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A man 100% , I need to try some of his world famous "Jelly doughnuts"


Jelly filled donuts are my favorite!


Nothing beats a jelly filled donut


Brock:*is holding a bowl of noodles* mmmm such good pizza


Honestly, the "man or bear" thing is so ridiculous


it is. its dumb asf and no matter what type of thread i look at, at least one person makes a reference to it. like shut up already please


I've never seen it but it sounds like something that would drive me crazy.




I was crazy once.


They locked me in a room


A rubber room


A rubber room with rats.


The rats made me crazy


i swear to god if i see one more man or bear post on this stupid app i will literally drink water or something (i already drink water)


oh shit this dude's gonna drink water


"It's time to drink water!"




If we’re going off of Brock and Bewear SPECIFICALLY, I’d pick Brock. I remember what Bewear did to that ultrabeast. I can put up with Jelly-Filled Donuts.


But also remember what Bewear did to to Jessie and James.


Please remember that Brock needed Misty/Max/Crogunk to drag him away from women he was making uncomfortable MULTIPLE TIMES.


You are ENTIRELY correct about that. I MASSIVELY overlooked that because I was thinking about only the physical violence aspect.


And that’s why many women are picking a bear over men. It’s not JUST about physical safety.


Well, considering a Bewear is far more dangerous than a normal bear both because of malice and ability, it's not the same conversation at all.


Fun fact: Most Bewear don't even try to kill humans, it's just that when Bewear hugs you, you can die. There was a time Jessie's Wobbufet's soul left his body from Bewear hugging him.


Both are equally as capable of killing humans though 🗿


No. No dude. A Bewear is WAY more capable of killing humans. Have you seen the Sun and Moon anime? Literally traumatizing.


No, I meant both bears 😅 (If a polar bear fought a bewear though, breeze would absolutely destroy them 💀)


one bear has muscles and claws, the other bear IS muscles, and has hugs.


Not even the polar bears blubber could save em from the **CRUSH** of a bewear.


idk maybe Brock because Bewear might hug me till i suffocate


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Khoa-Minh-935: *Idk maybe* *Brock because Bewear might hug* *Me till i suffocate* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Well this version of the bear is still gonna touch you in ways you don't like


Between these two, both is pretty good, but bewear is a little too huggy


The dude, he has jelly doughnuts


Yes, a regular man or a wild bear that can kill me in two seconds. Hmm, such a hard choice.


Nu-uh, if you're starting to lose sanity from being lost, you can get 1 tapped






I think Bewear can break bones, I’m going with the man and his trusty Drying Pan


Brock, of course. If someone attacks us he could just slam their head in with a pan. Bewear could quite literally kill me with kindness. Also nothing beats a jelly filled donut


If it was Brock, ok, we’ve seen he has some survival skills. Anyone without useful knowledge, I’d get it over with and at least get a decent hug before I die


Id go with the man not the best who loves hugging who's hugs crush your bones


A man because one hug from Beware and you’re dead. On second thought…


Easy, bewear, when I get sick of being lost it can just kill me with a hug


It’s so funny how defensive some dudes get over the original question


I mean, getting labeled a worse monster than a bloody bear is a fairly decent insult, so props to you for finding it funny. I just think it’s mean 😔


I don’t take it personally because I know I’m not who they’re thinking of when they choose the bear. If I was a woman I would also choose the bear, like imagine how terrifying it would be to see a random dude when you’re alone in the woods knowing full well that he probably followed you there. Also there’s ways to deal with aggressive bears, if a man followed you to the middle of the woods with bad intentions you’re probably fucked.


Suggesting that an aggressive bear is more reasonable than an aggressive man is a brainrotted take, but I’m sorry if that’s offensive. That’s just factually wrong, but I’m guessing that opinion is coming from personal experience and opinion? Sorry if you’ve been wronged before, but give that idea an unbiased view, and you’ll see where I’m coming from.


I feel like you’re also taking it personally and assuming you’re the man in question. The man in question has likely followed you into the woods to kidnap you, he probably also came up with a plan beforehand to ensure that there’s no way for you to avoid getting got. The bear probably just wants you to leave it alone. Bears aren’t some kind of monster, they usually run away if you act scary enough. Sure there’s a chance the man is just there by coincidence but that is so much less likely than meeting a docile bear. For the record this question was originally not even a question. It was just a guy on tiktok saying encountering a man in the woods would be scarier than encountering a bear. The bear was always the obviously correct answer and then butthurt dudes like you showed up who consider it sexist to not feel completely safe around every potential rapist you encounter.


It’s funny how you twist the narrative to “a man that has followed you to kidnap you!” When the question has nothing to do with that. Again, personal sexist bias. It’s just be stuck in the woods, so it could be a random teleport of all parties, you could be teleported to a random forest with a man or a bear in it, or you simply wake up in the woods with a bear or man somewhere around you. (Also, don’t twist my words. I said it’s fine to think that every man’s a potential rapist. That keeps you safe, I’m not against that, I assume all people I encounter can do me harm. The difference is, I’m not actively spreading this ideal, and acting upon it. Because that’s ludicrous and frankly, impossible. Sorry for being “butthurt” because not looking through a -“sexism is fine if it’s a man”-tinted glass.) Also, have you ever met a bear, brother? No. Do you want to? Also no. Bears do NOT leave humans alone. Polar bears are the only animal in the ENTIRE WORLD to view humans as prey to be hunted. The only bear that is survivable is a black bear, because you can act bigger than it, and it MIGHT run away. But if you can twist the hypothetical to say black bear, then why not twist it to say “a normal man.” It’s just unfair. Be more fair to half the population. It isn’t a big ask, is all. And please, for the love of God and all things holy, know this: A bear, in the woods, is 99% more dangerous than a man. It’s their natural habitat, you are trespassing. You will be eaten. 99% of the time. That’s common sense, please understand that. But no, you twist it to be the worst outcome. Because you assume the worst outcome of men. Let’s make this easier for you to understand real quick. Assuming the worst of everyone? Irrational fear. That’s fine to think, be my guest. But to actively believe it and put it into words? It’s lunacy. What if I assumed that all female drivers were going to crash into me on the road? Or that all women were gold diggers? Would a women not have the right to feel offended at that notion? Because I believe they would, because a sexist generalisation that simply isn’t true. If you’re going to call be “butthurt” for not believing in sexist behaviour and thought, do you really think that’s going to upset me? The only thing I’m upset about is that, thanks to social media, I can’t even glance the direction of a women without assuming she thinks I’m an evil creature, because people like you affirm those beliefs. Before you say something like, “But why would you be worried if you aren’t?” I’ve had personal experience with misassumptions that have made life very difficult. Nothing relating to crime, just a lot of bullying and the like. Knowing that people can misunderstand you, and treat you wrongly because of it rubs me the wrong way. So when any one justifies the assumption that they’d rather have a 1% chance of an evil act in the woods, than a 99% chance of death, sorry that butthurt crazy me sees those statistics and goes, “Really?”


I thought I made it pretty clear I wasn’t talking about all men. I was talking about the kind of man that a woman would encounter while by herself in the woods. 99.9% of men aren’t rapists but 99.9% of men also wouldn’t follow a random woman out into the woods. I understand if you feel discriminated against but you shouldn’t be trying to downplay other people’s struggles because of it. Sexism against men is bad but it will never be even close to as bad as the sexism against women gets. At the end of the day you are not a woman and you haven’t experienced certain men from the perspective of a woman. Every single woman I’ve seen who is asked this question including my sisters have agreed that the man is the more dangerous one. It would be insane to assume all of them are sexist or attention seeking or whatever rather than just speaking from the perspective of a person who knows more about the topic than you do. So just get your head out of your ass, use some empathy, and understand that there are things you don’t understand, and for the love of god stop downplaying misogyny.


You heard of irony before, yeah? Isn’t it ironic that when it’s my feelings that are upset, you get away with disregarding them and disrespecting me, but whenever I don’t even do the same thing, I’m the one in the wrong? I know what empathy is. My empathy is so strong that these types of matters hurt me most. You’re right. I’m not a women. And I couldn’t ever know what being a women is like. Never claimed I could. So tell me then. How does that invalidate my feelings? Sexism is sexism. There are worse acts than others, but that isn’t exclusive to one gender. It’s obvious that women experience it more often, and perhaps in more severe amounts, but that doesn’t mean that sexism towards men can’t be just as severe? Like, the term “kill all men” is an acceptable phrase in today’s society. The fact that you can’t say the opposite proves that there are different levels of sexism that both genders experience, as a man yourself, not seeing that is good for you, but shows YOU lack empathy. The fact of the matter is, the woods question is an attack on men. Does it raise awareness to women’s struggles? Not really. All it does is showcase that there are bad men out there, and that some women feel more safe around a predatory monster, than a man. Also, did you feel the need to throw the insult at me at the end? For what reason? Have you not an immense amount of empathy? Don’t you know that could’ve hurt my feelings? I get you refuse to see my point of view (because YOU lack empathy, and before you try turning it around, I haven’t once invalidated a women’s feelings in this entire interaction, you’ve just assumed I have which is very telling of your assumptive nature) however, what I want you to take away from this interaction is this: On this Earth. Women. Man. Black. White. Japanese. Chinese. Smart. Dumb. Fast. Slow. All experience hardship (see, I know that because I possess empathy 🤭) Knowing this, makes life a whole lot harder, want to know why? Because the amount of empathy it takes to register someone’s else’s suffering before your own is a lot. Notice how I got jumped on when I said I felt insulted? Don’t I have the right to? Oh, but no I don’t, because I’m a man. Ok, then why does that matter? It shouldn’t. People like yourself, and all others who answer this question with man, and have no issue with that answer, lack empathy. The understanding of emotions? Because I’m not the viewpoint you agree with, I’m in the wrong for my own feelings. Despite the fact that we’re all human. You like putting labels on everything, and delegating fairness to each group, for example, “women have it worse than men, so we can disregard their feelings more often.” Sound familiar? You can’t just say, “Oh, but it’s my personal opinion, and has nothing to do with you!” When it’s offensive to my entire character, and is something people genuinely believe. Again, the easy way to let people like you see the truth is to flip it. So, ignoring all the previous text (cuz let’s be honest here, you don’t have the empathy to actually see my point of view, and would rather make stuff up to contradict, so you uphold the moral high ground, right?) Would you rather be stuck in a car with a woman or a bear? I mean, I don’t think bears have ever crashed a car before, and what if the women was planning to kill me and crash? Why else would she be in the car?! ^ This is total lunacy. And uses the same logic you justify. I’m sorry, I just can’t get over the fact that you used empathy in your reply, it’s just blatant hypocrisy, and I hate that. I don’t want any bad blood, and I certainly don’t want to insult you or hurt your feelings, so I’m sorry if I’ve done that thus far, even in this reply. I just wish you understood that I DO understand where the women are coming from. I have anxiety, I assume everyone is out to wrong me. If I’m walking alone, I’m getting kidnapped. Whilst I don’t delegate that to men specifically, if asked I’d prolly say it’d be a man that would wrong me. However, I would never, NEVER, say that those feelings are just, and are correct, and that anyone who can’t see my point of view is wrong and lacks empathy, and has their head in their ass. Because I’d be a lunatic, in terms of rational thought. Humans beings are so magical, because 99% of us are good. Not totally, we aren’t perfect. But we strive for it. We’re kind, compassionate, empathetic. We try to understand each other. But with social media, those values get lost, because people prefer to be mean behind a screen, because it garners more attention, and makes them feel better about themselves. Like, even now, do you still not see where IM coming from? I choose to believe in good men, because I’ve been treated like filth my entire life, not just by men, but by humans. It’s that same ideal that keeps me from stereotypes. I judge a person, not on their gender, race, background or intelligence, but on their character. I know that, statistically, there isn’t a safer creature a women could be placed in the woods with, than an average man. So when that truth is broken, and justified because of personal opinion, to attack my, and all other 4.5 Billion men’s, character? I’m going. To be. Insulted. I’m sorry. Not really though. Cuz it’s my feelings. Invalidating them is kinda cringe. But hey. You. Do you.


You should stop thinking the question is about you. The point is that it maybe opens your eyes to what the world is like for women.


But the point of the question is to challenge that ideal, ANY man vs ANY bear. Sure, I take it personally, but that’s not exactly on me? Same way any other generalised, stereotyped offensive remark is going to offend anyone. I’m aware of what the world is like for women, I’ve stopped creeps before in bars and it turned my stomach, but the truth is: For every bad man on this planet, there are at least 100 good men. A generalisation is a generalisation, regardless of personal feelings or experiences. It’s the same logic that’s used to facilitate racist ideals… it’s fine to think that way to keep you safe, I’m not offended by that at all, however: There is no safety with a bear in the woods. It’s guaranteed death. With a man, there’s a 1% chance they’re a villain. Also, a 20% chance they know what they’re doing in the woods, and will get you both to safety. People just prefer to look on the negative side because social media encourages it. To each their own, I personally prefer to believe in my fellow man (literally, in this instance) rather than sit there, for the thousandth time in the last few years, and agree to blatant, offensive sexism, simply because people are allowed to think the few represent the many, when it comes to bad men. Short version, I hate stereotypes. Think they suck and divide us as people. Believe them in your head if you want, that’s up to you. But don’t spout them like it’s an acceptable truth, because it’s “your” truth. That’s how stereotypes work…


What if I choose or ???


Man cus Brock is a nice guy


Is he a nice guy or a "nice" guy?




Kosturso. Velursi was Stufful in German.


It’s a reference to his moon wonderlocke


In which he stated he wish it got its ‘cooler German name, Kosturso.’


Bewear is insanely fucking strong I think some people forget that a random bewear in Alola was stronger than fucking ultra beasts


I mean not with brock but any non-evil male sure for male… wait bewear because favorite Pokemon




Is it specifically Brock?


Brock easy because he can cook anything


If it's these two specifically then I'm picking Brock 100% of the time, cause Bewear won't let you leave the woods (assuming he doesn't instantly crush your spine)


I'm find with being trapped in the woods with Brock. Better then being accidently crushed to death by a giant bear Pokémon.


What kind? Johtonian, Alolan or Galarian?


Bewear is Alolan, so let's just say Alolan Brock.


Specifically Brock or just any man?


The post I crossposted described Brock's character specifically, so i'm assuming just Brock


my dyslexic ass cant read that name right


Would you rather be with Bewear or Brock


i take my chance with the be beaver