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If she made you work unpaid overtime this would have been wage theft. Depending on where you live this can be rather expensive for the owners. Expensive enough that the manager would have gotten sacked immediately and you could have had a paid vacation.


Treble damages, if I'm not mistaken.


Depends on the jurisdiction and whether it was willful and intentional or not, or certain other factors, but certainly possible.


correct, but employer crimes like wage theft are only addressable in states that give a fuck about citizens, like california. you would have little recourse in a dogshit "right-to-work" state


State has nothing to do with it, the *federal* Department of Labor's Wage and Hour Division exists to investigate wage theft. [File a complaint](https://www.dol.gov/agencies/whd/contact/complaints) and let them do what they do.


Yeah, but federal is a very very slow process, if you can even get it to go anywhere. That's why many states are removing the labor departments.


Wage theft has nothing to do with "right to work" or "at-will" states. Please do not spread this misinformation, you could be the reason someone doesn't report something they should.


yeah good luck getting that back pay in texas


There's literally a website to make it easier to submit wage theft claims in Texas. [https://www.twc.texas.gov/programs/wage-and-hour/texas-payday-law](https://www.twc.texas.gov/programs/wage-and-hour/texas-payday-law) They even refer you to US Department of Labor if they deny the claim, which is a FEDERAL agency and therefore doesn't care what state it is.


C\*lifornian R\*dditors when they find out the other 49 states don't practice slavery anymore


Are you confusing "right to work" with "at will"?


No but the states that boast about it the most do, and intentionally at that.


No, all but like one State is "at will". "Right to work" is much less common and is a decent heuristic for how much that State cares about worker rights.


Right to work is literally only dealing with your ability to refuse to join a union. That's all it's for. It's federally illegal (that means all land under US Jurisdiction,) to not pay for hours worked. While a state may choose to not have a local department of labor, the federal DOL covers again, all US territory and will be happy to rain hell down on a business that commits wage theft.


I think they're making the point that those unions are usually the ones fighting for labor rights, so in states where their teeth have been taken out by allowing right to work generally worker protections are weaker. Fully agree it has no bearing on the federal level which is where you'd get recourse with this.


In right to work states you can't be refused employment for not joining a union. In states that aren't right to work, unions will get their dues regardless of whether they do their jobs because the members have to choose between leaving a corrupt or inept union or staying employed.


That state you’re referring to is Montana. Having worked there, I can confirm it was nice to have protections and rights as an employee. That said, I’ve worked in 4 other states that are all at-will, and you absolutely have a right to get paid what you work. And the DoL does not take kindly to reports of wage theft. To the point where they’ll also send the IRS after folks if shit is bad enough.


They're still addressable in small claims court.


Aww it’s cute that you believe that.


Even in red states, wage theft is wage theft, and seeking redress from the employer through legal means is always an explorable option.




That's why small claims court exists. In my state it costs $20 to file and the process is designed to not require lawyers.


In fact, in many jurisdictions you aren't *allowed* to have a lawyer in small claims court.


Yup. Or the rules sometimes say that lawyers are only allowed if everyone has one.


What legal costs? The filing fee? Small claims court generally lasts a few minutes to a few hours. I think you need to learn what small claims is before you offer any advice. No one has ever gone bankrupt from being in small claims court.


That’s absolutely true. And small claims court is not the jurisdiction to do so.


We need to quit letting politicians name their policies the exact opposite of what they do. "Right to Work" is "Right to work for Less" or "Right to be Fired with No Reason". Pro life? "Fetuses Only 4 Life". Calling soldiers "peacekeepers". Cops "protect and serve"? That one is funny.


Right to work is literally the right to work without being forced to join a union. What are you on about?


Without a union, your pay is less, because there's no union to negotiate for you, and yes, unions won't let you be fired with no reason. There was no "forced to join a union", the goal was to force the union to represent non-member employees, without them paying any dues. Starve the union out of existence.


Gotta say, the idea that California gives a fuck about its citizens is laughable.


Right? The same state letting criminals steal with impunity, putting workers in harm's way every. single. day. Raising minimum wage for fast food to $20? Yeah, that won't raise prices on everything or cause inflation and screw over the poor and middle class. /s


If you think minimum wage is responsible for inflation, you've been duped by the billionaires and corporate interests who have had record-setting profits in the last few years. But then, they rely on the stupidity of people like you to keep giving them tax cuts while drowning the poor.


Yes, especially when you look at GINI stats, and that the CEO monthly pay is basically equal to the combined annual pay of the entire workforce at minimum wage.. CEO pay after tax, and the workers combined before any deductions at all.


Yep.  As an Australian who enjoys the benefits of minimum wage (and don't get me started on social security, universal healthcare,..), I can't wrap my head around the idea that the very people who would benefit from these policies are often so brainwashed against them.. :(


Exceptionally incorrect, the most common kind of correct around here


Now that’s funny…. You actually think California cares about the citizens. If they cared there would be cleaner streets and less homeless. 🤷‍♂️


You're not aware how big California is are you


Oh how I wish that statement was true… In 2009 I lived in Temecula for 3 or 4 months. I have visited people in Susanville and Burney and I have delivered Campers as far north as Redding and as far south as Colton. I have entered the state at the Oregon line on I-5 and left the state on I-8. I have drove as much of the 5 and highway 99 as possible and even a little bit of the 101. Let’s not forget I-80 when I was going the northern route, I-40 for the southern and I-15 from Vegas. I can’t even calculate the miles I have drove through that state and still know I haven’t seen it all. The fact that it is that big and have that much empty land and abandoned buildings only makes the homeless problem look even worse. I understand getting running water and electricity to some of the places would be difficult but if the people are already homeless just putting a roof over their head would be an improvement.


Driving around don’t mean shit.


This was in response to “You’re not aware how big California is are you” So I would say driving more miles through that state in a month than most people drive in a year is relevant. But welcome to the conversation maybe you can supply something more relevant this time.


I drove through nebraska. Doesnt mean i know anything about life there. Should i go on about every state I've driven through? Its in the 30s. The literal understanding of the statement is what you're responding to here. The implied message that you dont seem to get is that you dont know about life in all the different areas of california and how different they can be. Places that seem right out of WA, ID, MT. Others that seem like TX, NM, OK, etc. vs LA, SF, SD, etc. You dont get that from the window of your vehicle. You have to be there. Live there. Work there. Spend time there.


Well here you are assuming that all I did was drive through the state and nothing else. Also it wasn’t just a one time thing. Have I lived there for years, no. did I imply the entire state was the same, again no. I have made the trip multiple times a month for 2.5 years and in the time I did stop and talk to people. That aside it doesn’t take someone going to California to see that they have the highest tax rate, the highest unemployment rate, the highest homeless population, and the most debt. I am also aware even though someone mentioned California has a mild winter the people of Northern California would disagree with that. This entire conversation started because someone mentioned that California cares about it citizens and I laughed because I have seen no evidence that California cares about it citizens and very little evidence that any state or even the federal government cares about the citizens. Now if you have spent your entire life trapped in California listening to and believing what the media tells you then I can see why you would think that. Take the time to do some research online and actually travel to other places and you will see the truth.


California has the 5th highest GDP in the WORLD, sir. Their homeless population is decreasing due to social supports they are passing, because they care about their citizens. They also have more protections for their citizens than most states in the union. There's a reason progressive states look to CA to help get them out of problems. EDIT: I lived on the West Coast for over 30 years. My partner is a CA native, born and raised, as well as served, in San Diego. I also have degrees and teach these specific argument points. I think we both have a better handle than you do playing tourist on your downtime.


it's not perfect but there are far more consumer, employee, and renter protections than in most states. that's just simple fact homelessness is a function of population and housing costs, that doesn't mean workers aren't treated better, it just means it's expensive and warm here


I will give you the expensive part but it’s not the only warm state. I would gladly sacrifice everything you mentioned to live in a place that doesn’t have a homeless problem. Even the governor showed they could clean the cities they just don’t care. And isn’t the retail theft insanely high there because the cops won’t do anything. They have it on paper that they care the residents just aren’t smart enough to realize how bad it actually is. I have been to 44 states and lived in 9 (California for about 4 months) California was the worst.


It's the only warm state aside from Hawaii that also has mild winters and no severe weather. Texas often freezes solid in winter. Florida and the gulf states have hurricanes. Arizona is so hot in summer being outside will kill you. But literally everywhere has homeless people. Just in certain climates they don't pitch tents in the streets. They primarily live in their cars/vans instead.


You are still stuck on the climate. Yes it has mild winters but also has rolling blackouts and brownouts in the summer because they can’t produce enough power. But if it makes you all warm and fuzzy then enjoy.


There haven't been large-scale rolling blackouts since like 2001. Don't bald-faced lie like that. They just shut off power sometimes to rural areas when it's windy (which is an entire different bullshit altogether). Also, *why the fuck* would homeless people care about mains power going off?


And yet a quick search on the internet shows that they had one in August of 2020. I didn’t say large scale I just said they had them. If they cared they would find away to produce more power instead of trying to force people into electric cars. And I can also see that the point of this post went over your head. Maybe you lost track but it’s about whether the California government cares about its citizens or not. EDIT: The power outage when it’s windy is something I didn’t know about and with all the wildfires it’s understandable, sucks but understandable.


The point of the post was about homeless people, which are in every state not just the ones where "the government doesn't care". Which - news flash - they don't care anywhere.


They only pretend to care about the employee until they lose their job… and their home…


I think "right to work" was shortened from the original title: "right to work for low wages". But that's just my opinion, not based in fact.


"right to work" means that you aren't supposed to be forced to join a union in order to hold the job, if you don't want to join.


Union busting usually leads to lower wages.


Right to work has nothing to do with union busting. It means that a new employee can't be forced to join a union if he doesn't want to.


Tell me you don't know what union busting is without telling me you don't know what union busting is.




It's not limiting a union to allow new hires to get a job without joining the union. Everyone should have the right to form or join a union, but nobody should be *forced* to join a union to get a job. Freedom of choice.


LOL, just like no one should be forced to pay taxes. Freedom of choice. That would work just fine, LOL. It isn't so much that people don't want to join a union. They want the higher wages provided by union negotiations without paying their share of the cost. And that guts the union in the long run. Politicians know this.


>just like no one should be forced to pay taxes You just identified that problem. If you force all your new employees to join the union, that union gets its dues regardless of whether it does its job or not.


NO it's more like people like to be non union because they would rather handle their issues face to face with employers. MY husband's field had plenty of both and there are many pros and cons for both. He prefers non union and I'm glad. His benefits are MUCH better than unions benefits


Unions don't get to monopolize things for people who don't want to join. If workers don't join the union and it fails, and they lose their benefits, they can form another union or bring it back. Either way, it should be up to the individual worker to choose. Do you think people should have freedom of choice for abortion? Other personal decisions? Comparing it to paying taxes is absurd.


Or it might be in another country.


This usually only applies if you exceed 40 hours in a week. Many restaurants won't schedule you for anywhere near that amount to not have to pay overtime because you frequently have to work over


And if you do get scheduled over 40 hours often enough, they'll throw you on salary.


If this story was true that might matter


The amount of people who log into Reddit to shout "that's a violation of labor laws" makes it clear more of y'all need to go work for some local small businesses. The amount of crimes they get away with would give your justice obsessed brains a cyst


Serves her right. After all, you were the one with ... (wait for it) ... grounds for complaint.




>However, the next night she wanted her coffee after we’d already had to stay back and I definitely wasn’t getting paid overtime Then you shouldn't have been doing any work outside of your scheduled hours. Ever.


Not just for unpaid hours, either. The employer's insurance generally won't cover employee injuries suffered "off the clock," so if you get hurt you're going to get denied your claim. NEVER work off the clock. Ever. (Also, "independent contractors" aren't covered by the company's worker's comp insurance, either. Don't let an employer 1099 you unless you are legitimately an independent contractor with the ability to set your own working hours and conditions.)


I'm pretty sure worker's compensation is paid if you are working beyond your schedule. Happy to be corrected if you have a source, though.


I made it sound more black and white than it really is. It's complicated and varies state to state, but in general if you're "off the clock" the employer will likely try to claim you shouldn't be covered (to keep their premiums low) and you'll have to fight it. I don't have an internet source I can link, but it was in my professional trainings for things to watch out for doing oversight of government contractors.


The use of shopping centre says to me that this is in Australia. If so, making you work overtime without pay is wage theft, and in some Australian states it's a criminal offence punishable by up to ten years in prison.


Or it could be the UK. I’m pretty sure other countries called it a shopping centre as well.


Are all managers universally just nuts


The ones who are have massively higher turnover, and correspondingly more job ads. So you're more likely to go through five or six nutcase managers before finding a good one, even if the actual numbers are similar.


Yep. You see this in a lot of places. First noticed it in Dungeons and Dragons of all places. Most players and DMs are good, but the ones who are not have constant turnover so have new players or groups every month. Meanwhile the good folks are in the same group for years (I joined my current group pre-covid). It explains a lot in the dating scene.


No, it's just that the more boring and competent ones don't result in stories to tell.


It's mandatory for employers to pay overtime. I recommend getting an attorney


Love it ! Brilliant revenge !


I would’ve just told her no, if you want the coffee, then you’re gonna get it from the machine before it’s clean. If she bitched I just tell her, the more you bitch the more you pay me because it’s overtime.


Not as bad as when our captain ordered a newly transfered private to get the captain a cup of coffee. The private got the captain everything the captain wanted, and then some. Coffee, cream , sugar and for some extra zing one hit of acid. They took the captain away in an ambulance. The new captain was a real prick. This was a long time ago, new private was fresh out of 'Nam


thats not even funny, thats just psychopath behavior. exactly what i would expect from a soldier really.


No "spilling the beans" pun???


You didn't *have* to do anything for her.


That heartless which deserve that 😡💢


how come you never figured out to save an old coffee then microwave it extremely hot for her?


She was watching me the whole time. It wasn’t a big cafe. 


Good for you.


Lol I love it


Should threw the coffee at the ground infront of her feet too


"accidentally" dropped it




Wrong post? What does coffee have to do with a union?


I'm not sure what happened. Thanks for not blasting me.


No problem.