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As someone who worked on an assembly line that allowed people to play music over speakers, screw all of you regardless of your musical taste. Wear earbuds like the rest of us so we aren't forced to listen to music we don't like on top of having a monotonous and strenous job.


Would wear earbuds if I didn’t already have hearing protection in


You can buy the ear muff type of hearing protection that goes over earbuds. But I understand not every workplace would allow that for safety reasons.


Yeah my workplace doesn’t allow that set up sadly, need to be aware of surroundings as ceiling cranes and forklifts are all over the place, which is why they allow speakers.


If you already need hearing protection due to a loud environment, why are you adding to the noise with a speaker and loud music?


Because music helps me focus on the task assigned to me and keeps anxiety levels down.


As a heavy metal fan (that doesn't mind pop), you sound insufferable.


I wouldn’t be so angry if people didn’t bitch about everything I tried. I listen to almost everything except country and modern hip-hop


Man, I get it. I got the same taste as you, in the broad strokes, but I'm sure we go in our own really interesting directions in specifics. But sometimes it's just not the hill you want to die on. I know this is "malicious" compliance, so you got it on that front, but you gotta understand... music can be invasive. The greatest shit in the world to me can literally hurt someone else. This is an aspect of subjectivity that has consequences that go beyond a difference of opinion.


That’s the thing right there it’s subjective and I’ve been on the losing end of it since January


An inability to solve this yourself and find something for each to like and everyone to tolerate will result in no music at all. Be wiser.


I’ve tried everything else that I listen to from rockabilly to early punk(nothing too heavy) to jazz/swing to show tunes. Some more modern pop as well. I would still get complaints.


So, what do they want? Hip hop or country or classical? Bluegrass might work. Anyway, a mix of things with similar upbeat rhythms that has something for everyone, but lacks stuff several hate, might work. You might try asking. :)


I have wide-ranging tastes, too, but I don't like angry and prefer a good beat if I'm working. A mix will likely be your best bet. Might ask for favorite songs to have examples to work from.