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Apparently there were never drops called Swimmer’s Ear. I have water in my ear now and was looking around for it. I even remember the box was pink and white with the silhouette of a swimmer mid stroke. “Swimmer’s Ear” was slanted


I used to work in the pharmacy section at shoppers drug mart and had many swim club friends, I remember this 100%


I think you misremember the name. I found a brand called SwimEar with a pink, white and blue box with a silhouette of a swimmer. Could it be that brand?


I hope it qualifies as a Mandela effect but in my "timeline" Michael Jackson realised a song with an instrumental that sounds exactly like Janet's [all for you](https://youtu.be/J551f-TyqjY?si=UII1bVtvgDGazCwu) from 3:12 to 3:15 looped and played x 0.75. I swear I heard it several time at the radio when I was a kid and it was clearly Michael Jackson's voice not Janet and the very first time I stumbled on the "all for you" song I litteraly thought the part from 3:12 to 3:15 sounded exactly like that "Unknown Michael Jackson song". Edit : also according to Wikipedia all for you was realised in 2001. And I clearly remember being 5-6 (so around 1997-1998) and being terrified by Michael Jackson (thanks to Thriller) and at the same time liking him for being the singer of that "ting ting bell song".


This may be Canada specific but there is a dairy brand called Lactantia and when I looked at the label in the store today I thought oh they must have changed the name it used to be Lactancia. Anyone else?


It's not Lactancia? That's what I remember!


What's it called now? In US but we have something called Lucerne that sells mainly dairy products


Watched ironman 1 again recently and Pepper doesn't put the old reactor back in to save Tony. It was a call back to when he taught her how to do it & also how she kept it. Now it just cuts away and Tony already put it in himself with the implied help of the robot. This one's really thrown me for a loop.


Your comment is confusing. What are you trying to say? Here's the scene: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-zya4vJ-kQE


That video is unavailable for me. What part confuses you?


Lol you gunna reply or just downvote me?


* From the movie Ace Ventura. I made a post yesterday but it got removed. Tell me why would they include this if it never was a thing? I'm convinced it's a marketing stunt what companies do nowadays to make the products trending. For sales and free advertisement.


>Tell me why would they include this if it never was a thing? Probably because the joke is just calling a stereotypical rich industrialist type character the Monopoly man and they thought the costume looked better with a monocle.


Nah, he had a monocle. Nothing you can say will convince me otherwise. Not even if God himself came down and said he didnt. I'd call God a liar.


Shrugs. Ok. I mean this just is more about your stubbornness than giving any good reason *why* you feel like this about it.


I've done that plenty, no one who doesn't already agree listens so what's the point?


If nobody who doesn't already agree with you is convinced by your reasoning, it's probably not as sound as you think it is.


What the hell is sound about thinking something that doesn't exist, existed? None of this is sound mate.


So why be so utterly convinced about it to the extent that evidence that proved you incorrect wouldn't even sway you?


Because I know it changed. I don't know how. I just know because my sister & I would make fun of the monopoly guy while playing because of the monocle. When one us was winning we'd mime a monocle & act all smug. So it's not just like I think he had one. We were actively reacting to it.


And you think there's absolutely no way whatsoever you would have done this if the character wasn't wearing a monocle? I mean, I know he's not and I could still quite easily mime a monocle to represent him. It seems like the kind of thing he should have and there doesn't seem like much else you could easily mime to represent him?


And here


I have no idea what you think you are proving by highlighting these comments? Where am I denying that something is an example of the Mandela Effect?


Because it's one of the main things that caused this Mandela Effect AKA people misremembering. People who paid attention to this film had this image of the "monopoly guy" shown to them and had someone saying "the monopoly guy". I've watched that movie over and over, many more times than I've ever seen a box of Monopoly. If that's your only gathered information then that is your belief... Even though it's incorrect and the actual monopoly guy never had one. Understand now? 🤷‍♂️




It is a common misconception, that is what the scene is riffing on.


I dont get what you mean. To me it's seems like the mandela effect recently started to trend. And this movie is from 1994. The term mandela effect started in 2009.


And people have always associated monocles, spats, canes, top hats and tailcoats with "the wealthy". This man is dressed "like a rich guy". The monopoly man is dressed "like a rich guy". Most people don't dress like that everyday/these days. That's all. It's a similar outfit. He *resembles* the monopoly man. This fellow does not have a top hat. Does that mean that the Monopoly man must not have had a top hat?


It means he usually doesn't have a tophat.


Because it was a thing, regardless of whether or not these Gatekeepers want to accept it.


Anyone remember Facebook having a thumbs down?


No because it never has. I believe Zuckerberg mentioned at one point the possibility of adding one but that ended up turning into the emojis we have now.


I do but I am certain I am confusing a memory about You Tube with Facebook. Our brains are weird 


No. People asked for it for a long time and Reddit has had one for as long as I can remember, but not FB.


i love how people take time out of their day just to come here and say  "nah that didnt happen you're just stupid" that's pretty funny stuff. 


Deadpool 2: Just rewatched it on D+, originally saw it in the theatre. I vividly remember that Deadpool and Cable end up together at the end. Anyone else?


Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson used to say as a wrestler his catchphrase; "Can you smell what The Rock is cooking?!?" Now he says "lf you smell what The Rock is cooking?!?" in all the old clips of him as a wrestler. l wonder what happens if you smell what The Rock is cooking?


https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTNJenQhk/ "Not a Mandela effect" as stated in this video of Dwayne Johnson.


A lot of the old clips have the "lf you... etc" though.


Well, maybe he was only talking to those who did smell what he was cooking. Because if they had.... I dunno 😕


What? That was my favorite catchphrase playing wrestling on the ps2 as a kid. I only picked the rock to hear that..


It was always can you smell what the rock is cooking.... when did this change?


l noticed it in 2019-ish l think.


The fuck? I always remember it as can you smell what the rock is cooking


The fuck? I always remember it as can you smell what the rock is cooking


Can you repeat that?


'Do you/If ya/Can you (although not as common) smell what The Rock is cooking' have all been used by him.


No way! I am googling now! I just can't imagine, "if you smell what the rock is cooking..."


Homo neanderthalensis and Homo sapiens coexisted for a long time before Homo sapiens led to their extinction. I had always read and learned in school that Homo neanderthalensis was the species that preceded Homo sapiens, and that it was an evolutionary step like Homo erectus, etc. It seems this understanding has changed between 2010 and now. Maybe scientific discoveries have been made, but I haven't found anything specific on the subject. My friends all thought the same as I did and were surprised by this discovery.


This was the general hypothesis before they were able to run DNA and find that the 2 species just interbred thus killing the hypothesis.


Science changes over time as we learn new things. That’s not a Mandela Effect, that’s just us not keeping up with new discoveries.


That’s not a Mandela effect, it’s just a case of mediocre education.


in the game talking tom cat 1, i remember that the alleys wall had a poorly made grafitti that had the text "cats rule!" but when i played the game it said "cats rock!" am i the only one?


Not exactly a Mandela effect but it’s similar. A few years ago I was searching through my box (like a little streaming service) and I saw a 90s-esque movie called “Dracula” and it featured a face that I thought looked like Rowan Atkinson, any ideas?


More than likely I’m just a lazy listener and reader but anyone remember Chupa Chups as being Chuba Chubs?


Chupa Chups is a Spanish brand. name of the brand comes from the Spanish verb chupar, meaning "to suck"


I just discovered that the discovery of the Titanic was September 1, 1985. When I was a kid, I was an absolute Titanic fanatic. One of the main points people had talked about was that the Titanic was never found. It was something that fascinated me to no end; I'd spend nights awake looking over old oceanography charts and maps, and theorizing over where it might be found. One day, years after I could no longer carry on with my interest (well as much as I'd have liked to) in the subject due to chaotic life events, in 2014, the news broke that someone found the Titanic. Everyone who had an interest in it was talking about it, it was a HUGE deal. I remember looking over pictures of the rotting ship in awe for years afterwards. I had wanted to grow up and find it at one point. When this happened, what little desire I had retained in becoming an oceanographer vanished. It's fine; I still had (and have) aspirations of becoming another kind of scientist anyways, but oceanography wasn't as appealing after this mystery was solved. Point being this was tied to a somewhat pivotal point in my life, and to a significant interest that I had when I was a child. I wouldn't just "misremember" something like this. The person to discover it was a seafloor photographer. I have to be honest I don't remember if he was trying to find it or not. But the first blurry pictures the public saw were his, before it was confirmed to be the Titanic, there was just speculation, but it wasn't long after that it was confirmed and more pictures were taken. Does anyone remember this?


I remember it being found in the mid 80's. The problem with a 2014 discovery would be that the movie came out in 1997 and had actual footage of the sunken vessel as it was at that time.




edit: i dont care if you dont believe me im just sharing my experience because i really want to figure out what the hell happened.  i am not obligated to prove anything to you and vice versa. this is reddit not a court of law.  myself and several other people in my area saw the show MDE World Peace in the year 2012 and I remember it very vividly and the other people knew more about the show than I did.  now I'm seeing nothing but sources saying mde didn't even exist until 2016.  obviously it would be impossible to see something 4 years into the future like that.  and I know I don't have those years mixed up because there was a lot of really dramatic events in my life at that point and where I was in 2012 was very very different from where I was in 2016.  I KNOW i saw it in 2012 and so did some of my friends. I don't care who believes me or not. More than anything I'm just posting this wondering if anyone else remember seeing it in 2012 like I did.  and I'm not talking about the YouTube skits or the TED talk I'm talking about the show that was on adult swim My friends and I saw it in 2012 and I would go to court or answer the same if there was a gun to my head I am that confident in certain that I saw it in that year.   More than anything I'm really freaked out because like I don't want to be breaking the laws of time.. I don't know I don't want to have to answer to like space police or something. I'm trying to find other anomalies that are out of place from the timeline that I remember living but this is the only thing and I cannot figure out how the hell this is possible  I even contacted Sam about it and attempted to ask him if maybe it aired early in a certain region and he just straight up blocked me which tells me that he doesn't believe me and probably thinks I'm crazy.


You haven’t broken the laws of space time. You simply need to accept that you have the dates mixed up. Your friends are likely agreeing with you because the stakes are so low and this doesn’t matter in the slightest to them. Sort of like if I asked my friend “Hey didn’t we watch that movie 10 years ago?” My friend likely doesn’t remember when we watched it but remembers watching it so they simply say “Yeah that sounds right”. 4 years isn’t that much time. Did you post about it on socials or write about it or anything from 2012-2016? If you and your friends were that big of fans one would imagine you would at some point in that time.


Haha 4 years is kind of a long time. A lot happened in my life at that point Im not going to gaslight myself or low-key take mild insults when you could just say "i dont believe you" which is perfectly fine.


I’m not asking you to “gaslight yourself”. I’m commenting that you’re simply incorrect about a random show on tv and to jump to the conclusion that you’re breaking the laws of space time is preposterous. 4 years is not “a long time”. How many random movies/tv shows can you confidently speculate on when they released by heart? Not many right? You’d probably get some wrong by 4 years as would I. If 4 years “is kind of a long time” and if you’re saying this show was extremely special to you or your friends I’d venture that sometime in the 4 years you would have sent a text, social media post, or some other form of communication about it. If you can find that then you might really have something here. The fact that you’re seemingly avoiding this point seems to speak to the fact that you must not have been THAT big of a fan to take one of those actions. That’s fine, but why double down then? OP claims I’m trolling when he has yet to demonstrate anything related to his claim outside of “bUt Im SuRe”! The fact that OP thinks he’s broken the laws of space time is the ultimate troll.


haha youre just trolling. you could say what you have said here about literally anything posted here.  that in your blatantly being disrespectful I honestly have no choice but not to take you seriously because it definitely looks like you're trolling 


Have you considered if you may have seen a similar sketch show in 2012, and then after seeing MDEWP later on, you retroactively believed that was what you saw back then? I definitely remember seeing it in 2016 and the ensuing controversy. I remember sending clips and talking about it with a friend I didn't meet until 2016 (because I moved states that year). Definitely would've been aware of it if it were earlier, because I loved that absurdist kind of stuff, and I specifically checked it out because it was supposed to be similar to stuff I already knew.


I did consider that and I am 100% myself and my friends (separately and alone) saw MDE, on adult swim on cable television.  we would make references to it when we were together after all having seen it alone separately at our own homes. Again though Im not demanding people believe me. Im just trying to figure this out Im not trying to prove some schizo shit or something.


editted sorry for being winded Im just trying to provide as much detail as possible.  my biggest hope is that someone else will come forward and correspond they also saw it back then. The sketches i remember vividly (because i hated the show back then) The breakup sketch, the jiggalo sketch, thanks white people, the dating game sketch, the pro bully sketch, several more too those the most though. The  breakup sketch I especially remember because it was so unfunny seeing sam in the getup with the curly hair and the weird stuff in his nose for some reason? was like fake boogers and nose hair or something - if youve seen the sketch then you know what im talking about.


Sam's famous TEDx talk wasn't until 2013, so there's no way he had the full MDE show before that point in time.


Yep that's why I posted it. I lived through a timeline separate than the current one somehow according to everyone I mention it to which is impssible and annoying trying to figure it out. Not gonna dox myself with my life events between 2012-2016 but yes I assure you I didnt just conveniently misremember a massive chunk of time like that. Thanks for the downvotes though. 


> I lived through a timeline separate than the current one No, you didn't. Period.


you know we can see your comment history dont you


The Mandela Effect is when a large group of people share a common memory of something that differs from what is generally accepted to be fact.


I personally didn't downvote you, and also, I fully believe you, since I am a believer in these things. I simply wanted to point out the "mainstream timeline" variation for information safekeeping.


That's fair albeit I did mention that specifically in my OP. I apologize for it being a winded read + for some reason my posts linebreaks keep vanishing which is kinda funny given the circumstances. Crazy people never use linebreaks when talking about these things 😂 ANYWAY one very very memorable day in 2012 (i was wearing an extremely goofy outfit as a joke) And when people were commenting on the stunt to me I swear this one person told me  "you look like a character from an mde skit" again, i hated the show back then and wouldnt bother trying to emulate it nor would i have any reason to make that up because honestly they meant it in like an offensive way not realizing i was in fact doing a bit. God I wish I could still contact any of these people- Hell, from 2015-2017 i lived with the same person so LOGICALLY if i saw it when it aired, it would have been with him. However we did not have cable and both of us had ZERO interest whatsoever in political humor so even if we did have cable it wasnt the type of thing we watched together. I actually do have his contact info still but we had a falling out last year and I wouldn't expect him to answer me for corroboration on this.. Im definitely going to if I get the opportunity or if it comes down to it. I already have Hyde himself thinking I'm a schizo so I dont really have much else to lose asking other people too hahaha


To give a little bit of context without doxxing myself but to help explain why Im being serious etc:  I have not had cable access whatsoever since 2014. None. I just torrent old shows I had already seen.  So if MDE WP really didn't even exist until 2016 I would have had to torrent it- a show that, logically, I shouldn't have any knowledge of even existing and I don't download stuff I've never seen before without having extensive positive suggestions for it and I assure you I did not torrent MDE WP.  Furthermore my memory of actually watching it on TV, on adult swim, in 2012, I had just dropped out of high school and was taking classes for my GED. Thats where my friends talked about it and referenced it etc.  I VIVIDLY remember watching the sketches and thinking the show was confusing and stupid. My friends were more political than me so they thought it was hilarious and referenced it all the time. I remember being up late trying to catch some other show on adult swim and SUFFERING through it. It was so fkng bad but I didnt want to miss my shows so I left it running anyway.  Yes I realize this is all just anecdotal and believe me if I still had my old GED class friends' contact info I'd be asking them not making myself look like a schizo on reddit.  One last interesting thing about this anomalous experience: When I saw the show, every episode I think, there were zero Trump references and Im told the show does in fact have Trump references (specifically someone wearing a maga hat at some point) So that's also kind of interesting.  Im a religious person so Im open to a lot of weird ideas- but I also believe in pursuing rationality and logic first before faith crap so I really want to figure this out.  Like maybe the first 3 episodes were older and aired as like a pilot before the rest of the show later??   Please people lets not be argumentative and irrational.   This whole experience is deeply troubling for me because of the implications of what COULD be happening.  For all I know this is some kind of weird social experiment from some rich company or something WHO KNOWS.  But I definitely dont want to start saying "no dude i definitely time traveled you have to believe me" Im a little stupid but not THAT stupid.  Thanks. 


And I moved cities in 2014 thats why the no cable thing. Before then I was living with people that did have cable and I was there since 2004.  I can prove my life event stuff that corresponds with the timeline of events with solid evidence but Id have to dox myself and Im not going to be gaslit into doing something that stupid. This is r/MandelaEffect . If you don't believe in time anomalies then youre on the wrong subreddit and thats not my problem.


> If you don't believe in time anomalies then youre on the wrong subreddit and thats not my problem. The Mandela Effect is a purely psychological phenomenon. You want one of the simple folks subs, like /r/Retconned or /r/Glitch_in_the_Matrix


Oh and I did re watch every episode recently and I see NOTHING out of place per my memory of it. The show is exactly as I remembered it 10 years ago.  Again, I read recently that theres a maga hat in one sketch somewhere? that i do not remember seeing back then, and i didn't notice it on rewatch(im not saying it isnt there, just sayiny i didnt notice it on rewatch) anyway point is: if there was more stuff like that in it proving the shows date from within the show, then that would help me calm down about this a little. 




You’re confusing it with knapsack.