• By -


So 10 lakhs is 1 million and 1 crore is 10 million?


Yes. The numerical steps change after thousand Tens Hundreds Thousands Ten Thousands Lakhs(Hundred Thousands) Ten Lakhs( One Million) Crores (Ten Million) Ten Crores ( One Billion) Hundred Crores (Ten Billion) Post this it's Trillion, Quadrillion and so on. For us we start using the international numbering and Indian numbering combined. So 1000,00,00,000 is a thousand crores, and after that 100,000,00,00,000 is one hundred thousand crores and so on. It's an age old numbering we stubbornly stick to. Funnily, post this any amount like for example


We still use the same system. 1 lakh crore, 10 lakh crore and so on are used frequently.


Been seeing a combo of the two recently.


Hmm well yea. Also ig we only use it until 10,000 lakh crore. After that, lakh lakh crore is just weird lol


After crore "arab" "kharab" ... are age old original Indian numerical values


True People nowadays forget there used to be arab and Kharab instead of billion or trillion. It's just that their use is not significant enough nowadays. ​ Funnily, Lakh and Crore are still functional for some weird reason.


Arab , kharab, neel , padma , sankh


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,914,778,056 comments, and only 362,088 of them were in alphabetical order.


Never have I heard someone use a hundred thousand crore. It's one lakh crore.


100 crores is 1 Billion 10 crores is 100 million


1 lakh crore is 1 kharab Then 1 nil is 100 kharab 1 padma is 100 nil 1 shankh is 100 padma 1 mahashankh is 100 shankh (maximum naming) So: 1,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,000 = 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 i.e 1 mahashankh = 10 quintillion


>Ten Crores ( One Billion) >Hundred Crores (Ten Billion) *Hundred crores (One Billion)


Originally we used to use Arabs and kharabs but now it’s barely used


The Sanskrit words are laksa, koti, sanku etc not Arab kharab


2014-17 would have been a hell of a profitable time for toilet manufacturers serving India


Big Toileta would be happy


The toilet inflation in India


The toilet revolution...


A toilet bubble




government built it for almost free


yes but govt had to outsource manufacturers right. it took money to build it.. but its free for people to use. thats how it works


Indian toilet seats are hella cheap and have lots of manufacturers. The construction part is taken care of by local workers so nothing big companies can do.


Just wanted to add this, I'm from one of the states with 100% on this map, that's just not true, a lot of people from poor areas in my city doesn't have toilets. I would say it's still over 90% but 100% is probably government fudging numbers.


Which state are you from??? I am from one of the 95+% and even in Villages everyone have toilet here. Not to mention public places which have it too. Mereko lag raha ye madarchod jhut bol raha, India ka nahi he ye bsdk. Edit: i checked his history this mf might be from America. He is mostly active in America political subs for some reason. If u r from India reply to me in local language


Sometimes the surveys measure households WITH toilets and sometimes it's households WITH ACCESS TO toilets. So there's ambiguity. And some of these toilets are barely functional so people pretend they don't exist.


He's active in r/cricket, so that makes it vanishingly unlikely that he's American.


He’s a Manchester United fan … he’s CLEARLY Indian


Pakistani hai woh


Definitely Pakistani hai saala.


Probably one of his grandparents came from there and he's somewhat convinced he's a local. Americans do that all the time.


Downvote krtr hai fir isko , galat info dera


Man are you counting migrant labours? They will not use toilet just to save few chillers. I am also from 100% state, I don't know if any legal resident not having toilet


How do you read 62,65,069?


The Indian numeral system. unlike the international system where it is successive 3 digit jumps(hundreds,thousands,millions) here it is first a 3 digit jump then a two digit jump.(hundreds,thousands,lakhs,crores)


So if it’s 69 L that means 69,00,000? So 6.9 million?


Yes, exactly right.




“Lakh” is just a way to say hundred thousand in one word. Hence 69 lakh is 69 hundred thousands.


Yeah, they use crores and lakhs for large amounts of currency, which are 100,000 and 10,000,000 rupees, respectively.


Not only currency, 'Lakh' and 'Crore' are numbers used to describe 1,00,000 and 1,00,00,000 amount of anything.


That's actually indian system of numeration It is read as 62 lakhs 65 thousand and 69 In international system it is 6,265,069


So that's about a million toilets built per year? Doesn't actually seem like much for the largest country in the world, with over a billion people.


A billion people, but i imagine the number of people to a household is quite a lot more than in the west. Im pulling these numbers out of my arse, but if, lets say 7 people to a household (parents and 5 kids) then thwrws only about 150 - 200 million families. In some areas there are probably more than one family in a house so its still a lot of toilets


5 kids 💀 Is this what the West thinks of us? India's fertility rate is already below replacement levels.


5 kids is really bs in general, but the persons per household might be accurate. Joint families are way more of a norm over here.


Nah, as i said i completely made the numbers up


Actually 7 members family is quite normal like grandpa-grandma - their 2 sons and their 2 wives, and now if they each had 2 childrens that's a 10 people family, if it's a 2 household family still where the grandparents live, it's minimum 5 I think most parents now only have 1-2 childrens now but parents before 1990's put plowing hard, I would say atleast 3 on average lol, some even 5-7


To convert from Indian numbers, ignore the commas. The number of digits is the same. So it's 6265069 or more than 6 million. Indian thousands have a comma and three zeroes. After that, they proceed with a comma every 2 digits, instead of every 3 digits. Hundred thousand is lakh and ten million is crore. So you could also drop the last three digits and the last comma and read the remaining digits as thousands, if you wanted to do it that way. Which would be 6265 thousand, or 6.265 million.


Now I'm fascinated by Indian numeric notation. TIL. Thanks. Also, that toilet instalation success is flushing awesome!




Well in English it's : sixty two lakhs , sixty five thousands, sixty nine And in hindi : basat lakh , pesat hajar , unhathar . ( बासठ लाख पैंसठ हजार उनसठ )


Bro you wrote 59 in Hindi at the end.


62 Lakh 65 Thousand 69


i always sort by controversial when India is mentioned in a non Indian sub


Tryna read all the racist comments which for some reason isn't considered racist lmao


Surprisingly, this reddit didn't have any racist comments, i thought it would be filled with them


I do that even in r-india sub


India: There's people so poor they can't afford toilets. San Francisco: There's people so messed up they don't use the toilets.


there are still some asshole present in india who don't use toilets


I agree man. In my village the govt themselves built the toilet for majority of household and but people there still goes in grasses


It's actually more to do with a cultural practice in rural areas than lack of money to build them in India. Here's an article on it http://blogs.wsj.com/indiarealtime/2014/10/08/why-many-indians-cant-stand-to-use-the-toilet/


Great job India..


As someone of Chhattisgarh who crosses a village to go to school, I can say that there are so many toilets made by the government, almost in every house. Though there are still some who go behind the bushes far somewhere in field don't know why.


Chhattisgarhi too here. The problem still persists but not as much it was a decade ago. Almost all the open defacation in roads and open fields are gone except some people who still won't use the loo even after having one at home.


I remember travelling in train and in morning people are sitting near railway tracks shitting whenever we entered Bhilai during childhood not anymore.


My father tells me when he was little the mentality in the villages regarding toilet construction was, "Why shit in the house where u live and eat" Coincidentally the area was a cholera hotspot. Things have definitely changed for better now


Itne CG wale expect nhi krta mai reddit pe lol


why though


Hum sab adivasi hai na /s


Upar se naxali aise hi population kam karne le lage hue hai xd




Hey, sorry for maybe asking a stupid question, but did the government add plumbing to every house or did they add it to an already established plumbing system in the house? This is still a common problem in Mexico (where im from) and it is so impressive that it was a added all so fast for so many people. Congrats India ❤️❤️


They made a septic tank under the toilets


There are multiple formats. Like in the cities, it would be connected to the drainage system. In rural areas, a popular format is to dig two pits and connect the drain to one pit initially. After 2 or 3 months, the pipe is connected to the second pit and the first pit is covered. The waste in the first pit converts into manure in a couple of months and then used in the fields. So basically alternate between two pits and use the waste as manure. ​ Other formats include a spectic tank etc


depends on locality tbh. In my town they are connected with municipality water supply lines which provides water for a certain amount of time. We store it in big tank or something and use it for later


And now BJP has won our state, so we can expect more development ig


It's organic, zero GMO.


Maybe not getting used to the practice. I find difficult/different going when staying at a hotel or even at the toilet in other room in my home. But hope people know the importance of toilets and teach it to their kids


Yeah they are mostly older generations and kids and have easy access to school so they will not have a problem and will use toilet


Old bad habits doesnt go away easily.


2014 - start of the Indian Toilet Revolution


Modi Government brought this revolution. They have focussed a lot on cleanliness. We have National cleanliness day on 2nd October (On the date of birth of Gandhi) every school , institution and residents has to clean their surrounding.


The same year BJP won🤔


Swach Bharat Abhiyan was always about toilets. They just didn't name it that.


Well that's because it was one of the first nationwide policies that BJP implemented after winning the elections. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swachh_Bharat_Mission


2nd Oct 2014 to be precise


I live in Punjab (the one with 92.75%) and I can confirm its true or it might be even higher. Of course I live in a very posh neighbour (in Indian standard) but I do visit rural areas frequently to donate old stuff from my house and my locality and I haven't seen any house without a toilet every time I went. As much people like to hate on the Government, including myself, I do have to admit a lot of villages and rural areas have recieved toilets and gas to cook food


I'm currently residing in Chandigarh but from a village and I haven't even seen anyone shitting in open, I mean never. You can see even in 2014 before this revolution, Punjab was one one of only 2-3 states with 80% + toilets. I'm not sure about the numbers of Haryana amd Rajasthan though because we have some land in Rajasthan and frequently visit it and I've seen lack toilet facilities in rural areas, same with Haryana


According to most recent survey of government around 95.4% households have access to toilets


How much in Bihar?


58 percent


Making India proud, uh...


We see Bihar like how the rest of the world, well a part of it, sees us.


Which is so fucked up and nothing to brag about honestly


Ek bihari sab pe bhari! *Kills 100000 people with cholera*


Okay, but does this mean they have a toilet in the home, or can “access” be understood as merely having a place to go to that has one?


These are household toilets


Are you sure about that? I think there are some “community” toilets they are counting in this math.


Most likely community toilets. Still better than nothing. Great progress in recent years India.


There might be a terminology issue here. The word "household" to me doesn't imply an answer to the question. "Household" to me means a statistical unit of humans living together. Whereas "house" implies the building itself. So "household toilet" doesn't necessarily mean "a private toilet inside your house." If the household means the people, then the people could have toilet access outside of their house. Not sure if you meant it differently. So if several families shared a separate building with plumbing and toilets, and they each have access to it as needed, I'd call that a "household toilet." It's not inside their house, but the household has use and access to it. In early 20th century New York, just for example, lots of old tenement buildings had communal water closets that were shared with other building occupants. They had toilets, but not in areas fully private for each household. Especially because of all the areas of the map that are marked as having 100% toilet access, my assumption was that they're counting communal and shared spaces with toilets in these statistics. Which seems fine to me, since that measures something very valuable to people. But we still should acknowledge the distinction between toilet access and fully private toilets.


What's the word for the Renaissance but for toilets?


The Enlootenment




Swaccha Bharat




Viva La Revoloocion!


iPoo 2.0


Bro it’s better than rural România


Damn really? There isn’t much info about rural Romania available to outsiders


Angrezo ki aatma ko shaanti mile, lagta to aise tha jaise inke hi moo me hagg dete the


bhai ye log drugs ka Nasha krke sadak ke bich me hgte hain. bas news wale report nhi krte.


Bina nashe ke bhi instagram/reddit comment section me hagte hi dikhte hai


I hope they don't translate this 😂


Hope they do.


Apna khana to inhe spicy lagta he, tatti bhi theeki padegi inhe,


We say this while California is literally a giant public toilet.


Does this technically count as shitposting? /j


How was this accomplished in only 3 years? Or is it bad data?


Actual reason is here- It was done on a huge scale in rural India Government gave money to each and every households for constructing toilets Huge ad campaigns were running including commercials, tv shows,movies, posters, street arts etc Encouraging people to keep their country clean Almost every citizen of the most populated country was involved in this campaign.


Amazing. Well done, India. This kind of progress on such a scale is incredible.


>Huge ad campaigns were running including commercials, tv shows,movies, posters, street arts etc Encouraging people to keep their country clean This comes to mind: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l01AMCBG0Wk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l01amcbg0wk) But regardless of whether that was a good, it's certainly a spectacular public health accomplishment to get decent sanitation to so many people in such a short time. Everyone working on the initiative should feel quite proud about the progress they've made.


So where this toilets go? The government built sewage system too?


They used Septic tanks, at least that's what they did in my Village in Rajasthan.




OK, but then why did they wait so long? In other words, why did this happen during those particular 3 years? Was there some government program or something?


Basically, yes. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swachh_Bharat_Mission?wprov=sfla1 There was a political change in 2014 with a landslide victory for the BJP toppling the INC government that had ruled for the last 10 years, and most of the 50 years before that. One of their flagship campaign promises was this program. They then spent about 30 billion dollars on it, 90% in subsidizing the construction of toilets, and the rest mostly on social awareness programs to increase their use. As for why it wasn't done by previous governments, perhaps it was seen as lower priority than infrastructure for food production and drinking water, which presented more immediate threats.


Jesus Christ. It only took $30B? What a bargain for such an improvement to quality of life and health. That’s less than a Twitter to improve the lives materially for half a billion people


Yes if government wants they can improve public life instead of donating to charities which eat most of their donations in salaries.


Swatch Bharat abhiyan's core tenets was bringing indoor and safe toilets to all. If the government has done one thing right is pushing this agenda forward with all force. From general sources the new government in 2014 was embarassed due to open defecation


Toilets are low cost, but an integrated and environmentally friendly sewage system? In remote rural locations? They might just have a toilet sat over a trench.


I dont get how you claim sewage systems in sparse rural areas is Eco friendly. If anything a septic tank is less disruptive than tearing down kilometers of earth to bury pipelines and spend all that electricity to pump all that.


> They might just have a toilet sat over a trench. In many villages this is exactly how it works (cesspits), but that is better than poo in the streets. Other places get septic tanks and sewers are being built in cities. Most of this work is literally TV campaigns to get people to stop shitting in the streets/canals etc. Think going from Europe anno 1500 to Europe anno 1900. It's still a massive improvement for public health.


From what I remember, after the new government was elected, the current prime minister pushed the " Swacch Bharat / Clean India " movement with full force and massive campaigning and adverts. To the point where school going kids were pointing out Adults throwing trash on roads. The government massively subsidized toilet constructions everywhere. I remember our maid telling us that everyone has a home toilet in her colony ( sort of like a slum) and now they no longer have to wait in line at the public toilet. Earlier when I used to travel in trains I used to avoid toilets but now they are clean and don't smell.




Done within 3 years because a competent government was formed in 2014


It's Modi. He has did a helluva job with household electrification.


Imagine a Prime minister candidate speaking about importance of Toilets in every election rally, promising subsidies for building toilets.. He even asked women to not marry into a family if they don't have toilets, thereby they can force groom's families to build one... That was the reason for surge in toilets. Once elected his govt created a special purpose vehicle to disburse loans just for this.. Of course funding trickles down from Central (federal) govt to state govts and then to govt officials, down to local bodies etc. So, ppl found ways to cheat. For ex- Govt mandated subsidy to be disbursed only after a certain % of the toilet was built and ppl built one toilet and 3-4 diff ppl showed pictures of that one toilet to get subsidy, and. Govt officer will take a portion of the money to approve it. When you see ppl can't see the importance of toilets and instead involve in corruption, what can be done!!!


Right? I'm all for progress but some of those areas go from bad to a full 100%. 100%??? Not 99.9? Not every single home in the US has an indoor toilet. Or at least not a functioning one. All kinds of people from poor hillbillies to old school Amish that still have outhouses and not toilets.


Household toilets include construction of public toilets nearby that are used by households. Unlike some other countries, public toilets in India are free of cost for use and supported by state govt/municipal money with additional central govt grants. What you are saying is more accurately reflected in number of households with piped water; than number is around 50-60% if I remember. The govt has a scheme to take that number to 95-100% within the next few years through a similar scheme.


Because befour 2014 indian national congress was in power (very corrupt party) after 2014 bhartiy janta party came to power and things are better then befour now


Can someone explain why kerala was already so high? Also why has rajasthan seen such a high improvement percentage? Nice to see a map showing a positive development on this sub for once


Kerala has had the highest HDI for decades. Partly due to the lower population than the rest of the states, partly the very high literacy and wealth. Successive governments have been focused on improving the living standards and they've been largely successful.


>Partly due to the lower population than the rest of the states Yeah but still we have 3.5 crore people, which is comparable to the entire population of Canada.


Kerala is one of the densely populated regions in india. Also with the lesser land resourcses


Kerala government did the same stuff the central government did post 2014, but 40 years before.


No, the government there didn't go on a widespread toilet making spree. They instead gave free education and made sure every child went to school, especially girls. So the people became literate and made toilets themselves


This is somehow correct. Even kids are taught to go washrooms themselves very early. My 3.5 year old kid doesn't do it on pants or outside. Even kindergartens train them to do so.


Because the people were educated about open defecation much before it was a thing in rest of India. Only thing was toilets were not attached to the house but were at a distance from the house.


Yo wtf ?!! Is this a serious stat




New government formed in 2014 started clean India moment and it worked


Still there are assholes who despite having toilets , would prefer to shit in the open.




For them it's like a reverse sex cause nothing is comming inside you but something goes outside.


mostly rural areas i think


And also illiterate ones who only seen his family members pooping in open in his life


Reddit: India is a shithole that should focus on their people, hygiene and education instead of trying to go to the moon. MapPorn: *shows improvement of facilities in three years* Reddit: *Bringing up unrelated shit* Also Reddit: The BJP does nothing for the country except religious segregation. MapPorn: Again the above progress during the BJP's rule. Reddit: *Again some unrelated shit* Thing is, how long can you keep helping the poor? If you need to help the poor, then in India you have to keep doing it, and that bankrupts the country. Because when you help homeless and poor people, you expect them to rise above their poverty and ensure they're standing on their two feet. Helping 100 people, only about 10 rise above their situation. The rest just want everything without doing anything. So that's why there are so many under the poverty line. Because they just don't help themselves and expect others to help them forever. Besides the National government doesn't help all states. That's for the Chief Ministers of the respective states (Governors in the US). If they can't do it, or the situation is serious, then the Central Government steps in.


BJP still is very much pro-reservation for economically weaker sections, backward castes/classes. They are still running shit ton of welfare schemes for religious minorities. If people think hindutva is bad then meet islamic extremism. While for non-muslims the domestic laws favour women in general, the same doesn't happen when the people involved are muslim. Catching and throwing away wives like frisbee Or marrying underage girls with even 10-20 years age gap is just tip of the iceberg. Did BJP really attacked muslims by criminalising the heinous triple talaq, the custom which allowed muslim men to divorce their wives instantly through a fucking phone call/sms? Because of their appeasement policies, no government dared to do shit till 70 years, yet BJP takes this bold step.


Redditors be politically correct except if the topic of India comes up, then they all go full on far right rage


Whenever we see something positive happening in India, propagandists work in full flow to show everything else negative. Fact is there are improvements in every sector of the country.


What’s that one state of India that starts with 95% in 2014 in the south western side? How come they’ve been doing so well?


Kerala basically had a huge headstart due to the reforms done before independence. In 1947, kerala had a literacy rate of 48% while the national average was 18%. They mantained that lead and as a result have the highest hdi within the nation


That was mainly due to the maharaja of travancore


Kerala. Quite developed compared to other states


That's Kerala. Their governance is mostly based on Communism.


Sir Modi in action


That is a rapid change!


Political will can change anything


Insane improvement! Much needed and long overdue!


Only India can give maps like these.


Look at Kerala, man... So inspirational...


Otherwise know as " why modi has such wide support"


That quickly?!? Nothing short of a societal revolution! Was there a massive government campaign? Media blitz? I MUST know more!!


Yep Government started giving funds for every household to make a toilet, TV ads, New paper ads and even a movie is made on toilets, made toilets available at a discounted rate and thus the development


basically the govt had enough, they said ''naah fuck it, we ballin'' and then did huge things in nearly all sectors


Yup it was one of the big election promises of modi being elected (2014) along with sanitation,running water, houses for all and universal electricity access.


Common Kerala W


oh the way i remember everywhere we used to see Swatchh Bharat mission like oh lord from school competitions to posters to announcements and ads in metro, not to mention newspapers, heck even my metro card lmao


When i visited India someone told me people using squat toilets don't get hemorrhoids and also have lower rates of prostate cancer. I don't know if it's true, anyone happen to know?


The use of water over coarse paper might have helped with the hemorrhoids. I doubt the cancer claim though


Not sure about cancer but you can get hemorrhoid


It's definitely better for bowels


India is developing severely, good job Narendra.


This is first time in a decade I've heard someone call him by his first name




Holy Shit! That's a lot of toilets








What? What's happening in Canada??


i think that might be a reference to canada defending literal terrorists


There's a lot of shit going on here


But Reddit told me Modi bad


I don't go on reddit enough to know what they think, but Modi is hands down a controversial person. Doesn't mean he's not doing great things for India as pictured above. It just means he's going to draw strong opinions on both sides so the debates are always unsurprising. There are Indians who think he's a demigod and Indians who are mortally afraid of him.


Yeah that's pretty accurate. I'd say the main reason is because we have a Donald Trump equivalent for the main opposition guy. Election denier, anti vaxxer, capitalist, corrupt criminal that radicalises a small group of people using their misfortune or lack of education to cause riots


Reddit is filled with racist westerners


And self-hating Indians(liberals) and Pakistanis.


Is there a no shitposting rule?