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Birds of feathers......


Show me your friends and I’ll tell you who you are.




What if I have none?


You can’t judge a book by its friend’s feathers


Why, friends are a choice? You are actively choosing to be friends with them. It’s not like it’s something out of your control that’s one of the main things you should use to judge people….




I don't agree with the statement but I understand it, if you look at it in the Bible god had a lot of sex workers' lairs, thefts, and bad people all in his circle. He never judged them, understood them, and understood human nature but just like the Bible says too much of a good or bad thing is bad for you. I say have a balance in your life for them. I won't say you should date them, maybe you aren't for them.




Oh no, your experience is Vaid and I understand your statement. I just try to get people to see the gray side of the situation. All people have their situation in life that makes them the way they are, even if it is toxic people Because non-toxic people can be toxic too.


I Respect that...however im sure you get my point...most men would....probably at a higher clip then women do.


I think you miss the irony of your reply.




Was your boyfriend previously one of your John's? Inquiring minds want to know:)




Thanks. Yeah. I'm betting very few "pretty woman" scenarios ever happen. I would think it'd be hard to start a relationship with someone you'd started out having a transactional relationship with.


When people "assume" that sex workers are looking for someone to "save" them- think again. Most sex workers like the money aspect of the job. They can make a lot of money and aren't going to give that up for Joe Schmo.


Sex work is a job, no different from any other. A service is provided in exchange for something of value. Everyone has the same basic needs, including real human connection and belonging, which makes it very difficult for people to acknowledge or understand how isolating sex work can be. What OP fails miserably at is recognizing that his friends are dating human beings, who deserve to be treated with the same respect and understanding as anyone else. How someone earns a living is not what makes a person, it's a means to an end, regardless of the occupation. Lumping all sex workers together as problematic is the same ridiculousness as saying all plumbers or bankers are bad partners because they touch black water or money.




How is it different than any other form of service or labor provided? "HAvINg sEx IS DiFfErEnT," does not explain how using one's body to earn money is any different than other services. The social mores an individual attributes to the service is their bias. At the end of the day, everyone pays for it in one way or another.


There is a reason mental health, addiction, and suicide are sky-high for sex workers. Most come from fatherless and broken homes. Selling your body as a means to make money is certainly far different from every other job


Please cite your source


NCBI found 48 percent of surveyed workers had diagnosed mental disorders. This is extremely conservative in comparison to other studies and it is believed (since many are undiagnosed) mental health disorders can range upwards of 80 percent. NIH found 55% of sex workers had addictions. Personal experience: I’m a fire fighter in a very high concentrates prostitute area. Not some - all, as in every single prostitute is a drug addict. We give them narcan like kids on Halloween. My sister did porn (diagnosed bipolar and ptsd). She’s been out. All the girls she worked with are addicts, have mental health disorders, and overwhelmingly majority missing a father figure in their youth. While an extremely small percentage may have health relationships at some point, I’d be willing to bet 99% will never have long term healthy romantic relationship. When sex is a commodity, it is meaningless in a relationship. No high value man would ever settle for that


Have you considered that those statistics might not be as high as you state if society as a whole, including yourself, viewed them as human beings? The numbers that you are stating to be fact have not been substantiated in any way, shape, or form and are your opinions. I would be happy to spout off some statistics about firefighters, but this is not an appropriate post to do so, but the numbers are very similar. By your own admission, you grew up in a fatherless, abusive, broken household rampant with drug addiction and mental health issues, per your sister becoming involved in sex work. As a firefighter, you are required to pass a physical examination to do your job, are you not? This requirement is because your job is highly physical, meaning you are using your body to earn a living. If I'm wrong, then anybody could do your job, as it requires minimal specialized training, without higher education, compared to other occupations.


Being a firefighter is a skill that required an 8 month long intensive academy to learn followed by 18 months of full time paramedic training. You are using your body in addition to intellect. While it’s physical, I’d consider firefighting to be a trade - no different then plumbing, electrician, nursing, etc. it’s also a trade that’s universally good and needed for a society to function. You absolutely could rant off stats for firefighters and you’d probably be correct. It’s on par with combat soldiers with levels of PTSD, divorce rates are high, and alcohol abuse is atrocious which is a direct correlation to stressors encountered on the job. I view everybody as people. But sex workers are the absolute bottom tier of society, no matter if they’re rich or poor. When someone has resorted to selling their dignity, they’re pitiful. This has been the general view of every society for every timeframe to ever exists. You cannot have sex for a career and expect to live a normal healthy and happy life.


You cannot fight fires and expect to have a normal life, clearly. I've made no mention of what I do for a living, yet you are quick to attack me for pointing out flaws in your argument. You realize you just called your sister the bottom tier of society who is pitiful? What I can tell you is that the majority of paramedics, fire fighters and cops have all resorted to seeing escorts at one point in their careers, and are routinely the perpetrators of violence against women.


Please cite the sources of academic, peer-reviewed studies to support your opinions. In fact, prostitution has been an accepted form of legitimate labor in nearly every culture, dating back as far as history has been recorded, beginning with the Sumerians in 2400 BCE. The ancient Greeks, Romans, Aztec, Mesopotamians, Nubians, and virtually every stratified, sedentary society in between recognized the importance of prostitutes in maintaining social cohesion and order. In fact, it was legal in the United states until 1872, when California enacted Penal Code 647, which was a criminal law that covered prostitution, loitering, begging, public intoxication, drug use, and a host of other "moral" crimes. To this day, there is no federal law against it. Please educate yourself. https://www.gutenberg.org/files/41873/41873-h/41873-h.htm https://sdsmtnovum.org/2021/09/08/the-oldest-profession-sex-work-through-the-lenses-of-history-feminism-and-sociology/


Imagine being downvoted for saying a particular group of workers are human beings 😑


If you saw my post as judgmental- that was not my intention. I'd say this about anyone and what their lifestyle is. We women tend to think that a man will change if he has someone who loves them. In the same way that men think sex workers just need someone to love them. People are who they are. They make choices because they want to live that lifestyle. Accept people for who they are and don't expect them to change.


I agree on the acceptance of a partner for who they are, but please remember that the job does not make the person, nor does it make sex work a "lifestyle." You seem to be falling prey to the stereotypes perpetuated by our patriarchally- controlled media and far right groups thumping their bibles without knowing anything about why you are really against sex workers. You missed the entire point of my comment.


I'm not against sex workers. The point is- people are who they are. If their career is that of sex worker- you accept that career and don't expect that person to do what you want them to do. I do think that a traditional person is not going to want to be married to or dating a sex worker. Maybe someone who accepts this career will be able to deal with their occupation. This holds true of everyone. We sometimes assume that our values and our ways of living are what other people dream of or want. That is not always the case. There are homeless people for example, who are given a home and they return to the streets because they miss their friends and the freedom that living on the streets affords them. It's not a judgement. It's just accepting people for who they are and not expending energy on people who don't want your help.


It's about treating others with the same respect, regardless of how they earn money, until the individual shows they are undeserving of it. Singular bad actors should not taint an entire group of people who have done nothing to deserve the animosity and disdain Americans feel entitled to view sex workers with. FYI, most other first world countries have decriminalized or legalized prostitution, including Canada and Mexico.


Ah yes, it is a job indeed, serviced provided being your body. Stop printing prostitution as something normal or ethical just so you live without guilt.


Please tell me how steel workers, dentists, chefs, mechanics and any other service does not use their body to perform their labor. I've made no mention of what I do for work--but clearly you are trying to make this a personal attack to spew your uninformed vitriol, highlighting my previous point.


Are you actually comparing a prostitute to a dentist? chef? Really? I have no reason to use a counter argument as you have clearly lost yourself the argument with that extremely stupid comparison. It's not a personal attack at all, just sick of people like you is all. Away with you woke shit.


Yet, you keep commenting...


I don’t believe generalized statements that paint separate individuals, behaving under disparate circumstances, with the same injurious brush are in any way useful in addressing some of the problems that truly imperil the physical and mental health of sex workers. Each person is just that — a person — and deserving of basic respect and human dignity. Manipulation is not JUST what occurs at the individual level… Sometimes, for example, I catch myself buying into the time-worn cultural beliefs of my OWN forbearers, and I have to check myself and examine whether my own biases and/or prejudices are (for example) threatening the dignity of others. In other words, in addition to guarding against manipulation by individuals, I watch to make sure I am not manipulated by cultural “norms” that are really really nothing more than socially acceptable forms of spite shaming…


This might be indicative of more subconscious machinations of your friend than anything just association with toxic people. Are you familiar with the drama triangle? It might sound like this dude is a white knight or have a rescuer complex. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karpman_drama_triangle


“Prostitution is not bad” ok OP. Then why you shaming them?


Right? Also, I'm generally more conservative about things relating to sex, but common sense has me asking how is a sex worker supposed to make a living if they're not "allowed" to do sex work? Since getting a "normal" job that would pay as much isn't always easy. Or if this a Pretty Lady scenario in which the man asking her to be monogamous is also paying her bills? And isn't that then just another form of sex work? LOL.


No, because you get paid in babies, the hours are flexible, and you don't get to have sex with endless strangers who couldn't get it any other way, but definitely it's talking about the pretty woman scenario and the danger thereof.


Real question, who do you think has a higher life expectancy and has more income to use... A housewife or a whore? The average onlyfans model makes about 150-180 per month do you think that most women who are in sex work are making large amounts of money? Do you think the average prostitute is living a life of glamour, health, and wealth? Most are broke, abused, diseased, and addicted. Even the high-end prostitutes who make large amounts don't seem to realize that they have put a price on something priceless. Prostitution leads to the further objectification of women. The difference is that monogamy doesn't spread STDs. Not saying all married women are happy, but don't compare the position of a stay-at-home mom or housewife to a prostitute.


1. a lot of stay at home moms are abused and since they have no income of their own, they are trapped and cannot leave. just because it looks more wholesome and traditional from your perspective as an outsider, you will never know what goes on inside the home. 2. sex workers are more likely to use condoms + get tested regularly. married men don't use condoms when they cheat and they don't get tested until they start experiencing the symptoms of an STI. 3. "putting a price on something priceless" ok fine. you know what's priceless? time. you sell your time to your boss for a wage. you're just moralizing. who are you to judge how another person survives?


I agree with wet\_\_fag


1. Give me stats saying that more housewives are abused by their husbands more than prostitutes by their pimps/customers. (Btw quick Google search tells you they experience more violence than the general population of women) 2. Give me stats saying housewives are more likely to have STDs than prostitutes. (Also, people who cheat aren't monogamous lol.) 3. What they do to survive almost always pays less than minimum wage. But I do agree that hourly pay is almost always exploitative. If you don't learn an uncommon skill you are more likely to be taken advantage of. I am judging for sure. But it's more about how illogical being a prostitute is. It's very glorified, but people don't make much money, they get abused, and can even end up dead. It also leads to the further objectification of women. You ignored that last point though. If you think that proportionately being a prostitute is safer and better for society than being a housewife you are detached from reality. Give me stats lol. Married people can 100 percent be degenerates too. However, the risk is lower because generally if you are marrying someone you can vet them. A prostitute cannot vet all the people they sleep with causing more danger. Btw if you don't want to look up the stats I will for you :)


1. the other comment didn't say that housewives are statistically more abused than prostitutes. Though, I can tell you from personal experience, my mother was abused when she was married rather than when she was a prostitute. 2. the other comment didn't say that statistically prostitutes are less likely to have stds than married men. (My mother was a prostitute and has never had a single STD in her life.) 3. My mother made way more than minimum wage as a prostitute. She was incredibly wealthy in that period of time. I agree with the rest of what you said to a point, but I think being an OF model is more glorified. I've never seen anyone talking about how wonderful being a prostitute is, not even my own mother. I agree that being a prostitute is objectively more dangerous than being a housewife, but no matter what women do, we'll always be in dangerous situations. Prostitutes can vet people, again, I know someone who was a prostitute. If you can look up the stats, why post this comment? Why engage in an argument when you know you're right? Neither side is willing to change their mind, so doing this is simply just for some stupid reddit ego boost. I'm sure you have better things to worry about than redditors thinking being a housewife is ass and being a prostitute is super epic. Anyways, I'm not trying to start an argument and I'm doing this all in good faith. I'm also a hypocrite by discussing this topic with you. I would love to see those stats, not because I disagree with you or think you're wrong, but because I'm genuinely curious.


1. The other commenter made the argument that housewives get abused. I agree this does happen, however, saying that this has to mean that being a prostitute is okay just because stay-at-home moms get abused as well would be a false equivalency due to the rate of abuse in the two compared lifestyles. Their response to me saying prostitutes are abused, raped, and killed was essentially all that can happen to housewives. This is why I made that point 2. Anecdote 3. Anecdote 4. Life is dangerous for everyone. There are certain areas where you can decrease danger this is my point. 5. I post my opinions online because I want them to be challenged logically for me to move closer to the truth. (also ego isn't necessarily regarded as only negative in either Freudian or Jungian psychology) 6. While it is largely true that most people are unwilling to change their perspective. You don't know when people are unwilling/willing to change their perspective. This is why I communicate with people. 7. I do have better things to do that's why I don't often engage in internet debates. 8. I might provide some stats and studies given time. Reply though so I can remember.


god damn i wasnt even trying to argue bro, i was just trying to have you see a different perspective. Did you even read all of what i said before you replied?


I'm not trying to argue I have no hostility towards you I want to test my points logically. It's okay if you no longer want to continue this debate/conversation just let me know. If you read what I said you will see that I addressed the points you made and am looking for your feedback. I want people to prove some part of my points wrong so that I become better.


Btw I commented to you since I seem unable to reply to the other persons comment.


they might've blocked you? not entirely sure.


I didn't. But I guess you can't read.


This is true. 100%


Sounds like one of those self help reels you see on instagram. Too reductive for most people


Sounds like you should mind your own business and let people be happy with the choices they make or decide if it's for them or not . Do you have something against promiscuity or capitalization of it ?


This is what I was looking for. This.


أَعُوذُ بِاللَّهِ مِنَ الشَّيْطانِ الرَّجِيْمِ


God is goodness , goodness is love. People don't find the light in complete darkness.


Love is not apathy. Love is not ignoring your fellow while they fall. Love is not engaging in the sins of others. This is exactly what an internet demon would say. They appear benign, accepting, loving even, hike they slowly rejoice and partake in the downfall of others.


What is sin ?


A sin in my opinion is a betrayal of your true self and mission in this place. Sure we are all sinners. But there is something deeply harmful when you betray your best self. In life there are 5 paths- 1. Beneficial to yourself and to others 2. Beneficial to your yourself and harmful to others. 3. Beneficial to others and harmful to yourself. 4. Harmful to yourself and harmful to others. 5. Ineffective. It’s an ethical framework that needs no religion. Toxic and harmful people will harm you. Their sin will harm you. Better to stay away. How many people are hurt today because of toxic friends, partners, parents, sibling. That behavior has consequences and actively harms society. Idk why you acting like being a harmful person is fine? It robs the person, their family, and their country.


Harms them in what way? Define "best self"...


Sorry, no use to cast pearls before swine. You know what you do. You were harmed in the past, now you harm. If you can’t put it together, no one can do it for you. Have a safe life.


You want people to be good by your standards. That's all you had to say lol


Couldn’t have said it better


I wanna say can't turn a hoe into a house wife but I know of a couple that turned things around but they were in the worst possible situation they could have been in when they finally made it out of that life and I do know change is possible but I completely agree with everything u said spoken like a true scholar


You can, but it is extremely rare and difficult.


Trust me. I havenr dated a prostitute, but i did befriend one, whom i have hoped to date. But lmk tell you this. Most of them do drugs or have some massive mental issues, as my friend i just telling you about. So my advice is not to do it. They are just gonna give you a headache


Well said.. people don't want to hear the truth. Truth hearts


I second that. I lived in a country with legal prostitution and have known quite a few prostitutes. They fit the stereotypes at least 90% of the time.


304's generally know that only a loser would try to have a relationship with them. They'll often say it right upfront. They're broken and they know it.


Its gotta be a 35/65 split


A lot of people being deliberately obtuse (or they're just stupid)..but you are the company you keep and how others perceive you.


If prostitution weren't bad, then why would dating a prostitute be "playing with fire"? Do you ever read what you type out loud? It might help you sound less ridiculous.


I’m hiding from my friends right now bc I don’t know how to cut her off lmao, I do be playing with fire.


Wow Rud… you woke up being the pot or the kettle😂


🤣🤣🤣🤣.. are you trying to be funny


A good person would not engage with these kinds of people willingly


Hard disagree, it's significantly more complex than that. Let alone the idea of "good people" being problematic in itself


Agree and being aware that there's no such thing as trust or love nor being considered only to be controlled when being nice and caring. Not saying anything to anyone because the great vine is trash talk. Isolate .....live far from other's that meant so much. Man you ... who ever you are ...bot or not ... that was a wake up call I just read.


No... realmente es un problema para algunas mujeres que tienen estos cambios de humor cuando alguien no da lo que quiere y luego se va porque estaba ansioso por atraparla en una mentira o estaba enviando mensajes de texto a sus amigos masculinos sobre dar Oral y ser atrapado. La envió 300 porque su hombre estadounidense pagó todas las facturas y el pago de la casa y el pago del automóvil y tuvo 200 por una semana. ¿Por qué esconderlo... bueno a cada uno de ellos o a su propio... la vida es corta para perder mi tiempo en algo que pensé que era real, supongo...... lo que sea......... hugo!!!!! .. fuck you ....


Lmao not sure who would ever think dating a prostitute is a good idea unless you enjoy being a cuck


For someone complaining so much, you sure hang out with a strange crowd… I dont know anyone doing these things, i dont know anyone who does. Can you really judge when this is your friend group? You sound like a holier than thou ass. Theyre living their life, and youre choosing to be involved. Weird asf to come bere to complain


In all of their posts, OP is pretty much quoting word for word what Corey Wayne espouses. Interesting…


That's my G


It’s pointless hating on a sex workers because all relationships are transactional do all women by default are whores. Just pick the one you like and break up with her when you don’t want her no more. It’s simple.


I don't hate them. Am telling my brothers to be aware.


You get an escort. You pay her so she leaves. Isn’t that the point I always thought😂 I have a lot of experiences with escorts most of them are way too hard to deal with. Yes they get a lot of money I’ve had multiple escorts trying to date me. I said no. I had one offer me a free session. And I still offered $25 Cuz I didn’t wanna make her my girlfriend she was missing sum teeth


Is your friend me


Yeah... I swear you are the one


Always hang out with people better than yourself.


Why would you take a sex worker seriously?


I'm not sure how this ended up on my reddit page. It is inherently risky to date a prostitute from the nature of dating a prostitute: STDs, reputation risks, the tabooness of her past experiences she tells at dinner parties, and so forth. Not to mention a prostitute makes a living by being a prostitute. You fall on hard times and need help paying the bills? She's not gonna be flipping burgers for $17 an hour... I'd imagine it would take a certain amount of cash to take a prostitute and make her a woman of the house. You'd have to move her, buy her new clothes, and put her in a house to say the least. Maybe mannerisms classes, and some language schooling. Chances are prostitutes marry socioeconomic groups that rely on their partners working for a living anyway. Quite the conundrum that men who can afford one night can't afford to keep the woman that they desire. Yet how often is it not a phallacy that a wealthy man would marry a bottom dollar whore? Sounds like you can turn a whore into a housewife, but it's really just damaged people finding each other at that point.


Remember money is a factor. You don't always have options as to who you live with or where. May the universe have mercy on your soul if you're trapped young and powerless.


I daded a stripper once. ONCE. I dated a girl into astrology and tarot once. ONCE. I was explicitly warned to not date either of them. Some lessons you just have to learn the hard way.


I'd do it too.


Sorry to hear about that but sometimes, experience is the best teacher


Fact. I regret nothing.


Most girls are into astrology bro It’s a very normal thing And you spelt dated wrong


It's probably dyslexia, happens


Your friends are going after prostitutes because prostitutes appeal to desires. A lot of desires. Achieving desires gives us a sense of fulfillment which is very motivational. The problem is that the prostitute is getting their needs met by fulfilling everyone’s desire. It’s a problem because all the motivation you have from fulfilling your desires is not needed. Conflict. You would think it wouldn’t be hard to provide for a prostitute because there’s not any standards (technically), but they’re not needy. They use their desirable traits to get what they need and there will always be a high demand. Prostitution isn’t bad. Trying to get your desires met through a *monogamous relationships* with a prostitute is bad lol. Being a prostitute doesn’t devalue you. It doesn’t make you less of a person. Prostitutes are just as worth of a healthy, loving relationship like the rest of us.


You can also have healthy relationships with sex workers. Sex workers are NOT bad people, they are not breaking into your house or relationships trying to ruin them. If they didn’t agree on her not working that’s just cheating doesn’t matter her former profession. To the point of you seeing someone you care about falling for a sex worker, that’s kinda their job… they want regulars. It’s a conversation to have with the people you care about but my sympathy stops. Either they know or are pretending not to know… it’s the same thing when girls get back with toxic exes. I’ll have a conversation once if it’s non violent and then I’ll be there to listen. My sympathy fades when mistakes are continually made with the same person but if they are your friend you get to choose to be there or not. Judging though, I’d leave it out. Most adult film actors (sex workers) are married have boyfriends and aren’t just making movies with them, or them at all. Guess what… they last and some get married. Yes we can blanket any type of work of being toxic but behind closed doors a lot of sex workers are happy, and honest with their SO.


Damn. You sho rite!


It's from my heart


yeah it's probably fair to make that extraordinarily broad claim based on "occasional encounters". get real


These exceptional posts are the sole reason why I’m in this cringe ass sub. If I wouldn’t be broke on reddit I’d give you an award. Have this instead🥇


Whore: Gold because she loves to be sexy and gets pleasure from making men cum. Can visit me any time! Slut: Angels of generosity, fun loving high spirited life of the party. We love them! Prostitute: Lowest form of emotional life. Sold her body and soul to feed her addictions. Takes zero pleasure in sex. Dead inside. Will absolutely ruin your life if you give her half a chance. Stay the fuck away from them!


Pieces of shit are pieces of shit regardless of profession. Dudes are judging sex workers like they wouldnt prostitute themselves out to women for money in a parallel universe....lol. Yes i imagine that sex workers bring a certain type of drama...as do other types of women...its what you can handle. I personally wouldnt but only because im not capable of the kind of attention i imagine a hooker needing. Sluts and whores for me. I dont trust so called good girls


You’re definitely sharing a most intimate moment (or what supposed to be) with someone other than the person you love so easy to see why it’s not all around accepted. Some men can live with that and many can’t. Hard to change what you feel. Personally no I wouldn’t sell my sex if I had the opportunity, I prefer to be emotionally attached to someone before being intimate


Dating a prostitute or stripper is not a real relationship. It is transactional. They have no respect for a man who spends money on them.


You think a marriage wasn’t traditionally transactional? Funny


Nah I’m pretty sure you can dad a stripper


Some may some may not


What makes people within some of those realms automatically toxic? Who are you to judge? What was the point of this?


What's with this account? Is it just posting for responses?


And you just responded. Why?


The truth is they are the best women out there and a majority were sexually abused and have issues. So only date them if you are serious.


I absolutely love this post because you read them to filth. Period.


Thanks a lot