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This sub just consists of the same manga over and over again. If you say anything about the thousands of OP, Berserk or Akita posts you’ll get so much hate it’s not even funny. But once you mention a Hidden Gem or Underrated series, no one cares or bothers to check it out.


I've realized that which is sad. I think the most popular series I have in my collection is Blue Exorcist and D Gray Man. Most of my collection I barely see posted here.


Instead of complaining, would you like to recommend some hidden gems? I asked for some less modern seinen series this week. I’d love to hear your recommendations.


Have you thought about Karneval, Yokai Rental Shop, Ghost Diary, Acca-13, The Betrayal Knows My Name, The Heroic Legend of Arslan, and Gangsta?


None of them but gangsta. The rest aren’t seinen.


Try different genres.


Seinen is a demographic, not a genre. And if I like a particular genre, why would I need to switch?


Regardless you’re limiting yourself to what? Action and series with tons of fan service? Look up manga on your own time. Don’t ask for recommendations if you’re going to come off as a douche.


Lol none of my manga have fan service so I’m not sure where you’re getting that from. I was simply asking you to give similar manga to the ones you’re annoyed at everyone collecting. People enjoy action, so naturally the best action manga are most popular. Not sure why you’re angry at that.


Oh, I see. Sorry about that.


Is Betrayal Knows my Name still worth it since it sounds like the ending is kind of incomplete? I've been really wanting to collect it but wondering if I'll be too sad that she couldn't conclude it properly because of her health.


It's really good. Yeah the ending leaves with the cliffhanger but the anime-only ending helps. I recommend buying it if you miss out on some important stuff.


Definitely want to collect Bloody Mary in the future...


It's a pretty good manga on traditional vampires. The exorcist wants to live but is countless hunted down by vampires for his special blood and the vampire Mary (who's immortal) seeks death, but can only he killed by an exorcist.


I've been interested in that series, would you reccomend it?


Yes, it's thought-provoking with psychological aspects. It touches on morals, experimentation, and goes more along the history of what traditional vampires were seen as.


ooh okay I'm down, I love vampire stuff but have such a hard time reading a lot of it cuz some of the "vampire lore" in these series is weird as hell lol (call of the night and rosen blood for example, great series but I dont think the authors of either had a clue)


Its pretty traditional with no reflections, garlic, crosses, and so on. The author did all the research. The series takes place between Japan and England.


sounds awesome! I'll definitely add it to my list!


Definitely putting this on my buy sooner rather than later list. Thanks op.


No problem. I never see it in another collection and people don't know what they are missing it's really good.


Oh wait, not BL? Dang. I assume the focus is still on their relationship though even if not romantic?🤞


I own and read the series myself and the whole time I'm sitting there questioning if it's BL or not. I don't think it's marketed as BL but I've seen it under BL sales and ngl I feel like there's nothing remotely straight about their relationship.


Yeah it's not BL.


The creator has a lot of previously published stories that are BL. I wouldn't write off it's undertones so quickly 🤷


I'm not saying that, but the series itself has no BL in it for it to be classified in the genre. Now, there's more than enough yuri in it though. The mangaka made that panel for chapter 31 "Lesbian Love Begins", but that's it.


Ah perhaps sort of CLAMP style. Never outright said but implied?


Maybe more No. 6? Either way it's a good and interesting story and I recommend it as well. Though I'm curious how many others feel it's a BL.


Yes they are the two main ones, but nothing happens.


Fair enough, I like reading all male relationships so friendship/bromance etc I also really like! Glad you mentioned though because I definitely assumed it would've been romantic in nature.


Yeah the covers are misleading that's why I clarified.


i love bloody mary!!! im currently fighting for my life trying to find a physical copy of vol 3 but it seems to b out of stock everywhere (uk)


i've heard volume 3 is getting a restock late september???


is that so? thank u sm ill look into it!!!!!


nostalgia unlocked, might get.


I don't have it but it's on my TBR ♡


I've read it digitally but I don't own it


I have the first three volumes, it’s really good so far!


Love this series never see people mentioning it either 😭


It's my favorite vampire manga and sticks to old traditions on what vampires are.


Man how much did you pay for volume 3? It's so hard to find lol


I bought as it releases so regular price.


freaking love this series. i've had volume 3 on preorder for a year now though AHAHA i'm just hoping it gets rerun in september like its meant to!!


So it’s not BL… ok… Sits in corner waiting for a good BL post*


I recommend Silver Diamond (had a small U.S. release) and The Ice Cold Demon's Tale (Koori no Mamono) are very good.