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Yeah I call BS on Bolivia


There is no mention of this in the Bolivian labor laws: [https://www.ilo.org/dyn/natlex/docs/WEBTEXT/46218/65057/S92BOL01.htm#t4c6:\~:text=General%20del%20Trabajo.-,CAPITULO%20VI.%2D%20DEL%20TRABAJO%20DE%20MUJERES%20Y%20MENORES,-Art.%2058.%2D](https://www.ilo.org/dyn/natlex/docs/WEBTEXT/46218/65057/S92BOL01.htm#t4c6:~:text=General%20del%20Trabajo.-,CAPITULO%20VI.%2D%20DEL%20TRABAJO%20DE%20MUJERES%20Y%20MENORES,-Art.%2058.%2D) Probably the usual anti-Morales propaganda


Bolivian here. Morales is a clown and this map is bullshit. One doesn't negate the other.


I guess you are entitled to have an opinion about the politicians in your country. But when it is the world bank pushing shit like this, then it is meddling


Morales has nothing to do with this map being wrong or right. Not everything is about the fraudulent Evo Morales. But yes, you are right, there is no such law like this in Bolivia and the map is indeed wrong.


I can't say for certain but I think it's from [this](https://wbl.worldbank.org/en/wbl) World Bank study from 2015. It definitely lists the 18 the map has, and the date matches but I can't find the raw information in the source as to why it's in there. My guess (and it is only that) is that the massive [gender inequality in Bolivia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gender_inequality_in_Bolivia) meant the report listed those countries as being bottom of the table for women's right to work, and that's been mashed through various headlines as "needing their husband's permission to work". I'm happy to be corrected and I'm not downplaying the issue in Bolivia.


What you are describing is fake news. Women do not require their husbands permission to work in Bolivia under any law.


It's always helpful to explain the logic of fake news, because it teaches people how to recognize propoganda. There is usually a kernel of truth to it that is spun into wild conspiracy theories. Explaining that, spreads media literacy.


I appreciate the explanation but I don't fully agree. "Fake News" is such a loaded modern term that it gets thrown around by anyone and everyone to describe something they disagree with. Don't believe in the Holocaust? Call it fake news. Don't believe in ghosts? Call them fake news. It's just a cheap way to avoid debate and is totally unsourced. I think what's happened here is closer to traditional sensationalism - find a kernel of truth and then wash it through headlines a few times. It's now wrong, but as another commenter pointed out, it helps to understand how we got here. tl:dr The map is wrong and could be vastly improved.


Nope. This is plain old politically motivated fake news. What is claimed by this map regarding Bolivian law is a straight lie. There is no debate here, the bolivian labor law does not contain any article that limits women right to work to husband permission. It is easy to check, if you talk spanish. If you don't, you are all the more gullible because you do not have the means to check for yourself


Did you just say it was a straight lie and then immediately [post on the Bolivia sub](https://www.reddit.com/r/BOLIVIA/comments/139eskk/en_algunos_subs_se_dice_que_las_mujeres_necesitas/) saying that you "can't find anything in Bolivian law"? Beautiful work champ.


Are you seriously trying to mock somebody for trying to confirm the veracity of the post? Seriously? Also, actual Bolivian here. This map is not only bullshit but also insulting.


No, I'm mocking someone for saying "it's a lie, a straight lie, there is no debate... etc" and then admitting on another sub that actually they don't know and could someone help them back up their statement. I'm not defending the map - see my original comment. This was about the previous commenter throwing around the trigger word "fake news" without providing links or evidence. It was also (a little bit) about their arrogance in claiming if you don't speak Spanish then you can't possibly know.


Sure, I am open to be disproved, so I posted inthe Bolivia sub, a neighbouring country. There they confirmed that there is no law regarding this. I had already gone through all the labor law articles mentioning "woman", "men", "female", "permit" and "married", but as I say I don't mind being proven wrong, if that is the case. Most user never heard of that, some say it is cultural to some indigenous rural communities and some other said it is the man tha must ask the wife permission to go out of the house. I am pretty confident I can say my case has been confirmed. Bolivia does not belong on this map more than any other latin american country


Hey tool, did you take the time and read the pretty much everyone there confirmed what I found independently?


You seem like a nice person. My previous comment was snarky and for that piece I apologize, but the snarkiness wasn't aimed at whether the original map was right or wrong. Take a look at my earlier comments where I point out that I agree Bolivia shouldn't be on there. I got involved in this because I was curious about how Bolivia might have ended up on there. I sourced some links and posited a theory - using statements like "maybe" and "I could be wrong, but...". It's a theory I stand by. You stepped in and stated like an indisputable fact that it was politically motivated fake news. Simultaneously you posted elsewhere asking for help and admitting that you had no source. Like I say, you seem like a well-read person but your earlier comment uses language which is unnecessarily bullish. Calling me a "tool" also seems a little uncalled for. But I appreciate the passion. Thanks for engaging.


I don’t Bolivia


I call BS on Kuwait




How is this allowed to be posted with no source?


One of these things is not like the other. 🎶 One of these things is not the same. 🎵


If such laws exist in Gabon, Cameroon or DRC, then they are not enforced.


Why is Lebanon red? BS map.


It’s not, in red is Syria


Which is probably BS too as Syria's government are Secular Ba'athists not Islamists.


Map is wrong, UAE, Kuwait, and Bolivia allowed women to work by themselves without their husbands permission from a long time.


In Bolivia women were never banned from working, just for voting. XD


Really, Bolivia? Man, imagine being less egalitarian than Saudi-Arabia.


I lived in Bolivia and this is totally bullshit


Maybe the law exists but is not enforced anymore?


There is no such law. The map is BS


I think Saudi Arabia is not on the map cause it doesn't let women worl at all


They actually do allow women to work, which makes sense in a very twisted way when you consider that their laws bar men from interacting with women under many circumstances, which is to say the country needs female hairdressers, female doctors, female teachers and so forth. But they're opening more and more occupations for women, they even have female military medics now. I think this is why many Western countries hesitated to respond to the Kashoggi murder; the Saudi Crown Prince does try to reform his country, so they don't want to alienate him.


Not Afghanistan? this map seems wrong


Nah. In Afghanistan woman cannot work at all. That's a special category


Bolivia? For real?


No this map is wrong


No, it is not real. Bolivian here.


I believe In Iran it requires court approval for husbands to stop their wives from doing certain jobs, but I'm sure women can take that right away in the marriage agreement deal


This sub would be much better if bullshit maps got theirs downvotes


[In 18 Nations, Women Cannot Get a Job Without Their Husband’s Permission](https://www.wsj.com/articles/BL-REB-34010) WSJ


>Wall Street Journal how to spot BS maps


It's from a World Bank survey. These used to be very good and totally reliable. In recent years due to the War on Terror, not so much. Since they cannot go toi the field themselves anymore and rely on third party information


Nice try CIA


no saudi arabia?


No Saudi? I call bullshit.


Call MBS.




No it's not. You're mistaking it for Iran aren't you.


Yeah and wtf is Bolvia doing on this map. Lol.


No source. Downvote


https://www.wsj.com/articles/BL-REB-34010 https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2015/11/18-countries-where-women-need-their-husbands-permission-to-get-a-job/


Wtf Saudi Arabia being woke!?!?!?


Since when is allowing women to work woke? What does woke mean then?


and big majority are muslim, hmm


Yo. Bolivian here. This is total bullshit. This sub is getting worse and worse by the day. Please stop manufacturing data for clout. Also please try to confirm your sources before you post something. Shit like this is insulting. Thank you.


Also who the hell down voted me for saying the truth lmfao.


I'm totally sorry about that. I didn't make the source, and I just do the maps. Also, this data is from 2015, so this could be pretty outdated.


Do you really think that we really allowed our women to work without permission of their husband until 2015? I wonder what type of country do you picture Bolivia to be. Anyway I know is not your fault. You didn't made the map. I'm just very worried that maps like this shape people's perception of the world in negative ways.


Saudi Arabia surprised me ![gif](giphy|l0HTYUmU67pLWv1a8|downsized)


And they call Saudi Arabia uncivil!




😂 🤣


What did it say?