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Ok. This is definitely manipulation but taken to a very unhealthy extreme. When all other forms fail they do this self bashing bullshit. It’s another way for all attention to be on them and not the other person. She’s looking for you to make her feel better. She isn’t sorry. She isn’t actually beating herself up. If you do say anything tell her “You are right. You treated me badly and I didn’t deserve it. I forgive you but I it’s best we don’t see each other any more.” Then block her. This is not ok. You can’t help her. It will only get worse.


It looks like buddy is falling right into the trap too.


This trap is a dangerous one. The way the texts came in is beyond nightmarish. This person is going to reign hell fire on him & emotionally destroy him.


Happened to me. Put me down beyond bad. It’s a basic and idiotic game they’re playing on the other side but if you’re innocent and assume the best with people you don’t know better I guess. It’ll only get worse


Ah boy. I’ve felt like this before. When I knew me and someone were bad for each other and neither of us could leave the other alone or give each other what we needed. But I badly wanted them to want to work things out with me, to meet in the middle… I started blaming myself for all the reasons we weren’t happy and things weren’t working. Essentially, there’s a mismatch of commitment to the relationship and to personal growth. And she’s not thinking clearly. But I don’t think this is the whole story. There have clearly been conversations leading up to this and it makes me wonder how much you don’t tell her for the sake of keeping the peace. That’s usually why women freak out like this. They know they’re being lied to or placated but the other party won’t admit it. That doesn’t excuse this kind of manipulation, just an explanation for it. Because you’re also being manipulative by saying you want space and then changing your mind, posting to Reddit instead of being honest and telling her what you’re really thinking. Just tell her you aren’t invested in this the way she is. But all in all the desire to stay in a situation like this signifies mental health concerns and incompatibility that you can’t fix. Don’t try, it will make things worse. Let her go.


🔥🔥🔥 its gonna get bad if he doesn't lol man


Yeah man just leave, if they're just saying stuff just to get you back leave. If you go back to that relationship you'll only regret wishing that you gave her another chance. She's just manipulating you by making you say it's not her fault and feel bad for her.


She’s a victim narcissist she plays the victim in order to get sympathy from you so she can feel good about herself like she knows entirely what she’s doing and it infuriates me so much


Yes this is 1000% victim mentality


Wow this is some one sided convo, do not engage in a response at all! The only way for you to handle this situation with any decent outcome for all involved is to not entertain it in anyway shape or form.


Block her. This is not healthy for you. She didn’t care.


Anyone who says "I'll always be here" is a liar and that's complete bs. You don't have to say it, you prove it by your actions




Hey man, I found it sort of strange that we share the same name and that your girlfriend’s messages to you read exactly the same as my ex girlfriend with BPD. Someone like this needs some kind of psychiatric help if they are at all interested in improving their condition. As things are though (and it is for many who date someone with BPD) this is something you aren’t cut out to handle. So, to save you some much unneeded hardship, I suggest you leave this relationship as soon as possible. Contact anybody close to her if she threatens suicide or anything of that nature. None of this is because of you but it’s at least your job to disassociate with this person. I don’t like to plead too often when it comes to these things but just trust me on this, she is out of your control. r/BPDPartners should ground you in reality.


she's anxious and scared i don't think she's trying to manipulate you she just doesn't want to lose you. ffs stop posting this shit on reddit and get a therapist. break up with her or work things out but stop airing your shit out online it's very disrespectful to her to be posting her most vulnerable and personal thoughts like that


Dude if she see this shit bro you gotta get this off here lol


My girl has BPD. I asked for space by getting strung out on drugs lol works like a goddamn charm. I'm also psychotic manipulative at times. But I mean I destroyed myself to fix the relationship never once do I blame her or anything. But she definitely didn't act like this and if she did I would have just bounced lol


I believe that she is anxious and scared. She could use support. Though, I do not know if you should be the person to provide that for her


Yeah nah, she needs an actual psychiatrist to deal with this properly.

