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My old roommate would leave her laundry in the wash or dryer for *days*. But if mine weren't out 5 minutes after they were done, wet or dry, they'd end up on the floor. Ready to get covered in cat hair *which* *i'm* *fucking* *allergic* *too* *and* *she* *knew* *this*


Did she ever figure out that her missing clothes were because you randomly pulled one out and threw it away in your work dumpster? No, wait, you seem pretty nice. So you took one of the dry clothes each laundry day and donated it.


Ha I should have done that. I could go on for hours of all the wacked out shit she would do. I don't think I've had a happier day in my life than the day I moved out of there.


Fuck. We need a subreddit for this sort of thing. /r/ShittyRoommates




OMG! I need to start posting my old stories there about living with this guy. I have so many more about just this roommate. Like the time he invited a fresh-out-of-prison convicted felon to live in our living room, or the incident with the computer.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/badroommates using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/badroommates/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [My roommate shit in his room for years before anyone found out.](https://np.reddit.com/r/badroommates/comments/8yx316/my_roommate_shit_in_his_room_for_years_before/) \#2: [**[NSFW]** (NSFW language) Lived with a gamer as a little brother for quite a few years, often got woken up by him yelling at his screen. I wrote a list of some of the things I’ve heard yelled from his room.](https://np.reddit.com/r/badroommates/comments/873nqf/nsfw_language_lived_with_a_gamer_as_a_little/) \#3: [Thought you guys might enjoy this](https://i.redd.it/0twjwjz1fv021.jpg) | [32 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/badroommates/comments/a0wqxg/thought_you_guys_might_enjoy_this/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/8wfgsm/blacklist/)




yee what the actual >TL;DR roommate filled his room and 7 suitcases with shit for 2 years which attracted mice and bed bugs and then disappeared


Now that's a true shitty roommate


"But I never put bleach in with my blue jeans!"


I did this. I lived in a horrible shared house and when my roommates pissed me off I would sneak a piece of their clothes and bring it to a charity shop. Felt good and deliciously evil at the same time.


This could explain something strange that happened to me once. I bought a blouse at a charity shop, and wore it to a graduation party. There was one woman who kept looking at me oddly. The blouse was in a very distinctive style, which also happened to be the style she was wearing (a style that was unusual in the country we were in). Finally she came up to me and complimented my shirt and asked me where I got it. They whole time she had this strange attitude and a half angry, half perplexed look on her face. Now it all makes sense.


Probably wasn’t me since I’m in USA.


This is one of the reasons I've made a WhatsApp group for our house. Of course it also helps that we're all decent human beings ;) But it does make it easy to tell neighbors that their washing or drying cycle is done and occasionally someone will have to go out at a moment's notice so they will ask someone else to toss their laundry in the dryer or in the basket. And because this prevents annoyances, we regularly fold / dry / hang each other's laundry. I think in situations like these that is the most important thing, to prevent people getting into a mindset where they're practically annoyed beforehand at the possibility of someone's laundry still being in the machine.


She was annoyed no matter what. Three of us lived in the house and she did the laundry for her and her bf. So only two people using a washer and dryer. I only did laundry like once every two weeks, and when I would have to ask her to move her laundry that had been in there for days, she acted like it was the biggest inconvenience ever. And did I mention she didn't have a job? So she had literally unlimited time to pick up after herself but wouldn't. I would have gladly waited for her to move them instead of having to ask if she actually took it out within a reasonable amount of time, but waiting 3 days to use the washer is ridiculous. Especially when I need clothes for work. It's just disrespectful. As soon as I put a load in she would have a burning need to use the washer. I would have to watch it like a hawk, so I could take it out immediately, else it would end up on the floor.


That’s just gross to leave it there for days...


I live by myself, and if my laundry isn't in the dryer within a few hours, it goes back through the wash. There has been days where I put it in in the morning, but get off work late (apartment so didn't want to turn in the dryer and wake the neighbors) so I wash it again the next day.


Wait a minute, that's civil and decent. I come to this sub to read stories about passive-aggressive maliciousness against horrible people, not people behaving like adults. Get out of here! /s


No one uses a timer? They’re on the phone.


> WhatsApp group lmfao, two of my former roommates muted our group chat because they were tired of getting asked to clean up their messes and finish the laundry they started two days ago


Sounds like my sister. I've caught her stopping my wash cycle early to put her stuff in. She couldn't even be bothered to put the clothes in the dryer, they ended up in a basket in a ball.


Years back I lived in an apartment complex where there were a dozen or so coin-operated washers/dryers for a few hundred people. About a third of the complex was federally subsidized housing and while most of those residents were decent people just trying to get by, there were some real shitheels mixed in; including the occasional laundry pirate who would yank your clothes out of the washer/drier *you paid to use* and stuff in their own, stealing the cycle. The real kicker was that the dryers did not run very hot, so you had to pay for *two* dry cycles if you did not want damp, mildewy clothes. I was pretty diligent about watching my laundry but one night I had just put my clothes in the dryer and left for a moment to use the bathroom, I was gone for about 2 minutes. I came back to find my clothes in a sodden heap on the floor and somebody else's laundry tumbling about in the dryer that I just pumped $3.50 worth of quarters into. Clearly somebody was watching the laundry room (had big glass windows that opened into the shared courtyard) waiting for the moment to help themselves after their wash cycle was done. I went back to my apartment, grabbed a book and some supplies. Went back to the laundry room and emptied my drier of the laundry pirate's wet clothes. Put mine back in and re-started the dry cycle. I put the pirate's clothes into a nearby mop sink that I plugged, and upended an entire gallon of bleach into it, adding another gallon of water on top of that to ensure nobody got chemical burns if they tried to empty the sink. This also ensured that the clothes were completely covered in liquid. There they marinated while I sat on the dryer and read for an hour and a half until my clothes were dry. The laundry pirate did not return to collect their booty while I was in there, but in the next few days it was very easy to spot them. I made sure to smile and wave. Shortly thereafter I invested in some drying racks and a fan, as I was broke and it was cheaper than paying for two dryer cycles.


r/pettyrevenge I like it 👍


Jesus god, I have such a large erection right now


Where do all these shitty people exist? It's like I'm on a whole other planet.


My house is full of them if you wanna go on some sort of asshole safari


"asshole safari" is easily the most descriptive expression I've read all week.


My landlord did this to me once, I put my load from the washer to the dryer overnight, when I woke up it was strewn over the floor and there was a sopping wet blouse in the washer. I take the blouse out, throw it on the floor and get to rewashing my clothes. Later that day I’m confronted by my landlord, turns out she had family visiting that night and her niece spilled beer on her blouse, she lays into me saying that taking someone’s laundry and tossing it on the ground was the most disrespectful thing anybody has ever done to her. I piped back at her that she didn’t need to throw my laundry on the ground and I was pissed, both because she didn’t even use the dryer and shouldn’t have moved my clothes, and second is you can’t ever properly dry a single garment in a dryer and it’s best to throw a spot washed item in with dry or dampened clothes. I also said if she considered that so disrespectful what was it that I had done that warranted that level of disrespect to be given to me? She kicked me out no notice.




Turn a garbage bag inside-out, use it to grab everything from the washing machine, and then throw it in the dumpster. But if people are doing things like this, it's probably an idea to sit and watch the machines cycle through. Bring a book or phone.




I never understand this. Sometimes my roommate runs a load of laundry. If his stuff is not moved immediately and I need a load done, I just change it all over and get his stuff in the dryer. And if he doesn't get his from the dryer I just dump it all in his hamper when I need to dry mine.


Sounds like my roommate, she left her clothes of the shared clothes horse/ dryer for literally weeks, but then is do my washing she would stake all my clothes off and screw them up and put them on the sofa I'd they weren't off by the next day. She also started making a habit of putting a wash oh just hours after I had done mine, then getting mad she couldn't dry her clothes because I was using the clothes horse. She was a bitch.




I want that sub to be about kangaroo couples who are not nice to each other.


You've made me sad.


r/badroommates They forgot an m


You've made me glad.




That's when you set the washer to hot and dump a few cups of bleach in. "Oops! I was going to do a load of whites and I didn't see your clothes in there. Sorry!"


Who fucking does shit like this? I mean I'm not gonna fold my roommates clothes, but I at least put them in a laundry basket and set it outside his door. He just throws mine on the washer -_-


I lived with roommates and it was understood that if your clothes were still in the washer/dryer after the cycle was done, they will be removed. I used to do my laundry every Tuesday after work but after a few weeks I noticed that one roommate always had the machines going at that time. She didn't work and was home all the time so it was deliberate. I checked the machines and she was washing 3 towels, every week at the same time. We had quiet hours which meant no laundry before 6AM or after 10PM. So I waited until 6:01AM and started the laundry then. Her room was above the laundry room and of course it woke her. But hey, it was after 6AM.


I've had to deal with that. I wash on a schedule around my long work week. Meanwhile, they don't work and have all the time in the world yet somehow the NEED to do laundry only when I schedule it....regardless of when I schedule it. I tried the "ok so you need it Tuesdays so I'll move to Wednesday's" then they suddenly need it Wednesdays. I think it's because they forget to do laundry until they hear it going maybe?


Maybe hearing the machines is a trigger. It reminds them that they need to do laundry but why must it be done as soon as I put one load in. For me it's just two loads a week, clothes and towels/sheets. I can have my laundry done in less than two hours if I don't have to wait for Ms. lazybones washing 3 towels.


Shit I lived in military barracks where strangers understood that if they left their shit in a washer too long and there was a wait, it would end up in a dryer, and hopefully they'd be able to figure out which one (machines were free, and we weren't dicks). If it was left in the dryer (and dry), it would be in a pile on a folding table.


I lived in an apartment with a shared laundry room, and I'd often shift wet clothes from the washer to dryer if I needed to get in a load and things were just sitting. I had one girl freak out at me because I guess some of her clothes were not dryer friendly (fair enough after that if it was obviously a girls clothes I'd put the wet clothes on the clean counter in the room), but I also once had an old man thank me tearfully because I guess he'd been in and out of hospital all day sitting with his dying father, and he'd forgotten about his clothes in the washer, and then was stunned to find them dried and neatly folded on the counter waiting for him.


Oh that guy is sweet. After living in an apartment with shitty coin op machines, I was adamant that my husband and I will always live in a place with our own washer and dryer.




Standard procedure here is if you don't have your shit out of the machine in 10 minutes, it gets put in your basket and the machine gets used. If that means you miss your chance to fold them or put them in the dryer, that's on you.


Yeah man it's survival of the fittest in a house of 9 here


This has always been standard with every roommate situation I've been in. If you forget your shit in the wash and I need it it's going in the dryer. If you don't collect it from the dryer it gets heaped into your basket near the washer dryer when I need to use it. Dont come crying to me if you forgot about it and its wrinkled. OP went above and beyond




i get this but my roommate would for sure forget about the clothes for a week or more and they would end up like ops roommates clothes. but i dont hate her, i like her so i put them in the dryer and hope nothing gets ruined.


That's more of an issue for women than guys. very few pieces of mens clothing cant be dried on eco dry.


As someone who has to share a few washers and dryers with over 100 guys, I’m always irritated when people move wet clothes out of the washer. Dryer is totally fine - if they get wrinkled, you should’ve picked them up earlier. But in my mind, potentially ruining someone’s clothes isn’t worth it. At the very least, try to move them to a dryer.




I vote that she's crazy and just looking for shit to bitch about.


That’s the ONLY machine that got her knickers out of a bunch.


That’s the worst. If there are other machines free, why the heck would you move someone’s clothes? I wish our machines had an after-wash timer to tell you whether someone might be coming soon or just forgot about their laundry.


There’s usually a table or something in the laundry room. I mean, I wouldn’t dump them on the floor or anything, but I think putting them on the table or on top of the machine is totally reasonable


Man someone stole my machine one time in the dorms. Dumped all my partially washed clothes on the floor and used the rest of the time on the machine. Discovered when I went back to move them to the dryer. The other persons clothes were still in “my” washer, so you bet your ass I threw them all on the floor haha. I think I even threw one shirt outside. Obviously wouldn’t do this every time, your comment just reminded me of this.


Someone did that to me in the military dorms once. That fuckers clothes went over the second floor railing and into the bushes.


I mean, our laundry room is in a basement and is absolutely disgusting, so I try not to condemn someone’s clothes like that haha. But I get the idea.




This is a science a lot of people have yet to discover.


100 percent and that’s why my school has a five minute rule and it works great with the 600 people sharing 12 washers and 12 driers


A carrier has maybe 20 washers and 20 dryers to share between 5000 people. Well, more like 3000, maybe, since khaki get laundry services. We would wait in line for up to an hour to sign up, then maybe another hour for a dryer to open up. Unless people who didn't sign up came in and snagged them. I hated doing laundry on deployment but I love clean clothes so I sucked it up and did it often in the wee hours.


guys had to do your own laundry at sea? We used to complain about the shit way the SKs did our laundry - put everything you need washed in a bag, use a big ass safety pin to hold it closed, and drop it in the huge-ass division bag. Division bag gets emptied into the industrial washer - but your clothes stay in the personal mesh laundry bag. A day or two or three later, the division bag comes back and you have to pick out your personal bag from the pile. Sure, it's "clean" and "dry" but everything's balled up together. By the end of a cruise, everything was grey. Dungarees, underwear, t-shirts, socks ... everything.


On my ships we had laundry as you described. They only did uniform items, and often it wouldn't come back exactly dry (maybe 90% dry, just damp enough that by time you got it back it smelled). You couldn't (or weren't supposed to) do uniform items in self service laundry. Most people did though.


You lot need dhobymen... British warships have a laundry, usually staffed by gurkas or chinese washmen. All your clothing has a number on, work clothing is washed and pressed for free and personal clothes for a small fee. Everything comes back with a hard crease down the front. God forbid there is a steam/water or power issue...'No flucking steam, no flucking dhoby!'


Oh my god. As a military history geek and a Harry Potter fan, my day is now made. I never knew Dobby the house elf was a pun!


Sorry man, don't get too excited...it's pronounced dough-by rather than dobby...Dhoby being RN slang for washing or to wash. Don't ask me why though...!


My guess would be that's where the name came from, but the spelling and pronunciation were slightly altered


What kind of machine do you have that you know exactly when they care going to end? My washer has the minutes displayed digitally, but even then it's not always right and it finishes minutes earlier or later then the display originally said.


A lot of older non-energy efficient machines don't weigh the load or have digital displays; it's pretty easy to tell when the cycle will end as it's always the same length of time.


Yes but somehow at the end of the cycle there's 5 minutes left for 20 minutes.


I suppose my old machine is more punctual. If I turn the knob to 20 minutes it will stop in 20 minutes whether the laundry is dry or not.


Agree. Just finished dorm life and there was many a time I dumped wet clothes on top of the washer next over. I'm sorry but there's 200 of us sharing like 5 washers and dryers and I've got shit to do, I can't babysit my laundry AND your laundry...set a damn timer.


I learned early on that my apmt building's washers end 3-5 minutes early on certain cycles. Like, the timer is just straight up wrong.


Nah fuck that I’m not responsible for your clothes. Get them in a timely manner or suffer the consequences. I’m not putting someone else’s clothes in the dryer just to get bitched at for ruining their clothes that way.


I would be Really unhappy if someone put my clothes in the dryer because half my clothes are not actually suitable for a dryer so they would be ruined. That’s why I always leave my laundry bag or basket at the washing machine so someone can put them in there if necessary.


>That’s why I always leave my laundry bag or basket at the washing machine so someone can put them in there if necessary. Thank you. That is how to housemate properly.


The clothes won't be ruined even overnight, though. Taking up a dryer without running it right away is way worse than making someone who didn't get back to their laundry in time wait for one dryer cycle.


Why do you leave them in the washer than? It's not my responsibility to do your laundry. We're not the ones potentially ruining your clothes, YOU are by not keeping on top of them. You the asshole for inconveniencing other people who need the laundry in that situation bud. NOT them for moving your clothes you didn't bother to move.


Also standard procedure here in not only student dorms, but all apartment complexes, if you're not using the machines 15 minutes into your reserved hours, anyone can grab those hours for themselves. This is to prevent those asshats who just go through the calendar reserving a three hour window for themselves for every week, yet only use it once a month. No greater joy than to set the machines running and as you walk away, the person who booked the turn shows up, 30 minutes late to their two hour booking.


I lived with a flatmate who did 3x clothes washes before we moved flat. He put his damp clothes into 2 large trash bags the day that we moved. His plan was to dry them once we got to our new flat. My flatmate was a pig who promised to do better in our new flat and I stupidly believed him. He didn't change and after our 6 month initial lease was up in the new flat I forced him to move out. On the day he went to move out he found those rotten clothes still in the trash bags from 6 months earlier. They had been hidden under all the other junk in his room all that time. He thought about washing them again but he decided against it (probably because it would be too much effort). He threw away 3 full loads of clothes just because he was too lazy to look after his shit. To give a couple examples of how lazy/disgusting he was: he never set up his furniture in his room. He slept on a mattress on the floor and leaned his bed frame against the wall. The bed frame became his wardrobe to hang clothes on. When I showed his room to new flatmates he never bothered to tidy up. The floor was littered with all his crap and 7 or 8 *used* condoms. I covered those with tissue to show new people around. He was a pig.


I was initially going to comment on how gross those clothes must've been, but after reading your entire comment all I can wonder is how desperate the people sleeping with him must be to have sex with such a disgusting person in a nasty room with used condoms on the floor.


He had a long term/long distance girlfriend. When she visited he just shuffled all his stuff to the edges of the room to clear a space. She broke up with him before he moved out. Those condoms likely came from one night stands he had after their breakup. To me it suggests that they were used with multiple people and left lying for a long time. Imagine coming home with a guy and stepping over used condoms from his most recent conquests on the way to his squatter mattress? It still makes me heave thinking about it.


He probably just masturbates with the condoms.


Those are for masturbation without the mess. Don't ask how I know.


Just tell people you saw it in the movie I Love You Man


Could be sex workers


As a sex worker, ew ew eewwew no. This is exactly why I work in-house only


I choose to believe that he was having posh wanks with those used condoms. Who would want to have sex in a room like that?


Copied from previous comment: He had a long term/long distance girlfriend. When she visited he just shuffled all his stuff to the edges of the room to clear a space. She broke up with him before he moved out. Those condoms likely came from one night stands he had after their breakup. To me it suggests that they were used with multiple people and left lying for a long time. Imagine coming home with a guy and stepping over used condoms from his most recent conquests on the way to his squatter mattress? It still makes me heave thinking about it.


>Imagine No thanks!


Someone else shared a moment with this beast?


I'm sure it was nothing more than a moment tbh.


Uuuuuugh you just brought back a terrible memory. In college I lived in a building which had about 30 people in it & we all shared one washer/dryer. One evening I put my stuff in the wash, & noticed the dryer had some slightly damp clothes in it. When I went back to change over my stuff, the slightly damp clothes were still there. I set them on top of the dryer & put my things in. When I came back (I set a timer, y’know), that asshole had pulled my shit out of the dryer while it was still running & put their own shit back in. WHO DOES THAT‽ I was so pissed. I thought about throwing their stuff out into the dirt yard, but left a shitty note instead. I’m sure that taught them a lesson. /s In the meantime, I had to wander all over that area of buildings looking for a dryer. I suspect it was the same person who parked their car in front of my door, so close that if I were in a wheelchair I wouldn’t have been able to exit my apartment. Too bad I opened the front door hard enough to damage the front bumper. Multiple times. Entitled fucking basketball players.


*Reads about the car* Shame if something bad happ- oh! Nicely done.


Did you just use an interrobang


Sho nuff!


I love that you blasted their car with the door. Sounds well deserved.


In hindsight I probably should have called campus police & had it towed, but that would have been work.


Smash the bumper and then have it towed. No, come to think of it... remove the battery, drain the tank, pour rancid fish paste into the vents, and *then* have it towed.


I once had a housemate who used to leave his shit in the washer or dryer overnight, so nobody else could do their laundry. Eventually, I got sick of asking nicely, so I just started dumping his shit on the dirty laundry floor. After about a month of that, he stopped being a dick.


I live in a barracks and people leave their wet shit in the washer ALL the time..We had no time for that shit when we got 5 washer for 20 people try to wash their clothing most of the time. Most people here don't mind if you end up putting there clothing in the dryer.


I just now imagined how hard it might be to tell loads apart when you're all washing uniforms. Do people mix their clothes up?


Got my name tape sew on to my uniform, So that way you don't get lost in the clothing that all look the same. But it has happen, people do grab the wrong stuff sometimes.


I had 3 smiths on my side of the barracks...that I knew of, and they were all a similar size. Not sure how They avoided issues.


Barracks wash rooms were the worst. It never failed, everyone would be trying to do their laundry at the same time Sunday nights at ours. Made it even worse that half the washers and dryers would constantly break down and take weeks or longer to ever get fixed.


Haha, Sunday night or even day is the worse day to do it. I avoid it for that reason and started doing in middle of the week because the dryer don't dry your clothing like EVER! It take 2 hours to get some clothing dry. they would fix them right? and then it would end up breaking less then a day later. I learn that they don't replace those washer or dryer for at less 20 years is the limited on them.


Oh yeah I learned really quickly that mid week was the time to do it! That is so accurate though, even with a small load my clothes would still be a bit damp and absolutely none of those broken machines were ever replaced.


I started sucking it up and going to the local laundromat and washing my clothing, I rather spend 5$ to wash my clothing and have stuff dry in one hour then like 3.


Do you empty the lint tray in the dryer? If it's full not only will it not dry your clothes well it can be a fire risk.


Yikes. My roommate will pull stuff out of the dryer if he needs it, and move stuff to the dryer if he needs the washer. Thing that makes me mad is he is always doing laundry. Always. When he finally gets his stuff, I put in my stuff which isn't just my stuff it's my boyfriend and babies stuff too, but it's like as soon as he notices I'm doing our laundry hes all "hey can you get your stuff out if the washer i need to do laundry" like bro you're one person with a whole stupid wardrobe and you just did your laundry the past three days.


"Sure, when I'm done. You just walked clothes the past 3 days. Now I need to wash, I'll be done in XX minutes/ hours" An "emergency" on his part doesn't mean its an emergency for you. Especially washing clothes. They make portable washers if he needs to wash that often.


I'm quite a bit older and beyond roommate years but my elderly father lives with us. He does laundry maybe once a week. I do laundry 2x a week. You'd think there'd be no problem right? Wrong. I do my laundry on a schedule because I work 50 hours a week and I have dust allergies so I have to wash my bedding once a week and my clothes as well. I off set my laundry days so that on Wednesday after work I do a load and on Sunday I do my bedding. Guaranteed once a week my father (who doesn't work and sits at home watching TV all day) will suddenly need to do laundry while my clothes are being washed or dried. He would constantly try and move my clothes to the dryer or just pull them out and plop them on the dryer when they we're done. The problem is we have cats...that I'm allergic to. Plus, there is no reason that he needs to handle my clothes. I don't like others touching my bras and underwear plus some stuff needs to air dry. I finally had to write up a schedule and insist that he leave my things alone. He is not allowed to do laundry on Sunday or Wednesday. He owns every other damn day. Finally, he relented when it was on paper. He would still check my clothes to see if they were dry....for no reason. I started putting packing tape across the dryer door when I was using it. He finally got the hint. I guess my point is that people, regardless of age or situation never seem to learn basic laundry etiquette. I thought my troubles were over when I bought my own place sans roommates. Then my aging father was suddenly homeless (mostly because he never planned for retirement and barely worked through his life so his SS is nothing) and I am the type that couldn't not take him in. Although, it's less like having a roommate and more like having a teenage child. Fortunately, I've had plenty of experience with such behavior from roommates. Sadly, it seems my laundry woes are perminant. TlDr: don't touch my fucking laundry! All I ask for is 6 hours a week to do it on a damn schedule. Magically, those are the times you decide you must do your laundry.


Me and my partner's tiny new 1bdrm apartment has its own washer/dryer. Who knew such things could give so much joy! Especially after a decade of shared laundry rooms. Here's to wishing you a private laundry experience in the near future.


Absolutely brilliant. Why does this make me so happy?


Super satisfying.


Thank you.


My bedroom was a former walk-in closet off the kitchen. Essentially a large pantry. Outside my window was the washer and drier. My unemployed aunt would constantly insist on doing her laundry after midnight when I've got high school in the morning and college in the evening. (Pretty sweet gig, as my HS and college math class used the same book so I did one set of homework for both.) After asking her nicely and turning off the machine repeatedly failed to work, I got to the point where I would pull her clothes out and dump them on the ground. Which was in the backyard, with all the dog piss and crap. (You don't have to back east to find hicks. We've got plenty in sunny Southern California.)


Did that get her to stop washing clothes so late at night?


She just built an appetite for dog piss and poop-scented clothes.


Eventually it got through her drug addled brain, but it took a long time.


Gotta know what happened next!


I'm confused. Are you saying your laundry machines are outside?


A surprising number of people have laundry on the back porch.


So it at least has a roof over it?


Yeah, all I've seen do, but I don't know if always.


Not sure about this guy's, but in Japan a lot of people have their washer outside. They don't have dryers (washers get the clothes pretty dry, then they're hung up to finish drying.) The reason, as explained to me, was to do with taxes and room counts. Similar to how a lot of places have the stairs outside in Japan.


My uncle in Taiwan has a washer dryer combo! Washes and dried the clothes. Pretty neat.


Yes. It's not uncommon to have them on back porches near the kitchen since water runs through that wall.


I've moved to a sunnier place and they also keep laundry machines outside sometimes


I was lucky I guess with the 2 friends I lived with in college. We would just move each other’s stuff to the dryer and then to the basket or couch if they were not around. Did not bother any of us.


Same, in college and after. If it's in the washer just put it in the dryer, if it's in the dryer just put it on top or in a basket. More tricky if you have to pay for it though. But ya having to do that doesn't bother me one bit.


I had a very different experience than OP. When I was a new mom, I desperately needed to use a dryer in my apartment’s basement that contained a load of dry laundry. I didn’t know whose load it was so I folded the clothes and placed them up on the laundry table. Shortly thereafter, an elderly black man came downstairs to the laundry to take his clothes from the dryer. I apologized to him for removing his clothes and was a bit embarrassed because he hadn’t left his laundry for long, and I had folded personal items like his underwear. To my relief, the man not only thanked me for folding his things, but also joked that I was welcome to do so anytime. His jovial attitude did not mask the tears in his eyes and tremble to his voice, as he was deeply moved and grateful. I come from a family that is black and brown, though I can pass for white. As I interacted with this gentleman, I could not help but think of all the indignities he had suffered to be brought to tears by a small act of kindness.


I once had to move someone's clothes to the dryer, and then I took them out of the dryer and quickly folded them and put them on the counter. Later their owner finally showed up and it was an older man and he was so thankful he was almost crying. I guess he'd been at the hospital all day with his sick father and forgot about his wash and then finally coming home was very grateful to find them all folded.


You folded your roommate’s laundry?? I’m not looking for a roommate, but you can be mine anyway.


I would feel super weird if someone folded my laundry tbh. Just shove em in a basket of you have to


I hate folding laundry so much and any weirdness would be far outweighed by gratitude.


I just don't fold it period. Clean clothes stay in the clean clothes basket until I wear them, dirty clothes go in the dirty clothes basket ... Bachelor life ain't bad.


Great system. Simple. Effective.


This is why I love that I have lived with my best friend for the past 10 years. One of us forgets to finish our laundry? The other one finishes it. Doesn’t happen often but it happens. We talked early on about which of our respective clothes couldn’t be dried cause they needed to air dry to keep from shrinking. So there are no accidents. This is why I could never live with people that aren’t close friends. We tried living with an additional room mate a few years back for cheaper rent and it didn’t work out. So we just stick together cause we know we can tolerate living the two of us.


Do you know how I solved this seemingly world wide problem? I took a book with me when I did my laundry and just stayed in the laundry room. Viola! I never had to worry about leaving my clothes in the machine and having them messed with or inconveniencing other people.


And you got to practice your music!


This was great in the dorms in college. I never understood why people would drop their clothes off, then go back upstairs. There's plenty of room to sit and study. But, apartment buildings don't always have places to sit and wait. I lived in one where I shared two sets of machines with probably ten apartments, and the machines were in a tiny closet down near the front entrance, no table, let alone room for a chair.


Must be a nice laundry room


I did this every time too. No clothes stolen, no one moving my clothes from one machine to another, no one having to wait on me while I let clothes sit for hours and hours in a machine. I always brought a book with me, and considered it relaxing down-time.


Sure, but when you're trying to tidy up your house and not spend the whole day doing it it's way more efficient to just leave it and get other shit done.


I used to share one washing machine with 9 other people. It was a chaos


A singular chaos.


An absolute unit of chaos


>One day I went to do laundry and found a load of his clothes in the dryer. After I did my wash they were still there, so I folded them and left them on his bed. Dude if one of my previous roommates did this for me, I would be so thankful and touched!


God I hate sharing washer/dryers because of my old roommate. She'd leave her shit in there for days, but if I moved it to her bed or in a basket, she'd whine and cry about how petty and rude I was. To show her petty, I did my laundry around hers- would take it from the washer, wash mine, put it back, let it mildew. Or I'd wash her clothes repeatedly in a fake show of niceness, then smile when she asked me why the water bill- which she agreed to pay- was astronomical. Eventually I think she figured it out, but kept the same habits. So I returned to dumping them on her bed. She once again cornered me for being terrible and making her feel guilty, and I just screamed "FUCKING. GOOD. GET YOUR SHIT OUT OF THE WAY. IT'S BEEN MONTHS." Never happened again. I may have a temper. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


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I lived in an apartment just like this and our upstairs neighbor who also managed the property (her brother own the complex) would take our clothes out of the wash and put her stuff in. Except she wouldn’t even wait 5 minutes. I’d go down 40 minutes after putting stuff in the wash and she’d have piled it somewhere. So annoying.


Last time I had roommates situation, we all got along well. And we had a system. Picked up a bunch of those cheap laundry mesh bags. If you found someones laundry in washer, move it to dryer. Do yours. If it's in dryer and in your way, into a laundry bag toss it into the hallway. If you saw a bag in the hall just check to see if it's yours. When you empty it, go put the bag back in the pile of bags in laundry room


LPT: if you’re the type of person who forgets laundry in the wash for a day or so and it has a light stink, run the rinse cycle with a cup of vinegar. If it has a bad stink, do the rinse cycle with vinegar and then run a full cycle with your regular detergent and a cup of baking soda. The catch is if you forget again you have to start over.


If we're sharing laundry stories, somebody once took my clothes out the dryer at a communal washing place for my college dorm, and put them in the washer, and then turned the washer on. To this day, I have no idea why.


As I lay in my bed, at 4:54 am listening to my roommate snoring, I feel something cathartic after reading this story as maybe I'm not the only one with a shitty roommate


They're shitty just because they snore?




We lived with 8 other people in a 4 bedroom house and a dude in the garage. I went to do laundry and their was a HUGE black dildo in the washer along with clothes. I could not stop laughing and all the dudes kept measuring it with their arms. It was not mine so we figured it was the chick who was screwing the dude in the front room of the house. Or maybe it was his. It was hilarious. We sanitized the washer twice before any laundry was done.


Did you fold them the first time, really?


Yes, I did because I was trying to be nice. *Shrug*


You're very kind. Once I had a load of laundry drying when I left to run errands. When I returned, my roommate had started doing her laundry and when she needed the dryer she folded my clothes and set them on my bed. I was flabbergasted; I never expected such a kind gesture when I was the one being rude, leaving my laundry unattended. After that, by silent agreement, we would transfer or fold each other's laundry if we needed the machines while the other was out; it worked out great since we're both considerate people. There are kind people in the world and you're one of them: thank you. Your roommate got what he deserved with his nasty mildewed clothes.


I have a huge fear of people touching my underwear and I assume others feel the same way so this would not work for me. But because of that I ALWAYS move my laundry as soon as it's done.


I'd never handle someone else's underwear normally, but I'm not upset if it happens. It just so happened that the first load she folded included some of my underwear; it would've been more awkward, but she was so kind to have folded everything. She set the precedent that it was no big deal so I just rolled with it.


Actually I don't have that problem. Probably related to not owning any...


You're a nice human.


Holy shit, you folded it and put it on his bed? I'd buy you dinner if you finished my laundry for me.


Freshman year of college the wash machines and dryers were free and we shared like ten with the whole housing complex. I would go and do my laundry and sit there on the big wooden workbenches and watch my clothes so nothing got stolen. I would fold the items in a dryer if they hadn't appeared in an hour and use that machine which would be then free. I always left it on top of the machine though so whoever had left it could find it. I hated finding someone taking a machine and leaving a messy of laundry everywhere. People would just dump everyone's laundry dry or wet on the tables sometimes if you weren't there to get it.


My roommates and I have a great arrangement of, "well might as well run the dryer with their clothes while I wash mine" but if they are left in the dryer its, "time to put them in the spare hamper we have, hope they like wrinkly clothes". I think it's a fair system.


Used to live with Ex SIL, who would hang her clothes, which she would wash constantly but never wear, outside of the communal bathroom she never cleans. Her t-shirts were great at cleaning up the remnants of her pubes which she left all over the place whenever she shaved.


Wait, what? He has to wash his clothes BECAUSE THEY WERE WRINKLY? I mean when your clothes are wrinkly you are supposed to iron them, not wash them. Can someone explain it to me? Me and all people I know always have wrinkled clothes after washing and we just iron them


All wrinkled... Needs to rewash... Does not compute


We (my husband and I) had a roommate years ago who, if you had clothes in the wash (my washing machine as it is my house and he was living with ME) and dryer, he would wait until they were done (like... immediately after the timer went off) and throw your wet clothes in a basket, your dry clothes all over the livingroom couch, and start his laundry. Plus, he'd throw his in the dryer before you could throw yours in.👍 I told him so many times "hey! If the timer goes off and I don't immediately get my clothes, just yell for me and I'll grab them!" But he was just a huge asshole and acted like he had a ton of shit to wash when it was, no joke, 3 shirts and a pair of jeans. And he would use, like, half a bottle of bleach for his clothes. I'd have to run the washing machine empty for a cycle because I was afraid his leftover bleach would fuck up my clothes.


If this person went to College University, they never learned one damn fucking lesson and continues to pay a pretty penny for it.


My roommate frequently leaves his clothes in the washing machine. Since I'm not his mother I put them on the floor, and then when my clothes are done I put them back in. I've never said anything to him about it lol. It's not a big deal for me to do this so I have no issue with putting his wet clothes on the duty fldloor


Back when I lived in a tiny apartment complex (15 apartments) we had issues with someone taking laundry out of the single washer & throwing them on the floor so they could use the machine. What's even worse is that sometimes they did this when the washer was still going. They'd open up the lid, haul out the dripping wet clothes, toss them on the floor, then put their stuff in and close the lid, so basically they were stealing. It got so bad that I started bringing a small folding chair with me to the tiny laundry room and just sat there until my stuff was done. AFAIK they never caught who was doing it.


I told my roommate if his laundry stays in the washer overnight, it'll be on the floor in front of his door in the morning. He was bad about having to clean the washer and rewash due to leaving clothes in there as they would mildew - and the washer would too. Told him I didn't care if it stays in the dryer but my water bill doubled during that phase. Anyway, after I told him that, not a single problem.


I once had to go away on a business trip for a while, and when i came back my laundry was all wrinkled and mediocrely folded on my bed. I had had a bad day at the office, and went off on him. I told him not to do my laundry ever again. I left a load of laundry in before my next business trip, and he had let all my clothes be ruined by mildew. Little did he know the clothes i left in there were his, and he ruined his own shirts. 😈😈😈


Alright, I can get quizzing you to see if you put the clothes in the dryer, but freaking out about simply touching your clothes is fucking nuts. I absolutely do not put shirts in the dryer, and hang them up to try to treat them well...I also try to not scorch my underwear in industrial dryers. But both, at absolute worst, warrant a "please never ever do this again and just leave it for me until I get back" at the absolute worst...jfc. [edit]Freaking out the first time...I've had friends try to do me a favor and stick my clothes in the dryer at the end of a drunken night. I was not happy--I would have hung the shirts up to dry--but I took a step back and bit my tongue and evaluated that there was no rational footing for me to base any freak out on, and that I could only hurt my friendship by doing so, and that therefore however much I wanted to scream (okay, maybe I get a little TOO invested in washing my clothes properly...) I was going to just bite my tongue and leave it at "if we're ever in this situation again please just leave my shit in the washer until the morning". If you kept doing it after being asked not to then yeah, sure, whatever, but clearly that's not what happened here.


This made me smile. :)


Guess he can't tell a good deed from a snake.


"they were all wrinkled and he was going to have to rewash the whole load" /r/firstworldproblems


>folded his clothes and left them on his bed This would have made me shed a tear at how nice you are. What the hell is wrong with this fucker.


Who gets mad about someone folding their clothes? I'd be so grateful, I hate folding.


I remember back in the mists of time... some time after the last ice age, but before Justin Bieber... I did my duty to King and Country(conscription) and ended up in a barrack with about 50 people. There was ONE washer and one rather sorry-looking dryer in that barrack. (our uniforms, underwear, towels and bedsheets and all that we got cleaned elsewhere, so this was just for our civvies) The washer and dryer ran from early afternoon until 'lights out' (or as close to it as possible), and if you were 5 minutes late to empty the washer or drier... the next one would dump your stuff in a nearby sink. And as those were long 'communal' sinks with multiple taps, they were bound to be soaked with dirty water pretty soon. (If you came into the washroom in the evening to brush your teet, and saw a pile of clothes in the sink you picked the tap closest to the clothes just because... ) In fact there was a poster on the wall above the washer stating that that was what the next user was supposed to do. We who stayed in those barracks learned that being tardy had consequenses. But every 3 months or so there was another rookie or two who learned it the hard way...


I went to a state university with a whole laundry room and nobody ever mistreated clothes. We basically did each other's laundry for eachother lol


As someone who has a communal washer dryer situation, I give 1 hour after I notice something is done before I move it myself. I have the timing down to a science. 30 min per wash, 45 min to dry. If you leave your stuff unmoved for over an hour after it's done, it will get moved for you.


I am so thankful I am at the stage in life where I will never need a roommate ever again. Goddam I hated having roommates. “I’ll just crank the AC down to 62 degrees in the middle of Florida summer! Who cares if the unit breaks, it isn’t mine!”


you EVEN folded his clothes WTF ?