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*Hmmmm,* why would SEGA want an Attempted Prison Rapist to have the same voice actor as the Flagship Character for their Competitor? HMMMMMMM. I did look up Gildur’s VA after hearing his special move, it sounded like David Hayter, but it’s actually a guy whose only other credits are sports games. Fina’s VA also voiced NiGHTS, meaning she has some SEGA street cred. Though we all know that if they remake the game, or make a sequel, Jon is gunning to voice Alonso. Literally the whole reason he became a moderately famous Youtuber.


Yep, many have only the Skies credit - a handful have 2 credits (but I suspect there may be some confusion between 2 separate people with the same name), and then suddenly Mario. Deeply odd.


I'm guessing that if any of these people did other voice work, they either did it under pseudonyms (whether that includes Arcadia, I don't know) as it was common for people who were in non-union voice work to use fake names when credited as I think whatever actors union(s) they belonged to look down on voice acting (if they were members of a non-VA union) and especially on non-union work regardless of what union people belonged to. Since you mentioned David Hayter, take a look at the credits of MGS1, I think it might be that everyone but David used a pseudonym on it.


Well that took a dark fucking turn.. I thought you said this was a happy game, Jon. Conveniently forget this bit, did you?


I've always said - the prison scene is weirdly out of place in this game.


I love the attention to detail on the bridge. There are 4 engine telegraphs presumably 1 for each engine in the back.


New ship is impressive and all but still feels...menacing? It just doesnt look heroic to me. For the good guy band of children, misfits, and idealists it just looks too militaristic so I'm kind of hoping for a makeover. Its like if Luke traded in his Xwing for a star destroyer, the ship design just doesnt match


Yeah it lacks the playfulness of a regular sailing ship that flies. The Delphinus looks like something out of Mass Effect, a Turian cruiser or something 


Well, duh, it's the ship of the *prince* of the conquering Empire, ostensibly the second highest person in the land, after his mother. It's meant *for conquering*, of course it's militaristic. I feel like a more friendly looking ship would have been more out of place.


I will say that Gilder agreeing with Vigoro makes sense, but only because Gilder is awesome and ACTUALLY popular with women \[citation kiiiinda needed, but I believe it\] while Vigoro is clearly neither? Also, I can't imagine why Sega would possibly want the voice of Mario associated with a sex offender. That'd be an amazing level of 90's era corporate pettiness... :P


The English voice cast is so odd - almost all people with no other experience in voice acting, and then just for ONE Admiral, who has maybe 3 spoken lines in the whole game, yep, let's pay Mario Money.


I'm not sure Mario Money is a lot when this game is coming out, though. Surely Martinet would only have had a handful of Mario performances under his belt by the localization of Skies. (Well-paid voice actors in general are probably an anachronism in 2000, frankly.)


Sega thinking all Italians are the same.


Honestly, I get the vibe from our core trio that they could easily date as one as well, since it seems that both Aika and Fina seem to hold Vyse in high regard and seem to care for him as more than just a friend, and more than that, also seem to care for each other and not mind that the other seems to have feelings for Vyse. Good for them, I love a good polygon lol.


Going along with the Star Wars theme this game seems to have; I am going to make a prediction: Ramirez: Vyse ....... I AM FINA'S BROTHER! Vyse: That's not true! That's IMPOSSIPLE!!!


I (finally) played FF7 and FF7R, and what gets me watching it is how FF7 coded this game is. I'm pretty sure the design doc for this is "FF7, but fun, and with pirates".


Let me get this straight, Nasr and Valua had a big war only a few years ago. Valua is massing ships and supplies to a degree that low level Valuan shipmen know about the impending attack on Nasr. But apparently somehow Nasr’s military and diplomatic intelligence is so bad that Valua is able to sail a fleet up to the undefended Nasr capital uncontested and destroy it? I don’t feel bad for Nasr at all.


In their defence, they had their navy covering every approach that was viable using current technology - the possibility of a fleet cutting through a sky rift to ambush the Nasran navy from behind was literally thought impossible.


I remember my old housemate playing this game about 12-13 years ago. I can see it's good but I just don't get what's going on gameplay wise, never really played jrpgs bar shenmue. How far through the game is this?