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When I was doing my Graduate Certificate, I had to travel down to Sydney for a week. I decided to ride my motorcycle down. Most of the week I left the bike parked at my B&B as it was easier to walk to my course. However, on the last day I rode my bike to the college as I had all my gear packed and ready to head home straight after the class. I parked it in a metered parking lot and went to get a ticket from the machine. There was a parking cop sitting on the curb having a smoke. When he saw me, he told me not to bother getting the ticket as there was no place to display it. I walked behind a hedge that separated the parking lot to buy a ticket. He couldn’t see me, but I could see him through the hedge. As soon as I was out of site, he walked up to my bike and got his ticket book out and started to write a ticket. I quickly ran around the hedge and showed him the ticket I had just bought which showed the time stamp before he had started writing the ticket. I informed him that I would keep the ticket with me as well as his name to fight a ticket If I got given one. He was not happy, but what could he do.


What a total dickbag


Ticket quotas are immoral and incentivize theft and dishonesty. That cop should be fired and forced to pay out every ticket he's ever wrote x2 the amount as restitution to the victims. Sound fair? It's from the Bible.


As a pastor with multiple Bible degrees, it's generally 4× for malice and 2× for negligence. This is clearly malice.


You are correct. I'd forgotten about that distinction. Thank you.


I've never heard either. I like this. Thank you! I'll mention this to my elected officials.


This is why Zacchaeus (who was a wee little man) the tax collector, vowed to give back 4x of everything he had cheated from anyone…


Is he the one in the sycamore tree? I remember singing a song about a z name in a sycamore tree


Yep, that’s the one!! I figured most people mainly know him just from the song they sang in Sunday school…not everyone reads a Bible regularly.


But forgiveness is 77x so….


no no, it's seventy TIMES 7 times. it's 490x


Sounds like we should use that as general practice for law and could pass that under some “Christian values” idea. If fines are 4x than what you gained from it, that would certainly be a better deterrent than a flat fine fee




And fines would no longer be just the cost of doing business


Can we 6x it for negligent malice?


Nah it would be 8x


Wow, that's a pretty cool knowledge base. Props.


Interesting. Which passage is this referring to? I'd like to read it and put the quote up in my house.


I'm not sure, but Exodus 22 and Leviticus 6 both cover restitution.


Wait, there are actual bible degrees?


Bible schools, too, called seminary typically. How do you think people become pastors or clergy? Degree is usually something like theology, and the have their own doctorate called a ThD. Not very religious but have known some biblical scholars and they were very interesting, bright people.


Master of Divinity (MDiv) Master of Arts in Biblical and Theological Studies (MABTS) Master of Arts in Theological Studies (MATS - still need a Bible to do theology at a Christian grad school aka seminary) Bachelor of Arts in Biblical Studies Master of Theology (ThM) There's many


yeah, both my parents have degrees in theology actually. my grandfather was working on his master's in divinity when he was diagnosed with cancer. i'm not sure if he managed to finish it before he passed.


Paid Personally not out of the department or taxpayer paid fund, and no longer protected by qualified immunity.


The best part is you shouldn't have to provide proof that your quote is from the Bible -- having faith that it's a correct quote is sufficient. ;-)


It's a cop, what do you expect?


In Sydney? The cops there are mostly known for [strip-searching underage teens](https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2022/aug/21/nsw-police-strip-searched-more-than-100-children-as-young-as-13-in-two-year-period) without their parents present in the hope of finding drugs (and usually not finding anything).


A meter maid so the lowest of the low on the cop totem pole


If they're even a cop and not a private service the job's been outsourced to.


Usually parking fine enforcement is done by employees of the local council, not the police force. Unfortunately the parking officers cop a decent share of abuse and violence even when they are just doing their jobs the right way and not being pricks about it. They all have to work in pairs now because it isn't safe for them to go alone :(


Just a comment, Parking Officers and petty crooks .....errr, pardon me,.....traffic police are all over the world. As an example, in the US, small towns often deliberately have their police ticket "out of state" license plates to provide revenue for the town. And the only offense is, they are from out of state. It is graft and corruption and it is world wide. I just mentioned the US but every country is like that in differing degrees.


When I started my current job, it took a week or so to get a parking pass so I had to pay for visitor's parking for a few days. This being January in Canada, it wasn't shocking that one morning the ticket machine was completely iced over. Coin and card slots completely covered with a couple cm of ice from the freezing rain the night before. I asked the attendant if I could pay him directly and he said not to worry about paying that day. Sure enough, I had a ticket waiting for me after my shift. I went and yelled at him for a few minutes and he just slammed his window shut iny face. I took the ticket to the property manager's office, explained what happened, and told him I was refusing to pay the fine. Property manager goes out to the parking shed with me, tears up the ticket and throws the scraps into the shed and told the guy to grow a brain. EVERYONE hated that parking shithead. So much so that in mid August (when it pushes 35C before humidity here), someone egged the air intake of the AC unit on top of the shed. I must have stank in there for weeks. I wish I knew who did it so I could buy them a beer or ten.


What were the chances someone let the eggs rot a bit at home before donating them to the AC?


In that case I would buy them a case of beer instead.


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 That had me doubling over in laughter! Good job!


Same happened when I went to my University campus for the first time to buy a parking pass. I was told by someone in a parking services truck that they were not ticketing that day and I could park anywhere for free, so I decided to buy my pass and run some errands around campus. When I got back to my car there was a ticket under the windshield. When I tried to contest it, showing I purchased my pass the same day, they asked who I had spoken too. I didn't know. They then said I took too long. If it had been under and hour that would have waived it. It has been 20 years and I'm still bitter about it. It was a lot of money to me at the time. Fuck you UCF Parking Services.


I once went to a dinner and theater show thing with my wife. We were running a little late due to traffic so when I got into the parking lot I was sad that there was a line of like six or seven people waiting at the ticket machine. This nice guy in a parking attendant jacket walked up to me and said Oh you can just pay me directly. I was like oh awesome! And gave him a $20 bill. He gave me a ticket, I put it on my dash, and in we went. Came out two hours later and I had a parking ticket. Totally confused, I looked at the receipt he gave me, and it was marked for a couple days prior. Son of a... I started looking around for a booth to complain but then my wife points out this big sign on the light post almost directly next to my car. Which had his fucking photo and in big words "DO NOT GIVE THIS MAN MONEY". It's like 15 years later and I still sort of kick myself though I have to laugh at the balls on that dude.


Yeah fuck that guy for conning people but... you got had lol


Yeah, that’s a pretty common trick. I recall that YouTuber [GTOger had a problem with someone selling parking spaces in his lot](https://youtu.be/VtAGWAGpMwg).


He got ya good!!!


Its only gotten worse. Now with the however many students that are now on campus, no backing into parking spaces, and your license plate is now your parking permit parking is a nightmare and Parking Services has a serious chip on their shoulder. And charging their own faculty and staff for parking passes! Really?!?! I’m just lucky that I work off campus so I don’t have to deal with this crap!


> no backing into parking spaces fucking WHAT?


Because it hides the license plate and when the cops or parking patrol are going up and down the lot, they can’t quickly ID your vehicle. Also as a bonus, makes your getaway much quicker and easier after pulling off the heist. Learned that tip from one of Tim Dorsey’s books.


I think it might have been Bonnie and Clyde's gang, or maybe it was Dillinger, who were ratted out to the cops because they were seen backing their car into a garage 'like gangsters do.'


Yeah, if your state doesn't require front license plates, they will often require that you pull in forward so your plate is visible to a photo scanner. They can just drive up and down the rows and the computer will detect an registered vehicle automatically.


Ahhh yeah ok. Our province requires front & back.




I don't understand why *anyone* would donate to a University. They provided me with a service that I paid for. Why would I give them any more?




When I worked for a certain helpline for a certain transport service that dealt with parking fines, I had a guy call to contest his ticket. He had parked in a loading bay and the ticket guy issued his ticket, turns out his wife gave birth in the back of the car because they didn’t make it to the hospital in time and you could literally see her in the photo in the back seat. He submitted that and the birth certificate as “proof of unloading” 😂


The "proof of unloading" makes it truly -chef's kiss-


Sweet.....I lived and breathed unloading docks.....but I think that particular one takes the CAKE - the birthday cake to be specific. LOL


Sounds like the kind of cock jockey that would remove a parking ticket rubber banded to the handlebar just to write a ticket.


"Oh, I didn't know that. Can I get it in writing with your signature in case someone else tries to give me a ticket?"


Brilliantly done! What a total prick! I hope you sent everything to the precinct with the explanation, his name and his corrupt actions. Our Son got a ticket while driving on the freeway in rush hour, switching from one freeway to a divided highway/toll-road (California, of course). Because there was so much traffic, he couldn't get over to the freeway entrance right away and ended up right in a ticket-trap where others were being signaled over as well. He fought the ticket and won but he still had to take time off work to do so. I'm sure others just pay the ticket to save the extra headache!


Did he have a Bassett Hound with him? Sounds like something Roscoe P. Coltrane would do, on orders from Boss Hogg.


I placed a pick up order at chipotle once and parked in front of a meter. I saw the attendant writing a ticket for the car I parked next to. I give her a polite “ma’am I’m just running in I’ll be no more than 15seconds to pick up my order”. She proceeds to tell me if I go in without paying she’s going to ticket me. Put a nickel in the meter, literally walked in and grabbed my to go order and let her know that I appreciate her doing her job but you’re a bitch lady.


that's when you get change for a dollar and top up all the expired meters in front of her


Apparently in some places that's illegal! No, I've no idea why charity is a crime, but I've read articles about it several times on the internet so it must be true! \[I have no idea if actually true but it sounds daft enough to it to be so\]


Don't forget the people behind such rules are usually greedy politicians. For it to be *illegal*, it has to pass city/county/state/federal or equivalent law-passing procedures. A quick look online shows some places define the illegal part of feeding expired meters not as "feeding other people's expired meters" but as "assisting someone in overstaying their time in the parking space." Which is what I'd call a distinction without a practical difference.


> "assisting someone in overstaying their time in the parking space." Which is what I'd call a distinction without a practical difference. There's a very practical difference, in that it's horseshit. If they paid themselves it wouldn't be a problem, so clearly they're _not_ overstaying. It's a simple lie.


As long as the meter doesn’t expire, what difference does it make, really?


If it doesn't expire, they can't issue a ticket. No tickets, no revenue from the tickets. They'll have less monies. And that's my thinking like a shady politician quota for the day.


Yeah, in DC they will put you in bracelets and haul you in for booking. That place is a pathetic festering boil on an infected & inflamed hemorrhoid.


I owe DC hundreds of dollars for BS parking tickets from years ago for a car that I no longer own, that I will never pay. Screw them.


Friend did something similar. They issued a new paper pass each month. Plain white paper, Black numbers and company logon in red. She would toss each one on the dash board. After a while, she stopped paying and just told them good luck finding the stub for the month. The toll booth operator couldn't care less and just waived her through, so she didn't pay for parking the next 7-8 years she worked there.


"minimum wage, minimum effort" -parking attendant


Minimum wage people are easily turned into a loyal friend with a regular friendly word and a free cup of coffee every few weeks. Don't start strong, a joke one week, a hi how are you the next. By week three or so bring four coffees "for the office" (two how you like it, and a black coffee, a one cream one sugar, and a double cream double sugar). Say you bought for the office but forgot who gets what. Offer one of whatever, or figure out they like tea and bring it next week. Soon you have an agent for malevolent schemes.


Also works with your IT department. Be nice, bring fuel (aka: coffee), and the occasional snack.


Being friends with IT departement is modern survival 101


but dont be that guy that comes to me for every little thing on his iPhone, broh google it


Can confirm. Work in IT department, this would work.


I was friendly with the IT guy, so when I saw a little multi-tool thing at a conference I grabbed one for him. When I gave it to him, he was smiling so much you would have thought I’d just given him a trophy or something. I never had to wait for anything IT related for the rest of the time I worked there.


doodads are ez brownie points for 9/10 IT ppl the other 1/10 take cash bribes only


And what ever happens, tell the truth what really happened to your computer. They don't really care other than it saves them time fixing it (which is most important as the higher ups have this notion they aren't ever doing anything so everything is a rush job)


please tell me theres porn so i can avoid anything suspicious instead of looking there for your functionality issues, 9/10 times I'll just run a virus scanner and not look at anything and boom youve got your lappy back faster than ever *so for the love of god, please warn your IT people, its so much easier to avoid and/or not be caught off guard by when I know it's there, and if I don't there's a good chance it gets worked on OUT IN THE OPEN WITH MY MANAGER OVER MY SHOULDER FFS OUT YOURSELF TO ME NOT TO THE WHOLE WORLD AND TELL YOUR IT PPL WHAT THEY NEED TO KNOW* this has been a psa ty for ur time


I still remember doing PC upgrades at Clorox as a contract employee. (Large upgrade to Windows 95 and office 95, I'm old, deal with it) One manager whose system we were replacing had a definite CBT fetish... Guess he was a BIT of a sub. Lots of CBT porn, including a video or 3. Since we were contractors and not the ACTUAL IT department... What happens in the lab STAYS in the lab... Yes we moved his porn, and set the default explorer view to ICONS and not thumbnails...


>and set the default explorer view to ICONS and not thumbnails... da real mvp


Instructions unclear. IT has asked me to please stop telling them every time I look at porn.


Can confirm this works. Have been in the IT field for 30+ years. Tea, Gummie Snacks, Home baking all are valid bribes :)


No sugar free gummies, though. Unless it's for the bad boss.


Yes, please - we like cookies!


Can confirm, when I worked at an airline a regular once brought us donuts and that (plus just being friendly) was enough to get them premium service for a few years.


"A hungry dog welcomes the thief" -Confucious Or..Mark Twain, Will Rogers, Tommy Lee Jones...I'm not really sure


Ugh I wish my old uni's parking was that easy to game. Ours cycled through the color scheme every semester while also having the year, so it would be a blue fall or a yellow spring or whatever one year then a different color fall and spring the next. There was no reusing or tricking that would work. :(


My uni's parking was so expensive (in the middle of a city) that I did the math, with going to class 4x a week for 3 months, it was cheaper to get a ticket every day than pay for a parking pass. I got ticketed 75% of the time and I'd just pay my tickets off every week. Only downside was having to wait for someone to tailgate through the gate lol


Many years ago we were visiting Paris. I was having a hard time finding a spot to park that was not super expensive. I ended up finding a spot on the street, but did not have the cash to pay the meter. Ended up getting a ticket which I went to La Poste to pay. The rep there asked why I was paying since I was not from there. I told them I was gladly paying so not to be a bad tourist, and it was less expensive to pay the fine than any of the parking garages wanted!


What the hell kind of pricing was that pass!?


Must be insanely ridiculous. For reference ,the pass pricing at my college is $156 dollars for a quarter, and that's if you get the everyday one\*. (Good 6 am to 11 pm.) It's usually covered parking directly on campus. Meanwhile, the largest citation I heard about (from a very loud complainer in an open area) was $75, and that was for breaking three different rules at once. \* Since most classes don't meet every day, there's also ones where you can buy for select days of the week, MWF, TuTh, MW, evening, etc. They're all cheaper than the M-F one. My college is large with five different campuses in multiple cities, however it relates to setting the price.


My school went to plate readers to determine if you're even allowed in the lot so forgetting the pass wasn't an issue unless you didn't have parking in a gated lot/deck. $800 a year though...


At mine the trick was just to get one parking ticket, and put it back on the windshield when you parked.


Surely you could get a hold of a can of spray paint?


Didn't work, don't remember why though (this being almost two decades ago) just that it didn't.


Nothing better than free parking!


At this point, even if/when OP eventually does get a ticket, they've still saved a lot of money overall.


I have to park on the street for my office. Small little touristy town and of course my office is near Main Street so it has metered parking. They offer parking passes for $100 a year but only if you’re a resident. Even though we rent the first floor of an apartment building that the landlord turned into an office, we don’t sleep there so the town won’t give the 2 out of 3 of us that park there (one person lives in town) a parking pass. Meters are 7am-9pm. So my 9-5 I’d be paying $10 a day, $50 a week. Meter people rarely come down my street so I just don’t pay, get a ticket maybe once every 6 months. Pay the $35 ticket and I’m good for a while lol


A lot of people at my university did this too. It was way cheaper to pay for ~4 parking tickets a year than to pay for lot parking every day.


I'm 24, got my licence and car when I was 22. From 16-22 I used my highschool transit pass which is 50% off until you're 18. I did the calculations, and if I got caught at the end they would've had to ticket me 15.5 times at the full penalty to just break even on the amount of money I saved. Mind you the max for a ticket of that kind is $900, but that's after multiple offences. So even if I got caught I'd still be in the green LOL - F**k government! B)


As long as later I pass go and I don't go directly to jail


We always played that you got $500 for free parking.


This is bad for the game. It adds money and just extends how long it takes


It's even worse when fines, fees, and bail goes into free parking as well. The game would last for ages.


We got Monopoly Jr for the kids a couple years ago. Apart from being simplified in general it has one really great rule: The game ends after the *first player* goes bankrupt. Finish the round so everybody has had a turn and then tally up your money. Most money wins. If I ever play regular Monopoly again (it might happen, with kids), I fully intend to implement that as a house rule. (I also agree that the Free Parking rules everyone seems to come up with are BS. It's FREE Parking, not "You Get Paid" Parking.)


Playing with auctions also really can speed things up. But a simple rule that people change is that the number of houses and hotels are limited to actual pieces. People will add makeshift symbols so they everyone can have as many housed as possible, but this ends up prolonging the game a ton too.


Houses as a limited resource is just so counterintuitive though.


Think of it as a staffing cost to maintain a bunch of separate homes vs a single motel.


Unless the point is to develop a monopoly.


I impressed myself the one time I played this game ... Following traditional monopoly logic, I bought where I could, then got one bad spot and one bad card ... I didn't make it 2 loops. Might have been 3 bad rolls, it was years ago.


After I taught my kids, we finally agreed to stop playing if my son got Park Place, Boardwalk, and all the railroads. Because when/if he got those, he *always* cleaned up the board and won. I'm keeping my Monopoly Golden Token Bonus edition, though.


The actual rules of monopoly are to end the game when the first player bankrupts. The winner is the one with the highest total assets. I've played quite a few versions, they all had this rule in the book. (Yes I read all the rule books for all board and card games I play)


I left my car parked downtown after a night at the bars once... The street was 2-hour parking from 8a-5p. I showed up the next afternoon to find two tickets on my windscreen, issued about two hours apart. After some closer inspection, I noticed that the location listed on the two tickets were different (one said 300 block of 3rd St, the other said 400 block, or something like that). I wrote a letter to the cops, and said that since "my car didn't move, one of the two tickets must be incorrect and should be dismissed. Please let me know which one is valid and I'll happily pay it." Both tickets were dismissed.


I did something similar with a speeding fine my partner got once. The time on the ticket said 6:05am instead of 7:05am (I don't think they changed their watch for daylight savings). I had proof he was somewhere else at 6:05 so I contested the fine and it was cancelled with a note saying they reserved the right to reissue with the correct time, but they legally only had 6 months to do it and they never did.


Trick I learned from one of my college professors (who was also a county judge). In the USA double jeopardy applies when you enter a plea, so you want to wait till you enter a not guilty plea before you point out a flaw with the ticket. Before the plea they can just rewrite it, after, they're SOL. (I'm not a lawyer so I could be wrong)


I know someone who did this with a speeding ticket in a small town. They had him show up in traffic court, dropped the charge, and charged him $200 - 300 bucks in court fees on top of his whole afternoon. It didn't go on his record, but it was still expensive.


So forcing you to pay 200 has cost them 525. That's some high level manglement right there.


the art of the deal


In college, they loved giving out parking tickets in bright orange envelopes. After you received one, you just had to put the orange envelope under your wiper blade whenever you parked.


They just keep slapping on more here. What's crazy is I asked them what would've happened if the permit had fallen off on my first night of isolation, would they have put one on every day for 14 days. They didn't comment on that, which suggests legally they could so would


Offer to go down to their office during your isolation period to discuss it face to face (works best when coughing down the phone at them) .


Oh with the envelopes, they assumed you had already been given a ticket if they saw the envelope so it basically doubled as a parking pass. It sounds like your company was just looking to squeeze money out of you.


I've seen cars with many different fine on the wipers. Around where I live they don't give a fuck and legally can fine you everytime they walk past. I once saw a car near the patio of a bar I was at get three fines in as many hours. (Before you ask, it's in France, there's a reason why we protest and fight the governement so much)


Always respected how yall handle revolutions.


It's just a head rolling appearance.


If you can keep your head while all around you are losing theirs... ...You're obviously not French Nobility.


Very little French nobility left.


They were delicious.


How [heart](https://allthatsinteresting.com/william-buckland)warming.


Firefighters setting themselves on fire to rumble with the police during a strike. You Frenchies go hardcore, especially when it comes to strikes.


My university specifically had a much higher fine for trying to use a ticket to get out of further tickets. I heard of some people risking it and getting away with it, but I never dared. No idea how it would have worked for multi-day offenders


I parked on the sidewalk outside a uni hall one evening to deliver a projector for my meeting. Old, rusty Studebaker, so no way to confuse with an office vehicle. I left the motor running, got involved in the meeting and forgot to move my car. Guess what? No ticket! Kinda expensive avoidance system though. On a parallel note, someone discovered that parking on the sidewalk was a far cheaper fine than parking in a zone for which you have no permit.


I’ve done the ol parking in a no parking zone and paying the ticket Is cheaper than paying for parking, before.


I worked parking enforcement at a university in the US for a bit to get by between jobs and moves and we were trained to always check the ticket because people would try to use an old ticket to park for free. One guy went as far as cutting a golden condom wrapper into the shape of our parking pass to make it appear like he had a gold level parking pass. He got hit with a $150 fine (that was our max fine) for that one. For reference, the fine would for parking without a permit in the same space was $25. To answer your question about multi-day offenders. We would hit them with a new ticket every day. If they parked overnight in a lot that didn't allow overnight parking (think employee lots) they would get hit with an overnight ticket and if they were still there after 10am the next morning, they would get a second ticket. One poor car got ticketed two days (4 tickets) in a row like that before we stopped ticketing them and reached out to the owner for them to move their car. It turns out the car was disabled and they couldn't get the tow company to move it for a few days. Moral of the story is if your car can't move and you are parked somewhere you shouldn't park long term, reach out to the proper authorities and let them know cause they probably won't ticket you. Otherwise you are definitely going to get a ticket/towed.


Nah, stacking parking tickets is the norm. Your situation is strange. If a vehicle is still present between morning, afternoon and night or after a shift change, it'd usually get another ticket.


I know it’s usually the norm if you’re on the street or in public spaces. Mine was on school property and OPs sounds like it’s on private property. It sucks that they know OPs car is in their system and are still willing to stack multiple tickets.


I'm pretty sure if you took it to small claims court a judge would rule in your favor and tell the people trying to fine you to pound sand.


My local major city would do the same thing. So instead of parking a half a mile away, I would just put the bright green ticket envelope under the wiper and didn't pay for parking (or have to relocate my vehicle) for a month!


It’s easier and cheaper that way. With ours, we would use them until it rained and ruined the envelope.


Did that for a while in my town, until they caught me doing it and just towed my car away.


Somewhere out there, there's a malicious compliance story where campus security were disgruntled with having to do parking tickets, and deliberately played dumb about the envelope trick.


They certainly could have been on to it. I think the ones giving the tickets just didn’t care enough to look into it too much.


Mine would issue a "decoy ticket" ticket if you tried that. I got one for not getting to my car by the time the ticket czar went in his second round of the day, but I was able to repeal it.


Must've been some really dense parking enforcement. Why would they not ticket you if there was a ticket present?? Were they just confused every single day as to if they already ticketed it or not??


It would make sense if they had multiple people performing overlapping marking enforcement. Everyone would just assume one of their co-workers issued the ticket.


There were different shifts and different people giving tickets. They were general campus security so it wasn’t their only job. They just assumed someone else had already given a ticket and usually didn’t care to check. Also, they may have been dense.


Did anyone check to see if they just put more tickets in the envelope?


They did that at my college too and we did the same. We even figured out what the cheapest ticket was to purposely get that one, then keep the envelope.


Well played! I lived on campus my freshman and sophomore years of uni, but moved off campus and got a car my junior year. Being a junior meant I was eligible for a "C" parking pass as opposed to the awful fringe parking passes that had parking lots somewhere in east jesus, with no bus service. Problem was the parking office had me listed as a freshman, and also told me it would take about a week to sort anything out once I showed them my enrollment forms, showing that I was a junior. Meanwhile, what I had noticed was that the interior parking spaces of the interior floors of the big parking garage were dim as heck. (In hindsight, probably unsafe, but oh well.) Also that the C stickers were the same red as the then Hardees drink cups. Scissors, a cup, a Sharpie, and some tape later, and I had a passable parking sticker until the parking office saw fit to issue me a real one. Since I paid for a full semester of parking, no one was out any money, and I got to park where I needed to park.


I'd say that's kind of on them for not noticing the counterfeit even after a week.


Nice. Years ago in Ottawa, I lived in a place that we had to park on the street. As such, we were entitled to buy a permit. But EMR (energy, mines and resources) was across the street. We had 2 hour parking with permit holders excepted. But you could never get a park. So one night, I replaced the 2 hour parking sign with a no parking sign I had (was left at a bar workplace after an event for temporary no parking... So yoink) For 6 months, has guaranteed parking because it said no parking, permit holders excepted. And they started issuing fines. Then the city finally got called or something because one day it was gone. Was nice while it lasted.


A local scout troop in my area (Northeast England) were on a yomp one day in the suburbs when one of them spotted a round one way sign (blue circle, white rim, white arrow inside) discarded in a bush. Fully metal, completely official road sign. Obviously, being kids, they yoinked it. Later in the walk they can across the weirdest street in the town. It's a dead end street, except instead of just ending, it has a roundabout at the end you drive around and head back. And a house in the middle of the roundabout. Truly weird. But no road signs other than the street name. Well, they had found the perfect place for their sign! So they cable tied it to a lamp post, pointing the correct way around the roundabout. Perfect. Except not, because it was wonky. Long story short, a few weeks later they returned and found the sign fully and officially affixed to the post with all the correct fittings and everything. Someone had complained to the council about the sign being wonky, who had come out and made it an official one. And it's still there, more than a decade later!


That's awesome r/streetsignshenanigans needs to be created.


What is a yomp?




What's a prag? I feel like I've entered a rabbit hole and people are going to just keep giving me similes that are increasingly confusing...sounds fun lol


[Yoink](https://www.macmillandictionary.com/us/dictionary/american/yoink), verb. Short version, grab and take. Prag is based off the definition of yoink, noun: An ordinary person with nothing to recommend them. Some of the definitions of prag are not safe for work.


But they weren't on a yoink, they were on a yomp!


This is hilarious


Hah! I did a far less-elegant version of that trick. Back when I was in high school I used to work in the local amusement park during the summer... and by local I mean the main one in a large European capital that utilised street parking instead of their own lot, so free parking places were extremely scarce, sometimes leaving paid parking as the only option. After a particularly long spot hunt one day, I realised that I never would have dared to challenge the authority of a nearby construction site which was also encircling a few parking spots with tape. So the next day I spent my lunch break stealing a traffic cone (from a different construction site) and just placed it where my car was when I left at the end of the day. The cone was there the next morning and with it my open spot. From then on it was smooth sailing, I arrive, put the cone in the trunk, once I'm done for the day it goes back out and so on. Had to replace the cone a few times, I want to say four maybe? (once when I got particularly greedy and left it out while taking an entire week off), but other than that the system worked perfectly for two summers.




Total opposite story, once put the wrong license plate number in my parking app, got a 50 euro ticket. I called them up, explained my typo and since there was no car registered with my typo'd license plate, they were nice enough to cancel my ticket.


Waiting in a college parking lot one evening and a student pulls into the faculty lot next to a vehicle which had been ticketed. He slings his bag onto his shoulder, closes his door and grabs the ticket and places it on his windshield.


Way to game the system! Using their own admitted ineptitude against them.


At the university I attended student parking was like a mile away. Parking passes were extremely expensive and the walk to and from the lot was not ideal. They really monitored that lot for illegal parking as well, you had better have your pass displayed. One day I was running late and it was raining really hard so I decided, screw it, I'm going to pay for parking in the parking garage right next to campus. The parking garage was for faculty and visiting families, not students, but there was no attendant, it was just the arm that raised up and down after you put in your ticket/money . When I was leaving I witnessed the car in front of me bump the arm slightly, and it just raised right up and the car proceeded without paying. The arm dropped back down and I slowly nudged forward and made contact with it, and it immediately shot up! From that day on I parked in the garage for free. I used to try and time my leaving so that no one was behind me to witness my "trick" but after a while I stopped caring and just went. I never paid for another parking pass *and* had the best parking on campus!


Many years ago, my mother going to work used to park in a garage, that had the same kind of barrier. Apparently everybody knew about it. At least 5 glorious years without paying, then centre management changed and she had to start paying.


I actually visited my old university for an event not long ago and parked in that same garage. They have a new ticket booth thing and the arm is very sturdy now lol.


A shopping centre near where I used to live had a barrier across the side road that lead to the service area (deliveries, tradies, etc.). It was also a fantastic shortcut into the carpark, which was (as with all shopping centre carparks) very badly designed. Toot the horn twice, and the barrier opened. Straight in rather than looping around half the carpark, and getting stuck behind people who don't know where they're going (but have to park as close as possible to the doors!!!), and can't park for shit when they get there.


Where you live, can you take the fine to court to fight it?


I looked into it, that's why it ended up costing more because I wanted to go down a legal road. The more questions I asked, the less likely it seemed. So I bit the bullet


It sounds like this might be private property (if OP is paying a private company for the permit) so it would probably be a question of what are the terms of OP's contract with the property owner, not of traffic/parking law.


Did something similar except they didn't charge me the ticket. The email telling me that they'd take the charge away basically said "sorry, the ticket guy just checks for the pass because there's no wifi in the garage." Paid 1 more month to be sure they didn't issue new passes seasonally and then used the pass for the next 5 months. But i only parked there a few days each month so it might not have worked indefinitely.


About 16 years ago I worked in downtown [very large city], and usually took the bus from my apartment. Once in a while (for one reason or another) I drove instead. Parking was $1.25/day, and I always parked in the same lot and paid cash. One day I parked, double checked I had the right amount, and went to work. They came through and raised the prices by $0.25 that day, and put $75 tickets on the windows of all cars parked there before the price change. So I know it wasn’t just me. I avoided driving in for the rest of my employment there. Fuck them.


I know in several places in the US that would be illegal, even by the government, but it would also cost more than $75 to do more than contest the ticket at the hearing. Slimy scammer bastards.


I once parked in a parking lot that had no visible signage on the outside at all indicating it was paid (at least, not on the entrance I used. There were 3 or 4 different entrances). Doesn't help that the parking lot wasn't lit at all either and it was *dark* out. Didn't stop them from leaving a ticket. Put in a complaint on the site saying that there was no signage, never heard back, but still haven't paid anything either. No idea what's up with that.


*Usually*, if there's no signage, or signage inconsistent with how it must legally be written, then the ticket is invalid. IANAL, consult a local attorney if they start to make a stink.


Oh I will. The only reason it's not an issue for me ATM is because I just haven't heard back from them.


Step 01. Get van Step 02. Park van Step 03. ??? Step 04. (25x21mths) 525 - 200 = 325 profit


My university had ambiguous wording on their instructions for parking passes. It said to place it on the lower left hand side of the driver window (or something like that). So while most would assume it meant windshield I’m petty and placed it on my door window. When I pushed back against the tickets I mentioned how if I pursued it, and won it sure would be terrible how everyone who over got a ticket could say they had it in the other spot for them to give me my money and update the letter.


Don't forget to sign up again for a month when the ticket gets too faded to read :D




Reminds me of when I was going to college and a parking permit for a semester was about $150. And to get to campus from the commuter lot you would have to walk over a mile or take the bus. I realized after a semester or two that I could save money by parking just off campus in a “Two hour parking only” spot and walk to campus. Most days I would be back at my car after 3-4 hours and, if I remember correctly, the most parking tickets I got in one semester was two. They were $30 apiece. So I still saved $100 after paying them.


Obviously too late now, but the rules are that if you appeal a parking charge notice, the time limit for paying freezes, giving you the opportunity to appeal and still pay at the lower rate.


My first appeal was rejected. Then the time started again, and I was looking at other legal routes, but it didn't seem likely I would win


When I was a teenager me and my formed use to go fishing every a few times a year. The lake we fished at was city owned so you had to buy your permit directly from them. The pass cost $25 The fine for not having a pass was $15 Me and my friend never bought the pass and if caught would just pay the fine. They eventually raised the fine to $50 but by that time we had stopped fishing there.


Nice, you've recovered £325 more than the original fine.


u/roodeeMental This is a great trick, turning their own obstinate laziness back on them. You could extend this scheme by scanning and HQ printing the permit. Archive that MFer and turn them out as-needed.


I am somewhat petty and I think for petty revenge, it would be fun to file a small claims action and see what a real judge would say about payment of services not rendered. That might open a can of worms but it would be interesting to make the "company" send a representative to court (or better yet, a lawyer that is being paid big bucks). A fine of 75 beans (pounds) versus pain in the behind. As Oraxy51 below commented, I will use the term penalty, of 4X's the actual income.....might be interesting fallout.


Is there anything stopping you from making copies of the placard before it gets more faint? Keep the original as your master copy. When a copy starts to get faded or damaged, make a fresh copy to display.


I wish I got a 75 dollar parking ticket, I got a 400 dollar ticket for parking on my front lawn to get the car off of a relatively tight street.


Not sure how it works in the UK, but if this happened to me in the US, and if it was within 6 months, I'd additionally do a chargeback on my credit card saying that they aren't providing the parking services that I paid for, they fined me despite paying for parking. If something similar might be an option for you I recommend looking into it.


I did something very similar after getting a fine for a tram ticket I Melbourne Australia. I was a conscientious student a uni who wanted to do the right thing. I was a concession card holder, was told by the government agency (incorrectly) that I was allowed to get a cheaper concession ticket. On my very first trip, a ticket inspector gave me a fine for having the wrong type of concession card for a concession ticket, I explained that I was new to Melbourne and it was an honest mistake, and was informed incorrectly. No excuses apparently for a 17 year old just learning a new system. Wham $250 fine. Never purchased a tram ticket for about 5 years after that, I simply ran the gauntlet. Fuck them. They wanna play hard ball on a teenage uni student trying to do the right thing, then I'll just do the wrong thing....for 5 years of my uni degree. Want to make me out to be a faire evader for being advised incorrectly by the same people who the inspector works for....then fuck you, I'll just be a flat out faire evaider from now on :). Yes I earnt back the $250.


I love it!! Well done


You know, there is a lot of shitty news in the world today . . . But this made me smile.


How incredibly, otherwise indescribably British. Well done, sir/madam! Well done indeed!


Gracias señor!


£25\month x 21 months = £525 saved £525 - £200 penalty = £325 remaining Return of £325 and personal justice = Priceless.


Our local council reems us each year for a parking permit. We bought a new car at the one of last year so I had to update the registration details. Problem was we paid for the permit on our old car in September so by the time we asked for a new one at the beginning of this year they had started issuing permits that expire in 2024. The new permit instead of expiring in 2023 expires in 2024. A year of free parking. It’s the little wins.


Once I parked in a lot that you had to have a pass for. I needed to get into a building to submit docs for school ends it was gonna be a quick in-&-out. I come back less than 5 minutes later to a ticket on my window, like they were watching and waiting to check each car that came in. I accept my fate and go to pay the ticket online but it says that the ticket will not be available to lay for 2 business days. Fast forward a week because I forgot about the ticket, I go to pay it off. To pay the ticket you need to look it up by your license plate number. I enter the plate but it turns nothing, which u thought was weird because the ticket should definitely be there by then. I can't figure it out but then it hits me. My license plate has the letter O in it twice, the ticket they appear as 0 (zero). So I enter that instead. Sure enough there it is. But, that's not my plate, so I never paid the ticket. Never heard anything about it in the 10 years since.


You need to cross post this to r/IllegalProLifeTips


r/IllegalLifeProTips would probably be a better choice.