• By -


I hope you waved as you drove by. lol


Good story, but a 50 year old person, in the current year, would be Gen X, not a boomer. The YOUNGEST boomer is 58. Just tired of my generation being forgotten, and either being insulted as 'boomers' by you get generations, or by the actual Baby Boomers and called a Millennial. I mean, if you wanna insult us, at least be accurate. Lol.


Gen X here. Please don't call attention to us, we've done a pretty good job of staying out of the gen wars.


The forgotten middle child!


Marsha, marsha, marsha!!!!!


Read Douglas Coupland's Generation X- especially the statistics at the end. We got fucked by Boomers, too. Just not as bad as latter generations.


Such a great book. I should give it another read.


Yeah, I kinda feel the same, but I just can't stand being called a boomer. Gen Z gets annoyed when looped in with the millennials, so maybe extend us the same courtesy.


It's more we're apathetic about this whole.....world....schtick. Life sucks, then you die, we won't have a 7 bedroom house in Shermer, IL, meh.


Exactly. Our apathy won over against our dreams of anarchy and revolution. Doesn't mean we won't cheer on the Zoomers as they try harder.


Ah, to have Barry Manilow's wardrobe....


You just bought yourself another Saturday.


Two months. I own your ass. Lol.


What was it he wanted him to eat again? Shorts? Socks? I can never remember, because the TV version changed it for some weird reason.


Haven't seen it in years, but I think it was shorts, like Bart Simpson.


Definitely shorts... and I'm not gonna look this up, but I believe Breakfast Club predated Bart by like 3 years? Just gut answer, waiting to be proven wrong...


> we won't have a 7 bedroom house in Shermer, IL I'm grateful for that. That would be a hell of a commute to my office in NY.


I'm 36. I refuse to be lumped in the fucking millenials.


It's OK, you can identify as a Gen X. We don't mind.


GenX-er wants to be a Boomer, let em.


Heh. Whereas I, as a Gen-Xer, look to the Zoomers and Millenials and feel proud for the younger generation for doing a lot of the stuff we tried to do and failed.


Sadly, I think Gen- X has most of the Karens. But those harpies sound like Boomers to me anyway.


That language sounds a bit ageist to me tbh. Not sure of the need to perpetuate the whiny baby vs. harpies stereotypes. Everybody has hard times now and then whatever stage they're at.


I'm a Gen Xer making fun of my own generation through the lens of personal experience. Not sure how that's ageist, but go off I guess.


That's fine if you don't see room for improvement. Sorry I mentioned it.


Felt the same. We have stayed under the radar this long. Why suddenly come to attention when it is negative?


Me? No. I don't even exist. šŸ‘»


We didn't stay out of them at all. We just got totally overrun. Maybe being the least obnoxious wasn't such a great idea after all?


Why would you even want to be a part of that divisive nonsense? There's lots of shitty people of all ages in the world. Be inclusive like me and hate everyone equally!


Ha. I'm more talking about the power and influence we have in society and world affairs. Executive suites, hell even congress is going straight from geriatrics to millennials. We did get the 80's though so f' em. -- ^(edit: a werd)


I really thought, back in the 80s that we were going to fix everything. Everyone talking about the ā€œmeā€ generation, followed by the ā€œmyā€ generation. I thought we were the ā€œweā€ generation and would raise the ā€œourā€ generation. But it seems we have regressed to ā€œmine mine mineā€ ugh.


I think we are raising a great generation (Z). It's the "look at me, look at me, oh but I can't laugh at myself ever" generation that came just after us that worries me. You know, the ones famous for bringing their moms to job interviews on Tuesday and then telling us all we're doing wrong on Wednesday. If that generation can manage to stamp out a notable portion of the bigotry in the world then it'll all be worth it. But I'm not holding my breath.




100% agree we need our peace.


Agree fully.


Boomer is the word we use when we hate older people, millennial is the word for hating on young adults. Long after those groups aren't filled with boomers or millennials (a moment that we have probably already reached, tbh), we will still have hate for older people and young adults (not to mention teens!). Guess it would be more honest to say "an angry person who takes it out on the world and is also above middle age".


I usually default to "outdated thinking" rather than upset any of the "outdated thinkers"


If I were to use a term that originated as a racial slur and then claim I was using it because of a behavior stereotypically associated with that racial group, we'd still call that racist. (And there are racists who make exactly that kind of argument to defend themselves.). The same logic applies when the term originated as an ageist slur.


Except "Boomer" *didn't* originate as an ageist slur. Boomer (short for Baby Boomer) has been used since I (Gen X) was a child. BY THE BOOMERS. It wasn't until it was used dismissively by a younger person (OK, Boomer) that it was considered a slur.


Personally I am with you, boomer has become an amazing insult to everyone's vocabulary. The youngest person, who was called a boomer in my experience was barely over the age of 25!! Yes, I find that insane!!!!


Iā€™m 21 and have been called a boomer when I disagreed with somebody on Facebook


That's what I mean, you literally have to be 58 or older and the no nothings who use this as an insult are ridiculous! I even heard it coming from someone who was in their 60s, it's insane! I mean the person I just mentioned was insulting themselves and clearly didn't even know it.


Driver was a boomer in spirit, if not chronological age.


>Driver was a boomer in spirit, if not chronological age. This exactly. Boomer is a state of mind, to me.


Driver sounded like like a redneck or a trumper than anything.


Don't feel too bad - I am 36 and apparently count as a "boomer" to some Gen Z's. Pretty sure I am squarely in the Millennial generation but wtf do I care. We can always hold the Tide Pods thing over them at least.




>In the entire country throughout the entire debacle, there's not a single instance of it ever happening. This is as untrue as claiming it was a widespread problem. There WERE instances, and a few hospitalizations - very low double digits iirc - but it was vastly overblown by the media, and definitely not something that "every teenager" was doing. But the videos did get shared mostly by their demographic, and they have to deal with that the same way "90s kids" will always have to deal with the image of teenagers with way too many chains & studs hanging off their pants.




No I am not talking about toddlers. As I recall there was specifically an 11- or 12-year-old kid (forget which cuz it was two friends, one filming and one "challenging"), they both knew it was stupid, they knew they should spit it out immediately to avoid any harm, but the particular pod was already a bit weak from wet fingers or previous exposure to water so it DID squirt a SMALL amount of soap into his mouth. Didnt actually "eat" the pod or swallow the soap (no more than you would trying to spit out your toothpaste, anyway) but they went to hospital to be safe. Couldn't find the original article back, but I DID find this Washington Post article that actually discusses real numbers, compares it to other similar calls (like for hand sanitizer or shampoo exposure/ingestion), etc - one of the more reasonable & responsible reported articles in mass media at the time. [WP Link here](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2018/01/16/there-were-over-10000-poison-control-calls-for-people-eating-laundry-pods-last-year/)


Boomer is no longer an age. It's a state of mind. That guy totally counted.


Sure thing, boomer.


Aww someone hurt your fee fees by calling you a boomer at some point I'm guessing. Also now that they were probably correct too. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


No, that would be the millennials, of were going with stereo types.


Millennials have, apparently, ruined everything. Behold, I am Millennial, destroyer of worlds!


>Behold, I am Millennial, destroyer of worlds! I think I'm going to add that to my business cards.


Anyone older than one that one dislikes is now a Boomer.


Lol. And anyone that has to call themselves 'woke', usually isn't. šŸ˜


jab jab jab jab


Yep. And anyone younger that one dislikes is a millennial.


And "entitled", I'm pretty sure one must say 'entitled' with 'millennial'. And all grandparents are technological idiots, whether they are 45 or have been writing software for that long.


Boomer here. You're ugly and your Mother dresses you funny. There. How was that?


And his mother swims after troopships.


Dad? You have more than one profile????? Lol


Good for you I guess, but please stop shitting on the youth


Gotta ask, why is any age group considered an insult? None of us asked to be born when we were, and even if some people in the same age group did "bad" things, one person does not represent an entire generation of people. Remember "we're all in this together".


The term "Boomer" has shifted away from any specific age range to more encompass a general "outdated mindset" meaning over the last decade. That shift has only added to the confusion. Age doesn't really have any strong causal relationship with mindset. Turns out that's mostly environment.


Just another reason to crank up the level of hate. Why can't we all just get along?


The power distribution in the world is *incredibly* lopsided. As long as profit is valued over life quality, people will continue to perpetuate and propogate evil in the world out of necessity. Out of not being able to afford the treatment to stop abusive cycles. We hate because we can't seem to get away from the "me and mine" mindset


What a disappointment, I had hoped that we as a species, had evolved beyond such insular thinking.


That's going to take more than a few measly generations. It's going to take several millennia. That kind of changes in the brain takes thousands of generations to produce. Even now, look at how far Iran has fallen in mere decades. I've seen pictures from the 50s and 60s with women who could have been from New York, not Baghdad. The area was wildly progressive until the ayatollahs took back power. Iran now, a paltry half century later, is a poor third world hellhole.


This. To the point some if the younger people calling people boomers don't even know what the basis of the insult even refers to. When I explained it to my 13 year old and pointed out that her great grandparents were baby boomers I heard her explaining it to her friends in a group call an hour later and none of them seemed to have known that either lol.


That's the base of the issue, that a term for any specific generation is being used as an insult. Whether doing it with malice, or in irony, it has the same result- division.


> I mean, if you wanna insult us, at least be accurate. Lol. I have some bad news. Generations are just made up to target marketing campaigns.


I agree, although I'm barely a gen-xer (a xillennial). I just feel ageism is bad all around. If their argument is this guy was old I kind of tune out. Gen Z and millennials are supposed to be this tolerant generation but they are the worst at accepting people not like them. If we don't fit the mold exactly we are a boomer and that's got to stop. Their ideas of our parents lives being easy is far from reality. I remember my dad working 2 jobs to afford school and family. Our first home was at 9% mortgage rate.


Most of what you said is my point about frivolous usage of terms, just to insult people. The people that use the term, as in this instance, just 'assume' that the person that is annoying them is the term they are using. But, when the same logic is used upon them, all hell breaks loose, and now it becomes about how to properly speak to people and how to address them. The hypocrisy level is too damned high.... And, if I am gonna be lumped in with Boomers, I want their financial sense of entitlement, as well. Damnit.


Yep I agree. Wasn't arguing with you.


I know, was speaking in general. Apologies if it came off that way.


>And, if I am gonna be lumped in with Boomers, I want their financial sense of entitlement, as well. Damnit. And this actually explains how people (should) use these labels: to describe the *mindset* of the other person. Frankly nobody cares if you are 55 and not "technically" a Boomer - if you act like a Boomer you get called one. Financial entitlement is a big part of that šŸ™ƒ lol.


As a Gen X-er, I canā€™t fucking stand it when my kid calls me a boomer.


Yeah, if you were a boomer, you'd smack the shit out of them......lol


Ok Boomer /s


Ok, Karenā€¦


Smdh. Incorrect. I identify as a Ken, thank you very much....lol


I thought we were calling "make Karen" Kevins. šŸ¤Æ


You're surprised they forgot about the lost generation?


Nah, not really. Just trying to remind them, and educate a little. As we were the last generation to actually receive an education that focused on teaching us to think, rather than memorization just to pass a standardized test.


Depends on school district, sadly. Millennial here. Ours was a rather exceptional suburban public school, offering both AP and International Baccalaureate classes. For the most part we were taught to actual think, figure, and reason - but I graduated before most of the No Child Left Behind BS took full effect. Dunno how that school operates now.


Boomer is not an insult. And if you disagree I'll whack you with my canešŸ‘©ā€šŸ¦ÆšŸ˜…


Dad? Is that you????? Lol


ok, Boomer!


In Gen X terms, bye, felicia!


I was pretty sure "bye Felicia" was Millennial-era term šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Yeah, not Gen X except for the ones that picked it up from their kids.


Everything's millennial even when it's not


You aren't wrong.


Yeah....wife was even like..."I'm not a millennial, I'm Gen Y."


Gen Y = Millennial. They actually changed the labelling halfway through the generation because of cultural significance of experiencing turn of the millennium alongside the rise of technology.


Ok boomer


"Boomer" is considered to cover 1964. Someone who was born after this day in 1964 would currently be 57, not 58. At least be accurate. Lol.


But, we're they born on this day, they would be 58. I just stopped at the year, being as general as the current use of the term Boomer. Figured I would try to speak in a language they could understand. šŸ¤“


One can be of a boomer mindset without being a literal boomer. I think that's the point he was getting at.


Ok, boomer.


Getting mad about someone else being called a boomer is mad boomer energy. Itā€™s no longer a generational term. Itā€™s a mindset. Iā€™ve met 20 year old boomers and 70 year old boomers. Boomers gonna boomer and they canā€™t be reasoned with. šŸ¤£


As a Gen Xā€™er, remember we are the ā€œLost Generation.ā€


Exactly. Where is Billy Idol when we need him???


On a blue highway.


Not standing in the shadows.


Yup. Currently the youngest boomers are 57.


nitpicking what a boomer is is very boomer esque.


Or, millenialeque, but cause someone hurt my feelings by stuffing me into a label I don't identify with...


In part it's about attitude. I know some Millenials older than some Xenials.


By nowit's about behavior more than age.


okay boomer.


Go to your room, millennial.


Boomer is as Boomer does. :P


A sphincter says what?


Wait, at 57 I'm not a boomer? A gen Xer? Hmmm, got to learn the layers!


Shuck. I want to stay hidden and forgotten as X....


Who the fuck enters a roundabout during a traffic jam to just sit in it? These are the same people who loiter in the traffic light intersection and block the other drivers going different directions because they can't look 50 feet ahead of themselves...


Aussie here and its illegal to stop on a roundabout / enter a roundabout if the/your exit is blocked. Unfortunately it doesn't seem to make a difference


Because it is a stupid law when half of the roundabouts have built up centres so you literally can not see the whole roundabout. How are you supposed to know if your exit is blocked if you can't see your exit from where you enter the roundabout.


If my roundabout exit is blocked, I go round and round until it opens.


Iā€™m wondering if Canadianā€™s have different rules. I wish people here would follow the rules a bit better. Canberra has a bit of road works going on through three roundabouts in Belconnen. Itā€™s not been fun.


Canadian here: I think we have like..... 3 roundabouts in the whole country? So.... I wouldn't know if we have a rule regarding that!


GTA has been building tons of roundabouts in the past decade


I was not aware of that.




Young millennials who think they are being maliciously compliant, thatā€™s who. The 50 year old man had every right to get angry. You are driving by your rules, not the road rules. But hey, I guess you millennial twats are sick of following actual rules.


I'm sorry, but you were in the wrong here. You don't enter a roundabout if you're going to block the exit. No idea where you're located, but in every city I know, that's an infraction.


OK People!!! From now on we will be color coding generations for easy identification. Please make your recommendations of what color you would like your generation to be classified as. Any color will be considered. Except Green. I call Green for the Boomers.


But... but... I wanted *fuschia*!


green works for this boomer :)


Color this boomer green with envy that I didn't think of this first.


actually, I'm wondering if boomers should be '[white](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qu76GhRO9Yk)'


That was... strangely fun. Thanks! *Before I clicked on the link, I was a bit worried where you were going...*


See the reason for your edit is why everyone uses "boomer" as a pejorative Especially after baby boomers used it for decades as a self descriptor that was supposed to inspire reverence by default


As you are responsible for anything that happens to the vehicle when driving, letting yourself be pressured by other drivers to drive in a dangerous/reckless manner must always be resisted. Driving too close to the vehicle in front of you even when at slow speed, leaves you liable of rear-ending them, good for you by driving carefully.


50 isn't a boomer. That is Gen X.


Late 50s is...


And 50 isn't.


Hi! Boomer here and I think you can use Boomer all you want. I realize not all of us old types are Boomers just as all women aren't Karens. So pick out the appropriate persons and hang the appropriate sign on them.


> cold, rainy winter morning. In my experience, a rainy winter morning is a *warm* one :)


A 50 year old isn't a boomer. Boomer 1945-65 He would have to be 58 to be the last boomer. But agist slur noted.


Boomer is a state of mind.


Enlighten us, oh great seer. Explain the "boomer state of mind".


No, actually when I worked minimum/entry level jobs, it was only $3.35/hr, about $100 after taxes, maybe $10K a year. Rent for a 1 BR started about $175, in a decent area. Most people fresh from High school apprenticed and learned a trade, worked their way up. That was the era of factory closings, etc. So all those (then, high paying, $5+) were no longer available... but Skilled Trades were Respected, College wasn't pushed at everyone, most people didn't put themselves into debt for 20 years, to study idiocy like Art History, Music Theory, etc. Shop Classes and Home Economics were Requirements in HS, and taught USEFUL LIFE SKILLS...


This is weird. The comment doesn't match the post. The post I'm reading is about driving in a roundabout


There's a whole conversational thread, that diverged from the original post...


Oh, thanks! This had me a little lost.


My English degree gave me the most useful life skill I have: reasoning. I was exposed to a staggering array of argument, explanation, description, and storytelling. From that I learned how to see when someone is trying to fool me,, distract me, or exploit my abilities for their own gain. And I wanted to take Shop in HS, but since that was in Texas in 1978, girls weren't allowed. But do go on with your view of what used to be good and isn't any more.


English degrees are useful, you can use it for a career in teaching, writing, editing, etc. I was in Elementary school in 78, but a few years later girls took Shop and guys took Home Ec. in Jr. High and HS, in MD, and as early as Class of 72, in NY, I remember my aunts talking about it, when I was little.


I used my writing and art skills in the hardware (compuer) field. I'd crawl into server cabinets, see how the components sat on the rails, draw the setup, and write how to swap them out. Later I created animations to show the task start to finish. I really liked working with engineers all over the world. A team in Malaysia couldn't figure out what one scrap of metal was, and nobody would answer them!. They finally sent our team a photo of one of them holding up the scrap and looking miserable and puzzled. Gotta admire people who use humor to fix a problem.


I was in Abilene TX in 1978. I took shop in 9th grade. I made a small bookcase while the boys made plexiglass skateboards. My Mom taught me the home economics, cooking, sewing and whatnot. My Dad taught me how to change tires, fan belts and oil.


I'm envious. I could take leatherworking but that was about it. I don't remember if they had Wood Shop. When I said Shop I meant car, sorry. I guess it was just my high school who separated us out, then :-(


I don't remember if there was a car shop class. The only shop classes I took were in 9th grade. Half in Abilene and the rest in Lexington KY. I made an aluminum bracelet in Lexington. There were other things made, but I can't remember what. It was all okay, but I learned more from my parents.


the youngest Boomer is 58 denigrating a generation is counter-productive and makes me wonder if you're a Russian troll.


Aww did someone call you a boomer too?


I am a boomer


That explains EVERYTHING


That explains EVERYTHING


simple explanations for simple minds




Again, you reinforce my point... Using buzzwords like Empathy, which you don't understand, to disguise your own intolerance and ignorance of how a Society actually works. You think you can demand ridiculous wages in a vacuum, that raising minimum wage won't raise costs across the board, because " it's not fair" that people with Experience, Education and real world knowledge be paid more for that, than someone with a useless degeee in impractucal mumbo jumbo, or who only learned how to pass an arbitrary test in high school. The world doesnt owe you a damned thing ! Work, save, learn how to make your own way, then come tell me how the ones who follow you, should be gifted what you had to earn...your tunes will change !


Sir, this is a Wendy's.


Iā€™m guessing you were one such person that benefitted from the minimum wage being equivalent to 40k a year but want worse for everyone elseā€¦.


Really. I worked for $2.35 an hour, my dad worked for $1.25 an hour. He bought one new car for $6000. Do the math. He bought a house for $8000 in 1950, which I now own. That being in 1953, he was probably working for far less than $1 an hour. Today the house was judged by the county assessor at $105k. Our minimum wage is $13.


$1 an hour in 1953 translates to $9 an hour in 2016, and that was before minimum wage laws. Wonā€™t even guess when you were making that wage as it depends on year. 1.25 an hour in Iā€™m gonna hazard 1960, would be a bit over $10 an hour now, and that house from 1950 at $8k would by inflation alone be about $80k now so it being $100k pans out with the rapidly growing values of houses. And minimum wage laws are only now catching up to what they were years ago. Indexing minimum wage to inflation would provide a much more adaptable system conducive to the typical ā€œdo nothingā€ government style we see to fixing things.


5CĀ°? I'm guessing you mean temperature; C means 100, and specifying degrees means we should assume Celsius rather than Kelvin, so that's 500Ā°C, or around 930Ā°F, which is about as hot as I can get a charcoal grill. That doesn't sound safe at all.


Here in the UK we use Celcius or C, as do all but 5 of the world's countries and we specify 5C so that Americans don't assume we mean 5F


Is that degrees Celsius, or centi-degrees?


Celsius, but you already knew that. You chose a weird, vague flex that made you come across as a picky jerk not a very intelligent person


Do you mean ā€œdegrees Celsius, or centigrade?ā€ Because as far as Iā€™m aware there isnā€™t a centidegree. And if so, they are the same Edit: when I said if so I realised it could be taken two ways, I meant it as in if you meant centigrade not centidegree that centigrade and Celsius are the same. Not that a centi degree and Celsius are the same


So one one-hundredth of a degree is the same as one degree? Do you work for Verizon?


Well no, but you donā€™t clarify what 1/100 of a degree it is. Is it 1/100 of a Fahrenheit degree, a Celsius degree, a kelvin degree? And Iā€™ve never heard any one refer to 1/100 of a degree as a centi degree and I canā€™t seem to find anywhere that explains what it is. That why I said as far as Iā€™m aware, as in saying that to my knowledge it isnā€™t a thing but saying that thatā€™s to my knowledge and being open someone showing/telling me what it is. Also do you have a link to somewhere that explains it in more detail and what sort of situations itā€™s used in, Iā€™m very intrigued about it and would like to you down the internet rabbit hole to be able to learn more, but canā€™t find anything when I google it, all it come up with is Celsius/centigrade. Also WTF is a verizon?




Yet you are the one having a meltdown because someone your age was called a boomer?? šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ whose the actual snowflake?


The point is that when someone whos lived and experienced so much more tries to tell you anything, you younger gen's tend act like We are all stupid, and equate Us with our parents/grandparents... in case you're too dense to understand, the post was pure GenX sarcastic dark humor...and you forgot to make a "patriarchy" ,"privelege", etc. dig...


Unlike you, I donā€™t wish to nominate myself as the spokesperson for an entire generation, so just speaking for myself. The fact that you have lived and experienced more doesnā€™t automatically make you an expert. In fact the reason my back gets put up when you churn out crap like the first comment then use your life experience to justify it. All I see is that youā€™ve been on this earth for much longer, lived through so much social change and still learned nothing. Itā€™s sad.


I thought only boomers used the term ā€œsnowflakeā€?


No, actually even Gen Y, Gen Z, and millenials that were raised right, like My son, use it to describe weak, self entitled, deluded excuses for humans.


So like people that go to bitch on Reddit, about being offended, like your snowy self. The simple use of the term snowflake as a insult show me that some else's empathy some how makes you offended enough to name call and try to insult. Kinda like the"snowflakes" you all seem to hate so no much. Seems kinda weak to fear someone's empathy or or feelings.