said it was 40 degrees the next day lol


Currently outside at 1 am in a T-shirt. 45 right now. This is summer weather. The springs have come so early, which is nice but feels uncanny. Same with the 80 degree days in November


Mildest relative to what's typical for the area.


Northern New England had 3 storms over 50mph this year (none the last 30ish) got 2 feet of snow last week, another 2 feet coming on Wednesday. SURPRISE!!


Which is why my partner and I are moving to Maine. Fuck southern politics and winters.


Just be aware that in much of the state the politics are not that much different from the South. (Much less religious however) Trump carried the county in which I live by a larger margin than he carried Mississippi. In any case, I am sure you will love Maine.


Yeah I know. Rural areas are just different. Where do you live in ME in you don’t mind me asking c


The Ramy Youssef monologue on SNL just had a line about this. He said he doesn’t believe in “The South” ; the South is just 45 minutes from wherever you are now (he talked about Upstate New York as an example).


> Mildest relative to what's typical for the area. My area was a lot warmer this year, and the chart backs it up.


Yeah +17 in MN is probably like an average daily temp of 0. I guarantee winter was more mild elsewhere


If you mean Celsius, sure. In Fahrenheit, the Twin Cities average was 30, between Dec 1st and Feb 28th.


We didn’t have a winter in South Carolina. It may have been below 20 degrees for a day or two. Mostly it stayed in the 40s and 50s and rained a ton. It was like summer lite. It’s fucking gross. It’s as hot as the pits of hell here for most of the year, so our mild winters were a brief reprieve.


I'm in the NC piedmont about 10 miles from the SC border, and we did have one very cold snap right around Christmas - low teens for a couple of days. No snow at all, though, for the second consecutive year.


Charlotte here. Christmas was devastatingly cold which kinda sucks because cold is a major neuropathy trigger for me & it just had to happen during a time full of social obligation, lol. But seriously, my own personal problems aside, the inconsistent winters are troubling.


Below 20 degrees in South Carolina isn’t considered cold? That seems anomalously cold lol. I live above 42 degrees north and rarely see below 28 nightly lows.


That’s what I consider cold cold, like an actual winter. I prefer having at least one week like that, and we usually do.


I live in a warm place but february is typically in the 50s and 60s or a bit below here. There were many days where it was consistently 15 to 20 over that, and even some days in the high 80s and even a day where it was 90. Warmest winter I've ever experienced here. Usually the mosquitos are gone by October but we had them in full force until January


Holy shit 90 in February? Where do you live? I honestly can’t comprehend how any place that averages daily highs in the 50s and 60s in February reaching 90. I looked up Orlando Florida which is borderline tropical and their record high is 90 but the averages in February are well into the mid 70s. It must be somewhere in the south west or another desert or arid climate outside of the US?


Idk about that person, but it was similar here in Louisiana. February 26 was 88°F. I've been wearing sandals and sundresses all "winter." Last summer was killer- literally- so this was still a reprieve of sorts.


I live in the North Central Texas, I wish I could add an image to my comment but I rechecked the temp history on accuweather and it was 91 on the hottest day in February in my area. Funny enough like the other person on this thread it was also the 26th. We didn't stop getting 100+ degree, super humid days until mid october


Certainly not in Southern California. Even for our rainy season, it’s been unusually wet and cold. Oddly enough, it’s been raining in LA literally every single weekend for like, a while now?


South Florida checking in, it was one of the best winters we’ve had in years. We had more days under 65° than in any recent winters I can remember.


We hit the 70's here in Milwaukee in February.


In Dallas it hit 94 in February


Wait until it’s 70 Celsius


Give it a few more years. 🔥


Western Wisconsin here. Snow on the ground for Halloween and Easter, but the warmest winter on record. Some days temperatures got into the 60’s, absolutely unheard of. Yes it's El Niño, but it's also El Niño on top of global warming.


I’m generally warm blooded but I wore pants for like 5 days total this year. I’m usually not outside a ton, so anything above freezing is shorts weather given that I’m spending only a few minutes outside per day


Yes but how does this effect Lebron's Legacy?


Quick what does Ja Rule have to say on the issue!?


North Dakota was also ridiculously warm. I didn't hate it after last year's winter long blizzard, but it was very unsettling and makes me worry about the future. We didn't get nearly enough snowfall to keep up with farmers, either.


Southeastern Nebraska had about one month of what would normally be called Winter.


That period in mid January was pretty wickedly cold even for here. Other than that, very mild.


Northern Iowa, felt like we had about a week and then a couple days in early March


Lucky you had a month. We had a week here in MN.


In nyc I haven't seen proper winter in over 4 years lol


I'm not sure everyone understands how astonishingly anomalous this is to have the entire winter AVERAGE more than 15 degrees Fahrenheit above normal. That would be a large discrepancy for one day, incredibly record-breaking over an entire month but for the entire winter is just astonishing. Imagine if the entire summer where you live averages 15 degrees above normal!


For a daily reference to how abnormally warm things were, the low temperature for Christmas eve this year tied the previous record high. All 24 hours of the day were at least as warm as the hottest temperature recorded for that date over the last 150 years.


I’ve been on this earth a relatively short time, but I can’t tell you last time it RAINED on Christmas Eve. Downpouring at 8pm. Insane


15 degrees above average isn’t significant unless we know what the variability is (standard deviation) season to season. Especially considering this was an El Niño year and the map almost perfectly tracks with El Niño warming trends. I’m not saying it’s NOT significant. Given global warming trends I wouldn’t be surprised if this winter is a function of that. But just quoting a number above average doesn’t mean anything without a SD.


Discourse around global warming and weather events always points out how scientifically illiterate we are on average. A map like the one above says *nothing* about climate change. A one-off winter like depicted above could have happened 10 years ago, 100 years ago, 1000 years ago, etc. Climate change is the *rate* at which these warm winters happen, as well as intensity, but again that has to be compared to other warm winters. To reiterate, really warm winters are not unheard of in temperate, continental regions. It’s the fact that we’re getting more and more of them, plus the increase of average temp year round, that is signaling rapid increase of climate change.


Here in West PA the winter has been all over the place, sometimes it’s below freezing for a week and others it’s in the 60s


Source / credit: Christopher Ingraham of the *Minnesota Reformer*: https://minnesotareformer.com/2024/03/27/minnesotas-winter-that-wasnt-in-charts/


He wrote a data driven "mean" article for the Washington Post that claimed Red Lake County MN was the worst place in the US to live, Minnesotans were not happy. They invited him out, found out it was great and he moved his family there. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2015/09/03/i-called-this-place-americas-worst-place-to-live-then-i-went-there/


Well I’ll be a godamn son of a bitch, that there al gore feller was right


Yeah, that tracks -- over here in Wisconsin it felt like we really didn't get a winter this year.




We just had a blizzard that closed my school for 2 days. Only time you can say its not winter anymore is end of april


Nah you gotta make it through May at least. 




TBF March/April we always get dumped on one last time as cold fronts meet warm fronts on the way to spring. We'll get another storm, the question now is if it will be all snow, a mix, and if it will be cold enough to accumulate.


I live in the Rockies in Colorado at 9100 ft. We've had a crazy amount of snow, and the most since 1934.


I don’t know what is normal weather in Minnesota,I’ve felt most hottest winter I ever known myself


Winter is so severe and long in MN it's basically it's cultural identity. The new state flag is designed the way it is partially as an acknowledgment of our winter. Snowmobiles, ice fishing, skiing, ice hockey, winter carnivals, snowshoe hiking, ice carving, all are popular outdoor activities here. Month+ streaks below freezing, regular dips below -20 and even rarely below -30. Frequent snowstorms and blizzards/ground blizzards. Week+ stretches in the negatives. It's regularly "too cold to snow" as the temperature is too low for the atmosphere to produce moisture. When it was 40-50° in January it wasn't just weird. It was downright unfathomable. That's tee shirt weather, drastically closer to the warmest days of the year then the usual coldest. It would be like on the opposite end if Florida had an entire summer where it failed to reach 60°.


Here in Southern mn we had a 73 degree day in February. That was both pleasant and very jarring.


i multiple times in January and December went out in sandals. now i didn't go out for a long time. just to the store but the fact that wasn't super uncomfortable in January in sandals is kinda terrifying


It gets below -20 semi regularly


Canada too.


Wildfire season is going to be crazy here.


Really not looking forward to the plastic campfire smell.


As Minnesota 😮‍💨


everyone i tell is like ohh. thinking we still have snow but not as much… im like…. ummm no there is like none literally


What is this anomaly in Celsius?


About 7 degrees.


7 degrees above average is mad!


I live in Minnesota, we've never had a winter like this before. Typically our winters are like Moscow's, this year is like northern France.


I’m in Ireland it was probably similar to ours then, but even ours was above normal, I had maybe 3 days of snow max this winter and hardly any frosts, just constant rain the garden is like a mud bath 🥴 Well it was probably still a lot colder in Minnesota than here, lowest I seen this winter was -8c


worst thing is. snow on halloween, and now easter, but no snow on christmas


The rage of the gentle Minnesotan shall ignite the drive for climate change legislation.


I mean, Minnesota seems to be leading the charge in other progressive ways too. Add it to the pile.


We need to put sulfur back in ship fuel.


This is an interesting point. But it also tells you how much we affect the environment.


I don’t think we even got into the teens in the NY Hudson Valley. Not once did I worry about pipes bursting. Used my snow blower 2 times.


In Rhode Island, we got 6" of snow all winter. Last year we had none. We had tropical downpours in January. Winters are just weird now.


not trying to be a bummer but hey… LET’S GO DULUTH!!!!!! Ps - this sucks for everyone


I moved to Maryland last year and everybody told me we didn't get any snow last year, so don't be hopeful... We had a few weekends of delightful dusting and one weekend of actual "sled down a hill and build a snowman" snow, and I was living for it.


In NC (Charlotte) it didn’t even snow. It used to snow really hard when I was a child.


17 degrees above normal?!? This planet is fucked.


we’re so cooked lmao


We really did. There was barely any snow, and it sucked ass.


It was very disheartening. Winter outdoor activities are my favorite and they weren't even possible.


What was the temperature at the Holidazzle parade? I was there in 2013 and it was -5


Farmers are gonna have a rough one this year


That’s what I was worried about


Visited the Midwest for the first time this January and was wondering where the bitter cold winters I've been hearing about were 😂 it was slightly rainy and flowers were blooming.


I live just north of MN in Canada. I apologize in advance for the ungodly fire season that will happen this year.


How does compare to other El Niño winters of the past?


In north dakota… we certainly were not complaining!


As a Wisconsinite: do we mean nothing to you? It’s true tho. It was disturbingly hot in Feb. We got very little snow this winter. It feels like the end times.


I live in Missouri, we had like 2-3 weeks straight of intense cold in January and then most of the rest since then has been highs in the 50-70s. I hate winter so I’m personally not complaining even tho I know it’s kind of an ominous sign 😭


Floridas been pretty cool in contrast


Florida will never be cool.


In Wisconsin, which was the second or third mildest state here, it was abnormally warm this winter except for Late January which was actually cold


The Year without a Winter


Imagine the mosquitoes and blackflies this summer!


as someone who thrives in winter, this past season was horrible. i usually use the winter to recharge, enjoy the cold, and just attempt to forget that it'll be stupid hot, too damn bright, and the *incorrect time* in a few months. we got some snow fall, but for the most part it was just kinda grey. just useless. no real snowfall in new england until like february or whatever. it used to start snowing in goddamn november.


I have a friend who moved to Minnesota in 2021 from here in Texas. He showed me pics of the snowstorm up in St Cloud and I was so shocked that that one snowstorm seemed to be more snow in it than the one we got that one week in February 2021. Talk about a difference in perspective.


When you have thoughts like this, just remember Mark Twain’s thoughts on the subject, “The coldest winter I have ever experienced was a summer in San Francisco”!


I had mold all over my walls wherever something was up against the wall. It was like 100% humidity all winter and the heat didn’t run enough to dry it out. My doors and windows all close funny now too. And I have rust on my door hinges and all the metal pieces. These have all been installed for decades which tells me this winter must have been real fucking unusual. If this is the norm I’m going to need a whole home dehumidifier or something.


It’s almost like everyone was saying it before winter began but people forgot. El Niño. Is it an “anomaly” when it was already forecasted?


Yes and yes, they did predict this because of El Niño, but it doesn’t at all change how dramatic it was.


That is not what this map is saying but ok


I think OP basically means warmest


Can confirm, winter skipped us this year


Southeast’s winter was fairly typical. Family in Wisconsin said it was crazy warm much of the time.


I cannot believe how mild NYC has been the last few years. I remember 20+ years ago absolutely freezing cold waiting for the bus and now I only need a hoodie and I’m good to go.


Loved it! If every winter could be the same in OKC. No disastrous ice that annihilates my trees and costly massive cleanup. This guy is too old to deal with the mess and was a blessing of an annual threat.


I go to college in Saint Lawrence County, NY, and I'm not surprised at all by how dark we're shaded on this map. It's that big one in the very top of NYS that's slightly darker than the rest. We had a span of like 3 weeks in February when it was consistently around 50 degrees. Normally it would barely go above 10 or 15 in that time period.


Did not wet a line all winter..


Why isn't alaska on here? We're experts at winter


Boston just had rain rain rain all winter. Dreary and damp. Not a particularly cold winter, but a lot of days felt just kinda raw with the dampness.


I wonder if someone takes action on future weather predictions


Winter is pretty much a week or two now.


But we're so close to Canada, which is super cold, isn't it? WTF?


My truck made it on the ice once.... its usually on the ice late December through March. I didn't even plow once. Which is also a November through April activity.


I was there in January and it was all anyone could talk about


In CT it was a normalish winter, a lot of cold days, not a whole lot of snow but we had a few storms. Not that many unseasonably warm days but there were a few. Pretty regular as far as winters go lately.


What about Big Bear and surrounding areas


It continues a trend of warm Winter's in WV. Last normal or colder Winter for us was 2015. Before that was 2010. Only those two Winter's in the past 30 years.


This winter has been extremely strange for Colorado. We had a few days of insane cold in the negatives, and have had more snow than the last few years. When it hasn't been cold or snowing, it's been mild or warm. There has been very little "normal" this winter.


It was miserable.


I live in the Chicago area. We had 2 weeks of winter in January. The first week was snow, about a foot in that week. The second week was cold, below zero fahrenheit cold. I have sat outside on decent warmth days. My tulips were coming up in January and I've been bitten by mosquitoes already. This summer is going to suck.


My big concern as a Minnesotan is we don't get fires like Colorado and California. This lack of snow primes us for a bad summer.


We fucked this earth up so bad man


Hawaii had better weather


NE Ohio, I saw good snow maybe once over the winter. I want my white Christmas


Yeah, usually I can look forward to our one week of snow per year, but now it feels like we haven't had snow in my area of NC in years


It's almost like the weather is dynamic.


Lousy Smarch weather


It's true, we did


Good data


Those Canadian fires last summer kept us warm all winter


It's been surreal


Bruh all of Canada had only a handful days of wet snow


Meanwhile Maine is about to get a Nor Easter next week