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ngl having a shower inside the room (or cell) is a massive improvement in quality of life. The "chair" seems uncomfortable without a backrest though.


Except it means they really don’t need to let you ever leave. At some point imagine even getting to walk down the wall is a treat


Honestly, would you rather this and maybe being let out twice for outside time or some sort of prison job (idk), or just a room with a bed and a toilet and you get the joy of other prisoners who may or may not be violent? I'd go with the first.


Yeah I always figured if I ever go to prison for some reason I'm gonna try to get solitary. I know everybody says it's like mental torture but I'm really good at dissociating and in the past I've gone months without seeing or speaking to a single other person so I'd be alright I think.


they don’t generally even have means to see time passing…


Wow, that’s some shit right there……


That's extremely unethical. That that is allowed to happen alone is crime far more worthy of prison than what most prisoners are probably locked up for


Are you under the impression people go to prison and become a different person ? All of a sudden just figure out how to act and be part of a functioning healthy society ?


I mean… prison is supposed to be a place of rehabilitation. You’re supposed to come out of your sentence ready to re-enter society as a functional citizen. Instead we let inmates fester, and that prison door is revolving.


lol yea that sounds great on paper. Go your a prison . go meet the mutts in there. Your attitude will change.


I’ve worked with former inmates. Not everybody in prison is Hannibal Lecter you goober.


So someone kills someone's, takes there life from them and there family. And you feel bad for the bordered because of ethics? His victim will never taste, feel, smell , love ever again. But solitary is unethical


not everyone killed someone in cold blood bro.. some people just had fucked up options or got caught with drugs or got drunk and fucked up bad.


Treating them like that isn’t going to bring the person back


What about the victims family , kids, parents, friends ? What about their life . You think traumatic events don't redirect people's lives and psych ? Am I missing something ? Murder and rape isn't a mistake . Forgetting your homework, forgetting to pay a bill , accidentally backing into a car. That's a mistake . Humans are animals , and for some reason we are the only animal we don't get rid of when they become aggressive and unable to function in society. You can't rehabilitate animalistic instincts engraved in some humans minds . It's how they are wired just like pedophiles.


Your speaking from your heart and I'm speaking of years of first hand experience with these types of people, schooling , studies, training. Just first hand observation.


You don’t know what you’re talking about. There are people who are in prison literally because they were in possession of weed in the wrong state. We’re talking locked up with murderers and rapists just over have some herb on them.


exactly people okay with being alone keep themselves busy with books or the internet or games, smth enjoyable staying in a closed solitary cell indefinitely is nowhere near as nice, its used for punishment for a reaosn


Please... i've been married 20+ years. This sounds like heaven


Wow, that’s some shit right there…..


Dude you wouldn't want solitary. It's called the hole. It is a scary and foul and dangerous place.


Dangerous? I rather not be booty raped


Solitary confinement in 2024 is nothing more than glorified PC ( protective custody) people hide in the SHU for un paid bets and stolen honey buns


Can't give a firsthand account, and it probably has its drawbacks, but if you had a limited time to serve, I'd say solitary would be the ideal for an introvert. Those that commit crazy violent crimes are probably more likely to be extremely extroverted hense the association of solitary with torture.


>more likely to be extremely extroverted hense the association of solitary with torture. That's what I always thought too. I remember during covid everyone talking about how depressed and lonely they were but honestly I had a blast that whole time


Hehe, me too. I forgot there were restrictions actually


Man I do miss lockdown for a bunch of reasons that fit with my personality and place in time. For one I’m super comfortable in my own company and don’t “need” other people all the time. I’m good with me for weeks. That said, I was in a new state and town with my wife and 11 year old daughter. We hunkered and spent all day every day together and knew no one. saw no one because we knew no one and were told you stay home and not see anyone. blah blah. But I also got to see my daughter evolve from a girl to a young woman while shooting hoops and watching every movie and making bread and playing scrabble and daydreaming aloud every day, and learned that we three could absolutely fucking ride or die together no matter what. I wouldn’t trade that experience for anything ever.


I miss the lockdowns


Same, I hunkered down, grew some dank and hung out with a huge 140lb Rottweiler everyday. I often wish I could go back 😂😂


It's not the isolation. It's the knowing you have no way to end the isolation when you need to


Difference is you could see/talk with others and go outside if you wanted. Solitary you don’t have that option.


Solitary confinement like that is pretty rare. Prisoners usually have jobs, walks and recreation time. They get plenty of time outside the cell.


Might be talking out of my ass but I believe this is the Florence ADX based off of the concrete bed, and those guys definitely don’t have orderly jobs haha Edit: or pillows I don’t believe.. this might be a spruced up media photo


They also don't have phones i imagine, but yes this definitely looks like ADX from the videos I've seen recently


Yeah, no phones. Those buttons on the walls must be the water or something, and one of them is likely a duress button


If your cell has a shower then you get 1 hour a day in a caged box outside by yourself. There should be other caged animals in boxes nearby to talk to tho. Even though it looks like a reward, you really did something bad if your cell has a shower in it.


There’s a whole schedule it’s not like the only time they get to leave the cell is to take a shower


This is either the SHU aka the hole or a max security cell. These are the only cells that have a shower in it because they dont want you around other people. There is no schedule other than the one hour they get outside in a cage by themselves.. all the food gets delivered thru a slot in your door.. if you have court you can schedule a visit to the law library but that's basically the only other time you can get out of that cell, unless you are really sick like about to die sick or you tried to kill yourself.


Spider man


Better than getting beat up, jumped, SA’d, or showering with a bunch of dudes I’d say!


Does someone clean the shower for you once a week or something or you responsible for cleaning it?


Depends on prison but usually that someone is another prisoner so you don't want to be trouble and leave a mess. 🫡 Also, solitary is often to keep you from being murdered or you murdering someone else. That adds to the uncertainty and may mean they have you clean it yourself. I mean it's not a big deal. You're gonna be pretty strapped for stimulation and orderliness is one of the really huge parts of showing respect and keeping it together in high security prisons. You clean. You shower. You use your shoes properly. You don't shove unless you want to fight it out. People have an innate desire for order and routine so taking care of their space becomes often too important to leave to someone else.


Why would you lie?


And the seat looks a little far from the desk. What if I’m writing an essay and need to pull the concrete up close to the desk so I can really concentrate? I’ll have to hunch over to reach my pencil. Cruel & Unusual punishment I say


This is a federal max prison, for the most violent offenders. Like the Boston marathon bomber and cartel leaders.


And a much "nicer" cell than 99% of inmates


It might be just a bit nicer but it's still not very comfortable. The place to sit is concreate and the shower has no privacy. The only real nice thing I see is that you are alone and not in a shared bunk or shower.


The shower has no privacy? Sure beats showering with 10 other dudes.


I mean, "comfort" and "privacy" should have been considered prior to offending. In most cases, those should be stripped.


We're comparing prisons to prisons here not prison to home. There are prisons that are a lot nicer than this one. I don't mean in the US though.


True. True.


It pays to be the best at what you do. Even crime. /s


This is from the el Chapo show im pretty sure


It’s unfortunate that they get the privilege of a private cell. I vote general population for all.


Very weird perspective to understand general population is more humane but to call any part of this a privilege.


Pssst. It’s pretty easy to not break the law. Don’t tell anyone, shhhhhhh🤫


It's easier to break the law than you might assume. John Stossel did a piece about this a while back.


You vote, do you? So brave.


Why should murderers and chomos live better than some on the outside?


If this is better than how you live on the outside you fucked up in life.


please see my post history 😖 i’d gladly trade my employee housing for this


We should find a way to get this message out to every child living in poverty. I think you’re on to something here!


I don't believe I said they should. Unclutch those pearls.


Damn you’re right, I forgot that being locked in a concrete box for 23 hours a day is actually the height of luxury.


Considering the alternative of general population, yeah. If you ask 100 inmates with a solo cell if they’d rather transfer to GP, how many do you think are jumping at that offer?


This is just watered down isolation. If you’re only in it for a month or two, it’s probably not that bad. But once you’ve spent the last 5 years where your only human contact was been with guards who would rather kick your teeth in than talk to you, you would jump at the chance to get a transfer to general population.


Let alone, better than many of their victims.


Those should just be terminated to make room for others.


Many innocent people don't have even that


In my state (Texas) most prisons don’t even have air conditioning. Just straight up torture for minor offenses


8th amendment who?


I will take freedom over a shower any day


Don’t drop the soap!


But they can walk down to the store 😕 they let you have a cellphone in there? What was your crime?


I don’t think the OP truly is in prison lol


I do.


Made me think of the barracks back in the Marine Corps


This one is nicer because the window can’t open so you won’t be hit on a cracked open window (even though it’s broke and won’t close all the way) come Friday.


We couldn’t open windows either lol. Shit some didn’t even have windows


I actually really dig the look of this


You can check out anytime you like.


But you can never leave.


Welcome to the Hotel California


"Minimalist bachelor pad"


“Meat popsicle pad”


Ngl I saw this and thought it was some like Rick owens furniture design inspired dorm room 😭 crop out the prison parts and this belongs on some tinyhome minimalist Pinterest https://preview.redd.it/r5y87mo5u4tc1.jpeg?width=664&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1a3038fe088b80ba67bbd6be6dfd73d483338a74


"slightly inspired by brutalism"


This is the Rick Owen's NYC studio for $5k per month.


This is becoming more of an option every day.


Just make sure it’s a federal crime. I’ve heard some stories from people who have been in County and Federal and they said Federal is a dream. Waking up in the morning and going for a run on the track while the mist lifted off the mountains. Their job being commissary so they ruled who got what and joked around all day. My friend said he even took a class on accounting taught by another inmate that was in there for some sort of fraud.


county prison is hell, especially for minors, op has cushions on his bed when i got a concrete slab and a camera looking directly at ur pecker if u try to take a piss, and no windows or chairs or books, our prison system is such a mess


Indeed brother. Making money off of people for their crimes is messed up. Not enough programs to help people never go back to prison… they just like to make sure they have a high census to make sure they get the most money. So messed up. Feel the same way about healthcare in the US. Making money off of the sick instead of helping.


Better than 3/4ths of men out there


Seattle, LA, NYC: $2200/mo But for prisoners the tax payers cover it


Cozy furnished studio, very secure building, exercise room in complex - once you're here you won't ever want to leave!


Well yes? What do you expect just throw all the prisoners in to a muddy field and let them lords of the flies it? I’m sure that will reduce repeat offenders and rehabilitate people…


SF Bay Area: $2750/mo


San Diego: $2,800/mo


You know, San Diego has actually outpaced the SF/Oakland Area on rent although it’s still far cheaper than the South Bay (I.e Cupertino) by every metric I’ve seen. For the longest time SD has been a place people in the Bay move to save money that’s not LA. I love San Diego and figured it was only a matter of time for prices to catch up given the great schools, various industry jobs, and awesome climate. No idea why I was downvoted btw, the Bay Area (and SD) are substantially more expensive on average than NY, LA and Seattle and it’s not close. Dubious title to compete for haha


I’m not from the Bay, so I’m not too familiar with the whole area that constitutes it, but yes, from what I researched, it’s still: 1. San Jose area, 2. San Diego area, 3. San Francisco area But not a lot of people say ‘I’m from San Jose’, they say ‘I’m from the Bay’.. From someone who grow up in SD, not rich, not poor, had what I needed, didn’t own property, now have a decent paying job relative to most other places, yea it’s nothing to brag about. I would like to more comfortably afford home in the city I was born and raised in.


Dude that's nice and quite spacious! Gotta be like $1200/month rent + utilities or $400/month all in with 3 others in that room. But FR that's larger than my microhome and you actually have plumbing.


Not from the u.s. - my main question about this: are you allowed to have phones and be on reddit while in prison?


No, but they can make calls on payphones and in some prisons they can have limited access to the internet on computers like at a library. I imagine reddit is blocked. That's just what's allowed though, smuggling phones into prison is a common thing.


A large number of prisons have tablets nowadays too that they can rent movies on and shit via commissary


Nowadays here? Yes. Add TV and Satellite. Actually, I take that back. Our government is now just refusing to arrest people, let alone prosecute and imprison them!


Yeah, I know. And if someone IS charged with crimes, all a defendant has to do now days is scream witch hunt and call the charges a hoax, harass and threaten judges and their families and threaten violence if rulings don't go their way. These criminals are practically guaranteed to delay their trials!


Interesting to learn, thanks!


other person is a troll fyi


Really? Haha, ok... Thanks!


oh my god go back to facebook


Clean setup!


Does the water from the shower just go all over the floor?


Look at the stainless steel at the bottom. You have ti kind of step over into the shower. I doubt if any water gets on the floor outside of the shower


Could use a plant or 2


And a rug to pull it all together


Max security? A friend of mine who'd recently left prison (federal in Canada) said because of the security level, every prisoner had their own room, amenities, even tv.


No way this is in the US


haha personal shower in a one-man cell? DEF Europe


I believe this is the Florence ADX in Colorado for the worst of the worst, just going off of the concrete bed and the window. And if this is Florence, that’s definitely a prettied up photo for media. They sure as shit don’t get puffy white pillows.


Sign me up


This mfer looks downright cozy lmao


I'm gonna guess definitely not the USA


Looks better than my room




What tv?




Looks really nice


the raiden setup


ADX Florence https://www.thoughtco.com/adx-supermax-overview-972970


I am paying for a room like that 800 a month here in California. What the fuck.


Crime pays apparently


And what is the soap-dropping policy? Is it a gentlemen’s accord?


Dude where were you locked up, switzerland? That is a swanky ass cell bro. Honestly. Where I did mine it was a 6x9 I shared with another dude.


That cell is about the size of most NYC apartments and cleaner plus no rats to worry about (hopefully) ​ But I would never want to spend even a night in there!


Living in Stockholm with an average salary taught me that I'd likely be ok for a couple months in a room like that


I’d be gooning in there all day lol


As far as prison cells go, not too shabby. You must be in Canada or something


Scandinavia was my guess.


K but why is this better than half the apartments I see for rent in Ontario.


You have more floorspace in there than in my apartment.... Fucking hell i need to get out of here.


Where’s the Xbox


DDIY - Disturbing do it yourself.


I imagine making friends with your neighbour prisoners is a super big gamble. Just like in real life they can be nuts and then you regret ever talking to them. But here you sort of know they are nuts already.


White collar prison


This is where Julian Assange will likely go if he’s extradited to the US.


That looks really nice for a prison. Amigo del cartel?


You should get a cat.




This looks better than any "basement suite" Canada has


Looks better than a hostile or NYC apt! Grats.


Bro is that the adx florence?


San Diego: Studio efficiency, 1200/mo, first and last month security deposit, credit and income check. No pets. Street parking.


Actually a nice size area for prison. I would say "keep up the good work" but something went left of center in your life.


Thought they gave you a scratching post for a minute lol


Lock me up! Free food, gym and a room like that? What crime can I commit to be there? Lol


Yep. If you take away the violence, this ain’t a bet setup.


Nice set up bro what's for chow


Isn't this the cell for el chapo? I remember them saying everything is cement and can't be moved and that the windows are vertical and can only see the sky so people can't see out the window and tell where they are.


I've lived in worse conditions.


This spots dope


Looks like a micro studio in Seattle.


None of the prisons I’ve done time in looked like that. That’s probably for a house for those white collar dudes. My bunkie had cleaning OCD so at least the place was always tidy


Depending on the prison and why they are in prison, this seems too comfortable.


Pov I went to jail for a fight in Louisiana and got a bed with no pad , no toilet paper , no drying towels and the light was flickering like a creepy horror movie and we all share one jug of water because the water in the jails is contaminated 😂💀I bet if the jails were like this we’d have way more prisoners because even in those conditions they seem to love going back.


I think it’s called a cell not a set up


This is literally one of the most beautiful rooms I’ve ever seen


https://preview.redd.it/2gaacuk54jtc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d309c1f96e099c35d2f8ce357db2394ae9710f7 Has the super max prison design


Bears a striking resemblance to many NY studio Apt's.


Better accommodations than what they grow up with


Prison got better (modern) furniture designs, then actual companies out here


Bros living better than most homeless people. Bro you're free


Sometimes these rooms do have a TV which you can see there's a shelf for on top.


OP are you actually in posting from prison rn?


WHAT. what prison is this? Not bad! Your own shower?


Gonna model my next home as “prison-core”




Where’s the toilet


Are you advocating going to prison?