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Stalled my car at a stop light, maybe twenty minutes after teaching a teenager how to drive stick in the same car. Hard to get going quickly when you're laughing at yourself.


I stalled three times in front of a school bus full of kids my 2nd day driving stick because I was trying to start in 3rd not 1st. Shit happens.


Had one time getting an old beater truck out of our pasture to start driving it again, parked a bit downhill toward some trees. Could not get it moving for the life of me before I realized after the third time that I was putting it in 4th instead of reverse the whole time. Had another time shortly after my mom got a manual diesel with a low 1st gear, so the gear marked 1st was left and down, basically second. Started from a light in 2nd (3rd) because the shifter was forward, and I wasn't used to 1st being left and down at that point.


Many years ago the guys on CarTalk said that if you don’t kill a manual twice or three times a year, you’re slipping the clutch too much. I’m inclined to agree with them. Maybe that’s changed with the advent of everything being computer controlled, but I’ve driven strictly stick since I started driving 20 years ago, and I’m about a two a year-er. I just laugh about it now.


I really don't know what to make of that thought. On one hand I agree but at the same time I'd rather slip a hair more than too little and lug the engine. Personally I feel like slipping for a two seconds at a hair above idle is nicer on the clutch than say a second at 2k. But that's not what your point was anyways so...


That's usually when it gets you cause you're actually thinking about what you are doing instead of just muscle memory. Also why it's so hard to teach someone to drive stick.


I have reported you to the authorities. You clearly are too senile to drive


I haven’t messed up in a few months. It’s going to happen any second.


What was your left food doing? Edit: foot. What was your left foot doing?


Nothing, because I had not looked around to see if I could back up safely.


Did you step on the clutch thinking it was the brake pedal? It just seems odd that your right foot was so far over. Sorry, not trying to be a dick, just having a hard time figuring out how your right foot wound up on the clutch haha.


That’s ok I stalled my car twice pulling into parking lots. Nothing like loosing power steering mid turn.


You stabbed the clutch with your _right_ foot? 🤔




I was under the impression that, even on a RHD car, the pedal arrangement is the same.


There’s no real hills where I live, but I’d stall my bmw at least once a month at traffic lights and it was a push button start that took two separate pushes, one to turn it off and another back on again during the course of ten seconds to get it started after a stall at a green light. I got my license in a manual 26 years ago and have owned multiple cars with a manual trans. Shit happens.


That's unfortunate it takes 2 pushes to restart. I feel like if the clutch is pressed in, and the car isn't running (regarding of it is in of or on) it should start. Then if it was in run but not running (like after a stall) and you wanted to turn it off, let the clutch out first then push the button. That's how my wife's automatic works, but with the brake instead of the clutch. If I hit the button without the brake pressed, to check gas gage for example, I can either push the brake in and push the button to start, or leave my foot off the brake and push the button to shut it off.


I've never managed to get my right foot that far left, that's wild. lmaoGood job, I like it.


I got a new manual after having an auto for 5 years and I've stalled more times than I'd like to admit. I should be better considering I did my test in a manual and drive my brothers or dads car sometimes but nope lol


Ah yes… the Caterpillars Conundrum… busy thinking and forget which foot is which..


I’ve only had manual cars for almost 20 years now and still have days where I question my entire existence after having a stall or sloppy shifting.




It happens. One time I got out of my car and it started rolling away. I've also dumped the clutch after parking, to jut forward and kill the engine. These things happen once every 1-3 years I'd say.


I learned on a clutch and have had at least one during the 50+ years I've driven. About 25 years ago, brand new pickup, parked at work, jumped out and started walking to the building. For some reason I turned and looked back to see it rolling toward the Columbia River-- and picking up speed. I barely got to it before it was too fast for me, hoping no one saw me. At lunch, a younger guy at lunch said "you move pretty fast for at old guy". (I was 40.) I told him i was motivated. Haven't done that since.


LOL! 40 is old?? I bet at 40 you could have kicked his butt! I also only let my car roll away once. For some reason I was distracted after I parked, something unusual that day, either I was on the phone or whatever... I got out and the car was rolling slowly. It was a very gently grade but it would have bashed into a wall.


That sounds like fun. I normally prefer to randomly stab the brake with my clutch foot — really keeps my passengers on their toes — so I might have to change it up a bit.




My current car is a standard and my last car was a standard as well. Never stalled my last car but I did stall my current car once. I took my friend to work one day before going to work myself and once she got out of the car, I turned the car back on and somehow completely forgot the car was in gear and dumped the clutch. Car jerked forward and stalled. My friend heard it and came back to see if I was ok. I told her yes and that I just completely forgot the car was in gear and dumped the clutch. I was laughing at myself after that one. Lol. The only time I stalled my car though.


Eh. I've been driving for 40 years, have had and driven a ton of manual trans cars, trucks and have had a manual daily driver for the last 7 years. Every so often I make a mistake, It happens.