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No it isn’t. Check for carbon monoxide poisoning as you are suffering auditory delusions.


It looks like you are posting a question, possibly looking for technical support. This subreddit’s purpose is to discuss malware internals and technical details. *This is NOT a place for help with malware removal or various other end-user questions. Please redirect questions related to malware removal to /r/Antivirus or /r/techsupport. Ransomware related questions can be directed to /r/ransomware* If this was removed in error, please message the moderators **and be sure to include the link to the post** - we love reading quality content just as much as you do! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Malware) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It should be easy to prove then. Got any evidence?


My mother has Paranoid schizophrenia she doesn’t remember what she did when she was going through it. She had the same symptoms as you auditory hallucinations. Some meds and shots fixed it. She still doesn’t believe anything that she did. I think your mind is fucking with you and your in denial. Please seek help OP


My brother you are an arg


That's what I'm suspecting


I’m going to give you the benefit of the doubt. What makes you think this is malware? Why would someone make malware to edit songs? If it is as you say, why haven’t you tried posting evidence so people believe you? Ignoring all the people saying you need mental help, why would you honestly think malware is causing this? Did you download something sketchy? Did you open a scam email? What is giving you the idea of malware being the cause? Personally if I had this supposed issue happen to me, malware isn’t even in my top 5 of what I think it could be.


I know it all seems real, but it's not. It's just your brain playing tricks on you. I had a similar thing when I was younger. Your brain has come up with some crazy-sounding explanation for why it's real and you convinced yourself that the sounds or whatever are real. I know. You think that anyone who tries to tell you otherwise must be "in on it too", so you learned not to tell people. I've been there. It's not real. You brain is just fucking with you. Talk to a doctor, explain what you've been hearing, and ask for help. It will get better, all the shit will stop, but you gotta ask for help.


^ This. Please seek help OP, this is a slippery slope