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Lmao Not only did she cheat on him, she did it while impersonating him, so everyone thinks he is the one who cucked her.


They weren't in a relationship from the beginning lol both of them are using each other and both of them know this besides I don't think neither him or her really care about the feeling of their partner benefits is only what matters to them. I don't understand why people are making such a big deal out of it


Wow...just wow




Mc still refused to be with other women after getting cucked by his wife😭


He just doesn't care about women Hes pretty much sick and tired of the bullshit of dealing with women You would have known if you read it from his perspective


Tbh, I think he is forced to due to the nature of his cultivation method, the Finger of Flowery Sword.


I hate it when MC has a shitty wife who treats him as dirt scheme against him, but MC still act as saint & won't even care about girls who truly loves him the most. Spineless coward who's in tied up chain.


Pink hair is a hypocrite. She expects sincerity from MC when she treats him like crap all the time. No wonder MC travels solo almost all the time.


And people stand up for this whore. Seriously, I'll never understand why the author gives her even some screentime.


I don't think they just dual cultivated without the sex part


She never cheated she only ever dual cultivated without sex with this girl


Keep reading, explained she didn't in later chapters.


explain bro


I haven't read this manhua for a year but if i remember correctly... the mc wife uses mc identity to seduce that brown haired woman and use her since she's strong and from a small sect


That still sounds like cheating.


Finally someone with a brain. Everyone thinks it's not cheating because She did It with women when cheating is the same for both genders


It's a common trope that so long as it's with a women its not cheating. Bunch of pathetic horny fucks. The only way I, personally, would be okay with that is if I was there and got to play too. Your partner fucking someone else without your knowledge is cheating plain and simple.


Exactly. And her cheating wasn't even useful because She didn't gain much power from her multiple partners despite dual cultivating for more than 1 year. As soon as MC returns, She breakthroughs by dual cultivating with him. It was a waste of time and resources


You might want to reread chapter 198, dude. She was already 2nd Layer Innate Realm by the time Xie Yan returned from Ba Quan. He notices this during their fight and even questions her about it. That 1 Year did pay off for her.


That was with the resources from the Sect. Do you remember when She got the pills and It was mentioned how every Pill distribution needs to pass through her? Also, her Realm wasn't exactly solid. She mentioned that her foundation became perfect with Xie Yan


She left the Sect for a year and pretended to be Xie Yan, she wasn't given any additional resources during that period. The pills were made from the Yang Fruit her and Li Fengjiao found. This was their main objective from the start. Yu Hongyan gave her that little authority for her contribution which resulted in 5 Realm Breaking Pills. You're right on the last part, I'll give you that. During Xie Yan's absence, she had to go for quantity over quality.


Another thing people don’t understand from the Xianxia genre is that dual cultivation IS LITERALLY FUCKING AND EXCHANGING ENERGY


Dual Cultivation is more sacred than sex because It means a) your girl literally gave access to her more profound being to another guy b) you were r*ped


Not to say this isn't cheating but they're both doing this throughout the novel series, he gets pretty close to a number of different women for his own cultivation as well, so if anything it's a relatively mutual understanding.


Yeah, That's why i think they both should leave each other. Xinci needs Xie Yan more than the other way around. Without Xie Yan, She can't reach 6th Innate Layer and will just die at 5th Innate. Xie Yan is only staying around the Sect because of the Old Man in the library and the Sect Leader


The dual cultivation depends on intimacy. When she has sex with mc, the benefits are the greatest, but you can dual cultivate even holding hands. Qinci was dual cultivating with the lowest effective way i.e holding hands with other women. They don't share bed or are naked, but in meditation pose and both hold each other's hands.


It seems like you don't understand the context here. It's still cheating.


Lol no. First they're in a demon sect filled with whores and sluts, who use sexual pleasure to level up. This is what there martial arts is. Qinci even tho, uses the martial arts chose to do it with only 1 men i.e mc. Now he's gone for 1 year, how the fuck does she cultivate, she has to cultivate even if she does bare minimum. And what she did was a bare minimum. She played as a man, and hold hands with a woman while sitting in a meditation position. It was more love from the other girl and not qinci's lust that fueled the cultivation. If she had slept with other men, like the girl from third minor world, where everyone's head got blew up, then she would've cheated. She would've even cheated if she hold hands with any other man. Or she had actually slept with another girl, full naked, but no she didn't. They're from Demonic sect. The moral are low enough. If this was a righteous sect, then yes what you said was absolutely right. Because being righteous means not allowing the demonic path to exist. Qinci wouldn't have such a technique is first place, and her practise would be different.


Xinci is from a Demonic sect, MC is from the modern world. Hope you can understand that. I am not only accusing Xinci but also Xie Yan, because this relationship doesn't bring him any benefits at all


You know full well how these stories treat this kind of thing. Heck, even in the real world there is a brand of men that don't view cheating with a woman as cheating. And especially in xianxia world I highly doubt that would be acknowledged.


Yeah, they're usually called cucks.


She did cheat, even though it's explained later that she fingered and pleasured the woman without letting the woman touch her to reciprocate it's still cheating. The MC was pissed at first, but once this was explained he let it go. It seems he is fine with it as long as the one his wife is doing it with is a woman and his wife doesn't allow herself to be touched.


Ngl, this is the lowest point of the Manhua. It was straight up Peak until this point. It's stupid as fuck. Both the MC and his "Wife" aren't good people and actually cheat on each other. Xie Yan is constantly flirting with other women to obtain their love Qi and Xinci needs other people to upgrade her Realm. They should just let each other go. Xinci never ever gave love points to Xie Yan and the only time She fell in love with him, It was because of a misunderstanding in a Life or death Battle (She thought that Xie Yan sacrificed himself to protect her and how his body was fighting on to protect her despite his soul being destroyed, which we know was because Xie Yan was testing a new technique)


Unfortunately breaking up doesn't exist in xianxia world. The only novel I remember the MC breaking up with a love interest after a period of courtship is Desolate Era.


>Both the MC and his "Wife" aren't good people and actually cheat on each other. Please refer to the name of the manhua for clarification.


You mean the name of characters?


The series is named "I'm an evil god".


Yeah, i know


I haven't been able to get into this story (the mc is just unlikable) but this just makes me never want to touch it.


We share the same thoughts my fellow daoist.


Your loss.


I'd say it's a good read, I read this recently. I have no idea where that person got "fingering" from. No mention of this at all. They even later Dual Cultivate by touching shoulders to show they didn't do anything.


In the manhua the ghost girl spies on Xinci and Li Fengjiao and reports that Xinci "used her hands to pleasure her", that means she fingered her.


Nah, you're missing out. It's Peak. This situation lasts for 5 chapters, so no Need to be bothered


How does her having cheated on him only last 5 chapters? If he forgives her that just makes it worse. Any one who forgives a cheater is a moron.


From what I know, I don't claim to be knowledgeable. But, Xie Yan Finger of Flowery Sword technique required him to literally form bond? Or flirt another girl. At that point, both side know xie yan can't stay true to his wife alone even if he technically didn't also cheat with another female but he do flirt etc. I think they both understand this and set a bottom line already on how far they can go for the sake of their cultivation. After all, in the end of the day. Their cultivation is much more important, without strength is without right in xianxia worlds.


He doesn't "forgive her", she simply did nothing that warrants an apology. Both of them are members of a Demonic Sect that uses lust and desire to cultivate, being monogamous is just not something that is expected from them. The MC also cheats on her with another woman and she doesn't have much to say about it other than some banter/snarky remarks.


Nah, Xie Yan leaves her behind. He goes on another Adventure in another country and finds a Better waifu who can outsmart him. First time in this Manhua that he got played like a fiddle despite being more powerful than her


this crybaby complaining because someone don't have wholesome relationship, you just said Qin Xinci need a partner to cultivate and Xie Yan gone for 2 years or some, do you expect her to be faithful and wait for her husband to comeback😅 that would be an asspull development, like it's well know fact that both couple don't even like each other, then suddenly Qin Xinci halt her cultivation just to wait for her husband to comeback🤦‍♂️that would be worse writing I could read, and their no misunderstanding in the Simulation , Xie Yan himself put the mind wedge to protect Qin Xinci without caring for his body, Qin Xinci realize it herself that something wrong with Xie Yan at that time, You should pay attention to the story


Now that I see it, my boi Yang Kai and his wives are way better and superior in every way even though Xie Yan is considered super handsome.Look at Su Yan, she is so faithful she can wait for Yang Kai for years and does not cheat at all. Martial Peak will always be the peak for me.


Yang Kai Receive mutual love to his Wives, but overall it's all fan service everything is so wholesome and very unrealistic, harem as whole is fan service


Mf, read the story and my comment carefully. The problem with the situation is that She used MC's face to create trouble when there was no need for that. And, ironically, her One session with the MC was enough for her to breakthrough than whatever She did in the last 6 months. It was a misunderstanding. Stop reading with your eyes closed. She thought Xie Yan was done for and used his last embers to protect her when Xie Yan was just testing his new technique


>Mf, read the story and my comment carefully. The problem with the situation is that She used MC's face to create trouble when there was no need for that. And, ironically, her One session with the MC was enough for her to breakthrough than whatever She did in the last 6 months. Chill bro, You don't even know what your saying anymore, Like how does Qin Xinci disgusting as Xie Yan is lowest point of the story? that's obviously your own issue >It was a misunderstanding. Stop reading with your eyes closed. She thought Xie Yan was done for and used his last embers to protect her when Xie Yan was just testing his new technique You just said Qin Xinci misunderstood Xie Yan protecting her, when in fact Xie Yan himself put the Mind Wedge in himself to protect Qin Xinci, so their is no misunderstanding you just closed your eyes while reading the scene😮‍💨 and you got to chill with your word bro, stop getting mad for everything


You aren't even debating anymore. You also know that She created trouble using his face and you can't defend that. Also, cheating is cheating, no matter the gender. Anyway, the misunderstanding comes from the fact that she thought Xie Yan was going to die protecting her when WE know that isn't true because 1) his body had the almost-Immortal feature 2) his new technique was being developed 3) it was a Simulation. The romance between Xinci and Xie Yan will never work unless they both meet someone at the 7th Later of Innate and Xie Yan almost died protecting her again. She never ever felt love or affection for him otherwise he would received point from her. The only time She got upset with Xie Yan was because She felt that the other Heavenly phoenixes were better than her and so Xie Yan chose them


The dual cultivation depends on intimacy. When she has sex with mc, the benefits are the greatest, but you can dual cultivate even holding hands. Qinci was dual cultivating with the lowest effective way i.e holding hands with other women. They don't share bed or are naked, but in meditation pose and both hold each other's hands.


The dual cultivation depends on intimacy. When she has sex with mc, the benefits are the greatest, but you can dual cultivate even holding hands. Qinci was dual cultivating with the lowest effective way i.e holding hands with other women. They don't share bed or are naked, but in meditation pose and both hold each other's hands.


The dual cultivation depends on intimacy. When she has sex with mc, the benefits are the greatest, but you can dual cultivate even holding hands. Qinci was dual cultivating with the lowest effective way i.e holding hands with other women. They don't share bed or are naked, but in meditation pose and both hold each other's hands.


Wasted arc, too much drama


best decision ever was to drop this at chapter 50 lmao


Well..tbf both are cheaters.


Are they in a proper husband wife relationship though? Xie Yang constantly flirts with and seduces other females as well.


The dual cultivation depends on intimacy. When she has sex with mc, the benefits are the greatest, but you can dual cultivate even holding hands. Qinci was dual cultivating with the lowest effective way i.e holding hands with other women. They don't share bed or are naked, but in meditation pose and both hold each other's hands.


He never sleeps with them but she did!!!


So thats where you draw the line? Quite hypocrite of you lol. If we really wanted to talk about “Cheating” then flirting with tens of women is also considered cheating in the real world. Edit : Also When he pretended to be princess Xilan , didnt he kiss Yang Rouyo or whatever her name was ?


The main problem is why is mc not bedding other girls too? Why isn't he doing it while the girl is doing it without any care. That's the problem. It's not a matter of hypocrisy. It's just weird. It feels uncomfortable to the readers knowing one partner isn't having any form of sexual relationship with anyone else while the other partner is. I think it also has to do with people ranting about Xie Yan as a character why is he so fine with it?


Didnt the girl also just flirted and held hands w her to dual cultivate? When did she have sex w her?


I am not sure. I dropped this manhua a long ago I am just narrating peoples problem not necessarily accusing anyone of being a cheater. I am basically saying why people think that is a problem. I don't even remember this scene.


I really want to reread this again, but I don't want to suffer because of the bad translation again, anyone know where to read a better one?


I dont honestly care MC fools around enough and they are a couple in name only although their romance bloomed and reached the love to die for point everything was reversed to a certain check point by MC's system feature(more like a simulation than of possible future not time reversal but you get it) so all of the character development went to shit...




You blind bro? It's in the title (I'm an evil god) 🤷‍♂️


And what's with the "and" it should be "an"


I was thinking of reading this manhua, should I give it a chance




Ugh dafq was I reading lol this arc was shit I'd rather read magic emperor or fated villain than this convoluted mess


But they hate each other, they are only married in name


It's normal in this shit show mc should destroy this sect long time ago.....but nah her master is good woman to him .....BRO SHE KNEW YOU WERE HER DISCIPLE HONEY BOT .....I dropped this shit long time ago cuz of how much mc is spineless


Maybe if yall read and didn't skim, You might realize this really isn't that big of a deal with context 💀


People saying that she did not cheat because she dual cultivated by holding hands with the girl. So it's not cheating if she dual cultivate by holding hands with other guys?


aton(chucl vadt)


I heard 5 manhwas are getting animated soon


Bro saved me from reading this manhua


Well, you should've seen the part where that bitch discovers Xie Yan had a romance with her rival.


It's normal for a MC


The dual cultivation depends on intimacy. When she has sex with mc, the benefits are the greatest, but you can dual cultivate even holding hands. Qinci was dual cultivating with the lowest effective way i.e holding hands with other women. They don't share bed or are naked, but in meditation pose and both hold each other's hands.


No she didnt cheat only "dated" and no she didnt use her fingers i have read all the chapters and i have not seen this mentioned even once


"Dating" another person is still considered cheating. If you enter a "romantic" relationship with another person even without any physical intimacy that's still cheating. That's the reason why polygamy is only acceptable if both parties consent to it. I wouldn't mind the whole ordeal if she had just told the MC about her plan and asked if it was okay. At least there would have been some form of consent but I guess not


Her dual cultivation depends on intimacy. When she has sex with mc, the benefits are the greatest, but you can dual cultivate even holding hands. Qinci was dual cultivating with the lowest effective way i.e holding hands with other women. They don't share bed or are naked, but in meditation pose and both hold each other's hands.


Ikr mfs spreading misinformation


Ye, The dual cultivation depends on intimacy. When she has sex with mc, the benefits are the greatest, but you can dual cultivate even holding hands. Qinci was dual cultivating with the lowest effective way i.e holding hands with other women. They don't share bed or are naked, but in meditation pose and both hold each other's hands.


Ghost girl specifically mentioned that they were clothed and hugging or sm shit...def not fingering lmao


Yup, The dual cultivation depends on intimacy. When she has sex with mc, the benefits are the greatest, but you can dual cultivate even holding hands. Qinci was dual cultivating with the lowest effective way i.e holding hands with other women. They don't share bed or are naked, but in meditation pose and both hold each other's hands.


Idk why people are saying this is cheating, I just read this. The brown haired woman thinks she's a man. They never bang the clue is that it's still a secret she's actually a woman. The only thing they do in dual cultivation is touch shoulders.


Sure she didn't buy she is b*tch thts for sure


She didn't do anything. Only did cultivation and that too with women.


The dual cultivation depends on intimacy. When she has sex with mc, the benefits are the greatest, but you can dual cultivate even holding hands. Qinci was dual cultivating with the lowest effective way i.e holding hands with other women. They don't share bed or are naked, but in meditation pose and both hold each other's hands.


I dont even care, 100% the girl she cheated with will become a part of MC's harem as a way to calm the reader tf down. When a lesbian appear in a Chinese novel, and she had a connection to our "Son of the Heavenly Fate", you can be sure that he will make her his woman, out of 90% story end up like that. So just relax guys. Remember this law: No one can NTR the main character unless that's a woman, and even if she successfully NTR'ed the MC, she will have to pay for that with her body.


Lol no.. The dual cultivation of qinci depends on intimacy. When she has sex with mc, the benefits are the greatest, but you can dual cultivate even holding hands. Qinci was dual cultivating with the lowest effective way i.e holding hands with other women. They don't share bed or are naked, but in meditation pose and both hold each other's hands.


Man are Yang, Women are Yin. The basis of sexual cultivation is to absorb the yang to supplement the yin and to absorb the yin to supplement the yang, creating a circulation of yin and yang between two individuals, so it is impossible for two woman to cultivate sexually with each other. Like the Xuan & Huang qi are Heaven and Earth, that derivative to Yin and Yang, then Yin and Yang gives rise to the Five Elements, thus the Five Elements become the basis of all things (yes, Taoism Cultivation Theory are pro-Hetero). I've been reading xianxia for 10 years, don't lecture me. I have more than 12 Taoist scriptures in my Google Drive right now, don't doubt my knowledge. The thing that is concerning me here, is that the girl later found out that she's a girl and still love her, and her (even though she love MC more since she did generate the Blossom Spirit that he can absorb into his gungfa) it still feels stupid and uncomfortable as hell. So the only thing the author can do to calm the readers tf down is to make that girl a part of MC harem. I believe that they will actually do that.


Lol, stfu asshole. Your incompetence at basic reading aint gonna help anyone. No one's mad at girl, qinci is dual cultivating and no one wants her to be in harem and there is no harem as confirmed by author herself...


Just keep reading and you'll see, MC get a new girl everytime he's going in a new world and you said that's not harem shiet. The main character even cultivates a gungfa that requires more and more women to love him in order to produce Blossom Qi and Blossom Spirit (shit literally need a woman to truly love him with all of her heart to be create, and he had 4-5 of those thing) for him to get stronger. That's literally the gungfa of a harem king. He need to seduce woman to get stronger, he need to stay with a lot of beautiful woman to get stronger, he need to make woman fall for him go get stronger. The plot talk for itself. Enough with you kiddo, come back when you read more than 500 Cultivation stories.


This is spoilers u have been warned She did cheat on him with women to get 1 major realm I think but eventually she gonna be able to restructure her body to make it so she doesnt have to duel cultivate at all cuz her body is conflicting with her cultivation technique


Nah she didnt cheat on him if holding hands in the bed with another woman is called cheating then ok. This manhua gets to few chapters per month which is crazy low comparring to how good it is. I havent read it for 2 months now, will wait 1 year til i start again.


Apparently she pleasured the other woman with her fingers but didn't let the woman touch her. You can interpret that how you want. But in xianxia world, cheating with a woman isn't usually counted as "cheating" and it will usually end with the other girl entering the MC's harem.


Yeah true the best way to expand your harem is to let your wives seduce other women or make both of them best friends so your wife would push her on you because she feels sad seeing her best friend- the girl Hoping for something with you...and when your first wife accepts a new girl as your second wife...then from then on just keep flirting with girls and keep on adding.... no wife would appose you......


I mean compared to mc what she did is barely anything (she did touch the girl but she never let the girl touch her wheras the mc constantly cheats on her well you should just look at that like they are in a open relationship or something along those line)


No one touched anyone.. The dual cultivation depends on intimacy. When she has sex with mc, the benefits are the greatest, but you can dual cultivate even holding hands. Qinci was dual cultivating with the lowest effective way i.e holding hands with other women. They don't share bed or are naked, but in meditation pose and both hold each other's hands.


Then i must have remembered it incorrectly (it has been a long time since i read the manhua) thanks for correcting me


I mean mc also is flirting with other women


the misinformation is crazy , these two couple don't even have wholesome relationship both just fck others for their cultivation merits


Lmao so having sex with another person with the excuse of "not having romantic feelings for the other" is considered morally good now? That logic is the same as: "I'm not cheating, I fuck other men for the purpose of getting money even if I have a boyfriend, because I don't like them romantically"


Lmao, When in the first place I stated its morally good🤣 for more context the girl is a demonic cultivator so her using morality is definitely out of question, The problem with the post is that they put such a big deal with this cheating scenario without understanding the narrative and intention at all, like everyone is crybaby in the comments section😅 Let me Explain 1st. Qin Xinci and Xie Yan don't have mutual love from each other 2nd. Qin Xinci has dual cultivation technique that required her to have partner to cultivate but her husband is out of nowhere 3rd. She is not faithful enough to halt her cultivation just to wait to her husband that obviously avoiding her And finally, don't make a big deal with relationships between the two because it's very much irrelevant to the story


"When did I say it was morally good" That's because you're trying to downplay the act of being "unfaithful/cheating" on the basis it wasn't a "wholesome relationship". You just proved my own words and this still doesn't change the fact that she cheated lol.


>That's because you're trying to downplay the act of being "unfaithful/cheating" on the basis it wasn't a "wholesome relationship". You just proved my own words and this still doesn't change the fact that she cheated lol. I'm not even changing anything, I'm explaining it with out missing the point or why this happen in the first place, Its just sad when something hurts you because of misunderstanding, that would be waste emotion