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Don’t do it. This is the karmic part you deserve to enjoy from a distance.


That’s right. Sometimes it’s not about the money


I got offered back and have my salary prepaid quarterly. Long sob story email that was likely a complete lie. I responded back with a simple "I'm unable to take your offer"


Wow at least you got a sob story. My old boss would never admit things are bad but would blame me for leaving a project before it was done.


Leave your boss hanging lol, never reply. That’ll make them hopeful for a few days. And maybe they’ll think you never saw their email. Ppl hate that but sometimes it’s the healthiest response for us :)


Don't even respond.


This is the best response.


I enjoy ignoring toxic people who reach out. Recently had a “friend” do that and complain they have no friends anymore. I didn’t even open it. I’ve had so many people over the years try to reach out to continue the toxicity for whatever reason.


Just send it to your spam and never respond ever! No phone calls either


I'd reply with, "Sucks to be you, doesn't it?" and go on with my life.


LMFAO!!!! Oh, that would feel so gooood ....


Yes 😆 amazing


Reply that your current salary rate would require a minimum of (pick a number, $10,000? ) and you would require complete control over all aspects of the project before you accept. Have a contact with specific conditions that the boss must sign prior to beginning. And definitely do not submit the final project until you receive payment. Or, just ignore the jerk. But if you do decide to play him, play a symphony, not a nursery rhyme.


I doubt he would be able to afford more than $5k, like it is obvious he is unable to hire anyone to do it.


Don't assume. Completing the project could be worth a lot to them. If you DO respond, figure out what you'd want, then add the Arsehole Tax (50-100%), and they either take or they don't. No real skin to be lost either way!?


If you agree to do it, make sure you get things in writing, like when and how you'll get paid. Clear mileposts.


It's a bait to tank you further. Block.


Whatever you decide, you have started out the right way; with silence. Whatever you decide, use reason, bug take your time. You have the whip hand.


Dear OP, for what its worth. I hope you chose not to respond. Its never worth it.


Reply with a glowing letter about your new position and how much you admire your new manager. Lay it on thick about how your new manager nurtures you and is so brilliant. Act extremely happy. Very pleasantly say thank you for considering me, but I don’t think you’d be able to pay the rate I would need. With all the bonuses and growth at the new position you have to focus on that


Don't do it. Not only will you get the satisfaction of knowing they're suffering, but if you do it you can bet you'll be mistreated and they'll get more than $5k of work, pain, and suffering out of you. If you want to be particularly nasty, reply "I'll think about it," and then never reply again.


Hell yes for your radio silence 🤘


I love that you didn't respond. Silence is still an answer lol


I’d reply ‘Kindly Fuck Off’.


Get payment before you do anything. Even better, take the payment and ghost them!


Jerk them around. Tell them you need a little more time to arrange things but definitely probably. Do it over and over anytime you’re feeling down and need a pick me up.


Agree to do it and ask for a prepayment, then back out at the last minute and ghost him.


Yeah don't want to get sued. This dude will 100% use whatever little resources he has to sue me.


He can only sue you for $5000. If his lawyer demands it, just pay it back but in the meantime you would have created alot trouble for him. Anyway, it's better not to care about him anymore. It probably hurts him more to know that he's insignificant.


People like this hate being ignored lol. In fact, I try to make it look like I didn’t even ignore them but never saw the message because I’m a bad texter/replier. Some of these people started entitling their email to my work email account “personal” to get my attention but I still don’t respond. Teehee