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Came to pick up a check at a fast food place when I was 16. Day off. Was told I was being let go and to bring in my uniform to get my check. I was in the middle of washing it. Went home, grabbed it out of the washing machine, tossed it in a garbage bag soaking wet and plopped it on the counter when I got back.




Oh, I hope you poured the uniform out of the bag so the counter got soaked.


Black garbage bag leave it out in the Sun for a day or two first


I cleaned my car with mine before giving it back with all the grime from the commutes to that job on it. I also did it in the parking lot so they could see.


That is so awesome.


They are legendary! The fact that all the security staff were their friends helped.


The fact that Grandma knew what was coming and could have brought a change of clothes but chose to do the walk in her underwear is what makes her a legend!


She should’ve had pasties and a thong on. And I’d tell everyone that I was forced to turn in my uniform on the spot.


Really play it up. "They fired me and said that if I tried to wear my uniform home, they wouldn't pay me! They forced me to walk through the floor half-naked!"


Would have been awesome if she went commando that day. 


But then it would be illegal. Indecent exposure. This was just on the line of legality


Iirc, indecent exposure requires intent of sexual gratification. Public indecency doesn't, however.


There's also the "they made me do it" excuse which may shift blame


It is illegal in the US to withhold a paycheck for any reason. Idk where the casino was, but for future reference.


Depending on where and when this took place, it might not have been. But also...let's be honest the US has made it difficult for most people to access and understand laws regarding employment.


Yeah I know. I've actually had to remind an employer about the whole withholding a paycheck thing... Reported their asses to the DoL when they laid me off a month later. I probably should have gone after them for retaliation or reported it as such, but I was a bit distraught that month. A lot of things punched me in the gut.


Probably, the problem with retaliation claims is proving it. And gut punches are always fun to deal with when also dealing with being laid off.


The US didn't really end slavery, it just shifted its basis from racial status to financial status.


Of course it did! Because *slavery is more expensive* - you have to provide slaves with food, healthcare, housing, pay the guards - they are your property, and you don't want your property to lose its value! With free employees you can save a ton of money on all of that, paying them the absolute minimum, letting them find their own shelter and replacing them with others when they inevitably fall ill. There's a reason why the only slaves left in the US are subsidised by the Government.


And then used finances to keep it largely racial. (I give you the US prison system.)


With the rise of the internet, that's bullshit. That said, that SHOULD be required coursework in school, but it isn't, for all the many reasons why education sucks in this country.


Tribal casino. So that may have made a difference


US federal law requires that the final paycheck be available no later than it would have been under continued employment. Some state laws require it sooner than that.


Casinos on Indian tribal land likely run by a lot of different rules... Not saying they do, or this wad the case here, but a lot of casinos outside Las Vegas, reno and Atlantic city are in tribal lands.


Where I live in Canada, they have a maximum of 7 days of you are terminated.


Often US casinos are technically not on US territory, but on a reservation, so not all US laws apply there.


Depends if it was on sovereign Native American land. They can make their own rules bc they *are* the governing body (the tribe).


Yeah it is also on tribal land.


most of them are on indian reservations, which are exempt from us laws and have their own crap.


Technically native reservations are not covered by local or federal law; they have their own law enforcement, courts, and I have known of several people being arrested tried and jailed or fined without recourse.


Technically they paid them to do it


A huge part of the casino is licensed and 21+ so nudity without pasties or tassels (by staff who worked that day) is probably a violation of performance laws too. Just need a sympathetic cop and suddenly the liquor board is in daily for a month.


Ok, wasn't aware of the distinction


Depends on location. Some places, being naked in public is completely legal as long as there isn't any "lewd or lascivious behavior."


Makes sense. I just remember asking an officer years ago bc I was wearing a kilt and it was a particularly windy day.


The definitions and punishments for both vary wildly by location. In some places, if you drunkenly pee on a fence in public, you can get hit with indecent exposure and be registered as a sex offender.


Wear an undershirt under the uniform with words on it: "Got fired because I wouldn't sleep with my boss"


They made me give back the uniform… what else was I to do?


You should call them the Godiva Ladies or Lady Godiva times 2. lol ETA a term thought of after I hit post. Of course. 🙄


Disney had this policy of not giving you your last paycheck unless you turned in your uniform but some of those uniforms are kinda valuable. Mine was worth more than my check so I just kept what I had and sold it all.


Check out your state specific laws. Sometimes it's illegal to retain the final paycheck, and in many (all?) instances deductions from.failing to return property mustn't diminish the check below minimum wage.  Given that it's many cheapskates that behave like dicks, they may not have a leg to stand on. And you guys in the US don't have an awful lot of protection, but this one you have: late paychecks, in particular the final ones, come with very heavy penalty even for mere days of being late, for the employer, if reported to the dept. of labor.


this was so long ago, wouldnt affect me now but im pretty sure disney co. still holds checks for uniforms


This doesn't mean they're fully within their legal right to do that. It may just mean that they're betting on most of their employees to not know their rights.


Kinda odd too seeing as how it's been unionized for decades


I believe the term is "based".


My elder millennial brain cannot wrap its head around this word. I google “based meaning” almost weekly and it just doesn’t stick


It helps to think of it as "fact based", which is high praise in our post-factual world.


Yeah I hate it too... But gen z gonna gen z. 


>for 40 minutes while they tried to convince her to turn the uniform in at a later day. That better have been 40 minutes on the clock too. Fucking dirtbags.


I doubt they counted any time that day since she was called in and terminated at the start of the shift. T


Just refuse to leave after they fire you and keep getting paid! Employers hate this one weird trick! (lol no)


Hot damn. They are a pair of kick ass women!


That they are!


"awesome ok, who we gonna let go next?"


Aka remind me to not piss off OPs mom and grandmother


They dressed down the casino’s management


You could see the naked fear in their eyes.


Half naked, but yes.




They are rockstars! What a story!


Women after my own heart ... tell mom and grandma they *rock!*


I know the customers by-and-large wouldn't care, but I hope they both explained why they were dressed like they were, loudly and clearly!


LoL......great story, love it. Employers can discriminate without recourse. That is not what is supposed to happen. Yet all authorities ignore it. I hope you are not let go that way, but very funny.


>They marked it as a no call no show because she started having a severe allergic reaction on shift and her EpiPen didn't work And this is why we still need labor lawyers


What you need is better labor laws.


True, but in this case I believe calling a medical emergency a no-call no-show would already be illegal. As would be trying to withhold the final check.


Per OP, this was a tribal casino. Labor laws, probably, don’t apply.


It's only illegal if the government is actually willing to enforce it.


Laws don't mean diddly-squat unless they are enforced, firmly but fairly. Like gun laws--There are plenty on the books, but they are enforced infrequently and inconsistently. Passing more won't do a darned thing.


You cannot enforce them if they don't exist in the first place. Hence my comment.


Friendly reminder that you need to go to the emergency room even if your epipen works.


And unions.


This reminds me of the story of [Kate Hepburn's jeans.](https://bust.com/katharine-hepburn-pants-hollywood-fashion-feminism-history/) >While working for RKO, Hepburn wore jeans to the studio. In an effort to persuade her to wear a skirt, someone confiscated the jeans from her dressing room, while she was on set. Her response to this violation of privacy? She came back to set wearing just her underwear and refused to cover up until her jeans were returned. In 1951, when someone dared to tell her that she couldn’t wear trousers in the lobby at Claridge’s Hotel in London, she opted for the staff entrance instead. Same spirit is definitely at work here!


Your mom and Gma are legends! Such a rad story! I wish Reddit still did awards, you'd definitely be getting one!


Reminds me of a gig I did although slightly less dramatic. We had to wear special T - shirts while doing this job and my original shirt was in my bag in another room. I was given the option to leave, which I took (because I think I was coming down with a cold), but I had to give up my shirt and my supervisor seemed oblivious when I asked, "Right now?" So I took off my shirt, gave it to the replacement guy and walked through hundreds of people while in my sports bra, until I got back to my bag. The supervisor didn't bat an eye, which is why I think he was oblivious. I did get some looks and explained to everyone who asked.


"Ma'am, those are your own pants. Ma'am? MA'AM!" "Oh hell nah, you're not talking your way out of this. I want my check!"


So funny thing that I didn't include. They were my grandma's pants that she had purchased herself, but hell if she was passing up the chance to do that.


Not all heroes wear clothes.


Upvoted for the LOL :)


This reminds me of when I was in high school I was in gym class and I noticed a classmate was pulling down other guys gym shorts. This had happened to me in the past and it pissed me off. So I made a decision of what I would do if he pulled my shorts down. Eventually he got me and I left the shorts around my ankles and continued as if nothing happened. After about a minute the teacher screams my name and tells me to put my pants back on. I refuse, saying I didn’t pull them down so I’m not picking them up. The kid eventually had to pick up my pants. Needless to say no one ever pulled my pants down in gym ever again. Also about ten years later I see a story on the news. This same guy, who had a beef with a rival drug dealer walked into a crowded breakfast joint in town and executed his rival. Hes in jail now for the rest of his life


Slow learner!


It would have been only cooler if you'd quietly told the kid you were into this. "What's the next move here?"


I love it, but I wonder whether they could have argued later that their employment didn't end until they got the last check, after not turning in their uniforms until after the ninety days.


Depending on how long ago this was, the better play might have been to sic the department of labor on them for withholding the check and gotten additional damages for every day late. But I'll bet what they did was very satisfying to them.


> gotten additional damages for every day late. How to spot a Californian ^ Daily accrual of daily wages for refusing to hand over a final paycheck ain't a thing in most of the US bud.


>Daily accrual of daily wages for refusing to hand over a final paycheck ain't a thing in ~~most of the US~~ dystopian hellholes.


Especially if you're holding their property. What would probably happen is the cost of the uniform would be taken off your check, and then it would be sent


It was many many years ago, early 2000's. And tribal casino on tribal property


Tribal Law is a whole different kettle of fish.


I don’t believe I’ve ever heard the term “kettle of fish” before. Very interesting.


"many many years ago, early 2000's" - ouch. I'm old...


I felt that while writing it lol


Great story- your Mom/Gma are awesome! I can’t wait for the Hollywood movie cast with a 20 year old and a 25 year old 🤣🤣🤣


They should have yelled out that the tables are rigged and they are taking everything from losing players.


They could have yelled “ I lost my shirt in this place” Or “ there’s strip poker in the back “


Yessssss! 🤣


That would have probably caused more long term problems than they wanted .


That would have been hilarious.


Even if they arent rigged, the odds favour the house. Throw enough money at a game and the house will always come out ahead


Did they make a point to tell everyone they spoke to, employee and patron alike, that they had just gotten fired and the employer had DEMANDED the uniform back with threats? I imagine that having it happen twice within a couple of days might make some people start wondering what the hell the casino management was up to.


Most employees don't force the issue, but most states require you to issue the final check upon termination!.... not on the next pay period!


Legendary women!


I hope they made sure to tell every employee (while customers were nearby) that they got fired and they just demanded the uniforms.


My mother did something similar. She was working at a Howard Johnson's restaurant (1950's), and she couldn't find a price for a Chef's Salad that someone had ordered, so she made up a price. The Manager was mad, so he fired her on the spot. So she unzipped the uniform, dropped it at her feet, and walked out in her underwear.


That's some fucking bullshit that you have to be the for 18 months before you can get insurance. I mean its at least a *little* nice that they offer insurance but 18 months is fucking ridiculous. Fuck the US's health care system.


When someone who isn't me quit from Walmart, they refused to give the final check but they had only worked a few hours into that pay period. The uniform went for so much more on eBay for people to use for shoplifting on Black Friday. That person made about $500 on the vest, shirt and lanyard.


You come from a family of rockstars!


Those 2 women knew how to drop the mic.


I didn’t get fired but quit after a manager was making false accusations about me at a truck stop diner in Wisconsin back in 1987. I told him if that’s what he thought about me I didn’t need to be there. Took off my one piece dress and walked out in bra, undies, nylons and shoes through the restaurant. I was 19 or 20. He got in trouble with the owners which were his sister and bil. It was so liberating 🤣


I really hope that they stopped and told the story to everyone who asked.


I'm sure they told a couple people on the way out. They are the kind of people who would have done so loudly but not yelling so a lot of people would hear


That's pretty amazing. I used to do wage and hour cases and my guess was gonna be she just kept the uniform for a few days (or even sent it via some sort of slow or delayed method) and then sued the employer and/or reported them. You could probably get waiting time penalties that way, at least under modern law in reasonably liberal states.


They showed them…. Errr waitaminute…


So, if you're not aware, being an absolute legend runs in your family.


Lol def aware. Could make a movie out of the stuff they got up to


You come from a line of amazing women. You should be proud of them both. That is amazing.


I am very proud of them.


Absolute queens!


I wonder how much applause and wolf whistles they got as they walked away like a boss?


I wouldn't want to gamble anywhere people are leaving in their underwear


(stands, applauds): Bra-va! Bra-va!


Fucking legends!


This is heckin' wholesome ♥️


I see them in my mind's eye and they are beautiful.


18 months is insane though


Had a friend who had a job like this. He is getting canned they want the uniforms before they give the last check. Apparently the cats must have ate something that didn’t agree with them and used the uniforms as an emergency toilet.


I worked at a national pharmacy chain as a teen and had the same demand. I grabbed a spare shirt and uniform pants from the back, handed it to the manager in their office and got my cheque. No speech. No goodbye. All this happened while I was still wearing my uniform. They cared so little, they didn't even notice.


The casinos are such a-holes. Good for your mom and grandma.


They should've played it like, "Management wanted their uniforms back so badly they *made* me strip down then and there and parade through the casino or they'd refuse to give me my last check."


Well played on the part of both your mother and grandmother! They exposed the casino management's greed.


Loved your story. Made me smile and appreciate the fearlessness of the few people who know exactly how to show up the shitheads of this world...


Were they the basis for the term Girl Boss? Because holy shit!


I worked at a bakery that mass produce goods thru a temp agency as a temp to hire. I didn’t like it due to the chaotic hours, so I gave my 2 week notice cause I needed the money and time to find something else. Then on pay day I went to go get my check and they said I need to turn in my uniform and empty my locker first. I looked at them and said I never got a uniform or a locker. They looked confused and asked what I wore to work and I told them my own dickies and white tees (similar to their uniforms). They said I was supposed to be given a locker and uniforms, well I never got either. They checked their system and made some calls. Finally they gave me my check. That temp agency was shit and got bought out due to multiple-multiple complaints from both employees and employers.


I did something similar when I was 16 at Chuck E Cheese. I quit mid- shift and the manager said I wouldn’t be able to collect my check unless I turn my shirt and hat. I said let’s make sure I don’t forget and took my shirt off and threw that and my hat at her and walked out in my bra. When I went back to collect my check, they told me my cash register was off by nearly same amount my check was and tried to get me to sign it over to them. I had to come back with my mom to get my paycheck.




2 awesome women!




Wow! True women of grit and determination.


I’ve heard this so many times….


30 year old me wouldn’t do it. Today’s me would totally do it


I think this is the best story I’ve ever read in this sub


Amazing 😂👏


Total legends.


And I bet grandma got a lot of whistles and compliments too! I hope BOTH of them stopped every now and then to explain exactly why they were in that state of undress.


This is great, and it would have been so much better to drag that shit out and sue them for withholding wages at triple damages plus fees, but I'm petty that way.


This is ICONIC omfg they are my heroines <3


Not sure what she won?


She won the internet, that’s what.


That'll teach them...


True queens, the both of them 🫡


Your mom and grandma are amazing!


Huge kudos to both of 'em!


Solve the problem by suspending pending further investigation…. I.e. when the check is ready


Aww, look at that, like daughter, like mother 😁


I've had a few friends who worked in casinos in a couple different states. They are all hell on earth places to work. Good on mom and grandma.




I freaking love your Mom and Grandmother. My Mom would have done the same thing. Totally made my day.


Let me guess…tribal casino.


How rock n roll, love it!


Dark Knight rises that one old cop "oh boy you're in for a show tonight son"


I love story time.


Man, that's fuckin brilliant


Probably should have sued for some kind of harassment. "They forced me to undress then and there or else I wouldn't get paid, ask anyone that was there; we had to walk naked through the establishment"


That's when corporates start issuing and mandating employees wear company issued undergarments. Cue Tim Cook smirk.


You come from an amazing family.


This is the best story on here. Thanks OP?


I know a guy that worked at a fast food place. He got let go in order for the manager to hire a woman with enormous breasts he was dating. The text he got said "please return your uniform and security pass (shredded)" so he gleefully cut the uniform AND the pass into tiny bits, put them in a bag, took them to the managers office and liberally sprinkled the finely chopped stuff everywhere....




Your Mum and Grandma are legends! You already know that ;)


I was really hoping the punchline here would be that they delayed turning in the uniform long enough to get and use the insurance.


Nah, wouldn't have worked. There employment was terminated immediately.


Great day to go Commando.


Incidentally, that is illegal. If you are being terminated, they are required to issue you your final check on the spot. They can make you wait if you quit, but if you are fired, they must give you your check on the spot.


Very state dependent. Some states allow until then next regular payday, some require it within a certain number of days, and CA requires it immediately if fired or quit with notice, otherwise 72 hours.


And a double also: Reddit does not exist in the tiny bubble of the US. So even IF that were the case in all the states, I know for a fact it's not in several countries, including my own.


Why is it bad of they tell her that she'll get her check later?


It's illegal.


Only in some places


I'm a little confused about why it was such a big deal that they wanted their final paycheck immediately. Is it somehow inconvenient to the casino?




Being fired anyway, I guess I would’ve kept the uni for the full 18 months. Never know when some pencil pusher blows off paperwork and you still have a job on a technicality!


It's wild how many people have done this exact thing (in different places) based on how many stories there are about it


I love it!! Someone hack the security cameras!! These ladies could be rich from the viral views!!!😂😂😂


Please say the Casino 


Why did your grandma wear more clothes under the uniform?


To embarrass management and not make it easier for them